NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Promoting human rights by protecting those who defend them www.lrwc.org – [email protected] – Tel: +1 604 738 0338 – Fax: +1 604 736 1175 3220 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. CANADA V6K 2V5 To the honorable Kepada Yang Mulia CHIEF OF SOUTH JAKARTA DISTRICT COURT KETUA PENGADILAN NEGERI JAKARTA SELATAN Attn: Justice Martin Ponto Bidara U.P. HAKIM MARTIN PONTO BIDARA South Jakarta District Court Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan Jalan Ampera Raya No. 133, Pasar Minggu Jalan Ampera Raya No. 133, Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan 12550 Jakarta Selatan 12550 JAKARTA SPECIAL CAPITAL REGION DAERAH KHUSUS IBUKOTA JAKARTA INDONESIA INDONESIA Amsterdam, 28 January 2018 Amsterdam, 28 Januari 2018 Subject: Support Letter in Ongoing Pre-trial RE: Surat Dukungan terhadap Perkara Lawsuit (No. 04/Pid.Prap/2018/PN.JKT.SEL) Praperadilan (No. 04/Pid.Prap/2018/PN.JKT.SEL) Your Excellency, Dengan hormat, Lawyers for Lawyers (“L4L”) is an independent and Lawyers for Lawyers (“L4L”) adalah yayasan non-political Dutch foundation that seeks to Belanda independen dan non-politik yang promote the proper functioning of the rule of law bekerja untuk mempromosikan fungsi negara by pursuing freedom and independence of the legal hukum yang baik dengan berusaha mencapai profession. Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada is a profesi hukum yang bebas dan mandiri. Lawyers’ committee of lawyers and others promoting Rights Watch Canada adalah komite pengacara international human rights through advocacy, legal dan profesi lainnya yang mempromosikan hak research and education. asasi manusia internasional melalui advokasi, penelitian hukum dan edukasi. Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Lawyers for Lawyers dan Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada write to express their concern about the Canada menulis surat ini untuk menyatakan termination of investigation of the maltreatement keprihatinannya tentang penghentian penyidikan of Mr. Alldo Fellix Januardy (Pretrial Case Number atas pengeroyokan Alldo Fellix Januardy (Perkara 04/Pid.Prap/2018/PN.JKT.SEL). Alldo Fellix Praperadilan Nomor Januardy is an independent public interest lawyer 04/Pid.Prap/2018/PN.JKT.SEL). Alldo Fellix at the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) in Jakarta. LBH Januardy adalah seorang pengacara publik di provides legal aid to the poor and marginalized Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) di Jakarta. LBH people in Indonesia, including people in slum areas memberikan bantuan hokum kepada orang- in Jakarta who face forced eviction by the orang yang miskin dan marginal di Indonesia, government. termasuk orang-orang di kawasan kumuh di Jakarta yang menghadapi penggusuran paksa dari pemerintah. Alldo Fellix Januardy was maltreated by members Alldo Fellix Januardy dianiaya oleh anggota of the Civil Service Police Unit during a forced Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja saat sedang terjadi eviction in Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta on 12 penggusuran paksa di Bukit Duri, Tebet, Jakarta January 2016, following his effort to negotiate a Selatan pada tanggal 12 Januari 2016, setelah suspension of the plan to forcefully evict his clients. mencoba menegosiasikan penundaan atas The Administrative District Court was still to issue rencana penggusuran paksa para kliennya. 1 NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Promoting human rights by protecting those who defend them www.lrwc.org – [email protected] – Tel: +1 604 738 0338 – Fax: +1 604 736 1175 3220 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. CANADA V6K 2V5 a ruling on the legality of the eviction. Furthermore, Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara waktu itu belum the people of Bukit Duri were still awaiting the mengeluarkan putusan terkait keabsahan outcome of an audience with the Municipal Council. penggusuran tersebut. Kemudian, masyarakat Alldo Fellix Januardy requested the members of the Bukit Duri juga masih menunggu hasil dari Civil Service Police Unit and the Sub-District Head pertemuan mereka dengan Pemerintah Kota. of Tebet to await the outcome of the legal process Alldo Fellix Januardy meminta anggota Satuan before taking any actions. Instead of accepting this Polisi Pamong Praja dan Camat Tebet untuk legitimate request, members of the Civil Service menunggu hasil proses hukum sebelum Police Unit and the Sub-District Head of Tebet mengambil tindakan. Bukannya menerima attacked Alldo Fellix Januardy, resulting in wounds permintaan yang sah ini, para anggota Satuan on his eyebrow and chin, and damage to his goods. Polisi Pamong Praja dan Camat Tebet menyerang Alldo Fellix January, menyebabkan luka pada alis dan dagunya, serta kerusakan pada barang- barangnya. Shortly after his maltreatment, Alldo Fellix Segera setelah penganiayaannya, Alldo