for J.L.W. What you have is STILL a W.I.P. FF5.0 is by no means a “Finished Product”. Again, we would stress this point. Having taken into account the feedback from the Community, this release simply builds upon the previous release. The Team continues to rely upon the FreeFalcon Community, to ensure the development of FreeFalcon toward its full potential. Development of the FreeFalcon Graphics Engine continues, as does progress in all areas of the Simulation. Obviously, this release is NOT the “end” of development; just a further step in an unending process of tweaking and improvement. Once again, the Team very much looks forward to your input as we continue to to develop Falcon™ The FreeFalcon Team thanks you – the Community – for all of the valuable feedback which has allowed development to continue. We very much look forward to your continuing comments and observations. s. ii READ THIS This is an “Automated” Document. Most Pages are ACTIVE…! By clicking on the title icons, you will be taken directly to the selected page. You can return to the Contents of this document by clicking on various “Snakes” “Pictures” and “Icons” located at the bottom of many pages. For ease of Navigation, you should also use the BOOKMARKS Tab (to the left) About this Companion …………………………….. Yet another F.A.Q. …………………………….. Snail’s Slow Guide To Multiplayer M ULTIPLAYER Khronik’s Chronic MP For Dummies FreeFalcon Multi Miscellany RifleFighter’s TeamSpeak 3D Pits ………………………………………... It’s The ‘Pits….. BREVITY Codes …… Wild Red Yonder Weather FF5.0 Enhancements Carrier Ops Keystrokes Config Editor Cover shows screenshot from FreeFalcon/RedVIPER Israeli Theatre of Operations II Projects The Phantom The Tornado The LEGACY The Learning Centre AVIONICS Star Navigation Landing the F-16 Dual Terrain SKINNING Skins - 512 Vs 1024 ……… DewDog ’s War College …………………………..….. The U.I. .………………………………………….. FF On-Line .……………….. Basic Air Combat Manoeuvres Tactics Employing the AIM-54 “Phoenix” CobraWeather TOOLS TacEdit TODMixer The Aragorn Tapes: The Gilman Louie Interview The …………. Interview Gorny’s: A Day In • Advanced Tactics School …..…….. The Life • Gorny the Flyboy ………………….. Gorn ’s Arts & Crafts II …………….. COMMUNITY INTERVIEW ……………….…..… FF--1166 GGrroouunndd TTeecchhnniicciiaann HHOORRNNEETT DDRRIIVVEERR TrackIR & Joe’s Alternative ………………. TouchBuddy & Joe’s Alternative ……………... A BaldEagle Chat ………. Nth Korean TACAN Appendices Falcon Timeline The COBRA How To Sample FMs Victory Conditions Miscellany Random Considerations Shimmer with Bat …………….…. 2D Vs 3D …..………. FreeFalcon is a dedicated group of 3D modelers, skin artists, programmers, campaign builders, tweakers and just plain old enthusiasts. Our diverse group includes people from North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Antarctica, Australia, South America, South Africa and Asia. We range from sixteen, to sixty-something years old, with current and former Army and Naval Aviators, F-16 Ground Crew, Active Fighter Pilots flying combat missions in Iraq, Computer programmers, Lawyers, Students, Engineers, Teachers, Skilled laborers, Commercial Pilots, Writers, Educators, and Burnt-out Rock Stars. The one thing we all have in common: The love of the world’s finest Military Flight Simulator. Falcon 4.0™ was released ten years ago, and - over the years - we have seen many improvements as different groups have striven to improve our beloved sim. FreeFalcon/RedVIPER continues the effort. Remember – the pictures and icons are to help you navigate the document 7 F R E E F A L C O N 5 . 0 This Companion is not a Stand-Alone Guide to Falcon™. This Companion will not teach you how to fly the Viper. It is assumed that you will follow the “Study Programme” outlined in the FF4.0 Manual in your falcon4/_the_Manual Folder. This Companion presents an eclectic variety of information for both n00b & Veteran. A pre-existing knowledge of Falcon4.0™ is assumed. This Companion is largely lost on those who have not followed the “Study Programme” outlined in the FF4.0 Manual. Besides - a firm knowledge of Falcon 4.0™ is a ‘given’ to the serious simmer. Most significantly, this Companion WILL introduce you to the new features of this release. There have been changes both cosmetic and fundamental. It is recommended you read BOTH this Companion AND the FF4.0/RV Manual. This Companion will give some description of the processes running in the background; the machinations of the FreeFalcon 5.0 simulation experience. This Companion will NOT concentrate on technical details/aspects of the Software. GSST™ (Gorny’s Special Simpleton Terms) will be used wherever possible. Where relevant, it