June 2014 Sunday 8th June THE DAY OF PENTECOST (Whit Sunday) Sunday 15th June TRINITY SUNDAY Cantoris 2 Decani 2 8 am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer 8 am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer 10.15 am Mattins sung by the Vicars Choral Responses Leighton Jones 10.15 am Mattins Responses Byrd Canticles Te Deum in A flat Harris; Jubilate (Tone V) Philip Moore Tollam quippe nos plainsong Canticles Te Deum in G Vaughan Williams; Jubilate Dearnley Venite Macfarren Preacher The Dean Psalm 87 Preacher The Reverend Canon Mark Oakley, Chancellor, Canon in Residence Psalm 86.1-13 Voluntary Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux de Grigny Hymns 140, 367 (ii) Voluntary Allegro from Trio Sonata No 1 in E flat (BWV 525) J. S. Bach Hymns 146, 151 (238) 11.30 am Sung Eucharist sung by the Vicars Choral 11.30 am Sung Eucharist Setting Mass for four voices Byrd Setting Messe Cum jubilo Duruflé Anthem Honor virtus et potestas Tallis Hymns 148 (omit vv 2, 3, 5), 145, 295, 351 Anthem Factus est repente Byrd Hymns 137, 138, SP 267, 485 Preacher The Reverend Nigel Dawkins, Minor Canon and Sacrist Preacher The Reverend Canon Mark Oakley, Chancellor, Canon in Residence Voluntary Fugue in E flat (BWV 552ii) J. S. Bach Voluntary Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott Tunder 3.15 pm Evensong 3.15 pm Evensong attended by the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund and the Polish Air Forces Association Canticles Stanford in G Responses Byrd sung by the St Paul’s Cathedral Consort Anthem I saw the Lord Stainer Psalm 93 Canticles Stanford in A Responses Rose Preacher The Reverend Prebendary Douglas Dettmer, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral Hymns 343, 278, SP 280 Anthem Come Holy Ghost Harvey Psalm 67 and Rector, Brampford Speke (St Peter), Thorverton Preacher The Reverend Nigel Dawkins, Minor Canon and Sacrist Hymns 358 (ii), 431, 420 Voluntary Le Saint Esprit from Trois méditations sur la Sainte Trinité Langlais Voluntary Tanz-Toccata Heiller 4.45 pm Organ Recital Svyati Duo (London) Rebecca Hewes cello and Julian Collings organ 4.45 pm Organ Recital Richard Moore (St Paul’s Cathedral) 6 pm Eucharist 6 pm Eucharist Monday 16th June Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 1253 Monday 9th June Columba, Abbot of Iona, Missionary, 597 Joseph Butler, Bishop of Durham, Philosopher, 1752 Ephrem of Syria, Deacon, Hymn Writer, Teacher of the Faith, 373 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalms 114, 115 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalms 99, 100, 101 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 5 pm Evensong sung by the Byron Consort 5 pm Evensong sung by the Choir of St Mary’s, Wimbledon Canticles Short Service Gibbons Responses Smith Anthem Cherubic Hymn Pavel Chesnokov Psalms 116, 117 Canticles Dyson in D Responses Rose Anthem Antiphon Vaughan Williams Psalm 102 Tuesday 17th June Samuel and Henrietta Barnett, Social Reformers, 1913 and 1936 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 118 th Tuesday 10 June 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 103 5 pm Evensong sung by the Choristers 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist Introit Domine exaudi orationem meam Malcolm Responses plainsong 5 pm Evensong sung by the Vicars Choral Eve of Barnabas the Apostle Canticles Dyson in C minor Psalm 119. 1-16 Introit Gloria tibi Domine Byrd Responses Harris Anthem Long since in Egypt’s plenteous land Parry Canticles Naylor in D Psalm 1 6.30pm St Paul’s Institute Panel Event ‘Mammon’s Kingdom: Money, Greed and Selfishness’ in the Chapel of St Faith, in the Crypt Anthem Their sound is gone out Arthur Wills Hymn 407 Chaired by Bishop Peter Selby, Interim Co-Director of St Paul’s Institute 7 pm Diocesan Mothers’ Union Service Places are limited and registration is essential. Preacher Lynne Tembey, Worldwide President, Mothers’ Union To register for free tickets, please visit: http://mammonskingdom.eventbrite.com th Wednesday 11th June Barnabas the Apostle Wednesday 18 June Bernard Mizeki, Apostle of the MaShona, Martyr, 1896 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalms 100, 101, 117 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 119. 17-32 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 5 pm Sung Eucharist sung by the Vicars Choral 5 pm Evensong Eve of Corpus Christi Introit Sacerdotes Domini Byrd Responses Smith Setting Missa Aeterna Christi munera Palestrina Hymns 167, 388 (i) Canticles Second Service Gibbons Psalm 111 Anthem Mihi autem nimis Tallis Anthem Lauda Sion Victoria Hymn 294 Preacher The Venerable Luke Miller, Archdeacon of Hampstead Voluntary Allegro maestoso from Sonata in G (Op. 28) Elgar Thursday 19th June Day of Thanksgiving for Holy Communion (Corpus Christi) 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 147 Thursday 12th June 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 106. 1-29 5 pm Sung Eucharist sung by the Vicars Choral 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist Setting Missa quarti toni Victoria Hymns 268 (202), 271 5 pm Evensong sung by the Vicars Choral Responses Harris Anthems O sacrum convivium Timothy Noon; Ave verum corpus Gerald Hendrie Introit Gloria tibi Domine Byrd Psalm 106. 30-46 Preacher The Reverend Prebendary Clive Pearce Canticles Canterbury Service Alan Ridout Voluntary Schmücke dich, O liebe Seele (BWV 654) J. S. Bach Anthem Teach me, O Lord Byrd Friday 20th June Friday 13th June 7.30 am Morning Prayer and Litany Psalm 119. 81-96 7.30 am Morning Prayer and Litany Psalm 107. 1-22 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 5 pm Evensong 5 pm Evensong sung by the Vicars Choral Introit Sacerdotes Domini Byrd Responses Smith Introit Gloria tibi Domine Byrd Responses Harris Canticles Short Service Weelkes Psalm 119. 97-112 Anthem Vox Dei Philip Wilby Canticles Magnificat sexti toni Palestrina; Nunc dimittis plainsong Psalm 107. 23-43 Anthem He that hath my commandments Mundy Saturday 21st June 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 119. 113-128 th Saturday 14 June Richard Baxter, Puritan Divine, 1691 8 am Eucharist 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 108 2.15 pm Order of St John Service admission by ticket only 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist Preacher The Reverend Canon Paul Williams, Vicar of Tewkesbury Abbey 5 pm Evensong sung by the Vicars Choral Eve of Trinity Sunday 5 pm Evensong Introit Gloria tibi Domine Byrd Responses Harris Introit Sacerdotes Domini Byrd Responses Smith Canticles Magnificat Beau le cristal Lassus; Nunc dimittis attrib. Josquin Psalm 97 Canticles St John’s Service Howells Psalm 119. 129-144 Anthem O lux beata Trinitas Byrd Hymn 144 (210) Anthem Lo the full, final sacrifice Finzi Hymn 391 The Very Reverend David Ison, Dean The Reverend Canon Mark Oakley, Canon in Residence The Reverend Jonathan Coore, Minor Canon and Succentor Andrew Carwood, Director of Music.
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