YARBROUGII MOTOR COMPANY Studebaker Automobiles and Trucks 390 WEST PEACHTREE STREET, N. E. ATLANTA 3, GA. Philadelphia Uniform MERLIN GROCERY Co., Incorporated COMPANY Wholesale Grocers Manufacturers "CATERING TO TECH FRATERNITIES" Uniforms 125 Decatur Street, S. E. Caps and Equipment Military Clothing MAin 583 1 CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. LOUIS MERLIN '35 For Superior Quality in Shoe Repair RENT CAR . NEW Let Fords — Plymouths — Chevrolets Macs Shoe Repair For All Occasions Reasonable Rates Rebuild Your Shoes for Dixie Drive It Yourself Lasting Wear System Special Service to Tech Students SHOES CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED 26 Ellis Street, N. E. WAInut 1870 RAYMOND CONCRETE PILE COMPANY The Pacific Mutual CompanyLife Insurance Foundation Engineers and COntraCtOrS 800 Peachtree Street Bldg. EMORY L. JENKS, C.L.U., General Agent NEW YORK ATLANTA SIMPSON MOTORS USED CA RS WHOLESALE—RETAIL 324 Spring Street, N. W. LAmar 6244 Atlanta 3, Ga. WGST COLUMBIA NETWORK THE GEORGIA TECH STATION 920 On Your Dial For. Dick wishes those of you who are graduating a happy and successful inNews and the Best career. For his friends and patrons who are to return, he wishes a pleas- ant summer, and reminds them that Radio Entertainment for their BEST VALUES HANDIEST SHOPPING I T"S CLYDE OWEN THE Used Car Company TECH SHOP The Best In Used Cars Always 49 NORTH AVENUE, N. W. 617 WEST PEACHTREE ST., N. E. "Your Campus Mens Store" VE. 4791 Atlanta Textile Compliments Machinery Company o f AGEN FROZEN FOODS Steel Roll Specialists Distributed by General Repairs and Parts CAPITOL FISH CO. 598 Means St., N. W. Tel. HE. 3828 777 WHITEHALL ST., S. W. AM. 4511 THE BLUE LANTERN Yorks Recreation Parlor "Food by Professionals" Dining Room Where Gentlemen Meet Serving Fine Foods at SANDWICHES-LUNCHES-SHORT ORDERS Popular Prices Curb Service BILLIARDS Seving Biggest and Best Hamburgers 89 Pryor St., N. E. LA. 9765 in Georgia FRANK GRAHAM CO. ENGRAVED INVITATIONS VISITING CARDS STATIONERY Lincoln - Mercury J. P. Stevens Engraving Company 600 W. Peachtree Street 110 PEACHTREE STREET GEORGIA ATLANTA ATLANTA YELLOW JACK ET INN Compliments Corner of Hemphill and North Avenue o f DELICIOUS TOASTED HOT DOGS GENERAL OUTDOOR SANDWICHES, SOFT DRINKS and BEER ADVERTISING Curb Service-- WAGSTAFF MOTOR COMPANY , INC. 881 to 901 SPRING ST. — Corner 8th • ATwood 2751 ONE OF THE SOUTHS NEWEST AND MOST MODERN AUTOMOBILE ESTABLISHMENTS Complete Service for Your Automobile BUMPER TO BUMPER Wholesalers for Chrysler Corporation engineered MO•PAR Parts and Accessories • Our Station Wagon will take you to your office and bring you back The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company ESTABLISH ED 1847 The HURD J. CRAIN 2225 PEACHTREE ROAD, N.W. AGENCY COMPLIMENTS OF Rhodes-Haverty Bldg. RUSTYS DRIVE IN ATLANTA, GA. Welcome Tech Students WELCOME TECH MEN HOMER LUMBER CO. "Picnick In The Pickrick" Specializing In Fine Foods and Ice Cream PLYWOOD Call Us We Offer Before You Buy PIT BARBECUE - HALF FRIED CHICKEN CHOPS - T-BONE STEAKS Cement Hardwood Plywood Flooring ALL KINDS OF SANDWICHES Lath Paints Plaster Hardware Table Service Car Service Wallboard Screen Wire Insulating Rooting Atlantas newest and la rgest non-alcoholic Materials Supplies drive-in and dining room type Lumber Mouldings business. Millwork Shingles Doors