r:‘,1 ID A V:. 0 -I. C: L. 1943 11 HE SPECTRU E VOLUME LXIII STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1948 NUUMBBR 7 BISON WIN--AND TRUMAN, TOO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • ID 9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Poor" Harry Underdogs Have Their Day Stag, Date At Grand Forks, Independence Dance Set Underdogs had their day last week when two of the lowliest, most maligned underdogs in the country romped through to victories. Tonight At 9 At Grand Forks last Saturday, Coach Howard Bliss' never-had-a- Tonight at Festival hall an all- chance NDAC Bison scrubbed the turf of Memorial stadium with a college, stag and date dance will heavily-favored North Dakota University team to win 19-7. be sponsored by Women's Senate. And, last Tuesday night in Missouri, President Harry Truman was Featuring music by the campus ready to pop off to bed when a Democratic vote majority began to cadets, the dance will continue pile up across the country. The following morning, "the next presi- from 9 to 12. dent" Thomas Dewey conceded the election via telegram to Truman. The Campus Cadets, made up For further details on Sioux-Bison game, see sport page. entirely of NDAC students, makes its first appearance tonight. Tickets will be on sale at the door for 50 cents. Kenneth Bryn Zoe Nelson is in charge' of ar- rangements; tickets sales are being handled by Jeanette Harold- Killed In son. Publicity and music com- mitteemen are Gloria Bachman Car Accident and Jane Winslow, respectively. Kenneth Bryn, 24, a junior at NDAC, died Sunday evening as the result of an automobile collision Wednesday miles north of Larimore, North Dakota. Three other NDAC students were Is Election injured in the accident. The son of Mr, and Mrs. Thor- Deadline vald A. Bryn of Devils Lake, N. Four o'clock Wednesday ,after- D., Bryn was a student in agricult- noon is the deadline on applica- ural economics. tions to fill three student board Bryn was at Devils Lake Sun- vacancies according to commis- day for his mother's birthday; the sion officials. accident occurred while he was re- ALWAYS A WINNER, Freddie Next Tuesday at 4, caucuses turning to Fargo. Troubridge, played his 'third vic- will be held by all classes to nominate candidates for t h e A member of Alpha Gamma Rho tory against NDU last week. fraternity, Bryn was scheduled to freshmen, junior, sophomore, and Troubridge played in the Bison senior classes. become an active member of Alpha win in 1942 and again in 1946. Zeta, agriculture honorary, this Junior members will be ap- week. Last year Troubridge did not pointed to the Student Union play. Besides his parents, Bryn leaves board, the Board of Publications three brothers and five sisters. and the Board of Music. Appli- * * cations in writing should be filled at the Dean of Men's office. Funeral services for Bryn were Communications Nominations for the freshmen "DEAD-PIDGEON" Harry S. Truman revived, flew away with the held yesterday at Devils Lake. class will be held in Festival hall; Presidential election last Tuesday. Democrat Truman's party also Forty members of Alpha Gamma the sophomore class will hold soared way , with seats in the Senate and House of Representatives. Rho attended the services. Lecture Slated its caucus at the college Y. Dr. J. 0. Perrine, assistant vice The senior class nominations president of the American Telex will be held in room 107, Chemi- Ezio Pinza To Perform At Festival Monday phone and Telegraph company,' stry building and the junior class New York will present his lecture! will convene in Morrill hall, Ezio Pinza, Metropolitan Opera place near Milan, Soncino where • demonstration "New Horizons Int room 308. Pinza, twenty years old, donned star, will appear Monday even- Communication" at Festival hal ing at 8 in Festival hall in the a white beard and a white wig •to on Wednesday, November 17. second Lyceum presentation. impersonate Orobeso, the Druid Dr. Perrine's appearance will Smith Awarded Pinza, cited by Time magazine priest in Bollini's "Norma." be sponsored by the Red River Scholarship as "the greatest singing actor of After spending six years in the Valley chapter of AJE.E. and the M.I.T. his generation," will give a pro Italian army which went by with- Northwestern Bell Telephone com- Douglas S. Smith, senior in the gram of classical works including out his singing a single note pany. school of Chemistry, has been two arias from Mozart's "The Pinza was discharged and gairied Students and staff members 'awarded a teaching scholarship Marriage of Figaro," and "L'- fame in Italian operatic circles. have been advised to get their at the Massuchussetts Institute of tickets for this performance early Technology, according to Dean heureux Vagabond" by Bruneau. Gatti Casazz, manager of the next week. Tickets may be ob- R. E. Dunbar. Metropolitan Opera, heard Pinza The opening number in the pre- tained at the Book Store by th The highest ranking NDAC sentation will be "Beato chi puo," in 1925 and signed him for the presentation of activity cards. student scholastically, Smith will from "Serve" by Cavalli. 