<< FLYERS FALL TO MUSKETEERS, PAGE 12 TUESDAY NEWS, DON’T LET SCHOOL GET YOU DOWN, PAGE 3 MARCH 1, 2011 A&E, WHO TOOK HOME FIRST IN BATTLE OF THE BANDS?, PAGE 6 OPINIONS, MTV’S ‘SKINS’ IS TOO RISQUE, PAGE 8 ONLY AT FLYERNEWS.COM, ARTIST OF THE MONTH UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON VOL. 58 NO. 31 ERIN GAHIMER possible.” Alpha and event coordinator. “So, Matt Behr, a 2009 UD gradu- Staff Writer The fraternity group arrived at we raise a lot of money and have ate and past president and mem- Xavier’s Cintas Center early Sat- fun doing it.” ber of Pi Kappa Alpha, met Wit- This past weekend, 50 members urday morning to meet a police This year the fraternity raised ty through the fraternity and of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity escort before taking off for their money for the Evan Witty Cambo- became good friends with him ran and bounced a basketball re- journey. dia’s Hope Fund. while living in the Pi Kappa Alpha lay-style approximately 48 miles Throughout the day-long event, This fund was established in house at UD. from Xavier University’s campus groups of two to three brothers memory of 2008 UD graduate Evan “Evan was a very charismatic, in Cincinnati back to the Univer- took turns running along back Witty, who was a Pi Kappa Alpha friendly, fun-loving and generous sity of Dayton. roads to UD. While each group member. Following his gradua- person,” Behr said. “He was the The fifth annual event, called runs and dribbles, the rest of the tion in 2008, Witty was doing ser- kind of guy who would never take Pike Bounce for Charity, was held fraternity members traditionally vice in Cambodia at the Palm Tree on Saturday, Feb. 26. ride alongside in a charter bus. Orphanage when he unexpectedly See Pike on p. 5 “Pike Bounce is our biggest “You’re on a bus with your best passed away in his sleep of natu- event all year, and a lot of hard buddies hanging out and goof- ral causes. In turn, the Pi Kappa Members of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity work goes into the planning and ing around, while helping out an Alpha fraternity has focused its celebrate on the race course from Cincinnati to execution of it,” said Nick Gri- organization that one of your fel- philanthropy efforts the past two Dayton (above). Three Pikes run while bounc- seto, the chapter’s vice president. low brothers served,” said Kevin years on carrying out Witty’s leg- ing a basketball on back roads from Xavier University to UD (below). In total, the fraternity “All of our brothers work togeth- Tuleta, senior psychology major acy and donating funds to the or- members ran 48 miles for charity. er to get as many donations as is and a fellow member of Pi Kappa phanage where he worked. PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED BY KEVIN TULETA Screening day to raise awareness of mental health issues, break down stigma EMMA JARMAN awareness to mental health and tion Screening For Mental Health, give students a chance to connect tional or psychological distress Staff Writer break down the stigma associated Inc., consists of a survey students with people who can offer help in at some point in their lives,” she with it. complete, followed by a private dealing with distress,” Pfirrman said. The University of Dayton Coun- “Our goal is to reach out to stu- conversation with a Counseling said. Layne Perkowitz, a sophomore seling Center, in cooperation with dents who might not find their Center staff member to discuss One important reason for rais- pre-medicine major and publicity REACH Out with Active Minds, way to us in Gosiger Hall when the results with possible recom- ing awareness about mental chair for REACH Out with Active will host Mental Health Screen- they are in need and help them mendations for aftercare. health issues is to normalize the Minds, a club dedicated to mental ing Day on Tuesday, March 8, from connect to resources,” said Jami The screening looks specifically experience in order to eliminate health awareness, wants students 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Kennedy Pfirrman, a psychology intern for for symptoms of depression, post- the negative stigma associated to be aware that mental health is Union West Ballroom. UD’s Counseling Center. traumatic stress, bipolar disorder with them, according to Pfirrman. different than mental illness, al Mental Health Screening Day The screening tool, developed and generalized anxiety disorders. “The truth is that most people is a campus-wide effort to bring by national non-profit organiza- “Mental health screening days experience some level of emo- See Mental health on p. 4 weather TODAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY (Source: www.nws.noaa.gov) 45/32 49/27 47/38 DAYTON IS FOR LOVERS Bring home your coats and scarves with you for Sunny. Mostly sunny. Partly sunny. spring break, because spring has arrived. City named one of the most romantic in U.S., PAGE 8 2 NEWS Flyer News •Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Dayton ranked as one of the nation’s most romantic cities based on Amazon.com sales RANDI SHESHULL romantic relationships, has lived Dayton doesn’t always have the this article, particularly because ies were El Monte, Calif., Patter- Staff Writer in Dayton for 34 years. best reputation, often being called it was related to romance, and son, N.J. and Miami Gardens, Fla., Although he has never consid- a “dying city,” according to Miller. Valentine’s Day was right around according to the Dayton Business Dayton is known as the birth- ered Dayton to be a romantic city, “Generally, Dayton doesn’t do the corner,” said Brittany Hart, a Journal. place of the Wright brothers, Miller said he does agree with the well on various measures — vio- reporter for the Dayton Business Amazon.com’s romantic cities home of the National Museum of criteria Amazon.com used to rank lence, murder rate, weather and Journal. “The story had hundreds list should have a positive reac- the United States Air Force and is their romantic cities. so on,” he said. “It’s nice to read of readers, and also led to several tion in the Dayton community, as now ranked as one of the most ro- “I would think that a romantic that we at least enjoy romance via business owners giving me ideas the city is finally ranked in a cate- mantic cities in the country. city would be one in which people movies, reading and music. That’s for other articles about their wed- gory of associated with optimism, Amazon.com named Dayton the act romantically, so books, maga- good news for us.” ding planning companies.” according to Miller. 19th most romantic city in the This is the first time Dayton has “As a social scientist, I can say nation for 2011 on its annual list been ranked on the list of roman- without reservation that, given published in February, according “Generally, Dayton doesn’t do well on tic cities, but it is not the only city the measures employed, Dayton is to the Dayton Business Journal. various measures — violence, murder in Ohio ranked by Amazon.com. among the most romantic cities in “The list was based on sales Cincinnati, which ranked 15th the United States,” Miller said. data of romance novels and rela- rate, weather and so on ... It’s nice to on the list in 2010, also jumped to tionship books, romantic comedy seventh in 2011, Hart said. movies, digital movies and DVDs, read that we at least enjoy romance via According to the Dayton Busi- OHIO CITIES Barry White albums, CDs and movies, reading and music. That’s good ness Journal, the top five most ro- THAT MADE THE LIST MP3s, and sexual wellness prod- mantic cities in the U.S were Alex- ucts, since Jan. 1, [2011], on a per news for us.” andria, Va., followed by Knoxville, capita basis in cities with more Dr. Dan Miller Tenn., Orlando, Miami, and Ann than 100,000 residents,” according Arbor, Mich. CINCINNATI UD Sociology Professor 7 to the Dayton Business Journal Florida had four cities ranked article. among the top 20, including Mi- Dr. Dan Miller, sociology profes- zines, movies, music, flowers, The Dayton Business Journal ami, which was ranked the sexi- sor at the University of Dayton, restaurants would be a good way has received positive feedback on est city in America for the second 19 DAYTON and author of “The Fragility of to measure if a city is romantic.” the published article. consecutive year. Romance,” a research essay about Miller said. “We had a great response to The nation’s least romantic cit- NEWS 3 Flyer News •Tuesday, March 1, 2011 INFLUENTIAL PROFESSOR, CAMPUS MINISTER PASSES AWAY AT 87 KAYLEIGH FLADUNG Staff Writer sor emeritus, met Middendorf lino said. when he was serving as associ- Middendorf is credited as the Rev. Cyril Middendorf, S.M., a ate pastor at Emmanuel Catholic founder of several Campus Min- retired University of Dayton chap- Church in Dayton and knew he istry service clubs on campus, in- lain, died Saturday, Feb. 19 at the would be perfect for UD. cluding the UD Summer Appala- age of 87. “I was the one who brought him chia Program, in which students Middendorf was a beloved mem- here,” Burns said. “In 1964 we were spend nine weeks learning about ber of the UD family who was in- looking for another priest. I met the people who live in Appalachia strumental in the creation of Cam- him, and I thought, ‘He’s just the and serving them.
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