CV/CVMA NEWSLETTER INDEX Author Indexes Two author indexes appeared in the Newsletter, as follows. 25 (pp. 12Ŕ13): ‘Author Index to News Letters Nos 1Ŕ25’ 35/36 (pp. 27Ŕ30): ‘author index to news letters nos. 25-35/36’ These consisted in the main of the authors of the works abstracted in the numbered abstracts; these authors are now available and searchable in the separate concordance of abstracts. Although Roy Newton acted as Editor and compiler of the Newsletter up to and including issue 26, he often included material submitted by others. From issue 27 onwards however, articles with named authors appeared in the Newsletter, and there are separate entries in the index for references to individuals and articles by those individuals (see for example Ferrazzini, J. C.). General Indexes Five general indexes appeared in the Newsletter, as follows. 10 (pp. 5Ŕ6): ‘Cumulative Index to News Letters 1Ŕ10’ 15 (pp. 16Ŕ18): ‘Cumulative Index to News Letters 1Ŕ15’ 20 (pp. 12Ŕ15): ‘Index to News Letters 11Ŕ20’ 25 (pp. 14Ŕ18): ‘Index to News Letters Nos 16Ŕ25’ 35/36 (pp. 30Ŕ32): ‘subject index to news letters nos 25-35/36’ There are variations in the ways in which bibliographic items are presented throughout the Newsletter, which differ again from the methods used in the Occasional Papers. Some obvious errors in the citations have been corrected here, but the author and title listings given here should not be used as a guide to citation in future work. References in the Index Up to and including issue 39/40, references are made to sections of individual Newsletters, as with the older indexes of the Newsletter, so 15 (1.2) is section 1.2 in Newsletter 15; occasionally a page number is added for clarification, of a section is particularly long. From issue 41/42 onwards, no section numbers are given, so references are made simply to page numbers. References to abstracts follow those to the main body of the Newsletter. English versions of city names are used, and churches are generally referred to by the names of their patrons. Historical individuals are referred to by their full names, modern ones by surname and initial. Albrecht I 43/44 (pp. 21, 24) A Aldegrever, Heinrich 48 (p. 42) Aldermaston (Berkshire, GB) 22 (4) Alemão, Luís 48 (p. 88) Aarberg (Bern, Switzerland), church 48 (pp. 11Ŕ algae 35/36 (4, pp. 16Ŕ17); abstract 219 12) Algakirk (Lincolnshire, GB), St Peter and St Paul, Aarwangen (Bern, Switzerland), isothermal isothermal glazing 45 (p. 26) glazing 9 (2.2) algicide see Thaltox Abadie 48 (p. 19) alkalis see composition of glass Abel 45 (p. 12) alkaline detergents 6 (4) Abélard 45 (p. 11) alkaline earths see composition of glass Ablebond 33/34 (4.1), 45 (pp. 19, 23); abstracts alkaline hydroxides 6 (4) 369, 383 alkaline ions 4 (1.8) abstracts, publication of 1 (1.2.1) aluminium and alumina see composition of glass Académie des Beaux-Arts see Paris alkoxy silane abstract 172 accelerated weathering 3 (2.A.1), 6 (4), 12 (2), 13 Allen, D. 15 (8), 19 (3), 24 (1.1) (2.1), 16 (3.4.3), 18 (1.2), 20 (2.2, 4.6), 26 (4.2.2), Alliou, D. 48 (p. 121) 37/38 (6, p. 14), 48 (pp. 50, 106Ŕ111); abstracts Altenberg (Hessen, Germany), Cistercian 137, 199, 268; see also Pilkington procedure abbey 33/34 (10), 45 (p. 1), 48 (p. 98) acetic acid 14 (1.4), 20 (1.2), 21 (1.4.2), 22 (1.4), Altenberg (Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany), 33/34 (4.1) Altenberg Cathedral, south transept abstract 9 acetone 21 (1.4.2), 39/40 (6, p. 21), 46 (pp. 7, 37); leading 47 (pp. 25Ŕ31) abstracts 10, 216 Ambrex 48 (pp. 105Ŕ111) acid polishing see glass, polishing and resurfacing Amiens (Somme, France) 21 (5.6); abstract 245 Acker, Hans 46 (p. 20) Amiens Cathedral 17 (2.1), 48 (pp. 135Ŕ40) Acrylek 2 (2.A.1), 3 (2.A.1), 5 (2.A), 6 (4), 18 composition of paint 43/44 (p. 10) (3.7) Jesse glass 48 (pp. 137, 138) acrylic amine abstract 133 (as adhesive) 45 (pp. 42, 45) aminopropyl triothoxisilane 46 (p. 33) (as coating) 37/38 (6); abstract 140 ammonia abstract 18 (as filler) abstract 138 ammonium Adam 45 (p. 12) bicarbonate 7 (2.4(b)), 18 (2), 46 (p. 10) Addy, I. 6 (1.1.2), 7 (1.1.1), 8 (1.1), 9 (2.2), 10 bifluoride abstract 254 (3.3), 45 (p. 26) fluoride abstract 10 adhesives 2 (2.H), 3 (2.F), 6 (2), 14 (1.6), 19 (5.1), sulphate 3 (1.2.4) 25 (1.5); abstracts 8, 30, 48, 75, 91, 181, 190, 202, Amsterdam 235, 236, 237, 255, 256, 369; see also acrylic, Centraal Laboratorium voor Onderzoek van Ajicure, alkoxy silane, Araldite, Cyanolite, Voorwerpen van Kunst en Wetenschap 45 hardeners, Hostacoll, Ormocer, Permabond, (pp. 31, 32) polyurethane, silicium zirconium alkoxide, see also Corpus Vitrearum, Colloquium silicone, wax André 48 (p. 19) epoxy resin 2 (2.H), 3 (2.H), 6 (2), 13 (1.2), Andrew, St 45 (p. 10) 15 (1.6), 16 (1.3), 45 (pp. 42, 45), 46 (p. 28), Angermünde (Brandenburg, Germany), 48 (pp. 105Ŕ111); abstracts 133, 138, 190, monastery 43/44 (pp. 12Ŕ15) 191, 241 Angers (Maine-et-Loire, France) questionnaire 3 (3), 5 (2.H) Angers Cathedral 48 (pp. 15Ŕ18, 24, 26) Adoration of the Magi 46 (p. 20), 48 (pp. 94, 127) Église des Jacobins 48 (p. 15) Adoration of the Shepherds 46 (p. 13) Thierry studio 48 (pp. 15, 18) ADVF see Association pour la défense des vitraux analysis of glass 15 (1.5, 4), 18 (4), 20 (4.6), 20 de France (4.7), 21 (5), 26 (2.2, 4.2.1), 29 (3.1), 31/32 (5), Agnes of Burgundy 48 (p. 44) 37/38 (9); abstracts 2, 45, 68, 77, 167, 205, 238, Agony in the Garden 46 (p. 24) 327, 365, 366, 371, 397, 439 Aiguamúrcia (Tarragona, Spain), Santes Creus atomic absorption spectroscopy abstract 77 (Cistercian monastery) 39/40 (3, p. 3), 47 (p. 25) Auger electron spectroscopy 28 (5.1.2); Ainaud de Lasarte, J. 39/40 (2, p. 3) abstracts 340, 407 air flow see ventilation electron spin resonance abstracts 298, 338 Aix (Bouches-du-Rhône, France), Aix electron-beam microprobe abstracts 4, 234, Cathedral 48 (pp. 5, 6, 7) 242, 425 Ajicure 3 (2.F); abstracts 133, 134 electroprobe X-ray analyzer abstract 365 Albi (Tarn, France), Albi Cathedral 48 (p. 47) emission spectroscopy abstract 77 analysis