a. SJS Students Invited , To Open Group Could Benefit House at Zoo By GAIL KNIGHT A zoological society has 'wen set Spartan Daily Staff Writer up to further the inteerst of the Another family has moved to zoo and to enlist support for new San Jose. Mr. and Mrs. Peter exhibits. The society includes SJS professors and individuals from From Rift With NSA Batten and the other members of the San Jose business community. By KEN BRYANT The NSA can't possibly he receiv- Speaking as ASG's local repre- their family now reside in tempo- They encourage student involve- tttipurtun Dully Staff Writer ing CIA money for 'educational' sentative. Kleemann said, "I don't rary quarters in Kelly Park. They ment in the society. Those inter- '1 ite financial entanglement be- purposes," White said. belie%e the student laxly of SJS hope to MOve to their new home ested should write to the San Jose tween the National Student Asso- The ASG president concluded, want to partiiipate in this hypo- in June and they invite all SJS Zoological Society, P.O. Box 5477, ciation and the Central Intelli- "It is unfortunate that NSA has crisy in national student affairs. San Jose. students to visit them. gence Agency may produce "in- again violated its cause and pur- I believe the students would direet benefits" to a student gnaw pose by this action. It apparently Mr. Batten is the director of the CREATURE COMFORTS rather have valuable research tools which bloke from NSA three has ignored its own constitution new San Jose Zoo and the 100 The animals compose a happy available to them through an or- years ago. and the students it purports to rep- members of his family are animals and close-knit unit. 'They are ganization which specifically pro- Current nationwide adverse pub- resent. Student ranging from small birds and rep- used to people and crave atten- government has no licity, plus hibits itself from becoming in- tiles to jaguars and lions. tion." A brown sunbear cried until an immediate cessation business whatsoever in politics un- of CIA support, will speed volved with these difficult national SJS Biology and Life Science Batten let the beam n suck his fin- up a less it is openly organized for that "downward spiral" in students will now have close access ger. There was a little quarrel NSA popu- purpose. political issues." larity, according to to observation and research of because the other two bears Gary Klee- man, SJS these animal s. Until now, the were extremely jealous. Batten se- representative to the Associated Student Governments closest zoo was in San Francisco. verely reprimanded them and they Publications Control? quickly made friends again. of the USA IASGUSA I and vice COLLECTION SOLD A full grown jaguar, came over president of the organization. Batten, a mechanical engineer, to the side of the cage so Batten "NSA's popularity has been de- has sold his collection of animals could pet him. "I've had Chris clining for the last five years be- to San Jose with cause of its political activities," Bill the stipulation Compromise Seen since she was eight days old." he that they will be cared for prop- said as she licked his hand. Kleeman said. "Now, with up to A compromise bill may replace over the editorial policies of cam- erly. 80 per cent of its operating funds The animals are in a holding the two different bills before the pus publications. Hollow gone, and the recent controversy, Batten, who has always had a compound next to Happy Student Council establishing an "The question of an Editorial originally built for colleges are going to start looking great love for animals, began col- which was Editorial Board to review and Advisory Board has been discussed lecting They have been in aroundand find ASG." them in Borneo while work- three months. evaluate all publications subsidized unsuccessfully for several years ing months. Bat- Kleeman said ASG, a national for Shell Oil. He bought sev- these quarters for 14 by ASH funds, according to Sen- but no formal action has ever been eral animals the holding com- "non-political" association which back with him and ten describes ior Representative Ken Shackle- taken," Vic Lee ASB Vice-Presi- has "adequate but we're SJS helped to found, has never ac- since continued collecting. He pound as ford, originator of one of the bills dent commented in an interview opened a move into the zoo cepted money from any organ of private zoo in Santa quite anxious to currently before council, last Friday. Cruz in connection with Santa's that I designed for these particu- the federal government. "We cer- Photo by A. J. Dubiel The Currently two bills are before Village. Last year he moved lar animals." tainly are not of interest