In This Issu~ ctive Alumni. Reminder Calendar Pg 2 Not Just a man, It's a band. From politics to nursing The next Student Gov­ Classifieds Pg 2 Exclusive Inte.rvlew with the. UM-St. Louis alumni ernment Association meeting is scheduled Editorials Pg 3 the vocals behind the old make It In the "real world." for Nov. 11, in room 22~ Features Pg 5 and new Dokken. of the JC Penny build­ Alumni Pg 7 ing. Sports Pg 9 See Featu res, Page 5 See Alumni, Page 7 November 8, 1990 University of Missouri-St_ Louis Issue 681 Federal Bud2et Scrub! Computers: Student Loans, Multiple Copies, Game ExemptionsChanged (CPS) Congress approved a budget Oct. 27 that will Playing Cause Problems exempt both undergraduate and graduate tuition benefits by Christine McGraw computers to play games was also from federal income taxes, reform the federal student loan associate news editor becoming a problem in the U-Center program and increase the cost of a six-pack of beer. lab. The new budget, which seeks to trim the federal Small problems have arisen in "There is an inordinate amountof deficit by $500 billion during the next five years, is a some of the computer labs on campus game playing," Blanton said. "Stu­ mixture of tax increases and spending cuts. concerning multiple copies and game dents are frus trated because they have Most significantly for students and colleges, the budget playing. to wait two hours to use a computer." said both undergraduate and graduate students would no Rick Blanton, assistant director Blanton said nothing has been longer have to pay taxes on tuition benefits paid for them of Student Activities, said "the com­ decided about curbing the use of by employers, or in return for campus work they do. · puters are used a lot It's costing a lot computers for games. The budget also will also try to reform college loan of money to keep the toner in there. Larry Picket, assistant director of programs by not giving students loan money until 30 days We underestimated the use." UserServices,saidmostcopiesmade after classes begin, and by dropping schools with default The computer lab in University at the lab in the Office of Computing rates over 35 percent from the guaranteed loan program. Center uses four toners a month at Technology are legitimate, but privi­ The 30 day delay on first-time loans is meant to keep $60 a piece. Each toner can produce leges do get abused. students from using loan money to pay non-college bills. up to 5,OOOpages of text According "These are things we try to avoid. The new law will also require students without high to Blanton, some of the problems There are a number of approaches to school diplomas or Graduate Equivalency Diplomas to stem from students making multiple stop it, but usually the cure is worse pass a test to receive federal assistance. copies. Blanton said several proposi­ than the problem. I don't like to tions had been discussed to solve the inconviencepeople," said Picket "As Students with employers who pay for their classes will problem, including proposals to limit far as game playing in the OCT lab, have some extra pocket change under the new budget. The the number of copies made or to there is not a big problem. We dis­ bill continues the tax exemption for undergraduate students charge students for the paper they courage that." and restores the exemption for graduate students. use. David Warren, director of the The bill makes the exemptions retroacti ve to Sept. 30 Blanton also said that he is refer­ Writing Lab in SSB, said multiple Torundergraduates; and for graduatistu'Oents, thechahges­ DON'T [EA~ANY' STREJtKS: ~ member of the Political Science Academy ring the problem L6 the University copies or game playing is not a real take effect Jan. 1. It is valid until Dec. 31, 1991. washes a car in front of the Blue Metal Building during a recent car wash. The Center Advisory Board and is look­ problem. For the last three years, the government has treated organization earned about $150 for a scholarship fund for political science ing into the possibility of extra funding "I'm sure people do it occasion­ graduate remission benefits as taxable income. majors. (Photo by Fred Appel) through the Student Activities Bud­ all y, but we are there to enforce rules," get Committee. said Warren. Blanton said students using the Touhill Talks To The Community Interim Chancellor Blanche sity," Touhill said,"continually im­ ing service to the University as a Bell Gives Touhill presented the 15th annual prove our existing educational pro­ volunteer. Harper, president of his Report to the Community on Nov. 2. grams, make sure our programs re­ GRANTS: own management consulting firm $120,000 She told the 1,200 faculty, staff main accessible and nurture stronger and CEO of New Age Federal Sav­ A $ 120,000 grant from the and community leaders in attendanc.e partnerships