will refer you to the FF4.0 Manual. This Companion WILL provide a variety of TUTORIALS, to educate both the n00b and the Veteran alike. (see the Disclaimer Pg. 344) This document is intended for the average “Pilot on the Street”. For those who wish to access it – more detailed information is available in both the Appendices and the FF4.0/RV Manual. Be warned This Companion does include the Gorny “lite” approach…! If you are an Uptight Anal Retentive, this Companion may be detrimental to your overall mental health. This being the case, may I refer you to the “Blow Me, You Humourless Twat” Section. Hopefully, the Edutainment methodology will make your visitation to this Companion far more relaxed, than is the norm.* And enlightening And fun. Ara’ *No offence to Norm. 8 F R E E F A L C O N 5 . 0 For ease of Navigation, a 2-page spread is recommended. For actual reading, that 2-page can be re-sized to “Actual Size” 9 F R E E F A L C O N 5 . 0 Can I install FreeFalcon 5.0 over my Open Falcon install ? No. To install, should I use my Allied Force or my ORIGINAL MicroProse Falcon 4.0 ™ CD? I recommend the ORIGINAL. However – if you ONLY have AF….. go for it. Is it possible to remove all lame jokes from this document? Is a Catholic Church a safe place for a choirboy…? Is the new 3D Pit fully compatible with my 6DoF Track IR™ ? Yes. Where can I find support for this product? Ara’s Support Forum at FreeFalcon http://www.freefalcon.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=14 Is it LEGAL for me to have this product on my Hard Drive? FreeFalcon has ALWAYS complied with the directives of the IP Owner. Is it LEGAL for you to be so talented? Please, please…! Stop. Enough. I prefer the term ‘Gifted’. How can I get AIFF in my Aircraft? Make sure you are flying an aircraft which has AIFF in Real Life. The switches don’t “move” in my 3D Pits…! Correct. Stay tuned, though… ;) There seem to be “Bugs”….!? Naturally. And – together – yourself and the FreeFalcon Team will eradicate them. See Page ii Visit the FreeFalcon WebSite for support information. How can I stop the terrain shimmer with my nVidia GPU? See the: “Bat Does The Shimmy” Section. My load times are really slow…! It takes 15 mins to enter the 3D world…! Ensure you have killed all background processes. Try End-It-All or XP Smoker (I use both). If you are running an ATI Card, make sure that End-It-All doesn’t kill any of your ATI processes. This is ESPECIALLY true of Anti-Virus software. With Norton running, I can expect a 16 minute load. With Norton disabled, it goes from 16 minutes to 12 seconds. 10 F R E E F A L C O N 5 . 0 My Hot-Pit refuelling doesn’t seem to work…! There’s no “option”…! Some 3rd Party Cockpits do NOT include this option with their ‘pits. You’ll need to copy in the ORIGINAL FreeFalcon “menu.dat”. You don’t have it…? Please check in your Docs/EXTRAS folder. We’ve included it there for your convenience. I want to make a Skin for FreeFalcon. Should I use 512 textures or 1024 textures…? See the Skin Textures 512 Vs 1024 Tutorial in the Learning Centre Section of this Companion. What is “Combat Autopilot”, and WHY would one use it…? See the Random Considerations Section of this Companion. Is FreeFalcon the “Hollywood” version of Falcon…? Well – better the “Hollywood” version than the “Bollywood” version, ‘eh…? Better a “movie” than a SLIDE SHOW…! My jet is dropping chaff, but NO FLARES…! Check your EWS Program. Select Default Program “2” or “4”. Should I use “application preference” for my Anti-Aliasing Setting…? No. If you want to use AA, you have to check it 'hard', not application preference. Has the aiming reticle for the rocket been fixed…? No. However we have made a small adjustment which should allow you to be fairly accurate via the use of your FPM as an aiming reference for your rockets. My “Bubble Slider” is missing…! It has been removed. The Bubble has already been optimised. Can I use my Allied Force ‘Pit…? Yes - IF you fly Allied Force. IF you fly FreeFalcon – No; No, you can’t. I can’t get that “3D” look in my 3D Pit. Like in the Videos I see posted…! A Track-IR is required to move around the 3D pit, as seen in many videos. See the Track-IR Section When I change to the 3D ‘Pit, my HUD Symbology / Cues keep going out of “calibration”…! See Qawa’s Note in the Miscellany Section. Should I use Vista or XP...? Windows XP is the recommended OS. Vista has issues, many of which we cannot support. 11 F R E E F A L C O N 5 . 0 12 F R E E F A L C O N 5 . 0 FF FF .. xx tt rr ee mm ee Weather Various Enhancements Carrier Ops Keystrokes Config Editor 13 F R E E F A L C O N 5 .
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