PRINCIPES [Vor.33 but in the southwest U.S.A. it is one of water they obviouslyneeded. I also enjoy our biggest. All I can say is that I don't not having to think about fertilizing the even want to think of all the seedlings and plantsat a given time. I simplydo it every palms I have lost over the years because time; exceptthat I hold back on it during I couldn't give the young plants the rain the months of January and February. Principes,33(1),1989, pp. 50-51 Palm Growing in Central Florida HsnsHntr L. Woltern Rt. l, Box 162, Groaeland,FL 32736 Palms are generally easy to grow in Once the seed is ready to plant, a well central Florida. Only a few specific guide- drained soil mix should be obtained. Com- lines must be considered in their propa- position of the mix isn't extremelv impor- gation and cultivation. As you may have tant as long as it has the follorting char- observed, there are several palms which acteristics: must be porous and rvell drained, are hardy here. First of all, don't overlook should contain at least 60 percent organic the natives, as they are excellent for sev- material, and be free of pests. Place the eral reasons. soil in a container with good drainage, Propagation of palms is generally from gently firm the soil (do not pack) so that seed: however. the clustering types may it is within one inch of the top of the sometimes be amenable to division. In order container, scatter the seeds on top and to be more assured of germination, the cover with soil to a depth of about one half collected seeds must first be cleaned of the seed diameter. Wet the soil thoroughly pulp (fruity tissue) and then dry for a few and allow to drain. Germination of palm days if the seed is wet from the pulp. Palm seed requires from a few weeks to several seeds generally are not viable for long months, depending upon the species. The periods so it is advisable to plant them seeds must be kept moist but not soggy within a week or two of collecting. Seeds until they germinate. When the temper- are readily available if you are willing to ature is kept at 80 to 85'F degrees.they look around. They can be found in parks, serminate much faster. That does not mean along streets, in private yards, in the woods, ihat they will germinate in a few davs. but and you can purchase them. Mature seeds that they will germinate in a fen' months are usually available from July until insleadof several.One way lo maintaina November here in central Florida. If you uniform moisture level is to place the con- spot seeds on a palm which interests you tainer of soil and seed in a plastic bag and and it is on private property, just ask the seal it. Keep it in a warm shadv place. owner; most people are very generous. After germination of the seed. \'ou may Purchasing of palm seeds is another mat- separate the seedlingsand transplant them ter, as most seed supply houses specialize as desired in individual containers. Most in quantity. Of course, as a member of landscape type palms should be trans- The International Palm Society, you have planted singly, whereas, those used for access to the whole world by way of The interior purposes are generally planted as Seed Bank. multiples to a obtain bushy appearance. I i9891 WOMBLE:GROWING PA,LMS 51 Newly transplanted seedlings should be kept inground location to another should be pre- in a shady area until they have become ceded by a root pruning process. This is acclimated (at least a month), then moved accomplished by inserting a shovel verti- into direct sun. cally about 12 inches into the soil and Palms are heavy feeders; however, the about I2 inches from the trunk, all around exact fertilizer analysis is not critical. Some the plant. Wait about 2 weeks, then move palms" such asthe Phoenix species.require the palm to its new home. Here in central a substantial arnount of rnanganese and Florida, it is always advisable to add peat magnesium. Any good garden supply store generously under and around the plant. will carry a special fertilizer with a sub- As your palm grows the lower leaves stantial amount of these elements. Feed may be discarded by the plant. To encour- your palms several times each year during age optimum growth and improve the the growing season, and you will be appearance of the plant, the lower leaves rewarded with lovely foliage and good should be trimmed off as they turn yellow. srowth. Indoor palms usually don't require much Most palms are easily transplanted. attention, however, a periodic soap and When the specimen is being moved frorn water cleaning of the foliage and regular a container, the roots should be separated fertilization will maintain their health. The so that they are no longer in a tight ball most common problem experienced with in the shape of a pot. Don't be afraid of indoor palms is spider mites which the soap breaking a few, there are plenty if the plant and water treatment will control. Indoor is healthy. When repotting or transplant- palms will withstand relatively low light ing a palm the general rule of maintaining conditions for short periods but don't expect the same plant depth in the soil applies. If them to survive for months under these the soil level has left small feeder roots conditions. Consider rotation of indoor bare, then, a little extra soil on top may plants into good light (near a window or be helpful but in most cases the plant should onto a porch) at weekly intervals to main- not have any soil added on top of the tain their health. existing root ball. Transplanting from one Back Cover Corypha umbraculifera, in full flower in a villageorchard, Kergalle,Sri Lanka. Photo J. Dransfield.See n. 44..
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