What’s Inside... Ricardo Seguin Guise 101.TV NT1 Publisher AB1 Paris Première Anna Carugati Action Passion Group Editorial Director Animaux Planète+ Mansha Daswani Best 24 RAI 4 Executive Editor Canal J RAI 5 Kristin Brzoznowski Canal+ RAI Gulp Managing Editor Canal+ Family RAI Storia Jay Stuart Cielo RAI YoYo Special Projects Editor Clan Romance TV Comédie+ RTL Crime Marissa Graziadio Cultura 24 RTL Living Editorial Assistant DeA Kids RTL Lounge Simon Weaver DeA Super RTL9 Online Director Direct 8 Sat.1 Comedy Phyllis Q. Busell Divinity SIC K Art Director Eins Extra SIC Mulher Cesar Suero Eins Festival SIC Radical Sales and Marketing Director Factoría De Ficción sixx FEM Sjuan Terry Acunzo FOX Deutschland Sky Krimi Business Affairs Manager France 4 Stylía Vanessa Brand Frisbee SVTB Sales and Marketing Assistant Gulli Teema Histoire Téva Holland Doc 24 TF6 Humor TV24 TiJi JIM TMC Jimmy TNT Serie Ricardo Seguin Guise June Toute L’Histoire President K2 TPS Star Anna Carugati Kabel Eins Classics TV11 Executive VP and Kanal 4 TV2 Bliss Group Editorial Director Kanal 5 TV2 Charlie Mansha Daswani La5 TV2 Zebra Associate Publisher and laSexta 2 TV2 Zulu VP of Strategic Development laSexta 3 TV3 Puls Liv TV3 Sweden World Screen MAX TV3+ © 2012 WSN INC. Mezzo TV4 Fakta 1123 Broadway, #1207 MTV3 Ava TV4 Guld New York, NY 10010 MTV3 Fakta TV4 Komedi Phone: (212) 924-7620 MTV3 Juniori TV4 Science Fiction MTV3 Komedia TV6 Sweden Fax: (212) 924-6940 MTV3 Leffa TV8 Sweden No part of this publication can MTV3 Max Ushuaïa TV be used, reprinted, copied or stored MTV3 Sarja W9 in any medium without the Neox Z@ppelin 24 publisher’s authorization. Nitro ZDFkultur For a free subscription to Nova ZDFneo our newsletters, please visit This report is for individual use only. Dissemination WorldScreen.com/pages/newsletter to others is strictly prohibited. Index: Channels by Country Denmark Sky Krimi 75 Kanal 4 37 TNT Serie 83 Kanal 5 38 ZDFkultur 103 TV2 Charlie 88 ZDFneo 104 TV2 Zulu 90 TV3 Puls 91 Italy TV3+ 93 Cielo 13 DeA Kids 17 Finland DeA Super 18 JIM 32 Frisbee 27 Liv 42 K2 35 MTV3 Ava 45 La5 39 MTV3 Fakta 46 MTV3 Juniori 47 RAI 4 59 MTV3 Komedia 48 RAI 5 60 MTV3 Leffa 49 RAI Gulp 61 MTV3 Max 50 RAI Storia 62 MTV3 Sarja 51 RAI YoYo 63 Teema 78 The Netherlands France 101.TV 5 AB1 6 Best 24 9 Action 7 Cultura 24 16 Animaux 8 Holland Doc 24 30 Canal J 10 Humor TV24 31 Canal+ 11 RTL Lounge 67 Canal+ Family 12 Z@ppelin 24 102 Comédie+ 15 Direct 8 19 Norway France 4 26 FEM 24 Gulli 28 MAX 43 Histoire 29 TV2 Bliss 87 Jimmy 33 TV2 Zebra 89 June 34 Mezzo 44 Portugal NT1 55 SIC K 70 Paris Première 56 SIC Mulher 71 Planète+ 58 SIC Radical 72 RTL9 68 Stylía 76 Spain Téva 79 Clan 14 TF6 80 Divinity 20 TiJi 81 Factoría De Ficción 23 TMC 82 laSexta 2 40 Toute L’Histoire 84 laSexta 3 41 TPS Star 85 Neox 52 Ushuaïa TV 100 Nitro 53 W9 101 Nova 54 Germany Sweden Eins Extra 21 Sjuan 74 Eins Festival 22 SVTB 77 FOX Deutschland 25 TV11 86 Kabel Eins Classics 36 TV3 Sweden 92 Passion 57 TV4 Fakta 94 Romance TV 64 TV4 Guld 95 RTL Crime 65 TV4 Komedi 96 RTL Living 66 TV4 Science Fiction 97 Sat.1 Comedy 69 TV6 Sweden 98 sixx 73 TV8 Sweden 99 Western Europe Digital Channels 3 Index: Channels by Genre Arts/Culture/Music Liv 42 Cultura 24 16 MAX 43 Eins Festival 22 MTV3 Ava 45 Mezzo 44 MTV3 Max 50 RAI 5 60 MTV3 Sarja 51 ZDFkultur 103 Neox 52 Nitro 53 Comedy Nova 54 Comédie+ 15 NT1 