'!< r?<’ • • . '^' .►iJ. vv. U.*.»*-*-.' . ; r5T»;,i V ;.u ;. NE)T PRESS-fltJNi: WEATBtfiR Feneaiat fer U« 8. WMitkier - Brnresiit':' A\^BAC|E D A IIif CXROOIiMXOK New Hevcn OP TRB EVBNIKO HEBRAl®’' • (or the month’V ot • Fehrannrt•. » . \i1927.; ' ‘ . Bain , tonij^t and Tnefkiay; 4 ,1 warmer tbnii^t. VOL. XLI. NO. 183. .Olaseified Advertising on Page O MANGHES1!ER; CONN., MpOTAY, I ^ C H 7,1927; PRICE THREE CENTS •TT* <s>- s ta te - FOPR DIE .IN CHAIR 1 S^palla’s'Husky Goe^ to College FOR SLAYING GOP GIVES CHENEYS State Prison, .Rockview, Pa., March 7.— Paying th© penalty for the slaying of Patrolman $15,000 BLAZE Harry M. Cooper, of Philadel­ THE CREDIT FOR phia, the four Olney bank ban­ dits went to their death in the electric chair here shortly after O N J A K ST. seven o’clock this morning.''. Joseph ■ Curry, leader of the gang,: Harry Bentley, William ■<$> Juiiano and Frank Doris were Gasoline Explosion In Yul- electrocuted in the order named. Snpt Verpianck Passes Hon­ General Moncado Says He camang Plant Starts ors On— $5,0jM) Fund On- STORM’ S DEATHTOIL Win Agree to Stop Cirn Flames That Imperil Own derwritten-rHouse Heads War But Not Y M Diaz Is er, Got Building. DROPS DOWN TO 30 Association Alumni. Oxford, Ehglandr March 7.— Th'e^uates engage in one sport or an- President Amerlcan mania for starring c o l- {other., , lege athletes Is partially responsi' “ What the American colleges Fire, starting from an explosion, Honored by nearly two hundred ■' should do to stop the epld^lc of ble for the wave of student suicides Washington, March 7.—-The First Reports Said 500 Kill­ alumni of the South Manchester suicides is to force, directly or In early today gutted the old two- in tbe United: States, according to directly, all their students to take prospects for peace in the Nicara­ High school as the man who gave story (tame Gorman bloclj adjoin­ the views of Dr. 'Walter Tyrell outdoor exercise. gua civil war were brightened to­ ing the' City Club on Oah^ street, ed In Madagascar— Bat Manchester good schools, Superin­ Brooks, proctor of tho chaaqellor’a “ As long as Oxford and Cam­ day when the State Department an­ •with an estimated damage of be­ tendent Fred A. Verpianck. told the court and coroner of Oxford Uni­ bridge lay stress on games, as they nounced that American Minister versity, in an interview i^lth the In­ d o now, there will never be any tween 115,000. and $20,000. The. graduates and guests at Saturday Eberhardt had been authorized to Property Loss Was Higb. ternational News Service today. need f o r ‘Anti-Sulclde Clubs’ here. automobile accessories and vulca­ night’s reunion banquet that credit extend his “ good offices” to Gener­ The student life - of America- “ American colleges may expect a. nizing establishment o( August was largely due the firm of Cheney al Moncado, the revolutionary gen­ would be far more wholesome If all continuance of the suicidal mania Senkbeil was totally destroyed and Brothers for the success that had eral. Capetown, March 7.— The death students were forced to take out­ unless they change over their pres­ General Moncado was quoted ir the contents of six other stores toll in the Madagascar cyclone will been attained. Individual members door exercise and engage-In athlet­ ent' system of concentrating all more or less damaged. The fire also press dispatches as saying he would not exceed thirty persons but tho of the Cheney family, the' corps of ics-instead of all coUcentratlon be­ their efforts on a few star athletes make peace with the Diaz govern­ made a family of nine, seven of town of Tamatave is completely de­ of teachers, and the townspeople ing placed upon the production of a and adopt the Oxford system. whom are children, homeless. The ment only through the medium of vastated, according to an official should share in the honors, too, few star athletes, Dr. Brobkk “ The Americjin system has two Minister Eberhardt. loss is partly covered by insurance. dispatch from Tamatave received Mr. Verpianck said. lieves. bad effects which 16ad'often to the Senkbeil had a narrow escape for today. Eberhardt was not authorized to The alumni meeting was called England Not Troubled. same: end^:—suiride. It deprives make definite proposals to Monca­ his life but the only fatalities were The dispatch states that all for the purpose of Inaugurating an ‘English universities have never the student of much needed outdoor do, however, without authorization a cat and a canary. bulldidgs with tbe exception ot the endowment scholarship fund In the been troubled by suicide waves,” exercise aud he becomesi^.despond- from Washington. The! fire started a few minutes treasury and' the post office were South Manchester High school to Leonard Seppalla. nationally famed dog-team driver (right) ^ pre­ said Dr. Brooks, “ because more ent because his self-esteem Is shat­ destroyed. after eight o'clock in the Senkhdl aid local students who needed funds sents his stout-hearted lead dog. “ Husky the First,” to Northeastern than nine-tenths of the uudergrad- tered, so he takes his own life.” BEADY FOB PARLEY. store. It was caused by an explosion The cyclone was accompanied by with which to get a start in col­ University, Boston, as mascot. Here Is President Frank Palmer, head a tidal wave. Managua, Nicaragua, March 7.