,. PROCEEDINGS OJ'THE GRAND LODGE OF KENTUCKY, AT A GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION .; ~ .. > • J " ~'~ ,J: IN THE ! II',.~ tv .,• ...:, ':i.:: ":" ~.~ !Ii " .' ;'. CITY OF, LEXINGTON, CO;)IMENCING AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH, IS31 • ... FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. A. G. HODGES & cO ....••. PRINTERS. 1851. 94 keeping. Thank God, these ages are long past. Religious freedom is extending over the world, and in its wake civil liberty. Science and Christianity, which at one time were supposed to be enemies, RETURNS now go hand in hand in the great )york of progression and restoration. Man's efforts are becoming gigantic in e\'~ry department, compared with what they used to be. Not only as in Eden do ,the beasts of the FRO~1 earth bow submissive to his will, but steam and lightning arc his ser­ vants-do his bidding-and carry his messages with the rapidity of thought. Even old mother earth, so 10llg cursed, under new and improved systems of Agriculture, is sending forth fruits and fiowe~s SUBORDINATE LODGES. where used to be thistles and thorns. Mountains are scaled-cut down. or cut through-if they stand in the way of man's progress. The ends of the world' are brought together, and the nations of the 'earth have social intercourse in Glass Palaces. Education is no lon­ ,gel' locked up. to be used only by the favored few who hold the gold­ en'key, but is becoming as free as God's !'.ir. Christianity. and with it civilization, liberty, and improYement, am extellding oyer the LEXINGTON LODGE, No.1. world, and will continue to extend, on and on, until mankind shall be STATED MEETINGS, SATURD,\Y SUCCEEDING THE SECOND MONDAY L'i EACH free,. happy, and good-until the earth is restored, and (in t.he elo­ ., MONTH • quent words of Bascom,) "Eden be revived on every barren heath." OFFICERS. P. S. RUTER, M. JOHN G. YELLMAN, S. W• •TOHN LEWIS,J. W. BENJ. C. KEISER, SEC. JOHN McCRACKEN, Til.. AUGUSTUS HALL, S. D. HERBERT }fcCONATHY, J. D. THOMAS BRADLEY, S. & T. PAST MASTERS-Daniel Bradford, Elihu Hogan, P. S. Ruter. Derrick Warner, Gideon SIII'yock. John Lewis, Thomas Bra<1l"y, Richnrd Smith. John G. Yel!01nn, Atlgll$tllS Hall, Herbert MeConathy, John McCracken, Frederick Meyers, W. S, Chipley, ltlASTER MASONS-Salem Downing, ThomM H. Irwin, Wm. If. Ferguson. IN ITJ ATED-I. HIRAM LODGE, No.4. ST.<\'TED MEETINGS, SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS IN EACH MONTH. Of'FICER8. JOHN A. 'MONROE, :If. JAMES RUPE, S. W. L. A. SPANGENBERO, J. W . •TOHN W. PRUETT, SEC. HENRY WINGATE, Tn. JNO. WHI1'EHEAD, S.D. W. B. HOLEMAN. J. D. OB'AS. N. JOaNSTON, S. 4. T. 06 97 PAST 1.1ASTEItS-Henry Winga:e.E. H. 