Ll*U Slttîfff, K d ITOU & PeiiUSPiCR. TRUTH IS TAUGHT THROUGH EMHLEMS. 1 1 .5 0 IS ADVAllt* voi, e. TOM’S RIVER,. N. J. JANUARY 30, 1856. NO. 15 MISCELLANY. From tkt Phitydflphi* Mitckanl THE NEim'ATKII. , »SMAPLES AMD ro.H PII." ibis branch of his bwslmve prufoslioaalelv , u l‘H E O C E A N E M B L E M J man icighJ with a* nfugh propriety especl creased so that he found II aettusr) te te,aster » A Family Newipaper, IUROPEAX CORHE 9 VOXUE. J f C B . Thislaa lettere del,verni et Barilotto» la to'iio buiinrM wllhoul a attack of foods is to <i ta a forte wareraem la a mere publie part of la Untied +rery Wvdattsdmy, c h i t i n a ; a l o n g s l o w l y . L on now, 18th Pee. 1865.5 Ibis Butte, on 4th Dee. last, bv Ja.oe» W Wall. B 1 succeed without the aid of a newspaper Well the eliy, «ad employ tome help. AÏ tona g* be Al Toni** River, N. J, Suck I* the answer frequently given 10 lequi- Keq- «n I display« io ndvantare thè amiter.’ • ¿ 5 E dito» Merchant :—Tht (all of Kara ha* read and extensively circulated. Bel'cviag ihia 10 fespectlng ! hr word I y pros »erity o f our powtr of (feserlpllon. The snHjcet, comno-neinc coulu spare Ihe means front tiusiasaa he b-rughi LEWIS SH1JW, Editor dt Publisher. luted A profound sensation : and great censure ba especial!) true of lite class of men whoa, “S di. ‘How «re y. ig V ‘Wtll.I wilh Naples. tona alide« (alo «hai of PomgWie «round and erected a plain comfortable habita. bevtowed on the Western Powers for not for particular brailli our column) tre devote,! •*1 a which was overwheliued with lava sad asili , tbia. and subsequently built a forge bstxipeftt i In ba Ihe gallant Tuik il from «n ernption of Vsnmviol in thè year 79._ Svsaty wooM xutwciibc, we would be la pone). nm f««niliar pbt* nnd an. I, wa» »ingoiar Ihat no dlseovefy of Ibis bofie-l (’•lnriiton do not hei itale to sty that ht t bat we lion ol Ike uaeaus to make extensive and iuipur. iivcretl, i and over again, a'hink. citv, and also Herculaneum, sliou'd hnVe begli tkin ana lienfvoiracfy »» (6« LorH protM fsd (Uè lùu|)«ror Nàpalev n ha ail i ns tier | tint I1DJHOV-ulema. Tu«- ball la slaned, keep il Iflgly and unmeaningly as the salutation« given made till the latter years ol him. in hit (Imnclil sfloin be u nndcritood tolling. T h « " Em a c ta ’’ is offered for suLscrip. to gain this victory In order to enable her with on interna how may they augment their prosper thè i.HeiitfviU, In passing, 'GooJ day—how d,yo do V eentary. Those town« were to be quite easy not to any »tll Jt-nl and has long ' h ! [ i n i oo Ibe following honor lo listen to l.rau of pensee. This however ty flohlisbing in Ihe But without .toping to quarrel with vaitunt I depart of the first eemnry, and their ruins,*» keen regarded by Ms brethren nnd the pelsli* T E H JBSJ il absurd 1 Palmer.ioa’s public career would Dc f t ‘ every merchant consider ho repeal a com ■fc*i we will lupptme that (be answer 1« made, as ia pecially tbelr rescued lurnimre, now colh-clw! lenerally ns « model nmn lee plefy bnfirevs an at once at an rad if b t conswitsd to aa in.eenre panioA o f «11 elassev the newspaper has become 1 year, p»*J i» »'•»«»«. • . II..VJ many ease, it may be , in aU aobemeaa and in the Museum at Naples, atleat the elegastn u>rf„loess. Hia prosperity seems 1« be Mlform I year, Il not paid In aJvinc«, , J.oo puce, and aJlboagh Napoleon talks of peace, Il —how It it tt nccetttry to a railroad car at It truth, and ace if we eannut draw from it tome and luxury of the Inhabitants. Such» people, and permanent. Vet hia is only one gave of Tran'ieal Advertisement» and Job-work n o il ia well known that he was aever more actively a conductor In greater demand it the Hotel thin A* L* paiJ lor when ordered. Advertisements tut. le.su« of practical utilltif 'Getting along aioir. so refined end consequential, would doubtless many to ihove the wisdom of conforming our plan preparing for carry ing on the war. A treaty the bar, anil at every leisure moment is in the 11tried mWe following ly.” Tht. it generally .polren, wheneytr etm- have resented it as an Insult,had they been loll, an I eflvrli te our means however limited or has been signed between the Western Powers bands or Ihe mechanic nod intelligent laborer ~ n A T K S s ~ •atlv utterfi I ia a regi«ted,fault fli.dn g Iona,nnd that any cnsuality, arising (ram a vomlilngof humble. and Sweden, and Jfusirla finds her neutral posts and that no home is consider cumpleteei without 1 4 -» — . - ....... I iq-rare or leu, J ‘seeks, . , $1,03 yet [t contain, an arlnrls.ion for which the indk- Vesuvius or nay oilier eanse, could have cat­ linn more anomalous thin ever. The wsr in It—and then let him mention, if he can, another THE PLAINS' '.Wl I •• 3 mo., . 