Fellix Januardy filed a police report against the Januardy menyampaikan laporan polisi terhadap perpetrators at the South Jakarta Police Office. para pelaku di Kantor Polisi Jakarta Selatan. However, the South Jakarta Police Office recently Tetapi, Kantor Polisi Jakarta Selatan baru-baru decided to terminate the police investigation after ini telah memutuskan untuk menghentikan 1.5 years, even though it was reported that there penyidikan polisi setelah 1.5 tahun, meskipun is compelling evidence of the maltreatment. telah dilaporkan bahwa terdapat bukti-bukti According to our information, among others, yang meyakinkan atas penganiayaan tersebut. witnesses were present during the maltreatment, Berdasarkan informasi kami, antara lain, saksi- of which photos were published by the mainstream saksi hadir pada saat penganiayaan, dimana media. foto-foto disebarkan oleh media masa. Lawyers play a fundamental role in defending Para pengacara menjalankan peran fundamental human rights by providing independent legal dalam membela hak asasi manusia dengan services. It is of vital importance that all cases of memberikan jasa hukum independen. Adalah violence against them are condemned, investigated sangat penting bahwa semua kasus-kasus and that those responsible are held accountable. kekerasan terhadap mereka ditolak, disidik dan Failing to do so has a chilling effect on society as semua yang bertanggungjawab atas hal tersebut lawyers are unable to properly defend their clients, diadili. Kegagalan untuk melakukannya and may become reluctant to take on sensitive mengakibatkan masyarakat ragu-ragu human rights cases. menggunakan haknya karena para pengacara tidak dapat membela kliennya dengan benar, dan mungkin menjadi ragu untuk mengambil kasus hak asasi manusia yang sensitif. Both national laws and international standards Baik hukum nasional dan standar internasional require the Indonesian government and its mewajibkan pemerintah Indonesia dan representatives to protect lawyers in the execution perwakilannya untuk melindungi para pengacara of their profession. In his capacity of lawyer, Alldo dalam melaksanakan profesinya. Dalam Fellix Januardy is protected by the Indonesian Law kapasitasnya sebagai pengacara, Alldo Fellix on Lawyers (Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun Januardy dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang 2 NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Promoting human rights by protecting those who defend them www.lrwc.org – [email protected] – Tel: +1 604 738 0338 – Fax: +1 604 736 1175 3220 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. CANADA V6K 2V5 2003) and the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Advokat Nomor 18 Tahun 2003 dan Prinsip Dasar Lawyers.1 Peran Pengacara di Perserikatan Bangsa- Bangsa.1 In particular, Article 15 of Indonesian Law No. 18 / Secara khusus, Pasal 15 Undang-undang No. 18 2003 establishes that a lawyer shall be free to tahun 2003 tentang Advokat (“UU Advokat”) perform his professional task of defending a case menyatakan bahwa advokat bebas dalam that has become his responsibility while respecting menjalankan tugas profesinya untuk membela the professional ethics code and prevailing laws perkara yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya and regulations. Furthermore. 18(2) of Indonesian dengan tetap berpegang pada kode etik profesi Law No. 18 / 2003 establishes that a lawyer shall dan peraturan perundang-undangan. Lebih dari not be identified with his client when defending his itu, Pasal 18(2) Undang-undang No. 18 tahun client by authorised parties and/or the public. 2003 tentang Advokat juga menyatakan bahwa Advokat tidak dapat diidentikkan dengan Kliennya dalam membela perkara Klien oleh pihak yang berwenang dan/atau masyarakat. Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention Kami ingin menarik perhatian anda terhadap to the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, Prinsip Dasar, khususnya Prinsip 16, 17 dan 23, more in particular Principles 16, 17 and 23, which yang berbunyi: read: 16. Governments shall ensure that lawyers (a) are 16. Pemerintah harus menjamin bahwa able to perform all of their professional functions pengacara (a) dapat menjalankan fungsi without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or profesinya tanpa intimidasi, halangan, ancaman improper interference (…)( b ) are able to travel atau intervensi yang tidak wajar (...) dan (b) and to consult with their clients freely both within dapat bepergian dan melakukan konsultasi their own country and abroad; dengan kliennya secara bebas didalam negeri mereka sendiri maupun di luar negeri. 17. Where the security of lawyers is threatened as 17. Dimana kemanan pengacara terancam a result of discharging their functions, they shall be sebagai akibat menjalankan fungsinya, mereka adequately safeguarded by the authorities. harus dilindungi
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