'POTlE~~W~OF m! mmm a' TEXAS me. Tobln and Gentlemen: I am rubmltting, with ray recommiiatbn for apgroval, the docketa for the f olloub& cmpomnt itzatitutlam of The Univeeity of mxas for yaw considaration at your meet- la Austin on OchMr 29-30, 1954, Main University and M. D, Adereon Hoerpital, for Extramural ~ivisioneU'/ Cancer Rearearch - c ~exa~betern ~olhge/ .? ~thwssternMica1 ~chool' -L, Medical hch/ (P (: Postmuate Scbol of bdic.L#e Dental Branch $ 3 I f'mther mco-nd your approval of tho following itern : - - $58.32 f'rom Central ~dminisfEation - ~nappra~riated&lance. MoEfs memnt ~pgo%~l~~Lochmod ee ~ecor3.aand Information AnaLyst, Office of tb meident at $61W.00 for twlvo rmnthe, effectfvs Otto-r 1, ~954,tht $5,544.00 needed for the priod of appoin-nt to come FroPr ltauaed itll3dB available f2om original budget of the Office of the Chancellor. 2. Appoint Mrs. fIenxietta St Jacobson as Emcutive Asmistant (Office Manager) at $5,484.00 for twelve aonther, amctivs October 1, 1954, the $5,027.00 needed for tbe prid of agpolntmnt to caw from funde avail- able from orbid budget of Office of the Chancellor and/or AvaSlable Fund UnappmprbteU Babe. 3. Tmnmfer Mias Ruth KuykekdaU, Adxsixitstrative Secratary, Office of the Preeidsnt, at $3,528.00 for tmlve mntha, to Central ~~mbistration, effective Octuber 1, 1954, tbe $3,234.00 to corn fmm unuaed fur& in origtnal budget of Oflice of the ChanceUxrr and/or Availa830 PZwd Umg- pmriakd &lance* 4, Trwfiar $4&,l6 fYom positton of Aesistnnt to th ChmueUor to the account for Clerical heistants, Wfhe and Wavelfng Elrpensee, this trmefer effective prior to October 1, 1954. Endomnt,Office 5. ~ppoi11~foll~wingto handle the opcrafzm and mainbaaace of the uwr C- pmpr*ttes in Houeton at the mhry rate Wicekd, ePPective SW-r 1, 1954, their aalariae to be paid From ~ccoutlt .I-. No- T759, Mi.tcbU, Property, and Account No, 7768, ~irsceilPmeousEW~~S; Universlt Dsve mnt Board miliag aecouut in tb. ~rxlntoi $2,165.06 and tbs aad %-&lag MC-t by $767.63, f- to cam from Uaalloca- Balance of canWaf. AdmSaix~batband/or Available FW Unappropria*d We. OW-OFdTATE Z1RIP: I recornmead your approval of trsvcl by Mttlers, Earward La Ftebsr, BIER*Morrison, aM Robert J. Paxton, Geologist8 Ln the DeparWent of University W - GeoLogy, to participate In ths Fif%h Field Conference of the New Mxfccr &ologlcal Society to bb bcld in the Sacramnto-Guedalups Mountain area of lPev Mxico, October 21-24, 1954, expernee to be paid ftom Account No. - Univereity La&, Offhe, hboratory and Travel Exgemen. mRWRlATION- OF FUlW - mICAL 1 mc-nd, with th Con- currtnce of Mr* nwm~c~lla,that the Zolrning Prn* Fwd& unexpenw balance8 at August 31, 1954 be magproprb&b for the 1954-55 IPscal mar; Wical. -Braach Build-8 Account Ro. Medical mchBuilding8 $ 24,04434 RQ~Band myZhgbr H~splbl 1,5rf*83 ~rchite~t~et, mrk hnwm 1,892,43 -it- and Equipment - Joskes of Howton Cabact 22,521,00 Furnltm and Equlpnrtnt - American Hoepita1 Supply Corporation Conhct 4,6&.40 Ziegler Hoepi-, Work Outeib Bopexty Linen, C~ult~ngArch2tect Fee - Mark ls~oarrn 49.00 FWtmM BquSm-.f,a .Joh,>Sealy brnpta m.m8,.-,. ,. .! 