to the compromise was reported the council, the first introduced by collection to San Jose Batten strives to maintain a PETER BATTEN and Abel, a 3 -year-old sunbear, seem to have a CIA, because we operate only to occur as a result of considerable and turned Shackleford, provides for stronger them over to the city. The sophisticated zoo in which the main compatible relationship. Batten is director of the new San Jose within this country," he said. discussion by various proponents San controls over SJS publications Jose Parks and Recreation will concern is the well-being of the Zoo to be opened at Kelly Park in June and Abel is a member of ASG was founded in 1964 by of both bills as to the extent of than the other bill introduced by administer the zoo. animals. the animal family. students who split from NSA in control which could be executed a disagreement over the scope of the Campus Policy Committee NSA activities. The group last headed by Graduate Representa- week accused NSA of "fraud" for tive Dick Miner. subjecting itself to being a possible Reg Packet Due Shackelford will attend the CIA front while claiming to exist Campus Policy Committee meet- Is the last day students as an agency "through which Today ing Thursday to attempt to com- with classes meeting after 4 American students exchange ideas, bine the two bills into one bill be- p.m. may turn in their registra- express their views, and act on fore it is discussed in council. tion materials and fees without issues which affect them as mem- Shackleford's bill has met oppo- bers of the education community." paying a $5 late fee. sition from Vic Lee who feels that Morris Dailey Auditorium will In a press conference, ASG pres- "the bill infringes on the freedom I LY IS to It tonight. DA from 13ARTAN be open ident Bob White said that infor- of the press in every possible way." Registration materials will not mation surrounding the amounts Dick Miner, also opposing the bill, the CIA has given NSA may ex- be accepted after Thursday. Introduced his substitute bill II SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Students taking more than six pose "only a part of the mystery through his Campus Policy Com- of NSA." units pay $51.50 and students mittee. taking less than six units pay "NSA enjoys the same tax bene- If a compromise is not reached foreign Vol. 54 5.'5 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1967 No. 71 fits and exemption that churches 827.30. Out-of-state and the council will vote separately on charged an addi- and schools dolisted as a non- students are each bill. The bill is currently political, educational organization. tional non-resident fee. waiting debate from the council. Strike Sanction Sought By Local AFT Rushees Down In Reaction to Proposed Faculty Cut Fraternities See Image Change By JEFF BRENT Roth said the idea of informal of fraternities and their benefit to By JIM WILLS reactions from other faculty or- Some faculty members have said some concrete plans in the near Spartan Daily Staff Writer rush, where rushees only visit a the individual and SJS. Spartan Daily Staff Writer ganization leaders. they believe the current prob- future to determine how we are "The number of fraternity fraternity or fraternities, instead "IFC must take a more active Strike sanction will be sought Dr. Ralph Bohn, SJS local presi- lems will dissolve when the new going to absorb these full time rushees has certainly declined. We of going to every house on cam- role in the whole rushing system by the SJS local of the American dent of the California State Em- budget is put before the state teaching positions." are now in a transitional period, pus as in formal rush, is becoming at SJS if the Greek system wishes Federation of Teachers Monday, ployees Association (CSEA), regis- legislature. But not taking any Commenting on reactions last changing from a party school in the rule rather than the excep- to maintain a high quality of lead- March 6, in reaction to the possi- tered personal disapproval of the chances, they declare they intend week to the cut-back possibility, the 50s to a scholastic one in the tion. "Rush has changed so much ership and influence. It is our job bility of a 110.7 full-time equiva- action and any measure resulting to fight the issues resulting from Pres. Clark said, "In discussing 60s," commented Jim Roth, rush over the years that most of the to see to it that each individual lent faculty cut revealed last week from it. the red-penciled budget. the proposed budget for higher chairman of the Inter-Fraternity present day fraternity members has the opportunity to become ac- by Pres.
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