GPOTB_TP:GPOTB_TP 7/8/08 4:51 PM Page 1 Praise for The “God” Part of the Brain “Excellent reading.” —Edward O. Wilson, Pulitzer Prize–Winner “This cult classic in many ways parallels René Descartes’ search for reliable and certain knowledge...Drawing on such disciplines as philosophy, psychology, and biology, Alper The argues that belief in a spiritual realm is an evolutionary coping method that developed to help humankind deal with the fear of death...Highly recommended.” —Library Journal “I very much enjoyed the account of your spiritual journey and believe it would make excellent reading for every college student—the resultant residence-hall debates would “ ” be the best part of their education. It often occurs to me that if, against all odds, there is a judgmental God and heaven, it will come to pass that when the pearly gates open, those who had the valor to think for themselves will be escorted to the head of the line, GOD garlanded, and given their own personal audience.” —Edward O. Wilson, two-time Pulitzer Prize–Winner “This is an essential book for those in search of a scientific understanding of man’s spiritual nature. Matthew Alper navigates the reader through a labyrinth of intriguing questions and then offers undoubtedly clear answers that lead to a Part better understanding of our objective reality.” —Elena Rusyn, MD, PhD; Gray Laboratory; Harvard Medical School of the “What a wonderful book you have written. It was not only brilliant and provocative but also revolutionary in its approach to spirituality as an inherited trait.” —Arnold Sadwin, MD, former chief of Neuropsychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Brain “A lively manifesto...For the discipline’s specific application to the matter at hand, I’ve seen nothing that matches the fury of The ‘God’ Part of the Brain, which perhaps explains why it’s earned something of a cult following.” —Salon.com A Scientific Interpretation of “All 6 billion plus inhabitants of Earth should be in possession of this book. Human Spirituality and God Alper’s tome should be placed in the sacred writings’ section of libraries, bookstores, and dwellings throughout the world. Matthew Alper is the new Galileo...Immensely important...Defines in a clear and concise manner what each of us already knew but were afraid to admit and exclaim.” —John Scoggins, PhD ISBN-13: 978-1-4022-1452-3 Science $14.95 U.S./$15.99 CAN/£7.99 UK ISBN-10: 1-4022-1452-9 Alper www.sourcebooks.com EAN Matthew Alper GodPart_INT_PB:Layout 1 7/7/08 11:01 AM Page i Praise for The “God” Part of the Brain “I very much enjoyed the account of your spiritual journey and believe it would make excellent reading for every col- lege student—the resultant residence-hall debates would be the best part of their education. It often occurs to me that if, against all odds, there is a judgmental God and heaven, it will come to pass that when the pearly gates open, those who had the valor to think for themselves will be escorted to the head of the line, garlanded, and given their own personal audience.” —Edward O. Wilson, two-time Pulitzer Prize–winner “An impressive compilation of data and ideas…both accu- rate and thoughtful.” —E. Fuller Torrey, MD (“The most famous psychiatrist in America”—the Washington Post) “All six billion plus inhabitants of Earth should be in possession of this book. Alper’s tome should be placed in the sacred writings section of libraries, bookstores, and dwellings throughout the world. Matthew Alper is the new Galileo…Immensely important…Defines in a clear and concise manner what each of us already knew but were afraid to admit and exclaim. The cat’s out of the bag.” — John Scoggins, PhD GodPart_INT_PB:Layout 1 7/7/08 11:01 AM Page ii “A lively manifesto…For the discipline’s specific application to the matter at hand, I’ve seen nothing that matches the fury of The “God” Part of the Brain, which perhaps explains why it’s earned something of a cult following.” —Salon.com “This is an essential book for those in search of a scien- tific understanding of man’s spiritual nature. Matthew Alper navigates the reader through a labyrinth of intriguing questions and then offers undoubtedly clear answers that lead to a better understanding of our objective reality.” —Elena Rusyn, MD, PhD, Gray Laboratory, Harvard Medical School “Your book was sensational. Your writing was clear and concise; your