Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, February 23, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 08-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Elected Leaders Blast Bush on Sale of Ports to Arab Company By PAUL J. PEYTON President Bush would allow the sale vene congressional oversight hear- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times of American ports to a foreign-based ings. He said he would support legis- AREA – Officials denounced Presi- company with ties to terrorism.” lation to freeze the agreement until dent George W. Bush and his admin- He said if the President “does not hearings are completed. istration for allowing six U.S. ports, change course,” he has asked Gover- President Bush has vowed to allow including several in New York and nor Corzine to exercise a provision in the deal to proceed, saying he would New Jersey, to be operated by Dubai the lease between the Port Authority veto any action by Congress to stop Ports World, a state-owned in the of New York and New Jersey and the the transaction. United Arab Emirates. Port Newark Container Terminal, the “I can understand why some in Dubai is seeking to purchase Brit- current operator at Port Newark, to Congress have raised questions about ish-owned Peninsular and Oriental give the Port Authority “the ability to whether or not our country will be Steam Navigation Co., which oper- void the provisions of the lease if the less secure as a result of this transac- ate commercial ports in Baltimore, transaction is contrary to public in- tion. But they need to know that our Miami, New Jersey, New Orleans and terest.” Governor Corzine said that government has looked at this issue New York. the Port Authority would seek to ter- and looked at it carefully,” he said Governor Jon Corzine announced minate its lease with Newark Termi- Tuesday on the South Lawn of the Tuesday that the state would file fed- nal, noting the existing lease requires White House. eral and state lawsuits in state supe- “prior written approval” by the Port “If there was any question as to Benjamin B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader and The Times rior court in Newark to block the sale. Authority. whether or not this country would be NOT FOR SALE!…Port Elizabeth is busy as usual but citizens, mindful of 911 and the war on terror, are in shock that the “It is essential that we exercise ex- Congressman Mike Ferguson (R- less safe as a result of the transaction, Bush administration approved a port deal Monday turning operations over to an Arab government-owned company. The treme prudence in determining who political malaise is boiling over as officials of both parties are standing up to a defiant President. Locally, the man on the street 7th) said in letters to Homeland Secu- it wouldn’t go forward,” he said. has few printable words to say on the matter. will manage this area and take every rity Secretary Michael Chertoff and “I also want to repeat something precaution possible to ensure that all House leaders that selling the ports to again, and that is, this is a company operators of the port can guarantee the Arab company “is not in America’s that has played by the rules, that has the greatest level of security to New national security interests.” In his let- been cooperative with the United Captain John Morgan Resigns Jersey residents.” ter, he vowed to support legislation States, a country that’s an ally in the State Senator Tom Kean, Jr. (LD- “to block this decision.” Rep. war on terror, and it would send a 21, Westfield), a candidate for U.S. Ferguson has called on House Speaker terrible signal to friends and allies not Senate, said “it is an outrage that Dennis Hastert to immediately con- to let this transaction go through.” He As Westfield Parking Director said the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. By VICTORIA MCCABE the holiday weekend, the parking di- personnel, as well as ticketing and Customs would continue to manage Specially Written for The Westfield Leader rector ultimately submitted his resig- processing procedures. He also Dr. Petix Retires As WF security of the ports. WESTFIELD – Parking Director nation letter. worked with the town council, advis- Assemblywoman Linda Stender Captain John Morgan has tendered “[Metric’s] offer was too good to ing them on parking issues. (LD-22, Fanwood), a candidate for his resignation to Westfield Police refuse,” Mr. Gildea said. His resignation was “a surprise,” High School Principal Congress, said allowing the sale of Chief John Parizeau and Town Ad- The Metric Group is a European the police chief said. “This was strictly By MICHAEL J. POLLACK study), but I’ll have to adjust to that. the ports to occur would present a ministrator Jim Gildea. The director company that has installed more than a financial decision [for him].” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times It is hard. But that’s life.” “security risk for New Jersey and will of Westfield’s parking services for 60,000 pay stations in 45 countries, “This is a good opportunity for WESTFIELD – After 26 years as Assistant Principal Bob Eyre, hired not keep us safe.” the past three years, Captain Morgan according to the company’s website. John, and it is also a good opportunity Westfield High School’s Principal, Dr. in June 1975 by Dr. Petix to teach She said the Bush Administration sent a resignation letter to Chief Chief Parizeau said that Metric is for us,” Mr. Gildea said. “We’ll do Robert Petix announced his retirement English, said it is “hard to imagine a “appears blinded by the lucrative deal” Parizeau and Mr. Gildea on Tuesday, “trying to break into the U.S. market. our best to make a smooth transition.” effective June 30. Only the school’s day in WHS without seeing or hear- and has not considered the security informing them of his decision to Captain Morgan worked with them to Both Chief Parizeau and Mr. Gildea fourth principal since 1923, Dr. Petix ing Bob Petix,” adding that he was risk to the region. “I think it is a accept a job offer from an interna- set up the pay stations in Westfield said that they will meet over the next has seen more than 10,000 students “stunned” by the announcement. mistake to allow this deal to pro- tional parking-systems company. from the very beginning, and they few weeks to discuss options for graduate from WHS during his ten- Mr. Eyre categorized Dr. Petix as ceed,” she said. According to Mr. Gildea, Captain saw his value as an employee for moving forward. They said that they ure. He said he mulled his departure “an intellectual to begin with, and he “I am looking at a legislative re- Morgan has accepted a position as the them.” will work together to decide whether for years, this year “everything came has a PhD in Philosophy, which makes sponse at the state level,” she said, national sales manager of the Metric As Westfield’s parking director, to install a new person in the role of into place.” him a rare bird. He has led us to value noting that New Jersey officials should Group, the company that Westfield Captain Morgan oversaw all meter CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 “The school is in good shape; I don’t intellectual debate and inquiry. In this be consulted to provide a security employed to implement the pay-sta- think there’s any high school, I felt review “before we allow a transac- tion parking system in downtown lots. unfinished business I could debate and tion like this to occur.” The town administrator announced Westfield Council Discusses that I’ll hand over discuss subjects in She said the Republican-controlled Captain Morgan’s resignation, effec- to my successor,” he my classes that in Congress has authorized spending tive March 3, to the town council and said. “The major other schools billions of dollars on the Iraq war other attendees at Tuesday’s meet- John Morgan’s Resignation reason I’m leaving would be taboo.” rather than providing sufficient funds ing. He said that Captain Morgan had By MICHAEL J. POLLACK proach as an “aggressive but balanced is because I’m older. Under the um- for protecting U.S. borders and se- told him that he was considering Specially Written for The Westfield Leader stance.” I’m 63 years old and brella of diversity, curing United States ports. Metric’s job offer on Friday. Mr. WESTFIELD — At Tuesday’s con- Under a new policy, paving will people say there’ll Mr. Eyre described “They (Congress and the Bush Gildea spoke with Mayor Andy ference meeting, the council discussed end on or about November 15 to limit come a time when Dr. Petix as having Administration) have failed us,” As- Skibitsky about the matter over the Parking Director John Morgan’s res- the amount of carryovers and still you don’t want to “done tremendous semblywoman Stender said. weekend, and after he relayed that ignation, ramifications of a person- address leaf pickup and snow removal be here anymore. amounts in the ar- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 conversation to Captain Morgan after nel shift at the Department of Public concerns. The estimate for the pro- My enthusiasm not eas of African- Works and the remediation of lot eight. posed streets, which includes Pros- only has not waned; American aware- Administrator Jim Gildea informed pect Street, Ferris Place, Karen Ter- it’s gotten greater, ness, the role of County Reverses Position, the council that Captain Morgan had race, Mountain View Terrace, Boule- greater than ever.” young women in tendered his resignation.
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