BEDLINGTON TERRIERS: BRED FOR THEIR GAMING PROWESS by JOANN BURTNESS, PAT MILLS, DR. DENNIS CORASH & RICHARD REYNOLDS Bedlington is thought to have one of the longest continuous pedigrees of any breed recognized by the American Ken- nel Club. In 1825, a man named Joseph SHORT HISTORY location underground. To get badger, Ainsley (Aynsley) mated two of his ter- The roots of the Bedlington Terrier fox or other vermin, the dogs would riers and he called the result, Bedling- can be traced to the latter part of the often work as teams, some would go ton Terriers. This was the beginning of 18th century, to a collection of terriers to ground (terra—terrier.) These dogs the name, Bedlington. He is believed that existed near Rothbury Forest in the would need to be able to chase the to have lived in or near the town of county of Northumberland in northern prey into the tunnels and holes. To Bedlington (UK) and named the breed England known as the Rothbury Ter- hunt above ground (pursue and catch after the English Village. The town of rier. This particular strain of Terrier rabbits, etc.) the dog must not be too Bedlington lies about 18 miles from was highly esteemed by the local com- short on leg. His principal vocation Northumberland. One of these pups munity for their excellent qualities, (though sometimes considered poach- was named Piper (or Young Piper) and especially for their gameness. In rural ing) would require a dog small in stat- is said to have started hunting badger England, a good hunting dog could pro- ure with a powerful, punishing jaw, at only eight-months-old. He had a long vide food for the family, rid the fields strong neck and good strong teeth. and notable career; he lived up to his of vermin that competed for the crops The Bedlington Terrier became well- intended purpose and was admired by that the people depended on and pro- known in this location for being a “gen- the neighbors and townspeople. vide animal skins for shelter and cloth- eralist”—able to go to ground and also ing. At that time, and long before, were adept at overcoming prey in the open BEDLINGTON TERRIERS, some very staunch and sporting terriers field or working in teams to chase and THE FIRST PROFESSIONAL in the district. Procuring the best and deliver the sought-after vermin. These BARN HUNTERS? gamest of them, the local people pro- dogs, which were working in and In 1872, Mr. Holland writes in the duced the gaming dogs relied on for around Rothbury became recognized first edition of Dogs, “I have heard the their effort and cooperation to provide and highly prized for their prowess in Makepeace’s, especially Old Nicholas, game for food. This meant survival for the field. At this time, it is believed their were celebrated rat-catchers. (who their proud owners. The outcome of appearance to be rather rough and not lived near Howick and made their liv- these matings in this area is thought always uniform or alike in physical char- ing going from gentlemen’s’ house to to have produced the Dandie Dinmont acteristics, however, what they were another to kill vermin. They always as well as the Bedlington Terrier. The prized for was their ability to work in had first-rate terriers, most of the small early histories of these breeds are close- the field and underground. wiry sort, who were splendid ratters)”. ly intertwined with many of the same The first Bedlington Terrier can be In old England, Bedlington Terriers dogs and people. traced back through pedigrees to Old were employed to clear the mines of During this period in history, dogs Flynt. Old Flynt was born in 1782 (1792 rats. Today’s terrier enthusiasts, take to were bred to perpetuate their hunting by some accounts) and belonged to the streets of urban New York City to qualities: strength, courage, endurance, Mr. Trevelyan, the squire of Netherwit- thin out rat infested populations. The nose, even barking—to identify their ton, a village south of Rothbury. The modern-day Bedlington Terrier is still 2. Sag. Crest. 3. Orbit. Proc. 1. Occ. Tub. 5. Nasal 8. Zyg 9. Atlas 7. Can. 14. Cr. Ilium 11. Lumb. Vert. 13. Sacrum 10. Neur. Sp. Dors. Vert. 17. Dors. Scap. 6. Premol 12. Neur. Spin. Caud. Vert. 4. Malar. Proc. 16. Tub. Isch. 18. Spine Scap. 19. Acromion 38. Ischium 20. Coracoid 39. Grt. Trachanter 21. Hd. Humerus 15. Manabrium 40. Ext. Tub. Fem. 42. Patella 41. Hd. Fibula 43. Int. Tub. Fem. 44. Int. Tub. Tib. 23. Ext. Epicon. Hum. 22. Olecranon 24. Cap. Radius 25. Int. Epicon. Hum. 48. Calcaneum 45. Cr. Tibia 27. Int. Malleolus Rad. 46. Ext. Malleolus 47. Int. Malleolus 34. Tub. Radius 50. Cuboid 49. Ext. Pr. Calc. 52. Nav. or Scaph. 28. 26. Pisiform 28. Scapho-Lunar 51. Tub. Ext. Melat. 54. 3rd Cuneif 53. Tub. Int. Metal. 