![Tlgh Department Ofsu,Ge~ Isalive and Well and Very Active. Most ,Ecently](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
lGH Department of Su,ge~ is alive and well and very active. Most ,ecently Tour departmental GFT offices and clinics have been redone, renovated and enlarged on the fifth floor of the 'A' Pavilion. New clinics and a full-time teaching office will certainly improve our teaching program. The very convenient physical space is ample and will sat- isfy our expansion needs for the next five years. Serious efforts What's New to acquire endownment funding has been initiated to provide necessary funding for more academic pursuits. at The JGH Our Division of (VT continues to be headed by Nate Sheiner. He continues a very active surgical practice and enjoys visiting his two granddaughters in the USA. Normand Miller is Program Director of Vascular Surgery at McGill and is very actively involved in the executive committee of the hospital. Bob Goodman, one of our cardiac surgeons, recently took a leave of absence. However, Yves Lan- glois continues a very ambitious surgical program as we recruit a new surgeon. Tassos Dionisopoulos has been GFT since 1993 adding strength and depth to our Plastic Surgery Division which is guided by May- nard Shapiro. ~ (please see The JGH pg.4) Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital ................................................................................ -::::I What's New at the Jewish General Hospital 1 H.RockeRobertson Visiting Professorship 12 DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY Letters to the Editor 2 M.D.Anderson Experience 14 '"-- ............................................................................................................................ NEWSLETTER ca. Editorial 3 Surgical Epidemiology II) .................................................................................................................................... 15 Jewish General Hosptial Surgical Staff 5 CAGS .................................................................................................................. 15 McGILL UNIVERSITY Kudos 6 Were YouThereThen? 16 . ... ••...........•..•.•............. ••.•••.............•...............•..•.• .........• VOL. 6, NO.1, WINTER 1996 Canadian Network for International Surgery 7 McGill Anesthesia 17 Surgical Education in Developing Countries 8 International Visiting ResearchFellows 18 Sal Mount to Stay 8 RVHDivision of General Surgery Staff 18 Rotations at Barrie Memorial Hospital 8 A Decline in General Surgery Applicants 19 History of Plastic Surgery (cont'd) 9 Obituary ........................................................... 20 Departure 9 McGill University Hospital Centre ................................................................................................................................ 21 Welcome Aboard 9 OHIBData 21 ...................... , .. The Surgical Education Corner 10 Upcoming Events 22 UI pue au!)!paw U! aAll)e aq 01 anU!lUO) °sul~eaw °lor °10 lie aM °Sly6noYlmo UI ale nOAleYl MOU~ Aq Uan!lM S! pleMl0J aY1 °S66L AJa6ms lie nOAlal 01 un} aq PlnoM 11ly6noYl aM UI ssa1601d pall!lUa la61e~ Aq paYS!lnd Ala61ns 1A) - al!wal An9. ~00q1xa1 e JO SJ01lpa aYl ale U!