Rooting Complete Cement THE PICKRICK Window Brick Units Tile Kitchen Cabinets "Picknick A t The Pickrick" Call Us Before You Buy 891 Hemphill (Luckie Street), N. W. CYpress 778 1 — Five Blocks North of Georgia Tech — 562 GLENN STREET, S. W. CHAPMAN REALTY B I LTMORE COMPANY PHARMACY R. D. LEEDS ...Realtors .. The Store of Personal Service SALES — RENTS — LEASES PHONE HEMLOCK 2353 71 Forsyth Street, N. W. MA. 1638 BILTMORE HOTEL ATLANTA, GA. Golian Steel Iron Company Atlanta, Ga. Fabricators and Erectors of Steel Structures First in Favor . Most in Flavor MILK ICE CREAM A great Name in GordonS Clothing POTATO CHIPS Look for the Little Red Truck Label When You Buy. It is Your Guarantee of Freshness and Finest Quality. POTATO CHIPS SALTED PEANUTS PARTY-PACK NUTS ASSORTED NUT MEATS PEANUT BUTTER -SUITS SANDWICHES ASSORTED CANDIES THE CAKES COOKIES SOUTH" POTATO STICKS g GORDONINC FOODS, Atlanta, Louisville, Birmingham, Memphis, Nashville Have a Coke Coke -Coca-Cola "Coca-Cola" and its abbreviation "Coke" are the registered trade-marks which distinguish the products of The Coca-Cola Company. ATLANTA COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Established 1919 Willingham-Tift Lumber Company Hotel and Restaurant Supply Company, Inc. MillworkLumber Manufacturers FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT Phone WA. 7451 866 Murphy Avenue RAymond 4121 382 W. Peachtree. St., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. ROBERT AND COMPANY ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED Architects and Engineers 96 POPLAR STREET ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA We Recommend... YANCEY BROTHERS MORNING GLORY BUTTER COMPANY TENNESSEE EGG CO., ROAD BUILDING MACHINERY INC. Contractors Equipment Distributor 634 Whitehall Street, S. W. 189 SPRING STREET, S. W. WALNUT 6775 Atlanta, Georgia Augusta, Georgia RUSH BODY CO. DUBOSE EGELSTON B. M. DuBose Twenty-three Years of Specialized Agents Auto Rebuilding and Painting HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO. in Atlanta HARTFORD ACCIDENT INDEMNITY Co. 670 BOULEVARD, N. E. LAmar 4951 At Ponce de Leon VE. 9646 Trust Co. of Georgia Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. STEWART MOTORS Eliminate the Doubt in Buying A USED CAR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Member of Atlanta and National Used Car Dealers Association and Chevrolet 100 Car Club 14 Years 637 SPRING STREET, N. E. AT. 3743 J. H. LANE W. C. LANE, SR. For Expert DAN LANE W. C. LANE, JR. 4 LANE HIGHWAY AUTO PAINTING to Better Photographs Body and Fender Work LANE BROS. WRECKS REBUILT PHOTO NEWS SERVICE COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS D. T. Pass Body Shop 301-313 PEACHTREE ARCADE Now Located at Atlanta, Ga. MAin 2513 62 Linden Ave., N. W., at Spring HE. 7255 Heartiest congratulations from the Atlanta Bilt- more, where you and yours have enjoyed many a happy hour. We hope you will return again and JOHN Sexton Co. again to partake of our unique combination of CHICAGO—LONG ISLAND CITY indoor and outdoor attractions . and to you DALLAS-ATLANTA who still remain at Tech there is no need to re- PITTSBURGH-DETROIT-PHILADELPHIA mind you of all the advantages afforded by the Biltmore, not only as a comfortable hotel but as a place for j oyous entertainment. WITH BEST WISHES OF. The Lovable Brassiere Company ATLANTA GEORGIA