-•••-^ r /.l^^ --•.,. ^ r '.•^''^ssKS^s^v; .'"-•• •-/-"*-•;"•.'-' ;-';-^'.•:---;• .,-•••.* *zM ir-^^a^^^^l-^^i '>"V'"' .":;-• .^^••- •','(!*••.'' 7''y3H »igjf«a^^ "• -t^"' _ • •- • "*~ -•• Jf| *r- -,>.-rJ ' —^ EiiEi School ef Biwaies* and Gvic AAntaiMralion — College of the Gty of New VI, No. 17 WE£>NESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1937 -*- >w Forum The N.Y.A. this term will Is Named Editor In Auditorium conduct a public service train- . _ . .. "*£ program through part-tune \ Of "The Ticker the first time in theTiis^- internoships ingoverninenfc of^~i -= — o)f Student Council elecelec-- ficesfices.* NNoo applicanapplicantt wilwilll bbee concon-­ Harry Greissman, "31, was fons, students of the School of sidered jnless he or she has unanimously named editor-in- 3* will be given an op- completed 18 credits of college chief of the TICKER ai a meet­ >rtunity to hear the candidates work with grades of "B" or ing of the Ticker Association f Student Council offices state higher, in Hlfrjffffts rWft tfrt -tn Monday ^afternoon; leir views ata pre-election as- the field in which experience The Ticker Association is the a concerted, driving campaign, "The is desired. Blanks en which to governing body of the School ihly. The assembly will be club to send delegates to a conference FtoUruarjr 1S^' _ &. S%5 or% &d Thursday, February 18, at indicate one's interest in this publication, and is composed of pan*, In room 921A. project may be signed^^nrTOom four faculty and four student 1 At the conference, which will be addressed by In the audit crium- 307A. ~™*~ ^w »o««cxi*, A» uw conference, wmen will be addressed by student lead- Holding that the present sys-1 members^They are Professors ers, plana will be formulated for a dramatic e&nax to the AYA ubllged the student voter to j Maximilian Phillip and Canute^ • — ^a.i.i, drive, , an».»di a-nn .j,.dub, s wr,«_M , _Z^ ins baEot for candidates of j •*•• • I ^-••» L Hansen, David- S. Mosesson, fac­ 4ja • jfcs [to send "pUgHms^ tog se qualifications and poll- j Ad II 10 La 0IICII ulty adviser~bf the TICKER, and c&es he was ignorant, Jerome j William Blackler, of the faculty, Campus Charges s^TK^ er­ Dukoff *39, Fred Weifse '40, and j and Stanley Kornheiser *37, Vlc- ror -feaac-McK311op'^3r officers; oT^ghe"! Students' Party ~tor~~Kritzerr~Ezra Mulstein and Co-op Store R BOS ial Debating Societyrasked _and_ob-r j Frank Herbst,__all_af_J38 -- ^Albert, Belling, automatical­ throughout the nation.will ftp- ^tafiiecl permissicn" from Deahf JK— A4AAA n *• » • ' pear before a Senate, committee Moore, to conduct a general as-} fit ly carries over as business man­ to de ti M B o i al sembly on the day preceding the] ager. OR $1 DUO Deiwitt T ^p -? -»« - ^ »t^r ic election. To that end, the elec- • Formation c*f a progressive The ninth editor of the TECKXR ^ In order to assure thy widest m Uon date was shifted from Student Union Party, composed since its inception in 1931, — MposslhlWashingtone representatio, n at both of students of liberal beliefs, will Despite the fact that it pays the Tzcxn conference and Jit Tuesday, February 16, to Tues- Greissman succeeds Alfred. M^f^*^^v^^no rent, and gn^7^^y*7^,^3o bills for ~*—g . day, Fehruary 2a. •- ••- ... ,,.y- ,.-.-. ^ De the only item, on the __ _ [-tricity, the co-operative term's Student Council, oincet* : "-- ul!L - --- rfprthe first half of 1936, •*"** ii^'-oa ^-~&b ^S& assembly" | b^ the local American Student He has been „ of tbe local ASU chapter, from which lower freshmen will Union chapter when it convenes .with the paper for three years, Campus," the main the managing board of °~ excluded, the Student Coun- tomorrow at 4~p.m. The place of serving successively as sports paper, charged in its Monday is­ TICKBR, will request win have a m«Timnwi 0f five. meeting will be announced to- editor, managing editor and ex- sue. to deliver five-minute' talks on *Bl$SL~each_ to present ^theiri jpratlTe urtitrafr the AYA^ hefore. avJDm, zj^amttitm^ .•,-..wi„-.f^a««^^- - - ^^gpjj,^ kSU nas Issued a call to i t issues, ^TTd plat- prospective candidates for Stu­ forms to the audience. dent Council posts t~o -w^»appea*r a•»t- HftT]^ l pflnH^gt^ Tnii^t. gnhn^ii^-p^. j its—pre-election convention to- JJ^ng tition containing at least twenty} ^^^^^^-m news ^tttar; «a«^^ five names to Meisner before-i •**©» of a vital 7>arty pla«orm and purposes of the American fivThursdaye T«ww>, gFebruar tr» WpigTiPy ii.r hffmv tion Of a Vital Taartv r*o±*™-*-. , ma21 _^ JeatuTe. ..*-:••s • ,-..--* At the meeting which will be - editor; and] *---©»«« net have obtained Youth Act. -pen to everyone,'studen* "Jnion Stanley Beckerman ^9, copy ed-t ***** Prentice-Hall, Inc., while ltor Aion The Act, which will probably filAA Mull Hfill li*i«i Party candidates will be select**? * « ^^ with Fred Ros- [ operatinoperatingg aatt aa loss.