1926 season. He made his debut; The basic principles techniques graduate this spring. He will con- Born in Itally, Pinz had a at the Metropolitan on Novembe4 and apparatus of electric wave tinue his studies in organic chem- variegated youth, took singing 1, 1926 as th High Priest in phenomen for the purposes et lessons and eventually studied a1 Spontini's "La Vestale." Since electrical communication will be istry at MIT. the Conservatorio under Vezzani. then, Pinza's rise to popularity) the theme of Dr. Perrine's dem Smith resides at 902-9th street EZIO PINZA His debut in grand opera took and fame has been meteoric. onstration-lecture. South in Fargo. lamous tot 'line "loo [POWERS COFFEE SIHCID PAGE TWO THE SPECTRUM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 1948 NDAC Religious Emphasis Slated Next Week * "Turnabout" Spinster Skip Slated Four Speakers At Seminars Week From Today In Festival Hall Four full days' of events and Watson, midwest secretary of the activities will feature the annua Fellowship o f Reconcilliation. Watson has been executive secre observance of Religious Empha tary of the fellowship for the 'sis week at NDAC which wil past four years. start this Monday and continu Topics for the seminars which will be held from 3 to 5 every through Thursday. afternoon were chosen by NDAC Daily seminars will be preside students. The seminars and the over by speakers who are Rever- respective speakers are as follows: end Thomas Barrett, Gambier Peace with Russia, Mr. Wat- son; Courtship and Marriage, Ohio; Reverend Maynard Iverson Reverend Iverson; C h ristian Minneapolis; Father D. J. Boyle Faith and Your Job, Reverend Fargo; and Mr. Albert G. Watso Barrett ; Campus Living, Father of 'Toronto. Boyle. Reverend Barrett will speak at A convocation at 9:40 Tuesday a Faculty luncheon, Monday noon morning will start the week off; at the College Y. All faculty Reverend Iverson of the Central members are invited to attend. Lutheran Church of Minneapolis At 7:30 on Wednesday evening will give the address. The NDAC at th College Y, a Round Table REVEREND BARRETT choir will sing two selections discussion will be held on the sub- Speakers will be in some of the ject, "Yourself and the Draft!" * classrooms to give talks which will Reverend Iverson will be the mod be in conjunction with the daily erator and the participants are work of the classes. Reverend Hood, Methodist Church A. GUS' EYE VIEW of his Senior Staff sponsers includes, read- Coming from Toronto, Canad Fargo; Mr. A. G. Watson, Chicago, to speak will be Mr. Albert G ing clockwise from 12 o'clock, Ann Stegner, Joyce Johnston, JoAnn Ill.; Chaplin L. Westby, Veterans hospital, Fargo; and Mr. Thomas Zimmerman Joann Herigstad Mary Jane Low Gloria Bachman, and McNeese, selective service clerk Ardyce Toohey. during World War II. The round * * * * * * NSA Meeting table discussion will be broadcast over Fargo's FM station, KV-NJ. November 19, the date of "Mal annual honored guest at the Skip. Financial Emancipation," has bee Musical auspices will be per Set Wednesday Courtship and Marriage will be slated for the Spinster Skip, an formed by the Statesmen. discussed at Ceres hall Tuesday NDAC students interested i night at 8:30 With Father nul Senior Staff sponsored, "Gir Scene of the turnabout will be the National Student's Association Boyle speaking; Reverend Bar takes Boy," affair. the NDAC Field house. Price of are invited to attend an organiza rett will be at the Mens dormitory Present and dressed in his roya tickets, per cotple, has been set tionl meeting which will be hel to discuss the same topic. Father pinfeathers will be Gus XII, an at $1.00. in he Y Fireside room under the Boyle will speak at Dakotah hall direction of the Student Commis- Thursday night. sion Wednesday afternoon at 4 Ten students will be selected by the Commission to form a OVERCOATS permanent NSA committee. A dis- Board Meeting Set tribution between classes and men An intramural board meeting and women will be sought. will be held in the field house AND TOPCOATS NSA is an organization consist at 4:15 Monday afternoon. ing of two hundred colleges and All organizations desiring t universities whose purpose is to enter basketball or valley ball FATHER BOYLE give students a voice in nationa teams must be present and pay * FOR COLLEGE MEN affairs. fee. * * DANCE CRYSTAL BALL ROOM Ted Uvanson CI thing Old Time Dancing Every Tuesday Night 219. Broadway Fargo Modern Dancing Every Satur da y and Thursday WEN SCHUH AND BAND EVERY THURSDAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, MICKEY BRIDE NO SALES TAX AT .1=11•11•MIMMIM BERNIES EVERY INCH A CLOTHING STORE Fargo's Only Exclusive Moorhead, Minnesota LECCIVID Classical — Folk — Western — Popular — Religious Air 625 N.
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