Maine State Library Digital Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Law Books Inland Fisheries and Wildlife 1-1-1975 Maine Open Water Fishing Laws Summary, 1975 Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalmaine.com/ifw_law_books Recommended Citation Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game, "Maine Open Water Fishing Laws Summary, 1975" (1975). Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Law Books. 301. https://digitalmaine.com/ifw_law_books/301 This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife at Digital Maine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Law Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Maine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Maine Open Water Fishing Laws Summary Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game 284 State Street, Augusta, Maine 04330 0££K) auie^M 'e+snSny '+994S 9+p+S VQZ FISHING LICENSES Commissioner of Indian Affairs stating that the person described is an awe0 pue sauaijsij pupguj jo juauupiedaQ auip^Aj Indian and a member of that tribe. For this purpose, an Indian shall RESIDENT NONRESIDENT be any member on tribal lists of the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy 16 years and older . $ 6.50 Season: age 16 and older $15.50 Tribes, or a person on the membership list of the Association of Combination ............. 10.50 12-15 years inclusive .. 2.50 Aroostook Indians and who has resided in Maine for at least 5 years. ‘ 3-day . ’ 6.50 15-day* “ ........................ 10.50 “ Leave or furlough . 2.50 7-day ................................. 7.50 3-day ................................. 6.50 FIRE PERMITS * May be exchanged for resident fishing license only, on payment of clerk’s fee. Using fire outdoors often requires a permit. Check with town fire ** Combination hunting and fishing license for Maine residents in wardens in organized towns and with forest rangers in unorganized U.S. armed forces, stationed outside Maine; valid for all furloughs territory. or leaves during year of issue. Sold by town clerks in town of residence. “ ‘ This is the only nonresident license that is exchangeable; for $5.50, it may be exchanged for a season license. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS The possession of fishing tackle in the'Tields, forests, or on the waters or ice of the state by any person without license is prima facie evidence FISHING TACKLE: It is illegal to fish with anything other than single- of fishing in violation of law. baited hook and line, artificial flies, artificial lures, or spinners. It is GUIDE LICENSES: Resident, $25.00; Nonresident, $100.00; both these illegal to fish with more than two lines at the same time. licenses permit fishing and hunting. Guides who use motorboats must PROHIBITED IN TAKING FISH: Explosive, poisonous, or stupefying have a motorboat operator’s license. substances; fish spawn, grapnel, spear (see SUCKERS, below), spear RESIDENCY DEFINITIONS: Resident: A citizen of the United States gun, trawl, weir, gaff, seine, gill net, trap, or set lines; electronic, sonic, who is domiciled in Maine with intention to reside here and who has or battery powered devices. It is illegal to use or have in possession resided in Maine during the 3 months next prior to the date of appli­ a gill net on any inland waters. cation for license. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit proof JIGGING: It is illegal to jig any fish in inland waters or any salmon in of residency. tidal rivers. Jigging means the use of any fishing tackle or device in Nonresident: A person not coming within the definition of resident, an attempt to snag or snare fish. On Atlantic salmon in coastal rivers, above. jigging means fishing with hook or hooks so as to pierce and hook a Aliens: All aliens are classified as nonresidents. Any alien who has fish in any part of the body other than the mouth. resided in Maine continuously for 1 year and in addition is assessed ADVANCE BAITING: It is illegal to deposit meat, bones, dead fish, or and pays taxes on real estate in the municipality in which he resides, parts of the same, or other food for fish in any inland waters for the or any alien who has resided in Maine continuously for 5 years, may purpose of luring fish. Xjeoiuing purchase a resident license. INLAND WATERS: All waters within the state above the rise and fall REPLACEMENT: A duplicate for a lost or destroyed resident license of tide. is obtained from the clerk who issued the original license. Duplicate TRIBUTARY: A brook or stream flowing directly or indirectly into a s m p i 6u iq sj-| licenses for nonresidents are issued by the Fish and Game Dept., lake, pond, or another stream. A lake or great pond (over 10 acres) J 9 4 P M u e d Q Augusta office. Fee: $1. is not considered to mean tributary. The tributary to a great