832.19 Kitcbn and Fwd Serving Equipment - Joskes of Howton Conkract 57,479.26 khib~t~~FeeB - Cr H. fag* and Sotl 4,612.17 Anmican Hospital Supg2y Corporation I6,64 .38 Amertctm Sterilizer Company 32~90 20 Joskes of 4maton 34,&:54 Xuray Equiprent - Southern X-ray Ew-ring Company 400,oo Houahg and Born Fimmce Agency Project lrrx bl-~3-UU-nt Account 1491758. 34 Consulting Architect Fee - Mrk Lemmon 2,%m55 Coneulting Afchftect Fee - Camron Fair- child 8,T72*77 Gansral Contract - Wxae Gulf Cowtruction comll9Yr;v 362,359163 Pluntbing Contract - A, 5. Warren 39,419m Beating, Ventilat- and Alr CotldLtion3ag Contract - Straus-Frank Company 155,622,lO ElectrPeal Cmtmct - Pan Atmtrican Electric Company 27,450.17 WSE OF PWFUW ~~ 3AUNCE - mDZCAL BRANCB: 1 mconmnd, mtbeE- of Mr. C. a-nberg, camp-r, that the folloulrg f2ee balance be lapsed to Accowt flu. g25 - kdical Branch Buildhger: Accwnt No. 9146 - hborabry and Library Equipmsnt - $1,621.05 CHANGE: Om- W COI;Z;EGE DUPLEX REGAENCEr The fallowing change hiiiin%- mc-paranberg, Comptroller, ln comection with tb contract for tlae dupltx reeiaencs at Wxae Weatern College: Change Order No. 2 - Ponaford Brothers, El Paso - deduct from the total of the contr~ctSb.62 (unueed balance in tla allowance for flnish hardwake), X reco-nd that you rat* and conf'irm thin action and autbriee the Auditor to makt the nppropriab sntriea. COIWRACT: f recmmnd your approval of a contract wUch has bean madthrough the United State@Govemnt Forem Operatiang AdministratSon by The Wniverstty of Texas and the University of ChuSalongkrsm, Bankok, Thailand. !!%is contract, eiEpaed by Acting Chancellor lrogan Wilrroa In behalf of the WniverrSty, Is to exbnd *am Auguet 13, 1954 to June a, lS7, unless p3vioubly terminated under the proviaiom of the cabact, The conbact provides far payment8 by Chulahngkm not to exceed the equivalent of $390,OUO.00 in a11 cumxncies ( of which not more than $230,0~0,00 shaU be U, 8, Dollars); it being underetood that the Punde to be wid by ChubXongkorn for the account of The Unlverelty of Tcxarj are ta be &rived in Sneral from tb foU~vingnourcte in the estimated mtios and amcrunte tndlct~te& 5% up to a maximum of $230,000.00 to be proviaed though the Fore- Operations Adanistration, and 41$ up to a maxW of $l60,000+00 in equivalent local currency by ChuUlongkom, TU UL51ve~~aityof Texas ia to een& varloua of It8 ataff fo cerq out contract praJects 3p the field of engineering, general ecience, md pubUc works, for the pmpose of strengthen- thb =bttibml, m8earch, end axtarion pro&~ameof %& University of ChuUlongkarn. Sincerely yours, THE WLVERSITY OF TEXAS Off ice of the Vice-Presideat Main University Austin October 15, 1954 Dear President Milson: f am submitting herewith a docket for the Main UnioersSty and Extramural Dfviaions for the meeting of the Boar8 in Auetin on Octobr 29-30, 1954* 1953-54 Budget d----Colle c aP Arts and Gcisnccs Geography I. Increase the Pfainbnanca and Equipmsnt account by $81.31 by transfer of that amount Iron the Special Equfpmnt account. werthe free balance in special BquLpment- - in tbe amount of $142,26 to the Mainteance and ~~uipmentaccount. -8nBftr tae mount of $15.21 from the Maintenance and Equipmnt account to the Special Equipmnt account. College of Engineering ~hemlcalxminesr--- - - -in^ mmfe; the rmzoed eahy of Mr. Archle P. Kennedy, Laboratory Ekchhist, in the mount of $620.00 to the Stores Clerks fund, GW~ ses.ion -4j r fiJi .