55 Humor TV24 31 Paris Première 56 MTV3 Komedia 48 Passion 57 Sat.1 Comedy 69 RAI 4 59 TV4 Komedi 96 Romance TV 64 RTL Crime 65 Documentary/Factual/Lifestyle/News RTL9 68 Animaux 8 SIC Mulher 71 Eins Extra 21 SIC Radical 72 Histoire 29 sixx 73 Holland Doc 24 30 Sjuan 74 JIM 32 Sky Krimi 75 MTV3 Fakta 46 Téva 79 Planète 58 TF6 80 RAI Storia 62 TMC 82 RTL Living 66 TNT Serie 83 RTL Lounge 67 TPS Star 85 Stylía 76 TV11 86 Teema 78 TV2 Bliss 87 Toute L’Histoire 84 TV2 Charlie 88 TV4 Fakta 94 TV2 Zebra 89 Ushuaia TV 100 TV2 Zulu 90 ZDFneo 104 TV3 Puls 91 TV3 Sweden 92 Films TV3+ 93 Kabel Eins Classics 36 TV4 Guld 95 laSexta 3 41 TV4 Science Fiction 97 MTV3 Leffa 49 TV6 Sweden 98 General Entertainment TV8 Sweden 99 101.TV 5 W9 101 AB1 6 Action 7 Kids Best 24 9 Canal J 10 Canal+ 11 Canal+ Family 12 Cielo 13 Clan 14 Direct 8 19 DeA Kids 17 Divinity 20 DeA Super 18 FactoríaDeFicción 23 Frisbee 27 FEM 24 Gulli 28 FOX Deutschland 25 K2 35 France 4 26 MTV3 Juniori 47 Jimmy 33 RAI Gulp 61 June 34 RAI YoYo 63 Kanal 4 37 SIC K 70 Kanal 5 38 SVTB 77 La5 39 TiJi 81 laSexta 2 40 Z@ppelin 24 102 Western Europe Digital Channels 4 Kanal 5 Chiswick Park, Building 5, Floor 1 566 Chiswick High Rd., London W45YS, U.K. Tel: (45) 7010-1010 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.kanal5.dk Fact File OWNERSHIP: SBS Networks Broadcasting Ltd. SENIOR EXECUTIVES: Henrik Ravn, CEO, SBS TV Peter Rosberg, Director of Programming, SBS TV Tina Moreton, Head of Acquisitions, SBS TV LAUNCH DATE: April 2001, re-launched as Kanal 5 in April 2004 LANGUAGE: English GENRE: General entertainment TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC: Adults 15 to 50, slight male skew HD FEED?: Yes AVAILABILITY: Danish digital satellite, IPTV and DTT as well as cable Programming Strategy ACQUIRED TO ORIGINAL RATIO: Mainly acquired. SIGNATURE BRANDS: CSI , Criminal Minds , Law & Order: SVU SCHEDULING: Crime dramas CSI , CSI: Miami , Numb3rs stripped in the mornings, travel/ lifestyle and movies in the afternoon. Prime time features more crime dramas and a nightly movie. Recent broadcasts include I Love You Man. INTERNATIONAL ACQUISITIONS: Numerous dramas from the U.S., plus feature films and some real - ity series, among them the U.S. version of Dating in the Dark . Also acquiring documentaries. COMMISSIONING: Some of Kanal 5’s major local productions are the hosting and cooking show with Danish celebrities 4 Stjerners Middag and the crime documentary series Politijagt and KRIMIS . It is seeking similar material. SHOPPING LIST: Highest quality overseas programming. CO-PRODUCTIONS: A channel spokesperson notes: “The programming on Kanal 5 is based on edgy local productions, international quality programming and blockbuster movies. Kanal 5 covers a broad range of genres and features award-winning crime like CSI , Criminal Minds and Special Victims Unit , which are marketed under the theme Crime Scene. These are the kinds of co -productions we are seeking.” NONLINEAR PLATFORMS: Kanal 5 is increasing its distribution deals (50 percent by 2014), label deals (200 percent by 2014) and expanding its live entertainment. It’s also expanding its artist manage - ment and launching a new digital music streaming platform. Making Contact PITCH ROUTE: Contact Tina Moreton on [email protected] Western Europe Digital Channels 38.
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