—Edloss.—Ed.. NoteNote) ©e introduced into the_ legisla- WCC ..5!11": HI"LWM .TJie W thro^g^Texec^ ^The Campus" also juxmseaccused <C<m&nue<£anrfeee^two^^ committee 5i2 flWMatlwMflififillBt Tiieniirriiisn f committee', announceannouncedd thathatt ^-•- ^„„_ ^ Manager.^ , these four win ^he oo^op store c^exploMng "* •PW rrOW_i^^A^>UjaZBBd&to ^ supporCT,«^^- t ~candidatn~^^:i i comprist^ ^L^e thee manamanagin«inSg board ooff *tit*s studenstudentt patronpatronss ttoo makmakee uupo ; LWhether.or Jiotihey aremembers-; ^f^^^*^-- -•--~- - - - - - -' the loss and demanded an audit | -^3 The Glee Club, quickly got of the ASU. ^^oers- Bernard Herbst '38 and Her- of the store's books and a public into its stride at its first meet- "oert Isaacson '38, will continue statement of its records. First Meetiag Toaorrnv • I ThJLXXZ:e onl oxiiy >"oasi oasis sfo ror supporr support ta sa sco-sport co-sports seditors editors, ,an and willd wil! l A 3°*Ilt faculty-student co-op ing of the term last Thursday will bh*e» acceptancar»per>for,«e o~*f th-.i.e« Studen^.^- -- — t- alternat- e in writing "Th' e Sport store committee is invest.igat.ing c 35 ,> in the auditorium. Dr. Kenneth Union Party platform, iihe com- _Parade, the TICKER'S sports ed- ~, The Accounting society will F. Damon will continue to'.di-imitteto di­ e declared •'"-*—*-• --* the matter Uptown and Willi hold its first meeting of the rect the group of thirty-five itorial column. New officers elected at the^ ~ : — meet tomorrow to discuss their semester tomorrow at 1 pJXL. in findings. room 1520. Officers elected last Iterandm MiiUm were Lawrence Copans *38, r^srs^t^^Studeiits Clamour For Discounts H-Book Sales Ton 1000 Lichtentnairsi9,pm^ vFowles, ^/Tieasurer-^lwaTiah-! - ' ^ -^•-•w-W-f*m*«- ;w ••:•••*•*..•••*•'•• *•**¥ rw,rvrsident and vice-president, re- Ben Fudin, '38, Secretary. A* Co-op Buying Service Starts IB First Hffifik of Drive < sP^tiveiy; irving Bienstock '38, Auditions for prospective • a •••«•. nvvn vi VIIWV i treasurer, recording secetay, and members will be held this after­ Fed_Perler, communiea^n^r By George Weissman U-3odk "Sles have already noon at 1 pjn. in the auditori- notebooks are not granted by retary. It is as yet too early to deter- passed, the \>ne thousand mark, um. Young men with-good"voie0~~ ,UJl,-« . ~~- — w~~.r »~ v*^w^x- the Co-op, but on such items as|according to Vic Kritzer, chair- The society, assisted by Pro­ es^ ^nd^ an ear for music are ji mine whether the newly-inaugu- typewriters, pens, and briefcases, man of the U-Book committee. fessor Jchn Neuner of the Ac­ J-:- urged-tw ...__o try_^Dnt <mz.. A piano aQ/>c - I rated Student Co-operative Buy-, liberal reductions are afforded. saps. pmv*%*x*ri dnyj^g' ragjgtro^ counting epaxtaient, has in the companist is needed to assist at 11^^ Service wilt attain any de- T ' One student bought a standard tioh may be exchanged for U-past, presented speakers who the rehearsals and to accomp- j- %Tee of success. Lost Friday, on brand fountain pen, selling for Books at the Student Co-op have discussed the practical side any the club st its outsize sr.- ^e Srst ^a^ -- operation, the five dollars, for ;wc dollars, I store only. of accounting. l-i room 1421 Ar- receivecT eighty oen-^s. Another of the Bu- -The society attempts to relate BCIXETIN _about forty applications for dis-; reau received a 30^per cent^dis^ JBooks may "oe purchased in the Ticker office, the Student Co-op, the work of the under-graduate counts. The calls were for ar-; count on a standard-make port- the-ISnglish library, the Hygiene \ student to the activities of prac­ On Thursday, January 21st, ticles ranging from cars to elec- l able typewriter. ticing accountants. at about 3 pan., an old lady office and from student sales-; trie razors. The Buying Service is steadily I men. was knocked down by a truck SOPH ALPHA ELECTS HEAD -on Lexington Avenue just out­ Jerry Soffer 'Zl, in the market. enlarging its scope, and now of- ' The U-Book is required for ail I ^_______ side this building. She subse­ for a leather portfolio, received fers discounts on eyeglasses. ], ^participant „„»„«.< s in extra-curricular Sigm,^^.a ^AlphaKi«*, Sophomorowjmoinorettane Hon- quently died. The driver is be­ 3. discount card and was sent The office hours of the bureau;; activitiesactivities.. ReductionRed7irti-nsc t+^o th+^e« So. \! orary societSociety of the School o#o£^- ing held on a criminal charge. to a designated luggage store, j are as follows: Monday, 10 ajm.- C. Boatride and Spring dance { Business, has elected Milton 1 -tm vu » tnminai etiaree. , Three-fifty was demanded for a | 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
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