-— that occurred while Senkbeil was lege. A fund of $5,000 was under­ of the institution (left), congratulating Raymond P. Todd, president of General Moncado, Liberal military at work and he had a narrow es­ written by friends of the school and the senior class^ upon receipt of Seppalla’s gift. WOMAN ENVOY leader. Is willing to make peace but cape. The fiames spread rapidly and - SECOND CYCLONE. subscriptions are now being sought Paris, March 7.— The cyclone SOOCHOW CAPTURED not with President Dlaz; In a few minutes the center of the by class secretaHes to the under.^ ASKED TO LEAVE This was the situation today fol­ wooden ouilding was. a mass of fire. which devastated the port of Tama­ writers’ guarantee. The fund waa tave in Madagascar last week also lowing the return of a mission Good Fire Fighting named “ The Verpianck Scholarship MAN CALLS PRIEST BOARD WILL ASK which went to visit General Monca­ Quick and efficient work on the worked great havoc In Reunion- Isl­ Foundation”' In honor of Mr. Ver­ BY THE CANTONESE and and a second cyclone has also do in an effort to establish peace. part of the South Manchester Fire pianck. Russian Ambassadress to Mex­ General Moncado, who has threat­ menaced that territory, according Association Officers. Department was the only thing that to advices received from St. Denis ico Accused of Spreading ened to strike a blow at Matagalpa, saved the entire block and perhaps Herbert House, president of the THEN SHOOTS SELF 131-2 MILL TAX is reported to have informed the today. alumni association was re-elected to Red Propaganda. the City Club from being destroyed. Dispatches stated that tbe north­ Means a Severe Blow to emissaries that he favors peace hut When the fiames first poured the office, and Mrs. Robert V. Treat that he can make no peace while ern part pf. Reunion Island was was named vice-president. Miss New York, March 7.— Mme. through the broken window heavily damaged by the first cy­ Diaz is president and that he is pre­ through which Senkbeil had escap­ clone. Mary McGuire Is the secretary- Town Treasurer Waddell Alexander Kollontai, Russian Chang’s Forces as RaO- pared to negotiate only with Unit­ treasurer of the association and a Murdered Wife Short Time ed, and streamed up the front of Dispatches received today stated ambassadress tp.'Mexico and. ed States Minister Eberhardt. Since the building'fully ten feet above board of directors consisting of first woman to hold an impor­ the United States government is that Tamatave in Madagascar had Mrs. Robert Purinton, Mrs. Fred the roof, it did not seem that the been practically wiped out by. the Before; Priest Had Mar­ Saya^^That WOI Suffice; tant diplomatic post, has been road Line Is Now Cut supporting President Diaz there is cyclone. Carpenter, E. L. G. Hohenthal, Jr., rebuked by President Calles little likelihood of such demands fire cottld be checked. Russell Hathaway and Russell Se- Chief Albert C. Foy, however, for the activity o f her agents being met and with ^he arrival to gar was elected. Town Meeting Tonight. the Henderson and additional ma> knew the peculiarities of the build­ Reunion Island Is a small French ried Them 2 Years Before. In Mexico in spreading the doc­ ♦ London, March 7.— Tbe Canton­ Th© banquet and alumni meet­ trines of Communism, accord­ rines the work of extending the ing and fought the Pre to a stand- possession in the Indian ocean to ing was held in Cheney hall. The ing to a statement 'made here ese have recaptured Soochow, fol­ neutralized zones In Leon, Mata­ Btill In the face of great odds and the east of Madagascar.. It has a lower banquet hall was used and today by Roberto Cai;rIlo, lowing a lightning like thrust galpa and other cities of the Interior without, any loss of motion. population of approximately 163;- New York, March 7.— Before the •The voters of the Town of Man­ 000 and is a gi'eat vanilla produc­ later the party adjourned to the former chief of the Mexican se­ across the Pake Talbu lake dis­ will continue.
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