summation was bold and master- ful.” —William Wright, author of Born That Way: Genes, Behavior, Personality “Vibrant…vivacious…an entertaining and provocative introduction to speculations concerning the neural basis of spirituality.” —Free Inquiry magazine GodPart_INT_PB:Layout 1 7/7/08 11:01 AM Page iii “Thank you for making sense out of the hunches and gut feelings I’ve had for years. I feel more peaceful and pos- itive now. I hope that the candle you’ve lit in the vast darkness will burn as bright as the sun.” —John Emerson, PhD “The best in its field…brilliant.” —Noe Zamel, MD, FRCPC “Mr. Alper has written an extremely readable and comprehensive analysis of the physiological basis of religiosity…comparable to Freud’s Future of an Illusion in its contribution to the continuing maturation of the human mind. I am using The “God” Part of the Brain to teach a Sociology of Religion course with remarkable results.” —William Dusenberry, PhD “I greatly appreciated The “God” Part of the Brain as it so nicely summarized and integrated much of the work being done in this field.” —Andrew Newberg, MD, PhD, author of Why God Won’t Go Away GodPart_INT_PB:Layout 1 7/7/08 11:01 AM Page iv “Matthew Alper is high maintenance. Not only is his intellect superior to most PhD candidates that I know, but his intensity in displaying that intellect and arguing his world view is more compelling than many of my grad school courses. So, here I am, fiercely advocating this unconventional, first-time author who, with one slim book, has thrown hundreds of years of human religious beliefs out the window and replaced them with a concise scientific view of spirituality that is impossible to argue with. The brain is the secret. In our brains lie nature’s survival mechanisms in which God is nothing but a protective lens through which human- ity is ‘programmed’ to view the world. Matthew Alper has the chutzpah to remove that lens, to crush it under his heel, and then, as we cringe in the unfiltered light, he dares us to look up and stare into the pure scientific truth he has discovered. The “God” Part of the Brain is a challenge at first, but once you open your mind to the potentials of its theories, there is nothing to do but fol- low its arguments to their logical conclusions. And although he rips away our old stiff crutches, this auda- cious philosopher is kind enough to spoon-feed us a new and positive way to approaching our existences.” —Rebecca Morris, Editor-in-Chief, Cardozo Law Journal GodPart_INT_PB:Layout 1 7/7/08 11:01 AM Page v “GODThe ” Part Brainof the GodPart_INT_PB:Layout 1 7/7/08 11:01 AM Page vi GodPart_INT_PB:Layout 1 7/7/08 11:01 AM Page vii “GODThe ” Part Brainof the A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God Matthew Alper GodPart_INT_PB:Layout 1 7/7/08 11:01 AM Page viii Copyright © 2006, 2008 by Matthew Alper Cover and internal design © 2006, 2008 by Sourcebooks, Inc. Cover photo © Veer Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.—From a Declaration of Principles Jointly Adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations This book is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a qualified physician. The intent of this book is to provide accurate general information in regard to the subject matter covered. If medical advice or other expert help is needed, the services of an appropriate medical professional should be sought. Published by Sourcebooks, Inc. P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567-4410 (630) 961-3900 Fax: (630) 961-2168 www.sourcebooks.com Originally published in 1996 by Rogue Press Alper, Matthew. The “God” part of the brain. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Psychology, Religious. 2. Brain—Religious aspects. I. Title. BL53.A47 2006 200.1’9—dc22 ISBN-13: 978-1-4022-2957-2 2006011690 ISBN-10: 1-4022-2957-7 Printed and bound in the United States of America. VP 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For more information go to: www.godpart.com To write the author: [email protected] GodPart_INT_PB:Layout 1 7/7/08 11:01 AM Page ix Acknowledgments I would like to thank my parents, Joan and Jud, and sister, Elizabeth, for their enduring support; Dr. E. Fuller Torrey and Dr. Arthur Rifkin for fixing me; Tonya Bickerton-Watson for her invaluable time; John Stern; Art Bell; Lisa Lion; Edward O.
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