THE TIMES ONLY NEWSPAPER WITH COMPLETE SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD NEWS VOLUME SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD, N,j. THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1974 15 CENTS A COPY Will Answer Tavern Liquor License Board Response In School Budget Battle Is Renewed By Scotch The papers go back and forth, and still the battle over the 1974-75 school budget goes on. At present, the Councils of Scotch Plains and Fanwood are due to deliver an answer to the Board of Education re- Plains Town Council sponse, which detailed the Board position regarding the rationale provided for the Council in defense of their $969,000 cut in the de- feated budget. Imposes Conditions That The Councils and the Board of Listening Post Education met before a state tions and clubs last week to ac- Would Limit Loitering, hearing officer last week in Tren- quaint citizens %vlth the impact Time Changed ton, to present their documents. which indecision could have upon Parking Offenses, Vandalism Now, the Councils have had ten the opening of school next year. Listening Post Sessions for days to prepare further mater- Invitations were issued to 70 the Scotch plains Council to meet The Glenview Manor Tavern will continue operations at 2376 ial, and the Board will also community groups to send repre- informally with the public will be North Avenue, Scotch Plains, but in voting renewal of the license, have a final ten days for more sentation to the meeting, which held during July and August at the Scotch Plains Township Council imposed conditions upon owner answers. Then the two parties was held in School One media 8:00 P.M. in the court room of Anthony Francis Trlano. Henceforth, Triano must staff the pro- will await a decision from the center. However, only a total of the new municipal building. The perty outside the establishment with an attendant capable of main- state level. 30 people were in attendance, dates set are Monday, July 8th taining order, both on the p*ounds of the Glenview and in adjacent If state officials should decide which included the teachers who and Monday, July 12th, neighborhood area, Further, Trlano was told to continue his present to cut the budget, will the Board are members of ACE. efforts to create more parking spaces. of Education live with the cut? ACE co-chairmen are John A, The actions were taken at a pub- And will the Councils accept the Feldman, president of Scotch Scotch Plains lic hearing, held on June 25 cut? Neither side has given any Plains-Fanwood Education Asso- following Council receipt of a pe- tion to the Council. Immediately, promises. Each says the decis- ciation, and Carolann Airiemma. Is Reimbursed tition from homeowners in the vi- upon realization of the neighbor- ion will be made once there is Feldman expressed his disap- cinity asking that the license not hood problems, Triano made an opportunity to consider the pointment at the public apathy The U.S. Environmental Pro- be renewed. During the special moves to increase his parking ruling from Trenton, A further apparent from the light turnout tection Agency has reimbursed hearing prescribed by law for lot. Kraus acknowledged that appeal is possible through the at the meeting. Scotch Plains $103,500 to cover such cases, the residents em- Triano had "jumped the gun" courts. The ACE members cited the the federal share of a new sani- phasized that they only want the in his overenthuslasm to cor- Last week, a new group was severity of the situation which tary sewer pumping station at license denied if no steps for rect the situation, since he will formed to attempt to persuade will exist if schools open in Sep- Lamberts Mill Road, it was an- improvement of the neighborhood require site plan review and per- both Councils and Board to ac- tember without a determination nounced by Rep, Matthe%v j, Rin- scene were taken. They would mission of the Board of Adjust- cept whatever decision may be of exactly how much money is aldo (R, - 12th Dist, - N.J.). The be satisfied that renewal be ap- ment for the additional parking, forthcoming. The groupis called available for the school year. pumping ftanion also is designed proved w.th a specific commit- but Kraus pointed to it as an Action Coalition of Educators Citizens in attendance told the to serva Westfield's sewers. ment for changes. Council, in indication of Triano's wiilinpiess (ACE). Large groups of tea- teacher group that they are not voting approval, sought a written to cooperate, chers, some of them now active being made aware of exaetlyhow statement from Trlano of his in - Kraus suggested "No parking" in the