'DO NOT RETURN TO LIB R A R / EVALUATION AND ANALYSES OF SOME FINITE ELEMENT AND FINITE DIFFERENCE PROCEDURES FOR TIME-DEPENDENT PROBLEMS by C. S. Desai, J. T. Oden, L. D. Johnson Soils and Pavements Laboratory U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station P. O. Box 631, Vicksburg, Miss. 39180 April 1975 Final Report Approved For Public Release; Distribution Unlimited TA Prepared for Office, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army 7 Washington, D. C. 2 0 3 14 .W34m S-75-7 1975 PROPERTY OF SUREAU OF RECLAMATION BUAEA.y..?,ÌlECLAMAT,0N DENVER LIBRARY -TA 92031039 Unclassified ^ 5 ^ 0 , \ SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Enter'd) s -7^7 BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NUMBER h-?v 1. R E P O R T N U M B ER Miscellaneous Paper S-75-7 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED 4. T IT L E (end Subtitle) Final report EVALUATION AND ANALYSES OF SOME F] [NITE ELEMENT AND FINITE DIFFERENCE PROCEDURES I PO R T I M E - 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER DEPENDENT PROBLEMS 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERfe) 7. AUTHOR^; C. S. Desai J. T. Oden’ L . D . Johnson 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND AUU k ESS . AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Soils and Pavements Laboratory P. 0. Box 631, Vicksburg, Miss. 39180 12. R E P O R T D A T E 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Office, Chief of Engineers, U . S. Army April 1975 Washington, D, C. 2031^- 13. N U M BER O F PA G ES 107 15. S E C U R IT Y CLASS, (of this report) 14. M O N ITO R IN G AG EN C Y NA M E & ADDRESS(7f different from Controlling Office) Unclassified 15a DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. D IS T R IB U T IO N S T A T E M E N T (of thia Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. D IS T R IB U T IO N S T A TE M E N T' (at the abstract entered ,n Block 20, It dltterent Iron, Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. K E Y W O RDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number) Finite element method Finite difference method Time dependence Soil mechanics -------- ----------- ” . , r t ____ _ _ nrrsst } riser, Hfv hv h lo c k num ber) A large number of scnemes using une i u u w --- - o (FD) methods have been proposed. Numerical and physical properties of these schemes, vital for their use as general procedures and significant from the viewpoint of the user, are often not examined adequately. One of the aims f this study was to examine numerical properties of a selected^number of schemes for problems relevant to geotechnical engineering. In this initial phase, the aim has been partially fulfilled by studying the problem of one-dimensional EDITION OF t NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE DD 1473 Unclassified ________ ___ SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE < ™ « > uera Entered) Unclassified. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS P»GE(TW.«. D.lm Bnt.fdi 20. ABSTRACT (Continued). consolidation and wave propagation. Another aim of the research was to examine the concept of space-time finite elements for some time-dependent problems. A portion of Section I involves quantitative analyses of such factors as con- sta^ i t y , and computational efforts for a number of FD and FE scheme* for the consolidation problem governed by a linear parabolic equation Also examined are the effects of the order of the approximation models and heavier i ^ s o l u t i o n at different locations in space and in time. Mathematical stability criteria are also derived for two time integration schemes with two approximation models for the linear parabolic equation. In Section II, Prof. T. Oden has presented mathematical derivations for error estimates of FE ap­ proximations to the diffusion equation. The numerical characteristics have been examined and error estimates have been obtained by using semigroup theo­ retic, energy, and L? methods. The work presented in this section is father fundamental in nature~and can provide basis for needed investigations towards numerical analysis of FE procedures. Part V of Section I contains formulations of the concept of space-time finite elements for dynamical systems, and for owo equations of fluid flow through porous media. A simple example of the srngle-degree-of-freedom system is solved quantitatively. Since the proiect had to be postponed, no quantitative analyses and definitive conclusions were derived for the concept of space-time elements. The topic of evaluation of different numerical schemes is of vital importance. This is particularly so because a large number of schemes have often been proposed without adequate guidelines for the user to assist hit, in selectinglhe o p t i ™ scheme his specific needs. It is felt that the work initiated in this study should be analysed^and^ev^!uatedf0r <* P ™ « - ! ¡«Prance he - ________Unclassified___________ _ SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(Tf7ien Data Entered) PREFACE The study of the concept of finite elements in the time domain and evaluation of some finite element (FE) and finite difference (FD) schemes was initiated by the Soils and Pavements Laboratory, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg, Mississippi. This work was sponsored by the Research in Military Engineering and Con­ struction (RMEC) group of the Office, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. The investigations described in Section I were performed by Dr. C. S. Desai, Research Group, Soil Mechanics Division, now with the Department of Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va. Prof. J. T. Oden, consultant to the project, University of Texas, Austin, Tex., contributed Section II, and provided valuable advice and suggestions. Dr. L. D. Johnson, Research Group, Soil Mechanics Division, assisted in computational work related to the analyses of one-dimensional consolidation problems. Prof. R. L. Lytton, Texas A&M University, collaborated on the derivation pre­ sented in Part IV. Section I of this report was prepared by Dr. C. S. Desai and Section II was prepared by Prof. J. T. Oden. The project was postponed after completion of the initial phase described herein. During the investigation, Mr. J. P. Sale was the Chief, Soils and Pavements Laboratory, and Mr. C. L. McAnear was Chief, Soil Mechan­ ics Divison. Directors of the WES during the investigation were BG E. D. Peixotto, CE, and COL G. H. Hilt, CE. Mr. F. R. Brown was Technical Director. iii CONTENTS Page iii PREFACE ............................................................ 1 SECTION I .............................................................................................................................................. • • PART I: INTRODUCTION............................... .............. 3 PART II: EFFECT OF ORDER OF APPROXIMATION MODELS ................ 5 Finite Element Formulation................................... 5 Numerical Characteristics and Comparisons .................. 13 Applications................................................. 22 Comments...................................................... 31 PART III: EVALUATION OF FINITE ELEMENT AND FINITE DIFFERENCE SCHEMES................................................. 32 Finite Difference Schemes ................................... 32 Finite Element Method ....................................... 33 Comparisons ................................................. 33 Illustrative Example......................................... 1+0 Comments. ................................................. 1+1 PART IV: DERIVATION OF STABILITY CRITERIA FOR TWO TIME INTEGRATION SCHEMES FOR LINEAR PARABOLIC EQUATION .... 1+3 Linear Model................................................. 1+3 1+ 1+ Cubic M o d e l ........ ......................................... Discussion.................................................... 1+7 PART V: FINITE ELEMENTS IN THE TIME DOMAIN ....................... 1+8 Dynamical System................ ............................ 1+9 Application ................................................. 52 Fluid Flow Problems ......................................... 51+ 59 SECTION I I .................................................................................................................................................... PART VI: SOME ASPECTS OF THE THEORY OF FINITE ELEMENT APPROXIMATIONS OF THE DIFFUSION EQUATION................ 61 6l Introduction.......... ............ .. • • ................... Finite Element Approximation and Interpolation. .^........ 6 3 Finite Element Approximation of the Diffusion Equation. 68 Error Estimates for the Diffusion Equation Using Semigroup Theoretic Results ............................... 70 v Error Estimates for the Diffusion Equation Using the Energy Method . ............ ................ .. 83 Error Estimates for the Diffusion Equation Using L2 M e t h o d s ................ .................... .............. 87 PART VII: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . .................. 97 REFERENCES ........................................... ...... 98 TABLES.1-5 vi SECTION I by C. S. Desai, L. D. Johnson EVALUATION AND ANALYSES OF SOME FINITE ELEMENT AND FINITE DIFFERENCE PROCEDURES FOR TIME-DEPENDENT PROBLEMS PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. A large number of finite element (FE) and finite difference (FD) formulations has been proposed for solution of engineering problems The question facing the engineer who intends to use these methods is which procedure will provide sufficient accuracy most economically. A number of factors, such as numerical characteristics of the procedures, discretization schemes, physical requirements,
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