■■ r TUESDAY. MARCH 27, lt4S Average Daily Clreolatioi^ The Wmtlicr Manchester Evening Herald •t V. S. Wmlker t w e l v k For IS* M«xth «t M n aiy, 1246 Coetkieed fair thro«gh - Tbmr*- Temple Chapter, No. 33, Order Enaign Frederic N. Fish. V. 9. 9,116 day wanner tonight thM Mat The regular meeting ot Ander­ of the Eastern Star, will seat Its M. S.. after a rest period of two Live Arrival and FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS Member «f Aadit n i^ t; warm agala em son Shea Auxiliary No. 2046, V. F. new officers at a semi-public in­ months following a stay in Ant­ werp, has again been assigned to Bsi— at Omslattoas [About T ohh W. will be held this evening at 8 stallation tomorrow evening at o'clock a t the* Post rooms, Man­ a ship, and will sail soon on his Sex Guaranteed FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW PRIALATORl Maneketter—PA C tty o f Village Charm 8:30 in the main lodge hall of the ‘ sixth wyage. In convoy duty. En­ ICKS chester Green.'The names of Mrs. Masonic Temple. Mrs. Mildred Our new aanitary proceaa fives you a delWoua, erla|L ^WUMwn 3obi\Mn. 8oK 2c,aon ot Sophie Anderson and Mrs. Sadie sign Fish, who Is the son of Mrs. You can’t get a better PRICE THREE Harrison wUl be Installed as wor­ golden brown food — Seals tai the flavorl Come in and (CkuwUM A«VcrHMMt M Eag* !• ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28,1945*' (RT6RTEEN PAGES) , and Mrs. B. H. Johnson w Noren were inadvertently omitted Florence E. Fish of 23 Edgerton •deal in plump, fine strain VOL. Lxnr., NO. iso thy‘matron, succeeding Mrs. Eve­ street Is a chief radio operator try them I FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED ; iji>dall atreet, has spent n 48- from the committee who worked lyn Turklngton. A social Urae chicks for laying and ir furlough at hla home and has on the annual banquet Saturday with the Maritime Service. He TO TAKE HOME. CALL 3803. with refreshments will follow, marketing as poultry. ■ned to a naval hospital in night. received his training at the Radio w Tork. He served overseas with Mrs. Alice Hitt and her com­ Resident School on Gallup s Is­ mittee In charge. The chapter Sex determined to fill White House Heavy Guns Cross Rhine I was bi the Normandy invasion. land, Boston. COMMUNITY RESTAURANT iM . rrwHrlck O. Spain is will hold a brief bu.siness meeting your order. House Approves Four Armies Surge spending a 16-day furlough with in the small lo<lge hall preceding 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER ' A combined meeting of tbe local Dr. Howard Boyd will respend his wife, the former Miss Sylvia the Installation. y exchange and Ki\vgnis to emergency call.s tomorrow Supports Bill will be held tonight at the Hagedorn, and his mother. Mrs. afternoon. Place Your Order for Chicks Now! *u A when Lieut Comdr. John Frances Spain of Edward street. F.l-c. George Johnson, son of kinine. USNR, recently, returned Pvt. Spain Is training at the Ra­ Mrs. Hannah Johnson of 50 Clin­ Labor Relations On Manpower jta W months with the Marinm dar School, Boca Raton, Florida. ton street, is spending a furlough Through Wide Gaps; . the South Pacific will be the with his family after 11 months' uest speaker. Dinner will be The Mothers' Circle of the Im­ service in the Pacific area. He has DON WILLIS Plan Your Lawn Fertilizer Needs Now! We Letter from Roosevelt Tred at 6:30. seen plenty of action since leaving Roller Skating Measure Today maculate Conception will meet to­ morrow evening with Mrs. R. A. town, having taken part in a num­ GARAGE have Lime, Bone Meal, Sheep Manure, Agrico, Reported to Urge Hagedorn, of 110 Glenwood street. ber of invasions. Complete Aato Service WEDNSSDAT Passage of Measure Gemuenden Reache< t r u s s f i t t i n g 18 Main St. Tel. 8085 Viguro aud Luxure. Pending in Senate. Pfc. Ward Krause, clarinetist W -l * Packers Get AKBON Oradaxted Experta with the Army ground force band. Compromise After , n • Abdocninal Supports, Elas- Camp Swift, Texas, is spending a and Friday Nights Washington, March 2S— fJPi —• Berlin Radio Repoi m STUFFED TOYS Unanimous Approyal H ig h er £*riC€ Hoalery, and all types 10-day furlough with his wife and Til# White Houae was reported to­ Third Arqiy> Ai ■ppOauees. Pilvat* family at 87 Walnut street. In Velour and l.