Editorial Ten Years of United Revolutionary Struggle On 21 September 2014, CPI(Maoist) is completing their decisive break with the revisionism of CPI and ten years of its formation. On this occasion, we are CPI(M) in the 1960s. Both CPI(ML)[People’s War] and presenting the current volume of Maoist Information MCCI which merged to form CPI(Maoist) consolidated Bulletin as the 10th Anniversary of the formation of various genuine revolutionary parties and organisations CPI(Maoist) Special Issue. Here we reproduce the joint prior to their unity. CPI(ML)Party Unity had united with declaration of 14 October 2004 announcing the historic CPI(ML)(People’s War) while RCCI (M), RCC (M), CPI merger of CPI(ML)[PW] and MCCI and the formation (ML) Second CC and RCCI (MLM) had united with MCC. of united CPI(Maoist) party given the significance of the The formation of CPI(Maoist), which followed these document. This issue also carries the Call of the Central mergers, established a single guiding centre of the Indian Committee of CPI(Maoist) on the occasion of the Party revolution, enriched its ideological-political-military line tenth anniversary. The Call gives an overview of the and gave it a countrywide presence. It brought about a achievements of the Party, Army and the United Front qualitative leap in the development of the party and the – the three magic weapons of revolution – in the last army and laid the basis for building people’s democratic ten years, while also outlining the major challenges before power on a wider scale by forging a strong revolutionary the movement at present. Included in this issue is an united front. This historic unity brought to fruition the interview conducted by MIB with comrade Ganapathy, efforts of the great founding leaders of the party comrades General Secretary of CPI(Maoist), where he reflects on CM and KC and fulfilled the long-cherished dreams of the last ten years of united revolutionary movement, the revolutionaries and the toiling masses to unite the throws light on the party’s ongoing efforts to advance various revolutionary streams in the country into one the movement by surmounting the prevailing difficult mighty torrent. It was a watershed in the history of the situation and responds to various questions related to country’s revolutionary movement. contemporary domestic and international developments. The significance of this unity was not lost to the In addition, a list of some selected events related to the reactionary ruling classes either. Within months of the Indian revolutionary movement during the last ten years merger, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh voiced the is presented in the Chronology of Important Events. This alarm of the imperialists and their domestic props by list, though not complete or comprehensive, may provide declaring the Maoist movement as the “single biggest an overview of the ups and downs, achievements and internal security threat” to their rule. This was not losses, positive and negative experiences of the movement surprising, as the newly installed UPA government at the in these years. The regular sections of MIB follow centre in 2005 was entrusted with the task of pushing 10th anniversary of the formation of CPI(Maoist) Special Issue Special of CPI(Maoist) the formation of 10th anniversary thereafter as usual. ahead the neo-liberal reforms initiated by the ruling Looking back at the last ten years, the historic classes in the early 1990s more vigorously than the significance of 21 September 2004 for the Indian previous NDA regime. This was not only the urgent need revolutionary movement cannot be overstated. It of the big landlords and comprador big capitalists of the brought together two foremost revolutionary streams in country but was also demanded by international finance India which independently advanced the protracted capital. people’s war in the country for nearly four decades since 2 July -September 2014 MIB-30 The capitalist world economy entered yet another the US – the self-appointed gendarme of the world. This crisis at the dawn of the new millennium, the worry took a concrete form in the US government’s manifestations of which became starkly visible by mid- decision to put CPI(ML)[PW] and MCCI in its list of 2000. Production was brought down, jobs were cut ‘terrorist organisations’ a few months before the unity of drastically, real wages declined and unemployment the two parties. This made the Maoists too a target of the reached unprecedented levels in capitalist countries as global ‘War on Terror’ launched by the US. Since the well as in oppressed countries that were closely integrated formation of the CPI(Maoist), the imperialist powers have with the imperialist economy. As the gap between the been guiding the Indian government more closely in its income of a handful of moneybags and the vast majority fascist repression on the revolutionary movement. of the working people widened to unprecedented levels The country’s rulers unleashed a new wave of in the capitalist countries, the growing discontent among intensified state repression on the unified Maoist the latter took militant forms of struggle. This was movement since late 2004. By using deception and exacerbated by the ‘austerity measures’ adopted by the cunning characteristic of the reactionary ruling classes, governments of the Western countries to come out of the government withdrew from the process of talks in the crisis, the adverse affects of which were born by the Andhra Pradesh and resumed cold-blooded murder of workers, middle classes, immigrants, Blacks, the poor revolutionary activists and supporters. At about the same and other oppressed social sections. Once again, the ISsue Special CPI(Maoist) of formation the of anniversary 10th time, the fascist Salwa Judum campaign was started to working people were made to pay for the cyclical crises crush the movement in Dandakaranya. Similarly, that inevitably plague the capitalist system. persecution was scaled up in Bihar-Jharkhand and other US imperialism accompanied by its allies movement areas, leading to the killings and arrests of embarked on a renewed spate of aggressive wars for leadership comrades at all levels including several extending its world hegemony and with the immediate Politburo and Central Committee members, damaging aim of boosting up its sagging economy by making the the movement considerably. Nevertheless, the Unity 9/11 attacks as a pretext. ‘War on Terror’ was the tag given Congress-9th Congress of the Party was successfully held to this fresh imperialist scramble for the world’s resources even amid such fascist repression, filling the revolutionary and markets. Afghanistan and then Iraq were invaded camp with new energy and enthusiasm. The Congress and transformed into neo-colonies, where lakhs of people reviewed the past and on its basis set new tasks before were slaughtered and their countries were reduced to the movement. With united efforts and renewed strength, rubble. All genuine anti-imperialist and democratic forces the masses led by the Party and the PLGA heroically of the world that stood on the way of continued economic fought back Salwa Judum, Sendra, Nasus, Shanti exploitation and political oppression by imperialism and Committee, TPC, JPC, JLT and such other state-sponsored its domestic props were termed as ‘terrorists’ and subjected vigilante gangs and private armies as well as government to further attacks. Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib paramilitary-police forces. The daring Nayagarh Multiple became symbols of the brutalities perpetrated by Raid, attacks in Ranibodili, Madhuban, etc., shook the imperialism, particularly against the Muslim masses, ruling classes to the core. In leading the protracted drawing protests from across the world. Resistance forces people’s war by fighting the enemy offensive, the Party of Afghanistan and Iraq heroically fought the combined consolidated and expanded to newer areas, the PLGA military might of imperialist powers and drew their expanded and developed to higher-level formations and adversaries into a prolonged war, thereby shattering their increased its fighting capabilities, unprecedented dreams of quick victory. National liberation movements achievements were gained in developing embryonic strengthened and expanded in their struggle against forms of people’s democratic power in several guerilla dictatorial domestic rulers supported by imperialism. The zones by setting up Revolutionary People’s Committees Palestinian people too continued their longstanding (RPCs). Masses in their tens of thousands were mobilised liberation war by fighting against the Zionist Israel as into peasant, women, cultural and other revolutionary well as opportunists in Fatah. mass organisations led by the Party in different parts of In such a tumultous international context, the the country. advancement of the protracted people’s wars led by During the last ten years, people rose up in different Maoist forces in the Indian subcontinent not only caused parts of the country, particularly the adivasi peasant alarm among the country’s ruling classes but also worried masses, against the complicity of the UPA government MIB-30 July - September 2014 3 at the centre and various state governments with foreign in the countryside. These policies further consolidated and domestic big business to displace them from their their landholdings and political power and ensured their land and forests. Kalinganagar, Kashipur, Singur, continued dominance over the rural toiling classes reeling Nandigram,
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