3.00 vidual yhpnld leei grateful. Il i§ aomething,yea ered with oblivion, at the same time that cnV«-. »«* / n 6 mo.., . a.otl the Spring will undoubtedly be commenced on * end so promeble a meJIota through which- he The Men generally »mtariatntd that the Im­ it is a great thing—it,is decidedly n meriturious loped them in ashes. They might bedestroyvd 1 “ I yr., with paper, 10.00 very extended area. may communicate with that public whole patren mense arid plain« lying between the Mississippi achieverieiit to be petting cl all in Ihia busy indeed, sank by an earthquake, but that they ï ; (Twelre line, make * square.) Russian finances «re il t bad w.y and banks | age he teaks. Let him also call lo lo mind the and (be Rocky Mountains mutt forever remain L crowding, .elSsh world oi liade. Do yuu w y , should be at once fo.gntlon, ns well as nnnihifo. J O II - IV O R are fail,og in all Ihe leading cities ( still the J most tucce«sf,il business men in the post year, unsettled nnd uncultivated on account ol lb» K» render, that you «resetting along slowly t— led,wo,ild as no time have been conJectured to I ri.in iid F t o e y —-I b e h a i Caar will have no difficulty in negoclating for and Iff c ,nnol fail to note that they who have *d •enreity of water and logl, in likely to undergo Then, you hare much to be thankful for. By bo possible by a citizen o f either o f the bend, ï'mnyMcti, lii.l-llcude, aew loans a. ibe inlrlnaic wealth of the country [ vertiied most extensively and constantly ore « change. ficfonil ui«.i are aow exploring Circuii) tt getting along you me.q that you are advancing some cities, Pompeii or Herculaneum. ,Vor do Curl', Chiclet, I.'tbel», is known to loan mongers. The re lie f« Paw- favot-dwith the heat hade, and the griaie«t theae plains or prairies, and from Ilia bale wa in your wordly Interest., that you are increasing I we now exactly eornprettC.id, bow their memory HI ink». Punici t, J i u n d b tU s era are alarmed at the idea ol the Czar raising ! amount of success, .do it certainly there is giea, hear o'* their revfnrchei, the prospect appear* '• kiC , itC., In prosperity gaining riche.: but you say,.lowly, I &c the standard of freedom emancipating every serf | reason why this ihoulil be so. Iu a moment of shoo'd have bren so wholly bio-ted ottl,'that the ,o.', ... , , . I kieculeJ neatly, cheaply, and will) dispatch, Very well, -“alow and Jure” has been Ibe Main , , , , goed that an «Uonoaoee of coal and water can be J in the food tad celling the eppresied NationsIG discovery, when tnndc «Monished even the lor of the wise»! and weallhetl men. leisure some one becomes attracted by a story, a obtained at a small nutJ ol money and Jifor ties to fight under his banner- Alexander is learned. BUNKS, Getting along. Zet the man who feel, that gem of poetry or an editorial, and gltnrcqs over Saeeessfnl experiments have been made iu test. Of ill descriptions, for tale at (hit office. scarcely the man to have Ihe moral courage tc The author is sprightly and graphic in Ms ac­ he I. “Just getting along” look atound him and the sheet to see what else then ia to iatereat in| the practibiliiy of boring artesian wells, and carry «„I tofetrtd'ttehrnt.,-#* th. flVn.i .,f ,Mrti count of the stuctu” « in Pompeii, hi» principal scan closely the condition and circumstance, of and rh*a#kf, it iu nydaT,?^* op y0«r \ivcrtiscaiCQt Lj the result is most satisfactory. In one instance) a measure Would revolutionize all Europe. tueiue, and o, the uteiisrls ul us kitchens, auu POETRY. many wlorn he know.. Mere is Mr. A. and Mr. Just the article he is most ia need ol, and which near the Pecos river, about the thirty second tini«i I There is vary considerable distress in Nag- the sumptuous furniture that once adorned Its W ei B., with others, who had before seemed to him he mivht not otherwise have found lima lo hunt- parallel at a depth of aix hundred end fifty feel ^ From tht Lomin¿fit Journal and and France this winter and the people tnur spacious and showy apartments.
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