~WOIOS "S L l .6,d UO J<MIU, - Ala6msomaN - Aaqq'tJ 111:'WS10p1A. or 'aSl0~ 0'tJo~ 'opella1°W or OSlO:;)JOU s,PJ l d01S-uOU pumas I:' UA9/qO - IYoS 11as • JI:'IIOPauG pa1unm UA9/qO - Y1IWS Ined. nOAJ! SJI:'IIOP Oljods] 'p!lPOW UO!II!qauG OPO//iil "W iiSa{ UA9/qO - uoalao Ol1aql'tJ. 1unm 01 a~ 1:'1 ,;slaIl19)W" lawloJ OMl Aq pallpa ~ooq )IpadoY110 - uosllM illS. 11PlnoM BUOIMOH lUa)al e JO lualUO) pue a6ed lU01J aYl Ala6ms lelaua9 - uialsPl09 U01AW. JO sa!do)Oloyd pasopua puy aseald °HA~ :Iuwnle 6uIMOilOJ aYl -qel ymasa~ le)I6ms aYl le S101uaw alaM y)eas 6uOl ul1alUa) le)lpaw Alew pue san6eallO) lalpea AW JO ssa))ns leuois °lS le S~U!Sqnm aYlle ~aaM lsel °eluJoJ -saJold pue uOIssa1601d aYl 1eln)Illed UI -lie) ulaYlnos UI spua!1J lnOA W01J my 'lOU~ alenbs aYl 6ulpeal paAOrua Alleal I 01 a~11PlnoM nOAly6noYl pue HA~ aYlle san6eallQ) pue slay)eal AW JO Sa!10WaW • °AeO uos1laqo~ puoJ Alawa11xa aAey 10sleaA aYllaAo 10U~ a~)o~ uo alnp;l1 I:'wne11 aYl pualle mnbs aYl paAofua aAey I y)nw MOY 01 alay lsel seM aH °p10WeyS uaAalS °10 °UUiid 'o/qdppOjlqd 'l.pSldAlUn ii/dwiil MOU~ nOA lal 01 6ulueaw uaaq aAey I 'UeWl!ey) SlY Aq uoa61ns paysln6u!lSIP e ())S)IJ:f OW 'lunw poqJ/W se pazlu60)al uaaq sey aH °SleaA O£ ueYl °dn aw ~ool pue MOU~ aw lal 01 alnS al0W 10J 'UOll)UI1SIP YllM u016ulpns U! aq aseald 'elydlapepYd UI laAa ale nOA JI luowlaA JO AllSlaAIUn aYlle aUDlpaw JO °a6uey)xa HA~/lelldsoH uopuol aY1 a6a1l0) aYl paAlas sey 6noO :;)JoN s,PJ °1l19)W le lUaplsal e seM I apYM ueao UI S,09 Apea aYl UI 1119)W W alay seM aH se oSle pue luapnls le)lpaw e seM I uaYM °Ala6ms aAll)e W01J pa111al MOU sey illS °H9W aYl pue H)W aYl 'HA~ aYlle paUll'.Jl aH dlay mOA lie 10J nOA ~ueYl 01 a~11PlnoM I )OU~ alenbs ay1, aA!a)al 01 paly6ljap SI aH °6UlppaM s,uos llaYl puane olleaA °10ssaJOld luelslss'tJ SIYl e)!1J'tJ Ylnos 1iSIA 01 ueld salwwe9 °pm91dSel~ °10alel aYl 01 alnql11 e pauuad ue se AllSlaAIUn aldwa1 e 6UI~10M MOU aY1 °S66 L laqwaldas UI alaYl pallslA AIlUa)al pue 1allaisMau Ala61ns WAn we I °paysluy AI1Ua)al I Y)IYM '01U0101 UI AaYl uaYM 6UldwAI) 01 UOll0W "S °H °SlW aYl JO l01lpa aYl SI aH ,;UO!lams )I11se6 lel!dsOH 01U0101 aYl w dlysMOllaJ Y1UOW pue °10 paWQ)laM ualA aJ!M SlY pue illS uo eAlles JO spaya ay1" uo eUA10~S AaluelS 8L ue Aq paMolloJ seM SIY1 °alm!lSUI je) °10 YllM 6U1PIInS lauuoo aYl le 6UI~10M -16olomaN aYlle leaA JalY) AW paysluy I °lallns aA11)°lW pue SlIe)al oSle aH o(llol))nl oWlxew ouelln9 'oAew le d!ysMollaJ AW 6uIlaldwQ) law 06 JO a6e aYlle S66 L laqwaAoN UI palp pue 'uey6euoW P3 '~apoIM a610a9 °6u!op SI sluapnls le)lpaw Plo mOA JO auG 0YM uosdwOY1 uoulaA °JW :uospleY)I~ 'uew6lS AaAleH OSlO alaM salenpe16 leYM MOU~ nOA lal 01 a~11 lsnr PlnoM I wes °lW :S66L Aew U! 06 seM 0YM lsel aY1 0£96 L UI papua SIY1) °Ala6ms lOlAe1 uewlaH °lW :suoa6lnS Sll pue lel!d UI asmo) eWOldlO 1119)W PIO aYl lnoqe -soH uopuol aY1 JO SMau aYl salelal aH SMau 10J 6ul~001 SI ay leYl SalllM 6noa - ;)!WWD9 1I!8 "JO - A;)U;);)MPW 6noO WOlJ O/WOP/O) 'qJOii8 DU07 WOJJJ;)JJ;)7 P;)A!;));)J J;)JJ;)7 W) OW 'u/ii)SP/OC) UOJI.W JOI!P3 all! 01 °laqOl)O lxau S)'tJ aYl le nOA 6ulaas 01 SJallal A pleMloJ ~ool pue lIaM lie ale nOAadoy aM °OpnWJJ8 'uOJ/lwoH JO SilWl!r O/qOJV /pnoS 'qpol./IJ (WiiiiJO)/ °v piiii{OW °V) °AlljlqeA!AmS llaYl iI)UilJI!I) 'JO pue Aap!ys 'Auuyor 'auueor WiiiiJo~/npqv-1V piiii{ow/npqv JO ale slaleal1uow puoJ MOY MOU~ aM 'JO"d WOJj °aJmnJ leau aYl U! lanai SMau aYl asne)aq 'tJl SA lea11UOW UI laYleaM aYl 5041'Ml50S 01 uOllnql11UO) "Uan!lM" awos puas 01 UOlluaw 01 lOU aa16e 'laAaMOY 'pip aM adoy I pue 000'lOU~ alenbs aYl aWIllS1Y aY1l0J paMa)al I uaYM pa1y611ap seM I t- o z 3HlfnDS"" lHl THE SQUARE ""z ~ 3 PRESENT WERE Dr. Brian Evans, representing Dr. L. Hurst, Chair, Plastic Surgery Dr. John P. Girvin, Chair, Neurosurgery Dr. E. D. Monaghan, Chair, General Surgery ORE CURRICUlUM SURGERY IN GENERAl Dr. Paul F. Odell, Chair, Otolaryngology CRecently some concern has been expressed and some Dr. Ernest W Ramsey, Chair, Urology questions are being asked about gradual changes which Dr. T. R. Todd, Chair, Thoracic Surgery have taken place in Core Curriculum for Surgery programs across Canada. Dr. James P. Waddell, Chair, Orthopedic Surgery Editorial Dr. Ken Harris, Coordinator, Core Surgery, UWO When the Core Curriculum was originally de- Mrs. J. Cassie, Head, Accreditation signed, the Royal College Committee on Specialties (COS) re- Mme. L. Papineau, Head, Exams ceived input in order to prepare the Objectives and Training Mrs. S. Waugh, Head, Credentials Section Requirements from all the Surgical Specialties. For example, Dr. R. D. Weisel of Cardiac Surgery was unable to attend. Dr. Paul F.Odell of Ottawa, Chairman of Otolaryngology sub- mitted those for E.N.T.; Dr. W. Rennie of Manitoba submitted A number of matters were clarified. It was emphasized those for Orthopedic Surgery; Dr. M. T. Richard submitted that Program Directors are still in charge of the rotations of those for Neurosurgery. The idea was that we structure a their trainees and it is the job of the Coordinator of Core Cur- common core of training of a generic type so that our "un- riculum working with the Specialty Programs to arrange the differentiated" Surgical Residents would develop the knowl- appropriate rotations. edge, skills and attitudes in Surgery in General so as to pass the Principles of Surgery Exam in two years. In discussion, there was a general sense that two years "Com- mon" core training are not required to attain the objectives A council resolution in April 1990 (#90-074) stipulated that of Core Surgery, and that many of the objectives can be at- Core Training Program Committees include the Program Di- tained in the course of training in the surgical specialty con- rectors of each Residency Program which is dependent on cerned. If training in the specialty concerned could start core training. This seemed to be a good idea at the time. sooner, it would add flexibility to the rotations 'possible in the later years of residency. These Specialties wish to add Gradually, however, it has evolved so that these very same rotations in their own discipline during the two years of Core Program Directors are requiring Core Surgical Residents to at- and that these be" double counted" to extend the length of tend rotations in their Specialties, so that all across Canada training in their own discipline. right now, the Core Curricular Programs have become differ- ent in many ways, since they have become "rotation based': The Committee agreed to the following definition of "Core Surgery": two years of training in an accredited surgery res- That therefore is the problem.
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