THE CATHOLIC PAGE 15 Retreat Special Section March 15,ommentator 2019 Vol. 57, No. 3 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org C FEEDING SOULS St. Joseph’s Altar unites Morganza By Richard Meek continuing a tradition that The Catholic Commentator dates back close to 50 years, al- though the exact date is one of Drive through Morganza those whimsical mysteries that during winter’s last gasp and offer intrigue and coziness to one is likely to be tantalized any small town. by the savory aroma of Italian What is known is the altar cookies in the oven, icing wait- started out on a much small- ing to crown the delicacy. er scale in the church more Those aromas might be es- than 50 years ago. But it was pecially strong if passing the then moved to the parish hall, houses of Doretha Debetaz or where it has continued to grow. even Rosie Laurent. “It has gotten bigger but I Of course, drive anywhere don’t remember when we came near Shirley Sorpano’s house to the hall,” said 93-year-old and one is sure to detect the Adele Robillard, who helped winsome fragrance of Italian establish the first altar in the bread, minutes away from be- hall. “And the number of help- The San Guiseppe Ladies from St. Ann Church in Morganza bake cookies that will be used on the par- ing baked to perfection. ers has certainly grown.” ish’s St. Joseph’s Day Altar on March 17 following the 10 a.m. Mass. Nearly 100 volunteers help make The ladies, along with up Parishioner Bonnie Fran- the altar a success. Photo by Father Brent Maher | St. Ann Church, Morganza to 100 other volunteers, spend cois, whose mother, Laurent, late February and early March bakes up to 1,300 cookies from initially parishioners were giv- only cookies but bread and ian tradition. making the final preparations her comfy kitchen in her com- en bags with cookies that came other goodies, including a fava Today, the San Guiseppe for the St. Joseph’s Altar at fortable home situated along off of the altar at the church. bean, which is considered a (the Italian name of St. Joseph) St. Ann Church in Morganza, Louisiana Highway 10, said But the bags now contain not symbol of good luck in the Ital- SEE ALTAR PAGE 23 El Camino walk ‘healing’ By Richard Meek past ministry and the diocese, and then all of The Catholic Commentator the difficulties as well. And he says, ‘would you let me heal you of (your) baggage?’ ” Alone in his thoughts, aching muscles voic- Father Decker’s encounter with God came ing their displeasure, a world apart from Mar- while walking the El Camino De Santiago, a ingouin, Father Chris Decker was startled by route that traverses the footsteps of St. James, the voice of God. beginning in France and ending in Santiago Walking in an area far removed from cell de Compostela, Spain. The classic route is 500 phones, electricity and wifi, God simply asked miles, originating in St.-Jean-Pied-du-Port, Father Decker, “Ok, now it’s just you and me. France, but many pilgrims begin the walk at Can we talk?” various jumping off points, depending on a “Essentially, I’m thinking this is strange,” number of factors. REMEMBER YOU ARE DUST – Churches around the Diocese of Father Decker, pastor at Immaculate Heart of “(The conversation with God) was one of Baton Rouge were packed to overflowing from morning to eve- Mary Church in Maringouin, St. Francis Xavi- the most beautiful parts of the Camino,” Fa- ning with people receiving ashes on their forehead to mark the er Cabrini Church in Livonia and St. Joseph ther Decker said. “The Camino (experience) beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 6. At St. Joseph Ca- Church in Grosse Tete, said, explaining that he was incredibly healing. And interestingly thedral Bishop Michael G. Duca and Father Paul Counce, pastor talks to the Lord every day. enough, it’s almost as if the Lord provided a of the cathedral, concelebrated a noon Mass during which ashes “And it was at this point that he kind of little oasis that I needed.” were distributed. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator placed upon my heart all of the blessings of my SEE WALKING PAGE 11 2 The Catholic Commentator March 15, 2019 | DID YOU KNOW Harden not your hearts By Dina Dow rection, as they needed this to strengthen and build hope in the days to come. It was The early weeks of Lent are upon us. also a moment to prepare Jesus for what he Prayer, fasting and almsgiving provide a would endure. It must have been a power- sturdy foundation for the path upon which ful encounter for them, a true mountaintop we trod. We celebrate the Second and Third experience. When have I experienced the Sundays of this holy season with transfigured Lord? an overall focus on repentance. Moses was part of the The Sunday Mass readings illu- Life-Giving transfiguration on that minate the fruitfulness of faith, FAI H mountain. He also personal- the glory of God’s presence, a thirst- ly witnessed God’s presence ing for something more and the prom- in the form of a burning bush, ise of hope. which was on fire but not destroyed. This Stargazing With God was a moment when God revealed himself The relationship between God and Abra- to a most faithful servant and called him to ham is fascinating. Scripture says, “Look up task. Moses went from tending his sheep to at the sky and count the stars, if you can. standing on holy ground. In an instant his LSU students receive ashes at the Greek Amphitheater on the LSU campus in Just so,” he added, “shall your descendants life was transfigured from shepherd to a lib- this undated photo. Provided by Archives Department | Diocese of Baton Rouge be.” Abram put his faith in the LORD, who erator, prophet and lawgiver. Where is God credited it to him as an act of righteousness calling us in all of this? (Gn 15:5-6). If we went stargazing with God Thirsting hope who desires to show us the impact of our As thirst is quenched by water, hope is Food for thought faith handed on to generations to come how filled by faith. The living waters, as we hear many stars would we see? One? A cluster? in St. Luke’s account of Jesus and the Sa- If you are from the ages of 18 combined they should be less than The Milky Way, or something only the Hub- maritan woman at the well, flows from God. to 59, listen up: this fast is for you. a full meal,” according to the USC- ble telescope could detect? Does our faith The dialogue is worthy of meditation. Jesus During Lent, according to the Unit- CB. Also, liquids are allowed at any fill the world as the stars fill the sky? Such asks her to give. She asks how. Jesus states, ed States Conference of Catholic time. And, of course, those who are a comparison means this kind of faith in if you only knew. She asks where do I get Bishops, Ash Wednesday and Good physically or mentally ill, pregnant God reaches beyond what the eye can see. If this and who are you? Jesus said I give it. Friday are obligatory days of fasting or nursing are excused from fast and the “Lord is my light and my salvation” (Ps She said she will receive it. Jesus said go and and abstinence for Catholics. And, abstinence. 27), how am I shining the glory of his light believe. This summary threads the seams of “if possible, the fast on Good Friday So, what is the purpose of fast- and message of salvation with generations a moment of repentance and a lifetime of is continued until the Easter Vigil ing? Certainly not losing weight. to come? hope. (on Holy Saturday night),” according According for Father Daniel Merz of Transfigured by glory We come to the well thirsting, parched to the USCCB. the USCCB, “Hunger is that state in St. Paul challenges the Philippians with from the sins of life. Here we encounter Je- But, what is fasting? The Bible is which we realize our dependence on a true model of faith. He warns them not to sus who asks us to quench his thirst. But littered with fasting. According to something else – when we face the follow the example of those who are “occu- why is Jesus thirsty? He does not need wa- the definition in the Catechism of ultimate question: ‘on what does my pied with earthly things” (Phil 3:19). Rather, ter. He is God. Jesus is not asking for water. the Catholic Church, fasting is “re- life depend?’ ” imitate Paul who imitates Jesus. Since we Rather, he thirsts for souls. He asks us to fraining from food and drink as an Father Merz states that Satan are united to the glory of God in baptism, give ourselves to him. He is right in front of expression of interior penance, in tempted both Adam and Jesus, “the we are citizens of heaven, the destination of us thirsting for our love, our heart, our life. imitation of the fast of Jesus for 40 new Adam,” with food. Adam ate this earthly journey. God calls us forth from If we only knew what he could provide for days in the desert.” the apple but Jesus refused when the “shining cloud” which reveals his glory.
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