of glass (cont.) Ashton-under-Lyne (Lancashire, GB), St Michael and infrared abstracts 243, 300, 412 All Angels, isothermal glazing 45 (p. 26) ion microanalysis abstracts 306, 365 Ashwell, B. J. 15 (3.1) ion-beam spectrochemical analysis abstract Asmus, J. F. 13 (1.3) 347 Assisi (Perugia, Italy), San Francesco 33/34 (10) ion-mass spectrometry abstract 378 Association de Certification Qualité des Peintures ion-scattering spectrometry abstract 407 Anticorrosion see Paris lead isotopes abstract 28 Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du natural radioactivity 2 (2.B.2), 3 (2.B.2), 5 Verre 27 (1.5), 29 (1.6), 35/36 (1.4.2) (2.B.2), 7 (2.3), 11 (1.2), 14 (1.1), 15 (1.5, 4), Association pour la défense des vitraux de France 18 (5); abstracts 168, 240 (France) 23 (2) neutron activation 22 (4), 25 (1.6); abstracts ateliers see studios, workshops 67, 113, 242, 290 atmospheric moisture abstract 106 non-dispersive X-ray fluorescence 1 (1.2.3), atmospheric pollution 4 (1.9), 25 (1.3), 26 (4.1.3), 2 (1.2.1), 3 (1.2.1), 5 (2.B.1), 6 (1.2), 8 (1.3), 33/34 (5), 39/40 (4, p. 7; 5, p. 15), 47 (p. 64); 10 (1.2), 15 (4), 17 (1.5); abstracts 27, 77, 92, abstracts 3, 11, 118, 151, 181, 245 111, 127, 264, 346 carbon dioxide 3 (1.2.4), 15 (5); abstracts 12, optical microscope abstract 365 17, 88, 118, 122, 130, 139, 142 oxygen isotopes abstract 27 carbon monoxide 15 (5); abstract 118 photoelectron spectroscopy abstracts 269, fluorine abstract 166 407 hydrocarbons 15 (5); abstract 118 scanning electron microscope 22 (3.2); hydrogen chloride abstract 166 abstracts 71, 143, 150, 164, 178, 249, 345, hydrogen fluoride abstract 166 365 nitrogen oxides abstract 118 secondary ion-mass spectroscopy abstract soot 15 (5) 407 sulphur dioxide 3 (1.2.4), 4 (1.9), 15 (5), 17 Anger Museum see Erfurt (2), 18 (1.2), 20 (3), 21 (3.1.1), 23 (3.5Ŕ7), Annaberg (Sachsen, Germany), church 37/38 (9) 37/38 (3.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.3); abstracts 17, 29, 71, Annunciation 48 (pp. 23, 39) 88, 110, 116, 122, 123, 139, 142, 146, 148, Ansac (Charente, France), Pontbriant Chapel 48 158, 159, 160, 166, 194, 208, 263, 294, 351, (pp. 71Ŕ73) 352, 354, 355, 356, 370, 372 Anselm, St 47 (p. 1) sulphur gases abstract 147 anti-fungal agents see sodium pentachlorophenate atomic absorption spectroscopy see analysis of Anti-Korrodal 10 (3.3) glass antimony see composition of glass, composition of Aube (department, France) 21 (5.6), 24 (1.9), 25 leading (1.2.1) Antonio da Pisa 46 (p. 20), 47 (pp. 25, 44) Auenstein (Aargau, Switzerland), church 47 (pp. Apollinaris, St 45 (pp. 4, 6) 64Ŕ66) Apostles 46 (pp. 24Ŕ25), 47 (p. 18), 48 (p. 46); see Auger electron spectroscopy see analysis of glass also under individual Apostles Augsburg (Bayern, Germany) Appleton Roebuck (N. Riding of Yorkshire, GB), Augsburg Cathedral 12 (1.3); abstracts 193, Nun Appleton Hall 22 (5.1.3) 353 Apt (Vaucluse, France), Apt Cathedral, Jesse composition of paint 43/44 (p.
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