ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF POINTS OF BOUNDED HEIGHT ON EQUIVARIANT COMPACTIFICATIONS OF VECTOR GROUPS by Antoine Chambert-Loir & Yuri Tschinkel Abstract. — We prove asymptotic formulas for the number of rational points of bounded height on smooth equivariant compactifications of the affine space. Resum´ e´. — Nous ´etablissons un d´eveloppement asymptotique du nombre de points rationnels de hauteur born´ee sur les compactifications ´equivariantes lisses de l’espace affine. 0. Introduction A theorem of Northcott asserts that for any real number B there are only finitely many rational points in the projective space Pn with height smaller than B. An asymptotic formula for this number (as B tends to infinity) has been proved by Schanuel [19]. Nat- urally, it is interesting to consider more general projective varieties and there are indeed a number of results in this direction. The techniques employed can be grouped in three main classes: – the classical circle method in analytic number theory permits to treat complete in- tersections of small degree in projective spaces of large dimension (cf. for example [5]); – harmonic analysis on adelic points of reductive groups leads to results for toric vari- eties [2], flag varieties [12] and horospherical varieties [20]; – elementary (but nontrivial) methods for del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4 or 5 cf. de la Bret`eche [7], and for cubic surfaces (Salberger, Swinnerton-Dyer, Heath-Brown, cf. [18] and the references therein; April 24, 2001 Antoine Chambert-Loir, Institut de math´ematiques de Jussieu, Boite 247, 4 place Jussieu, F- 75252 Paris Cedex 05 • E-mail : [email protected] Yuri Tschinkel, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, (NJ) 08544-1000, U.S.A. E-mail : [email protected] 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. — 11G50 (11G35, 14G05). Key words and phrases. — Heights, Poisson formula, Manin’s conjecture, Tamagawa measure. 2 ANTOINE CHAMBERT-LOIR & YURI TSCHINKEL This research has been stimulated by a conjecture put forward by Batyrev and Manin. They proposed in [1] an interpretation of the growth rate in terms of the mutual positions of the class of the line bundle giving the projective embedding, the anticanonical class and the cone of effective divisors in the Picard group of the variety. Peyre refined this conjecture in [17] by introducing an adelic Tamagawa-type number which appears as the leading constant in the expected asymptotic formula for the anticanonical embedding. Batyrev and the second author proposed an interpretation of the leading constant for arbitrary ample line bundles, see [3]. In this paper we consider a new class of varieties, namely equivariant compactifications of vector groups. On the one hand, we can make use of harmonic analysis on the adelic points of the group. On the other hand, such varieties have a rich geometry. In particular, in contrast to flag varieties and toric varieties, they admit geometric deformations, and in contrast to the complete intersections treated by the circle method their Picard group can have arbitrarily high rank. Their geometric classification is a difficult open problem already in dimension 3 (see [13]). A basic example of such algebraic varieties is of course Pn endowed with the action n n of Ga ⊂ P by translations. A class of examples is provided by the following geometric n n construction: Take X0 = P endowed with the translation action of Ga . Let Y be a smooth subscheme of X0 which is contained in the hyperplane at infinity. Then, the n n blow-up X = BlY (X0) contains the isomorphic preimage of Ga and the action of Ga lifts to X. The rank of Pic(X) is equal to the number of irreducible components of Y . Using equivariant resolutions of singularities, one can produce even more complicated examples, although less explicitly. Our first steps towards this paper are detailed in [8] and [9]. There we studied the cases n = 2 with Y a finite union of Q-rational points and n > 2 with Y a smooth hypersurface contained in the hyperplane at infinity. We now describe the main theorem of this article. Let X be an equivariant compactifi- n cation of the additive group Ga over a number field F . Unless explicitly stated, we shall n always assume that X is smooth and projective. The boundary divisor D = X \ Ga is a sum of irreducible components Dα (α ∈ A ). We do not assume that they are geometri- cally irreducible. The Picard group of X is free and has a canonical basis given by the classes of Dα. P The cone of effective divisors consists of the divisors