28. Scapho-Lunar 31. Pyramidal 55. Tub. 3rd Met. 32. Unciform 56. Tub. 4th Met. 29. Trapesium 35. Hd. 4th Metac. 30. Hd. 1st Metac. 36. Artic. Phalang. 37. Sesamoids 37. Sesamoids 33. Hd. 5th Metac. quick to find a rat whether it be in Barn tenacious personality and keen work- Epaxial and hamstring muscles support Hunt or Earth Dog Tests. Little training ing ability make them very fine com- body weight and elevate the body’s cen- is required; hunting is embedded in panion and performance dogs. ter of gravity during the leap suspension their DNA. phase. Abdominal wall muscles bring Illustrations document the gameness THE BEDLINGTON TERRIER the pelvis forward during trunk flex- of the Bedlington Terriers of the 19th EXCELS IN RUNNING ion. The trunk muscles are significantly Century. CH Tyneside was whelped COMPETITION SUCH AS involved in locomotion. This also gives in 1869. She was a very famous bitch AGILITY AND COURSING the Bedlington Terrier excellent jump- in her day, belonging to Mr. T.J. Pick- ABILITY TEST. ing abilities. It is rare for the Bedlington ett. She was entered in Vol. I of Ken- Overground, the Bedlington Terrier Terrier to knock a bar in a jumping event nel Club Studbook as number 3433 kicks it up into high gear. This gait is unless exhausted by the length and pace bred by Sir Thomas de Wheatley. She known as the rotary gallop, also utilized of the run. was by Spoor’s Rock out of Breeder’s by the Greyhound, Whippet, Borzoi Although the rotary gallop serves Nimble. The Kennel Club, founded in and Cheetah. It is the fastest, but also the Bedlington well in short sprints and 1873 featured Tearem and Tyne in the the most fatiguing of all gaits (double jumping, if she cannot transition into very first volume of the Kennel Club suspension gallop; jumping gallop). the more traditional traverse gait for the Studbook. Brother and sister were Suspension periods follow lifting of the weave poles, execution of this obstacle mated, and it is said that William Clark second impacting hind limb and lifting is not efficient. Bedlingtons excel in fairly gloated over their offspring. The of the second impacting forelimb. The the flat-out sprint. Lure Coursing can pedigree of Scamp connects the dogs pattern of the limb impact rotates: right be physically challenging and commit- of today (1935) and the dogs of the hind, left hind, extended suspension, ment to conditioning is necessary. The pre-show past. (1) left fore, right fore and collected suspen- lengthy course is primarily reserved for Edwin Megargee, (1883-1958), a very sion. The Greyhound and Saluki using the young and well-conditioned Bed- prolific dog painter, is probably the this technique can achieve speeds of lington. However, Course Ability Tests most beloved painter of our breed. He 43 mph. Some have been clocked even (CAT) and Fast CAT are rewarding for produced several works of the Bedling- higher. The running speed of a horse is the athletic, well-maintained Bedling- ton Terrier. His art of the breed is well around 25 to 30 mph with the fastest ton Terrier that enjoys showcasing known and deeply respected because horse ever clocked at 43 mph. Flexion their speed. his illustrations are very accurate depic- and extension of the vertebral column tions of the soundness and structure greatly increase the effectiveness of TODAY’S HUNTING AND of the Bedlington Terrier. Known for the stride length, thus compensating VERMIN CONTROL “the Head of a Lamb, and the Heart of a for the shorter limbs thereby, able to In recent years there has been Lion” the Bedlington Terrier is fearless, overcome prey. renewed interest in the United States with intense prey drive, once engaged Trunk flexion (abdominal muscles) in using the Bedlington for the pur- in a hunting expedition. Drive and enables the hind paws to impact far pose originally intended, that being determination is why they excel in test ahead of the spot where the fore paws hunting and vermin control. Although events. As discussed, the Belington Ter- impacted the ground. Trunk extension it is well hidden under the styled and rier is one of the oldest of the terrier during hindlimb propulsion produces a manicured coat, the Bedlington Ter- breeds. Historically bred as a hunting leap that enables the forelimbs to impact rier’s ability to work seems to have sur- dog, this breed’s loyalty, intelligence, far ahead of their static anatomical reach. vived. When hunting rats the dogs seem to choose whether to work close in to the shoulder angle. This is very impor- BEDLINGTONS IN THE bolt rats from their hiding place (push tant for the desired front movement SHOW RING dogs) or stand back, ready to snatch up because a shorter upper arm equals a Dog shows in the United States and the runners (catch dogs).
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