'Paylor, Wnrham P. Loomis, Philip ABRAMS LODGE, No. B. Swigert, John S. nobson, AHl<:rt G. Hodges, Wm. II. Watson, John W. Finnell, STATED MEETINGS, SECOND AND FOURTH THURSDAYS IN EACH MONTH. John W. Pruett, Wm. D. HolcOlnn. OFFICERS. MAS1'ER MASONS-E. S. Coleman, George W. Gwin, Daniel Epperson, JAMES C. ROBINSON,M. Thol\lIl~ S. Page, J oltn Hart, Var,I"uHln Collin", Johll Mc.tJr~w, S. F. J. Trabue, R. C. MATTHEWS,S. W. W. T. Hem<lon, R. C. Wililcrslllith, Thomas ll. Page, William W. JOB"''', A. W. A. C. HARIG, J. W. Valandillgham, H. Rodman, Hellry Baier, M. D. Ramsey, ThulIIM J. Todd. JAMES McBURNIE, B£o. FELLOW CRAFTS-H.!' TOlld, John C. Herlldon, Tholllas H. Taylor, O. O· M. V. WATTS, Tit. Cates, William H. Kendall. J. M. SMITH, S. D. ENTERED APPRENTICES-James D. Brown, E. H. Nook. J. J. HIRSCHBULL, J. D. DEAD-F. H. J\'Iu/fctt., M. M., November 22d, Itl50. F. B. Boyce, M. M., on A. D. EHRICH. T. th", - day of --, 1!:!50. PAST MASTERS-Rev. G. Gates,James McCrum, J. C. Davis, Wiijiam Gra· SUSPENDED-So Twitchell, M. ::IL, D"ccmhN 10,1850, [UI' nOll·payment of ham, James MoBumic, James C. Robinson, Thomas R. Parrent, J. C. Howard, dues. A. P. Cox, M.M., D"ccUluer 10, Hl50, for sume. Jillnes W. 'Graham, John Hickman, A. D. Erich. INITIATlONS-2. MASTER MASONS-Richard Spicknall, J. B. Lancaster, John Bimm, T. H. Glenn, George Va~aro, John Bull, William Minor, William Manderbaugh, Geo. Winders, John Trainer, John Worne, Rev. William C. Brooks, J. E, Roberts, Benjamin Flood, A. G. Watts, Alexander Hughes, M. Howard, C. H. Knapp, SOLOMONS LODGE, No.5. Joseph C011).b8, C. C. Collier, Philip Long, James O. Spalding, Wm. K. Thomas, STATED MEETINGS, ON THE SECOND MOl:'DAY iN EACH MONTH. Wm. C. Kidd, George L. Barthel, A. B. Williams, George Meadows, A. Dinkel. , OFFICERS. spiel, W. L. Weller, J. S, Barker, R. McKinney, M. Cotter, C. D, Blackford, Jobn J. M. BULLOCK, M. Sigler, J. F. Birsclle, H. Jones, J. Sachs, E. Fuller, 0, L. Leonard, J. M. Kanky. WM. D. BOWLA.ND, S. W. FELLOW CRAFTS-F. P. Deatherage, David Nevin,J. Johnston, N. E, Jen. WM. B. MAGRUDER, J. W. ness, T. B. Satterwhite, Murray Phillips. ENTERED APPRENTICEs-Martin Holmes, W. Root, J. L. Stratton, nEO. T. MOORE, SEC. G. A. •J OHN D. SMITH, Tu. John Wright, William Burton. Charles Hewitt, Wm. R. Gray, Matthew Leach • ROBERT S. MAGRUDER, S. D. REINST A TED-Thos. J . Welby, M. M., 'September 26,1850, RICHARD M. DORSEY, J. D. INITIATIONS-12. GEO. BOYD &: GEO. W. McCAMPBELL, S. SAMUEL MYERS, T. PAST :MASTERS-J. M. Bullock, W. D. Bowlalld, Fl. H. Crapstcr, Henry JERUSALEM LODGE, No. D. H. Hanoock, W. F. Hill, Jos. W. Graham, Geo. W. Johnston, J. H. Magruder, STATED MEETINGS, FOURTH MONDAY IN EACH MONTH. R. S. Magruder, G. W. Ramsey, TOUl. Todd, John Churchill. OFFICERS• .' MASTElt MASONS-E. N. Woolfolk, H. Burnett, P. Griffin, M. Aebison, S. Rev. JAMES J. FERREE, M. L.O'Nt:i1. 1. S. Todd, H. A. Williams, G. K. Wells, J. T. Norwood, E. B. PHILIP B. MATTHEWS, S. W. SainE>, A. F. Scarce. W. H. CrnpRtcr, W. F. Gaille~, Ju". TllriJitt, S. H. Myl~s. JOHN P. WILSON, J. W. Jacob Me£calf,', F.l. Allen, J. N. ShHrrnrd, S. Hag:tn. A. Burks, W. P. Smith, HENRY LYNE, SEC. R. W. L. Allen. J. H. :Murphy, O. Finl~y, \VOl. Flood. R. R. Russeli', C. D. Bon­ PHILIP D. MATTHEWS, Tn. ney. Perry Nolin, J. H. l\1asonhimcr, Henry Harris, John White, and Ro'·. WILLIAM