

Ins tauration - - D [E - DECEMBER 1975 THROUGH DECEMBER 1987 $25.00 UNSTAUIRATUON UNDIEX - - Note: Page numbers in bold type indicate major articles. This index-by name and subject-covers the first 12 years of Instauration. Subsequent indexes will be published every two or three years. Xerox copies of all issues of Instauration are available at $7 per issue, plus postage. Some original printed copies of recent issues can be ordered at the same price. Instauration is also available in microfiche (December 1975 through August 1988). The cost is $1 ~O, plus $5 shipping and handl ing. Florida residents please add 6% sales tax. © 1989, Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. International Standard Book Number: 0-914576-21-6 HOWARD ALLEN ENTERPRISES, INC. P. O. BOX 76 CAPE CANAVERAL, FL 32920 '" .~------~~-~-~~------- .-.--~~-~------ Abt, John. S77. 14 083. 20-21, MarS5. 2S, NBS, 2S, MayS7, A Abu Bhabi, ApS4, 2S 3S.AuS7,14 A. N. Ebony Co., NS6, 22 Abu-Jaber, Jilah, JuIS5, 35 Adorno. Theodor W" S77, 22, Ja7S, 23, A Team, The, MarS4, 15 Aburakari II. Ap77. 13 Oc7S, 12. OcS2, 29 Aaron, A., FS6, 34-35 Abzug, Bella, 076, 12, Ja77. 12, JulSI. 30. Adrian IV, 25 Aaron, David, Au77, 12 JunS4,16 Adriance, Paul, OSO. 31-31 Aaron, Henry, JunSO, 24 academic freedom, Ap76, 10, MayS7, 21 Advance, May7S. 23 Aarons, Mark, AuS6, 34, JaS7, 33, MayS7, academic mind, Ap7S, 6,20 advertisements, integrationist, Ju186, 24; 38 academicians, Ap7S, 20 misleading, NS3, 27, OcS7, 36; outdoor, Aaronson, Aaron, Ap84, 29 Accardi, Sal, AuS4, 43 Ju186, 14; rejected, Ma76, 19, May79, Abba, Ap77. 13,JaSO,31 Accardo, Tony, OS3, 16 28. OS6, 40 Abbey, Edward, 083, 36 Accuracy in Academia, F86, 40 advertising, British firms in U.S., Oc84. Abbott, Dianne, OcS7, 30 Accuracy in Media, SSO, 25, FS6, 40 31; help wanted, NS3. 20; heroes Abbott. Jack, MarS2, 17 Achaean League, FS7, 14-15 demeaned, OS2. 21; largest firms, SS6, Abbott, John H., OcS3, 27 Achan,AuS7,9 32% of GNP, SS6, 32; racist, JunSI, 23; Abbott, Kim, SSO, 10-11 Acheson, Dean, Ja76, 15-16,JaS4, 15 risque, MayS!, 32, JuIS2, 26; Abbott, Mather, May79, 25-26 achievement tests (also see IQ tests), stereotyping. F84. 23; tasteless, Abdeldaker, Sid. JunS7, 32 Ap76, 10, MarSI, 1S; black-white gap, MayS2, 2S, ApS7, 21; TV. May79, 11; Abdul·Ghani, Idris, SS5, 20 Mar79,15 U.S firms abroad, Ja83, 31 Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem (Lew Alcindor), Achille Lauro, JaS6, 17, 21, ApS7, 32 advice to the lovelorn columns, JunSO, 26 May7S, 20, OcS2, 20, JuIS5, 33, AuS6, Acker, William. NS4, 20 Aesop, JuISI, 10 26 Ackerman, Raymond, NS4, 34 aesthetics; Aesthetic Prop. DB3, 24, Abel, Alan, SSO, 23 Ackermann, Jon. Mar7S. 16 Ap85. 19-20; contact lenses, Au84. 27, Abel, Robert C., OcS2, 27 ACORN. Jul82, 19 F87. 23; elfin, Oc79, 12-14; Abels, Paul, ApSO, 26 Action, Mar76. 6, May77. 24, Ap7B. 24. experiment, OS7, 16; Jewish, NS5. S; Abelson, Philip, NS6, 36 SS3,30 Negro, NS6. S; Nordic, JunSO, 6-8. SS1, Abernathy, James, SS4, 1S Action Oirecte. Mar87, 32 13. Ju182. 14. AuS2, 9-11. Ap84. 14-15, Abernathy, Ralph, Mar76, 6, JaS1, 7, Action Franc;aise, JuIS4. 26 May85, 21, NBS. 6-S, MarS7, 12-16, SS1. 30; space protest, JuI7S, 20-21, actors. minority members, OcS4. 