α∈A dαDα with dα > 0 for all α. −1 Denote by KX the anticanonical line bundle on X and by ρ = (ρα) its class in Pic(X). Let λ = (λα) be a class contained in the interior of the cone of effective divisors Λeff(X) ⊂ Pic(X) and Lλ the corresponding line bundle, equipped with a smooth adelic metric (see 3.1 for the definition). With the above notations, we have λα > 0 for all α. Denote by HLλ the associated exponential height on X(F ). Let aλ = max(ρα/λα) and let bλ be the cardinality of Bλ = {α ∈ A ; ρα = aλλα}. POINTS OF BOUNDED HEIGHT ON COMPACTIFICATIONS OF VECTOR GROUPS 3 Put Y −1 cλ = λα . α∈Bλ For example, one has aρ = 1 and bρ = rk Pic(X). We denote by τ(KX ) the Tamagawa number as defined by Peyre in [17]. Theorem 0.1. — a) The series X −s Zλ(s) = HLλ (x) n x∈Ga (F ) converges absolutely and uniformly for Re(s) > aλ and has a meromorphic continuation to Re(s) > aλ − δ for some δ > 0, with a unique pole at s = aλ of order bλ. Moreover, Zλ has polynomial growth in vertical strips in this domain. 0 b) There exist positive real numbers τλ, δ and a polynomial Pλ ∈ R[x] of degree bλ − 1 with leading coefficient cλτλ/(bλ − 1)! n such that the number N(Lλ,B) of F -rational points in Ga with height HLλ smaller than B satisfies 0 aλ aλ−δ N(Lλ,B) = B Pλ(log B) + O(B ), for B → ∞. c) For λ = ρ we have τρ = τ(KX ). Remark 0.2. — Granted the smoothness assumption on the adelic metric, note that the normalization of the height in Theorem 0.1 can be arbitrary. By a theorem of Peyre [17, § 5], this means that the points of bounded anticanonical height are equidistributed with respect to the Tamagawa measure (compatible with the choice of the height function) in the adelic space X(AF ). Let us explain this briefly. Fix a smooth adelic metric on the anticanonical line bundle, this defines a height function H. Let dτH be the renormalized Tamagawa measure on X(AF ). A smooth positive function f on X(AF ) determines another height function, namely H0 = fH. Applied to such H0, the main theorem implies that (r − 1)! 1 X Z lim f(x) = f(x)dτH (x). B→+∞ r−1 cρ B(log B) n X(AF ) x∈Ga (F ) H(x)6B n Remark 0.3. — Theorem 0.1 implies that the open subset Ga does not contain any accumulating subvarieties. The proof proceeds as follows. n First, we extend the height function to the adelic space Ga (AF ). Next we apply the additive Poisson formula and find a representation of Zλ(s) as a sum over the characters n n of Ga (AF )/Ga (F ) of the Fourier transforms of H. The Fourier transforms of H decompose as products over all places v of “global” inte- grals on X(Fv) which are reminiscent of Igusa zeta functions. 4 ANTOINE CHAMBERT-LOIR & YURI TSCHINKEL The most technical part of the paper is devoted to the evaluation of these products: meromorphic continuation and control of their growth in vertical strips. For this, we need to consider the special case where D has strict normal crossings: this means that over an algebraic closure of F , D is a sum of smooth irreducible divisors meetings transver- sally. Then, at almost all nonarchimedean places, we compute explicitly the local Fourier transforms in terms of the reduction of X modulo the corresponding prime. The obtained formulas resemble Denef’s formula in [10] for Igusa’s local zeta function. For the remain- ing nonarchimedean places we find estimates. This leads to a proof of the meromorphic continuation of the Fourier transforms at each character. To consider the general cas, where D is not assumed to have strict normal crossings, we then introduce a proper modification π : X˜ → X which is a composition of equivariant blow-ups with smooth centers lying on D such that X˜ is a smooth projective equivariant n ˜ compactification of Ga whose boundary divisor D has strict normal crossings: over an algebraic closure of F , D˜ is a sum of smooth irreducible divisors meeting transversally. Considering π∗λ, all the computations shall be made on X˜. We also prove in Lemma 6.1 that aπ∗λ = aλ and bπ∗λ = bλ. In the Poisson formula, invariance properties of the height reduce the summation over n Ga (F ) to one over a lattice. The meromorphic continuation in part a) of the theorem follows then from additional estimates for the Fourier transforms at the infinite places. At this stage one has a meromorphic continuation of Zλ(s) to the domain Re(s) > aλ −δ for some δ > 0, with a single pole at s = aλ whose order is less or equal than bλ. It remains to check that the order of the pole is exactly bλ; we need to prove that the limit bλ lim Zλ(s)(s − aλ) s→aλ is strictly positive.
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