pond is ARMED FORCES: Persons in the following categories may obtain a not considered a tributary to the outlet of that great pond. resident license to hunt or fish, subject to conditions stated: WATER THOROUGHFARE: A waterway, without flowage, connecting a u i e w Member of armed forces of United States, spouse, and children at 2 bodies of water. least 16 years of age. Must be stationed at or attached to some mili­ PONDS FORMED BY BROOKS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS: A pond 10 tary base in Maine and have certification proving same from base acres or less, formed on a brook, stream, or river is governed by the commander. same fishing law that applies to the waterway on which it is situated, Member of armed forces of Canada. Must be stationed at some whether the pond is natural or artificial. military base in Maine and have certification proving same from base THOROUGHFARES AND BOGS: The general laws governing lakes OCCfrO auiew ‘eisn6nv commander. and ponds also apply to thoroughfares and bogs. J38JIS a m s M3 Civilian employee and immediate family. Must have resided on some SMELTS: Above tide waters, smelts may be taken with a dip net aujzeBew aiueo pue ameyg military base in Maine for at least 3 months prior to application and except in waters prohibited by rule and regulation of the commis­ O >jsaQ ‘uojpas uogeinojjQ have certification proving same from base commander. sioner. Daily limit 4 quarts. Licenses are issued under this section by the clerk of the town SALE OF CERTAIN FISH PROHIBITED: It is illegal to sell or buy, :oj puas pue ‘Aiajaidiuoo uodnoo where the military base is situated. directly or indirectly, any landlocked salmon, trout, togue, black bass, u[ |||4 ‘aujeiAi 40 e ;e 4S ‘jajnseajj. 04 aiqeAed japjo Aauoiu jo >paqo white perch, or pickerel except that pickerel may be sold in Washing­ BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CAMPS, to fish in lake or pond adjacent to camp: a>jey\j 'asea|d ‘sdiue4s puas 40U ton County. aaoo diz 31 vis a blanket license (children not over 16 years of age) oq pajueM uogduosqns aieojpui SUCKERS: Between April 1 and June 30, persons licensed or other­ an enrollment of less than 50 campers $30.00 wise entitled to fish may take suckers by hand spear in all rivers, an enrollment of not less than 50 and not more than ssaaaav aoiddo isod 75 campers 50.00 brooks, and streams which are open to fishing. TRANSPORTATION OF FISH: Neither heads nor tails may be removed an enrollment of more than 75 campers 75.00 from salmon, trout, togue, or black bass (unless the fish are being CAMP TRIP LEADER’S PERMIT (for resident camps) 5.00 prepared for cooking) unless the dressed length is equal to or greater uaaiAinN xoa ao ainoa ao laaais (for nonresident camps) 10.00 than the legal length. LICENSE NOT REQUIRED: Persons in the following categories may Any fisherman may transport legally caught fish to his home, provid­ fish without a license: ing they remain in his possession. One day’s bag limit of legally 3WVN 1SV3 snvuiNi Landowners: Any Maine resident or members of his immediate caught fish may be shipped home by way of a common carrier once family may fish on land where they are domiciled and which is used every 10 days by purchasing a $1.25 transportation tag. Fish taken exclusively for agricultural purposes. from Rangeley Lake, Mooselookmeguntic Lake, Cupsuptic Lake, and Children: Maine residents under 16 years of age and nonresidents Upper and Lower Richardson lakes shall be limited to one shipment 'saBe ||e 40 sjaqjo pue sjajs6unoA 04 4nq ueiusjoop under 12. in any one calendar year. -4no aq4 04 A|uo 40U — 4saja4U| Buqsei 40 sapqje Patients at Veterans Administration Center: In-patients at the Vet­ Trout, salmon, togue, and black bass kept in any sporting camp, 6u|U!B4uoo 'pa4BJ4sn||! ||3M ‘amzeBeiu A|J84Jenb y erans Administration Hospital at Togus may fish without a license hotel, or public lodging place must have name and address of person within a 25-mile radius of Togus. Patients not under the direct super­ catching same attached thereto. vision of a hospital representative must have a valid pass from the VA CLOSED SEASON: During the period of the respective closed season, 3WV9 q n v Hsu 3Nivw o i m o n sanosans Hospital. it is unlawful for any person to fish for, take, catch, kill, or have in Patients and inmates of state institutions: Supervised groups from possession any fish of any kind from such closed waters. any state institution under control of the Department of Mental Health FLY: FLY means a single-pointed hook dressed with feathers, hair, and Corrections may fish without a license within a 25-mile radius of thread, tinsel, or any similar material to which no additional weights, the institution of which the patients or inmates are residents.
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