19 OeS7. 35, OS7, 16; Palestinian, ApS6, JunSO,20,JaS5,23 Acuff. Roy, S7S, 7, MarS7, 25 S; power of, JuIS6, 15; racial, Jun79. 17, Abetz. Otto, JunS6. 11 Acuna, Rudolfo, NSO, 1S Ap80. 10-12. 27-2S, MarS3, 7-11, JaS4. aborigines, Jun77, 19, F7S, 23. Jun7S. 24. acupuncture, S81, 39 11, FB4, 6-9, Ju IS4, 2S, OS7.16; ·world S7S.20,JunS2,1S.JaS3,31 Adam York Company, OS2. 26 face: JuIS6, 17 abortion (also see Rowe vs. Wade), S76, Adams, David C., Marl6. 19 Aetius. N76, S - 9, 17-1S, N80, 20, JaS2, 5-6, 14, N85, 29, Adams, Earnest L., NS7, 26 affirmative action (also see reverse Mar86,34, OcS6, 37, MayS7, 37, NS7, Adams, Eddie, AuS5. 29 discrimination), S76, 10, F77, 20, Mar77, 12-13,087,35; after rape, Jun81, 36; Adams, Gerald, MayS7, 23 12-13, Ap7S,23, Mar79,19, OcSO,15, Britain, May86, 28; Germany, Oc85. 30; Adams, Harlan, SB4, 11 FS1,36, MarBI, 22, ApS2, 13, F83. legal, AuS2. 26. May83. 26; Negro atti­ Adams, Henry, 075, 17, N76, 9, OBO, 29,FS3,36,ApS3,1S,Aug83,23,AuS4, tudes, F85, 1S; opponents.Au84. 40. 25-26, OcS7, 20 21, OcS5, 19, JunS6, 19; abuses, JuIS7, F85, 18. MaySS, 19; polls, NS7. 26; Adams, Joey, NS4, 30 17; advertising art, AuS3, 20-21; r~es.Au78,5.JunS3,25,SB5,29; Adams, John Quincy, MarSO, S airlines, May7S, 23; back payments, - U.S.S.R., 087. 33 Adams, Joy, NS1, 33 085, 32, AuS7, 26; beauty contests, Abourezk. James, Au80. 17. Au81, 34. Adams, Lionel, JaS5, 32 N86, 20; college, F76, S-9, MaySO,19; May82.32.ApS5,35,JunB5,20,SS6,33 Adams, Michael, Ja77, 13, Jul77, S, 1B, compliance, JaS5, 32; countersuit, Abraham. Ap77, 15 May79,2S SS4,32; courageous opponent, OcS7, Abraham, David. Ap85, 21 Adan, Richard, MarS2, 17 36; criticism, JulSO, 20, MayS4. 15, Abraham. F. Murray. F87. 26 Adanson, Michel, NS6, 7-S SS4, 16; destructive aspects, NS7, 36; Abraham Lincoln Brigade. MarS4. 25 Adejumo, Jumbril, ApS6, 32 discrimination cases, FB3, 36, S83. 33, Abraham, Patricia, S80, 25 Adelman, Kenneth, JulS2, 1S FS5, 29-30, 36, AuB5, 30, May87, 30, Abraham, Spencer, OcS4, 34, JaS5, 3S Adelson, Howard L., OcS3, 19 JunS7,27,AuS7,27,DS7,29;edu­ Abrahams. Esther, F87. 31 Adelstein, David, OcS2, 30 cation, May7S, 6, 17-1S, Au7S, 12. S7S, Abrahams, Harold, 082, 25 Adenauer, Konrad, Au7S, 19 11, Oc79. 20; ethnics, AuS7. 23; fire­ Abrahams. Lionel. Ap84. 29 Adkins, John D.• SS2.20 fighters. Ja79. 2S, AuS4, 21; fishing Abrahamsen, David. Au77, 11 Adler, Barry, SS6, 34, ApS7, 36 rights, OcB1, 24; foot dragging, JaSS. Abram, I.. MarS7. 33 Adler, Jerry, ApS5, 1S 36; frauds, SSO, 24; good conduct Abram. Morris B.• Ap76. 9. Au83, 22. N84. Adler, Kurt H" Ja79, 27 rewards, FS4, 1S; Hatch amendment. 21. Jun86, 22; nepotism. OcB6. 31 Adler, Margot, OcS2, 30 JaB1, 22; hostage crisis, JulSO, 22-23; Abramoff, Jack, FS5, 19 Adler, Mortimer, Ap76, 10-11 Indians, OCS1, 24; medicine, S76, 10, Abramowitz, Israel, OcS5, 34 Adler. Polly, MayS4.2S Ju178, 13; mulatto complaints, ApSO, 24; Abrams, Elliott, JaS2, 22, ApS4, 19, F8S, Adler, Samuel, Ja7S. 24 police depts .• Mar79. 2S, F80, 2S, ApS3, 34 Adler, Solomon. Jun77. 12 27, FS4. 16; polls, S77, 11, DS3, 30; Abrams. Martin, Au77, 19 Admiraal. Pieter V., ApS7, 30 quotas for Slavs, AuS2, 20; quote, Abrams, Rhonda M., NS4, 19 adopted children, AuS4. 