+: 5. Iwreaee the account ag Fellows en& Assiatant~, Intersemeion, by $95.OO from unused fu&. ,. - " fl 3- --"'"* Business Services - , / -,: 6,~raneferm~illlmP. Boyd, Professor at $1,000,00, frm the Second Tern to the Fsrst, and appoint hlm in the SecoM Term on a tuo-*t;hIrda time banter at $666.00, funds .to come from llnuoed funds In the First Term appotntment of Miss Jesemon Dam, resigned. panition to whkh Dr. bee* White was apgo~ntediritbFirst Term in order to have rufffcient Meavailable for hls appointment, 1 -I - f .-~.1?, Coo rative Pro em & Edudatiqtml Administration ,,., t;: ' if&* &r*alariea Account k. 6836 ttbe sum of $500.00 to ~ccoun~; No, 6841, Conferences and consultant^ , Dlvleion of EWzaaion mn&uctf- on Bureau 9. Transfer the a~lp-6~334.00 from Filn Rental account (61~)to the Aaslntants fund (3066) Physical -Pht 10. Transfer the swr of $10,000.00 from Account No. 3166 - Mala-bname Repairs ana Equipmeat to ~ccbuntNo, 3125 - Maintenance Repaws an8 Equip- ment, Texas Petroleum Research Comtttee rTrma%r the unexpendcd balance in the Salaries accomt (5950) after pamnt of all salary obligations of the Univerelty division, to Material, Equlpmnt, Travel, Publications and Wages { h~urly) + Defnm Research Laboratory 12. Accept the resirnation of Mr. Bruce H. &atherage, Reaearch Scientist (~sychology)fV at $457.00 per month, effective at clog@ of bueineas August X>, 1954. Beating md Cooling Research 23. Appoint Mr. $om-t as Director (~acu~ty)(114 time) at $133.33 per month for the period December 1-31, 1953. 1954355 Budget Recapitulation Sheets of Budget 1. On page viii of "pmsheets ' change the total for the College of Engineering to $696,18Q.84. Office of the President -and Vlce-President 2. Appoint Usrs Virginia ~abbas Administrative Assistant at $4,284.00 for twelve months (plus supplement), effective October 1, 1954, funds to come from position of Admintstrative Secretmy from which Miss Anderson resigned, and additioml fufids needed from Main University Unallacated Salaries. Off ice of Government nsored Research 3. Chmye the appointmen%- of Mr. Jens Jacobsen, Assietmt MrectQr, from half-time at- $4,020 for twelve months, to full-time, effective October 1, 1954, at a salary rde of $8,400 for twelve months, plus supplement, additional funds to come from unused salaries in the budget. Office of the Registrar neze-a position of Clerk and a position af Clerk-Typist at a twelve months' sd&ry rate of $2,1& each, effective September 9, 1954, the $2,111.99 needed for this fiscal year Tor each position to come from Unallocated Salaries. These positions will not carry the supplementt:. Student Health Center - Out-Patient Divieion 5. Change the title of Dr. Walter D. Roberts from Physician, Gene- Medicine to Physician (~pecialist)(Internal Medicf~e). 6. Appoint Dr, Jack and Walker RS Physician (~eneral~edlcine) (half - time) , effect ivt er 1, 1954 a& $3,174.00 for twelve ~nonths,plus supplement.
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