with business and com­ ings and Loan Association, was in­ Southwestern Bell Foundation will that UM-St Louis is preparing itself munity organizations that require our strumental in establishing the K mart be used to establish a scholarship to meet the challenges the commu­ research and educational expertise." Employment for Youth (KEY) Work fund for math and science majors at nity will face in the next ten years. During the luncheon, David B. Force 2000 program. The program AT&T Donates 40 UM-St. Louis. "We must build programs that Harper was presented the UM-St. between UM-St Louis and K mart Interim Chancellor Blanche fulfill the high aspirations the com­ Louis 1990 Volunteer of the Year helps minority youth to enter the job Touhill said the grant will help to munity has for itself and this univer- Award, which recognizes outstand- market. Computers,4 Servers stirn ulate student interest in pursuing science degrees. AT&T has donated $323,000 of dows can be used, for instance. to "In America, we have fewer computer equipment to the UM-St. state a problem as it might appear in graduates in engineering and the Louis Department of Mathematics a textbook, to list an example. or to . sciences than other highly industrial­ Mark Twain Grand Opening and Computer Science as part of its provide a computational area for ized nations," Touhill said. She cited University Equipment Donation solving the problem and to tell the National Science Foundation esti­ Pn?gram. student if the solution is correct. mates showing a future shortfall of "This gift will provide under­ "The multiple-window capabil­ Celebrates Recent Renovation scientists and engineers. graduates with a modem work-sta­ ity of the terminals is especially use­ Scholarships will be awarded to The newly-renovated Mark tion computing enviornment," said ful for our programming students." incoming freshmen from St. Louis­ Twain Building Recreation and Fit­ Jerrold Siegel, chair of the Depart­ Siegal added. '.hey can use one area high schools who have partici­ ness Facility will celebrate its ment of Mathematics and Computer window to write their lines of code pated in one of two UM-St Louis "Grand Opening" on Nov. 13 and 14, Science. "I know of no other facility and another window to test the pro­ pre-collegiate math and science pro­ from 11 am. to 1 p.m. and 4-6 p.m. that will be as large or as comprehen­ gram in a production environment" grams: Tours are available each day, sive for use." UM-St.Louis and 52 othet col­ -The George Engelmann Math­ with a shuttle service provided. Included in the donation were 40 leges and universities were selected ematics and Science Institute. a sum­ The dedication ceremonies will AT&T Model 730 X-Tenninals, for the 1990-91 school term. mer program designed to encourage be held on Nov. 14 at 5 p.m. which are advanced desktop termi­ "These grants are awarded to academically superior high school The new facilities include a new nals that perfonn many of the func­ colleges and universities that pro­ students to pursue careers in science, Nautilus room, an indoor running . tions of personal computers when pose creative applications in com­ mathematics and technology track, new saunas and renovations linked to a central server computer. puting and networking in support of -The Bridge Program, a program within the gymnasium. AT&T provided four servers, known research or instruction," said Bob to increase the numbers of students, Free refreshments and door as 6386/33s microcomputers, and Giacini, area manager for AT&T especially minority ones, pursuing prizes are available, and complimen­ connected the entire configuration Computer Systems. "The University REVAMPED RECREATION CENTER: The Mark Twain Building has degrees in math, science and tech­ tary tickets will be given to the with a 100megabyte StarLAN local ofMissouri-St Louis is a strong pro­ recently been renovated with new saunas. Nautilus oquipment, a new nology Rivennens' exhibition basketball area network. ponent of the operating system indoor running track and more. Touhill said the scholarships will game vs. Australia on Nov. 13. Siegel said the X-Terminals are (UNIX) and a leader in the innova­ be renewable and half will be slated useful for instruction because the tive application of computer technol­ for minority students. Two scholar­ screens can be divided into multiple ogy to the teaching of mathematics Congress Examines Student Loans ships a year will be awarded for the areas of "windows." Separate win- and computer science." (CPS) UM-St Louis is not the student loan program. changes in the financial aid program. first three years, after which the an­ only campus experiencing problems "We have failed many times as a "The secretary is to be congratu­ nual number will increase to four.
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