ACE organization, visited funds are being spent or why they tent on the two issues, signs during specific hours in the the Council meetings in both are needed. Some also faulted Will Sponsor Philip Smith of 2384 Whlttler neighborhood, but the homeown- communities recently to ques- the Board of Education for fail- Avenue said the homeowners have ers said a parking ban would in- tion Councils on their budget ure to come up with a negotiable Car Wash For compiled a total of 59 indivi- convenience them and their stance. Then ACE sponsored a figure when the councils cut the dual complaints, many of them guests, meeting of community organiza- budget and sought negotiation. Chuck Newman repetitious from one neighbor's Triano is anxious to sell the list to the next, In general. Smith tavern, Kraus noted, and is most The Scotch Plains Lions Club said, they include loitering, van- anxious ro cooperate with muni- Summer Brings Rise will sponsor a car wash for the dalism, parking offenses, speed- cipal officials. benefit of the Chuck Newman Fund ing, drinking on private property, Trlano also spoke. "People over the forthcoming weekend. and excessive noise. Smith said are not aware of all I do to keep Local drivers can take advantage the tavern patrons park on lawns, peace," the tavern owner said, In Abandoned Animals of the opportunity to have their make U-turns into lawns causing "Sometimes I'm a mad dog out Summer's here, and along with the cross-country trips and the cars washed Friday night, June ruts, toss beer cans, fight, etc. there," he explained, detailing monthly rentals at the shore comes the accompanying horror of a 28, all day Saturday, June 29, He cited individual lists sub- his efforts to keep crowds moving great jump in the number of dogs abandoned in Scotch Plains. and all day Sunday, June 30. mitted to Council from 11 dif- and to eliminate groups around It's the worst time of the year for dog warden Frank Terry of Hill's BP station at the corner ferent families, Some claimed the grounds, He has never had Terry Lous Farm, He has "wall-to-wall dogs" for the next six or of Park Avenue and East Second they are awakened frequently ar- the problems until the 18-year eight weeks, ———— , ——— Street, Scotch Plains is the scene. ound closing time, by crowds. old drinking age, and said he has Why more abandoned dogs dur- the moment, he's got a slow- Cars big, cars small .... all Smith said his frontage is com- been in business at the address Ing the summer months? moving, beautiful specimen of an are invited to have a bath In pletely occupied by cars parking for 30 years. "I don't want it, Terry says it's because so many Old English Sheepdog which he behalf of Chuck Newman, Circle for the Glenview, He claimed 1 never did, and I don't know how people fail to accept the respon- feels was abandoned and he hasn't the date on the calendar! some drinking goes on in the to cope," he stated. Nightly, as sibility for finding someone to spotted any ads for it. Recen- parking lot, and asked for the the bar closes, the owner reminds care for a dog or refuse to pay tly, he found a Great Dane in the uniformed guard to insure no- the patrons to be quiet and not kennel costs when they go on vicinity of Sleepy Hollow Inn and allow the animals to breed body is hanging around the rear to annoy neighbors. vacation. All through the year, and was unable to find an owner, in order to provide their child- of the building. Smith also asked "Most are pretty good, but Terry picks up strays frequen- 'if somebody wanted one of these ren with an opportunity to see the for more police surveillance. there are a few bad ones spoil- tly. They're dogs that are skinny, lost dogs, they'd certainly check birth , , , only to turn around Police respond promptly, he said, ing it for the rest,'1 he noted. underfed, and wary. However, to try to find them," the warden and abandon the baby animals. but it would be desirable if pa- The peak hours are"'Friday and during June, July and August, says. She wonders how people can ex- trols could be located at the spot, Saturday nights, but occasionally he's likely to find perhaps 25 By law, Terry must keep the pect children to learn respect Mr, Triano was represented by a weeknight will also be busy, to 30 more dogs - the "good dogs seven days. However, he for the environment, life, and attorney Robert H, Kraus, Kraus Triano said. He closes the bar stuff," as Terry calls them. keeps them for as long as he property when the children find pointed out that the problems at l;30 in order to get crowds They're not mutts, usually, but has room.
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