BEST WISHES fr om THE BUICK CENTER HIX GREEN BUICK COMPANY NORTH AVENUE Between the Peachtrees ATLANTA S. ARMSTRONG BRO. CO. INDUSTRIAL AND CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY PHONE LAMAR 6434 ATLANTA :: GEORGIA Compliments o f Compliments DUFFIES TAVERN of FULTON BAG AND Compliments of COTTON MILLS The DeJarnette Supply Company BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone HEmlock 3967 ATLANTA VICTORY MOTORS MITCHELL MOTORS, "THE SOUTHS FINEST" Inc. Distributors of DODGE ... PLYMOUTH Your OLDSMOBILE Dealer DODGE JOB-RATED TRUCKS 350 W. Peachtree St. WA. 5255 ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA NORTH AVENUE ATLANTA, GA. STOP AT Arnold Grogans Techwood Service "Just As Close As Your Telephone- AT. 9662 414 TECHWOOD DRIVE, N. W. Amoco Gas & Oil - Complete Auto Service LITTLE MARGIN SHOP Courtneys VE. 6396 RICHARD ALEWINE, Mgr. A DISTINCTIVE QUICK SERVICE, BRACELET WATCHES RESTAURANT A SPECIALTY West Peachtree at 6th Street We Carry a Complete Line of Jewelry and Luggage A A Courtney Wynn Restaurant 53 NORTH AVE., N.W. ATLANTA, GA. ATLANTA SAND SUPPLY CO. Compliments ROLLO of WASHED SAND 602 FORSYTH BLDG. ATLANTA 3, GA. WOFFORD OIL CO. WAlnut 3302 — CYpress 2979 Distributors of Catering to the needs of young home- HAVERTY'Smakers for more than 60 years. PURE 0IL PRODUCTS Southern Homef urnishers Since, 1885 WILEY L. MOORE G. A. BEATTIE ATLANTA MONTGOMERY NEW ORLEANS SAVANNAH CHATTANOOGA JACKSONVILLE Chairman of the Board President CHARLESTON MEMPHIS TAMPA COLUMBIA DALLAS SHREVEPORT GREENVILLE HOUSTON RICHMOND BIRMINGHAM LITTLE ROCK AUGUSTA ASHEVILLE CHARLOTTE WINSTON-SALEM B. M. HUGGINS, Prop. MAin 8697 Fashionable Writing Papers Huggins Motor Sales . and . and Service Blue Horse We Buy and Sell Good Used Cars Paper School Supplies and Trucks MONTAGS 385 W. Peachtree St. at Alexander St. ATLANTA ATLANTA GEORGIA HEATING SOUTHERN HOMES FOR 5O YEARS OIL -- GAS — COAL FURNACE MONCRIEF FURNACE CO. 676 HEMPHILL AVENUE, N. W. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Home Furnishers for More Than ATLANTA FISH, INC. Sixty Years STERCHIS Sea-Fresh Sea Foods ATLANTA ATHENS DALTON 602 Means Street, N. W. MACON ROME HEmlock 3912 ATLANTA, GA. SOUTHEASTERN FULTON SUPPLY STAGES, INC. COMPANY INDUSTRIAL, TEXTILE, The Way To Travel Between CONTRACTORS ATI.ANTA ATHENS AUGUSTA Supplies and Machinery CHARLESTON SAVANNAH MAin 3400 ATLANTA, GA. the PIEDMONT Your Hotel in Atlanta On Famous Peachtree Street ... Congratulations . and good wishes to the Students and Graduates of Georgia Tech. 450 ROOMS.... 12 AIR-CONDITIONED CONFERENCE ROOMS S. E. PARROTT, General Manager A. 0. BLAND, Resident Manager L. RALPH BUSH THE ELECTRIC SUPPLY Registered Electrical Engineer CO. J. H. GEFFKEN, Associate E. K. AUSTIN, Associate —Distributors- Registered Electrical Engineers ATLANTA, GEORGIA ATLANTA GEORGIA WYLIE W. CROWE JOE J. PERRY New Home of RALPH CANNON, 251 Techwood Dr., N. W. Phone MA. 0711 HALLMAN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors 1157 W. PEACHTREE STREET, N. E. 1211 W. WESLEY, N. W. VERNON 6688 ATLANTA, GA. BuILDING HOMES OF DISTINCTION Since 1931 THE VARSITY Every Glass Mechanically Washed and Sterilized OUR SMALL VARIETY INSURES FRESHNESS . CURB SERVICE . Call or See SAM MARTLIN ONE OF AMERICAS U. S. TIRE SUPPLY FASTEST GROWING
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