«ither Sought; Gives Collcc-i . Four Red Armies Washable. day to have thrown its power be­ Five Mthes Northi A REMINDER! tive Bargaining in In-' rrO tfi H OtelS hind the manpower bill pending in Qoinn’s Pharm«cy Arthur Dtur Store* 84.1 Main St. Tel. 8806 .When You Need More Larsen’s Feed Service the Senate. O f Getnuenden; Sf Sports Center tra - State Industry. Senator Thomaa (D-Utah), Form Big Pincers manager o f the bill on th* fioor, I enth Reaches Rh 34 DEPOT SQUARE t e l e p h o n e 5406 Wells Street Not Diverting Supplies Plowing INSURANCE State Capitol, Hartford, received a letter froon President Main to Form Sul and Fire - Theft • Automobile March 28.—</P)— The House O f Meat When Res­ Roosevelt which was reported to urge passage of the measure. German^. Repttrt Rus­ I Front on Rolling Coi or Furniture adopted today and sent to the taurants Able to Get Thomas only confirmed receipt Flying Forts Harrowing Oil Burners Senate a state labor relations pf the communication. He waa ex sians Roll Up to Saba try of Inner Germanj f u n e r a l b o m b ' Nicef Juicy Steaks. pbeted to read it to the Senate and CALL bill, a long-sought goal of or­ 'River; New Grossing 2.8 Main Street Latest Equipment. ganized labor. Many speakers later In day. ^ Pound Berlin Paris, March 28.- Washington, March 28—uei—If Threat « f Fin* er Jail Of the Oder Forced. Pbone 5289 Furnaces ALEXANDER had asked that the measure Th* bill, which carries a threat The German high cor No Job Too Large you can get a nice, Juicy steak in said today that Third A Few Still Available. be approved unanimously, but of^ n * or Jail for workers and em- Agaiii Today or Too Small. JARVIS there was a Scattering of a restaurant, and we’re not say­ ployera alike to disregard Job Bulletin! tanks had crashed into RACKLIFFE o i l CO. 26 ALEXANOEB STREET “No’’ vote*. ing you can. It’s not.becaua* meat directives, Juat barely aqueeied London, March 28.— (/P)—- muenden and the Berlin through the House. 1W. Hartford 7-SIDl Wrrkdaya and Snndaira dtv«* Bargaining PrlvUegr* packers are discriminating against A German military apokea- Hannover Also Target said the armor had pier a s h e s and RUBBISH PHONE 6501 .Th* compromlae meaaure, reault The 167-to-160 margin by which 898 Maple Ave— a — Hartford Office 4112 Realdtnca WT8 retailers and .diverting their sup­ it cleared the House yesterday waa man indicated today that five miles farther to REMOVED of week* of conference* among plies to hotels and restaurants. Of Attack; Reich Capi­ Republican and Democratic lead­ a tip-off to the opposition which Russian forces driving up the noftheast towards Graefe2 At least that Is the contention was developing, particularly er* and organized labor’* repr*- of Price Administrator Chested Danube va]ley as part of a I tal to Be Evacuated o f dorf, 213 miles southwest :; t e l e p h o n e 8962 aentaUv**, gives coUective bar­ among lawmakers with large Berlin. The enemy aaS« g u t t e r s Bowles as set out In a letter to huge pincera movement on All Unneeded Persons. gaining prlvllegea to employes In Senator Bridges (R., N. H.). organized labor groups In their came while four of General f OATELLO A B. SCHULZ and Condoctora Need Repairing e a One old shoe- - constituencies. ^ Czechoslovakia and Vienna LOST. intra-atate Industry aimilar to The question whether hotels and Heavy guns on their mobil* carriagea roll across a pontoon bower's Armies were surg •r Replacing On Tour Home? Tires Should Be Recapped Now! tho** enjoyed by worker* In Inter- restaurants are being favored over A compromise between the bridge over the Rhine river in the Third Army’s drive toward Frank­ had croksed the Raba river London, March 28—(e)—A fieet through wide breakthroughs Houae work-or-Jsl! bill and the disintegrating German lines. CALL NORMAN BENT* ■tat* commerce under the NLRB. retailers arose when a New Hamp­ furt. Byron H. Rollins, Aaaociated Press photographer with the in Hungary, last water bar­ of approximately 950 Flying Fort- We Have Plenty of Good Grade A Truck Rubber Several aenators. among them shire storekeeper wrote to Bridges milder, largely voluntary meaaure wxrtlms-still picture pool, made this photo. (AP wlrephoto via Sig­ a l io b o o t e a n 692 East Center Street which passed the Senate, the con­ rier to Austria. The spokes­ reases, with 350 Mustang fighters The yirst Army reached tnauwe Aa 0 ——_AMee)___ At the Present Time Vincent P. Kieman (D) Senate complaining that auch diacrimina' nal Corps radio.) Gleasen area, 225 miles from Telephone 8966 tion hat arisen aa a reault of OPA ference bill provides for a selec­ man said fighting had broken In escort, attacked Berlin and DMgMw •< a Brnmatb Boa chairman o f the Labor committee, tive labor freeze at the discretion capital.
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