42 MarB4, 21 ; refused, 084. 39, SB5, 36, Abscam, Ja81, S, ApS1, 21, Au81, 34, adoption, OS1, 32-33; agencies, Ap81, 2S. MayS7, 39; Supreme Court ruling, S79. SS1.30, 081,30, May82, 18 Au84, 31; blond babies. Ja78, 15; EI 24-25; theater, Ap87. 20; training man­ Abse, Leo, JuISO, 32, F83, 26 Salvador, ApS6, 34; homosexual. OS2, ual, JulS7, 16; TV writing, JaS7, 26; U.S. absenteeism, JuIS3, 2S, SS6, 32, DS7, 29 27. S83, 12; mixed race. Mar79. 2S, NS2. State Dept., OCS1. 24; white psychosis. Abshire, David, Ap81 , 10 1S. 29, OS2, 27. Mar83. 29. MayS3. 27, Jul86,17 Afghanistan, DSO, 30, JaS6, 31; relations Aidan, Ap81 , 25 Alberta, politics, Ap86, 30 with U.S., ApSO, 18; Russian invasion, AIDS, Ju183. 36, OcS3, 21, JaBS, 32, Albina, Leontina, MarB1, 30 S80, 19~20, Ja81, 34, Mar81, 33, MayS!, Jul85, 31, D8S, 7-8, 17-1S, JaS6, 21. Albinana, Jose Maria, D76, 9 29, F86, 36; D87, 33; Soviet race riot, FB6,29, JunB6, 39, Ap87, 10-15, albinos, South Africa, D82, 31 ApS6, 33; Soviet troops, F87, 19 Oc87, 28; Africa, Oc83, 27, SB6, 29; Albosta, Don, D78, 27 Africa, DS4, 2S; AIDS plague, Au86, 12, African tourism, D87, 29; aggressors, Albouy. Esther, FB4, 27 Ap87, 10, SS7. 8; black birthrate, Jul83, F86, 22, N87, 27; army test, OcB6, 30; Alburichi, Bugalb, MayB5, 3S 1B-19; black nation roundup, Jun84, 29; Australia, Oc86, 37, blood banks, Oc83, Alcatraz, Mar79, 10 burial customs, ApS6, 33; child 29; Britain, Jun85, 35; Canada, Ju186, Alcindor, Lew (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar), terrorists, Oc87, 33; colonies, F77, 6; 29,31; carriers, Jun86, 20, DB7, 30; S82,18 creation myth, Ju187, 34; crime, Au76, celebrities, Oc83, 30, JaB6, 21, Au86, Alcock, John, Oc79, 13 10,15; criticism, May81, 34; decline of 30, S86, 33, JaS7, 2B, F87, 29, OcB7, alcohol sales, Negroes, Jun8S, 31 black nations, D78, 26, S 79, 11, D79. 28; China, May87, 36; costs, Oc87, 26; alcoholics, Oc87, 26; by race, D84, 29, 28. OcSO, 32, JuISI. 34, SS1. 37-38, cults, FB5, 21; demographics, Oc87, 26; N86. 20; politics, Mar82, 23 JaS2, 30, ApS2, 6-7, OeS3. 35, ApS5, Europe, Ap87, 13; France, Au87, 30; alcoholism, F77, 13, May80, 31-32 35, SS5, 15, SS6, 36, MarS7, 9; Haiti, DB6, 37, Ap87, 13; homosexuals, Alcott, Bronson, Ap80, 20 environment, ApS6, 15, S87, 25; famine, Oc84, 18-19, ApS7, 13, S87, B-9; India, Aida, Julio Ruiz de, D76, 19 S7S, 20, JaS2,30, May8S, 30; female MayS7, 36; Italy, JaS7, 33; Jews Alder, Joe L, F86, 18 circumcision, Oc82, 12-13; firsthand infected, May87, 30; legislation, S87, Aldington, Lord, OcB7, 23 report, JuIS2, 6-9; food production, D86, 26; lobby, Jun86, 20; Mexico, OeS6, 37; Aldisert, Ruggero J., Oc86, 11 30, OCS7, 26; May82, 30; hope whites Minnesota, S86, 31; minorities, Ap86, Aldiss, Brian, F84, 22-23 return, SS1, 3S; Negro racism, Ap87, 22; 28, Oc87, 16; New York City, Ja86, 29; Aldridge, Ron, TV quote, Jun86, 32 Negro settlement areas, Jul79, 24; origin, Oc82, 21, ApS6, 25; quarantine, Aleppo, F85, 6-7 population projection, DS6, 30; racial Mar86, 36; racial breakdown, Au8S, 20; Alexander I, Ap77, 7, Jun79, 26, NB7, 17 composition, Mar79, 22; racism, F78, 19; rates, AuB5, 30; Soviet claim, Ap87.

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