SOAPER, S. D. F. S. L. Laird. Rev. J. W. CASEY, J. D. FEELOW CRAFT-Rich::u"] Radford. GEORGE W. JOHNSON, S. & T. ENTERED APPRENTICES-Wm. W. Parker, and Wm. }Ialhcwl!. PAST MASTERS-Rev. James J. Ferree, William Soaper, William H. Cun. INITIATIONS-li. ningham, John P. Wilson. MASTER MASONS-Chesley M. Yeargin, Frederick Marks, Samson Bis­ singer, Solomon S. Sizemore. FELLOW CRAFTS-William P. Smith. ENTERED APPRENTICES-FreJeriek A. Jones, Joseph A. Phelps. DEAD-Frederick A. Jones, May,lB50. SUSPENDED-William L. Grant, for non-payment of diles, INITIATED-I. 13 98 99 MOUNT VERNON LODGE, No. 14. PAST MASTERS-J. B. Harned, Geo. W. Williams, A. B. Eades, Wm. M. O. STATED MEETINGS, THIRD MONDAY IN EACH ¥ONTH. Smith, J. C. Ho\vard,J. C. Leeds, Wm. Ford, Jr., J. W. Williams. OFFICERS. MASTER MASONS-John McCarney, V. G. Wheat, L. C. .Hughes, W. O. JAB. H. DAYIESS, M. Hughart, W. W. Fothergill, W. E. Simms, Rev. G. G. Coss, W. B. Victor, B. E. JACOB AMMEN, S. W. Yarnon, Alexander Harrover, Thomas Sadler, J. M. Allen. ELIJAH C. RANKINS, J. W. FELLOW CRAFT-William F. Proctor. H. M. RUCKER, SEC. REINSTATED-George Kern, F. C., February 8th, 1851. J. F. BEATTY, Til.. EXPELLED-Edward Forbes and Willis Wills, June 14th, for gross nn· JNO. P. CULLIN, S. D. mnsonic conduct. Forbes, a man about 5 feet 9 inches in height; dark bair; JAS. M. RANKIN, J. D. abont 27 years of age; a carpenter. Wills about 40 years of age; about 5 feet 9 SAMUEL GOD:P!y, S. & T. inches high; heavy made; dark hair; no trade. PAST MASTERS--.Tallles H. Daviess, Stephen F. Gano, John P. Cullin. Da· INITIATION8-S. vid O. Newbold, W. C. Webb, Thomas C. Gibney, H.ltL Rucker, James ,) Barkley. MASTER MASONS-W. G. Kennedy, R. Y. Soward. }I. T. Y. Bradford. Webb Ross, Timothy Hughes, H. Labold, Chas. Eckels. Rev. Evan Stevenson,' RUSSELLVILLE LODGE, No. 17. Rev. R. H. Forrister, R. P. Snell, Sam. Hastings, Robert Thompson, Thomas 1. BU1:lls, John R. Hall, Jolm T. Daviess, R. W. Keene, H. R. French, J. R. Ste· STATED MEETINGS,. ON THE FOURTH MONDAY IN EACH MONTH. vens, James Griffith, Wm. Kinnamon, Alex. Sehue. Henry Willis:Boswell H. OFFICERS. Greene, Milford Truitt, Alex. Thomns, Ad. S. Whitford, James E. Emison, HENRY S. CASSEDY, M. Buford Hall, Thos. S. Barkley, Sam. Y. Keene, Jno. L. Branhnm, Jas. Stone, THOS. A. FRAZIER, S. W. Ed. F. Cantrill, Rev. B. W. Rhoton, John T. MefforJ. SPOOTWOOD H. MOSELY, J. W. FELLOW CRAFT-Samuel Emison. "'.1 THOS. J. JEFFERIES, SEO. EW'TERED APPRENTICES-William Hastings, Jacob B. Kirby, John G. , HUGH BARCLAY, Ta. " Evans. WM. OWENS, Jr" S. D. DEAD-Ben. F. Emison, M. M., Oil the 22d day of September,1850. JOSEPH GRAY, J. D. REINSTATED-8. Thompson Finley, M. M.• on the 16th day of June, 1851. THOS. J. THOMPSON, S. o.T. SUSPENDED-Wm. McKenny, M. M., on the 27th day of December, 1850, PAST MASTERS...:..Henry S. Cassedy, WIll. M. F. Caldwell. for three months, for appearing ill open Lodge intoxicated .. MASTER MASONS-Rev. Thos. G. Gooch, Rev. Wm. Randolph, Rev. Wm· EXPELLED-David R.
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