Page 6A East Oregonian COMING EVENTS Tuesday, May 24, 2016 TUESDAY, MAY 24 COMMUNITY CONVERSA- GROUP, 6 p.m., Prodigal Son brary, 502 S.W. Dorion Ave. (541- p.m., call 541-969-3057 to RSVP 12:30 p.m., Boardman Public ADULT OPEN GYM, 6-7 TION, 5 p.m. refreshments, 5:30- Brewery & Pub, 230 S.E. Court 966-0380). and for driving directions. Bring Library, 200 S. Main St. Special a.m., Pendleton Recreation 7:30 p.m. meeting, Milton-Free- Ave. (541-966-0380). STORY TIME, 11:15 a.m. to a vegan dish and recipe. Glu- story time for children from birth Center, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave. water Community Building, 109 PENDLETON EAGLES BIN- noon, Hermiston Public Library, ten-free friendly group. to age 4. Free. (541-481-2665). Half-court basketball. (541-276- N.E. Fifth St. The public is invit- GO, 6:30-9 p.m., Pendleton Ea- 235 E. Gladys Ave. (541-567- SKILLS FOR LIFE, 3-5 p.m., 8100). ed to participate in discussions gles Lodge No. 28, 428 S. Main 2882). THURSDAY, MAY 26 Pendleton Recreation Center, WALKING FOR WELL- about the strengths and needs of St. (541-278-2828). PENDLETON SENIOR ADULT OPEN GYM, 6-7 510 S.W. Dorion Ave. Includes NESS, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Pendle- the region. Childcare and Span- STORY AND CRAFT TIME, MEAL SERVICE, 12 noon, a.m., Pendleton Recreation Cen- gym activities and life skills for ton Recreation Center, 510 S.W. ish translation will be provided. 6:30 p.m., Milton-Freewater Pub- Pendleton Senior Center, 510 ter, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave. Half- middle and high school students. Dorion Ave. (541-276-8100). Discussion continues June 21. lic Library, 8 S.W. Eighth Ave. For S.W. 10th St. Costs $3.50 or $6 court basketball. (541-276-8100). Free, but registration requested. PRESCHOOL STORY TIME, (509-540-6720 or director@ww- elementary school-age children. for those under 60. Pool, puz- WALKING FOR WELL- (Danny Bane 541-379-4250). 10:30-11 a.m., Stanield Public communitycouncil.org). (Lili Schmidt 541-938-8247) zles, crafts, snacks, Second NESS, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Pendle- PICKLEBALL OPEN GYM, Library, 180 W. Coe Ave. (541- THE ARC ACTIVITY NIGHT, Time Around thrift store 9 a.m. to ton Recreation Center, 510 S.W. 5:15-7 p.m., Pendleton Recre- 449-1254). 5:30-6:30 p.m., The Arc Umatilla WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 1 p.m. For Meals On Wheels, call Dorion Ave. (541-276-8100). ation Center, 510 S.W. Dorion BOARDMAN SENIOR MEAL County, 215 W. Orchard Ave., ADULT OPEN GYM, 6-7 541-276-1926. (541-276-7101). PRESCHOOL STORY AND Ave. Combination of tennis, ping SERVICE, 12 noon, Boardman Hermiston. Games, crafts and a.m., Pendleton Recreation Cen- STANFIELD SENIOR MEAL CRAFT TIME, 10:30 a.m., Mil- pong and badminton is taking the Senior Center, 100 Tatone St. refreshments. ter, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave. Half- SERVICE, 12 noon, Stanield ton-Freewater Public Library, 8 country by storm. Opportunities Costs $4 for seniors 55 or $5 for BUNCO FUNDRAISER, court basketball. (541-276-8100). Community Center, 225 W. Roo- S.W. Eighth Ave. (Lili Schmidt to compete for those willing to adults. (541-481-3257). 6 p.m. doors open, 6:30 p.m. WALKING FOR WELL- sevelt. Costs $3.50 for seniors, 541-938-8247). travel. Free, ages 18 and up only. HERMISTON SENIOR MEAL games begin, Desert Lanes NESS, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Pendle- $6 for others. BOARDMAN SENIOR MEAL (541-276-8100). SERVICE, 12 noon, Hermiston Bowling Center, 1545 N. First ton Recreation Center, 510 S.W. BMCC PRECISION IRRI- SERVICE, 12 noon, Boardman PENDLETON RELAY FOR Senior Center, 435 W. Orchard St., Hermiston. Tickets are $10 at Dorion Ave. (541-276-8100). GATION CENTER GROUND- Senior Center, 100 Tatone St. LIFE PLANNING MEETING, Ave. Costs $4 or free for chil- the door, includes Bunco, snacks TRI-COUNTY VETERANS BREAKING, 2 p.m., north of Costs $4 for seniors or $5 for 5:30-7 p.m., St. Anthony Hospital dren under 10. Extra 50 cents and prizes. Proceeds will help ROUNDUP, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., SAGE Center on Olson Road, adults. (541-481-3257). cafeteria meeting room, 2801 St. for utensils/dishes. Meals on purchase a camera for the SANE Hermiston Conference Cen- Boardman. Everyone welcome. HERMISTON SENIOR MEAL Anthony Way, Pendleton. Team Wheels available. Transportation program at Good Shepherd Med- ter, 415 S. Highway 395. Guest (Casey 541-278-5839). SERVICE, 12 noon, Hermiston meeting at 5:30 p.m., community arranged by donation. (541-567- ical Center. (Brooke Crow 541- speakers include Brian West- ADULT BEGINNING COM- Senior Center, 435 W. Orchard meeting at 6 p.m. (Relayforlife. 3582). 914-5602). ield, director of the Walla WallaPUTER COURSE, 3 p.m., Ave. Costs $4 or free for chil- org/pendletonor) PENDLETON SENIOR DIY @ THE LIBRARY, 6-8 VA Medical Center, Dave Cool- Pendleton Public Library meet- dren under 10. Extra 50 cents THE ARC UMATILLA COUN- MEAL SERVICE, 12 noon, p.m., Pendleton Public Library ey, statewide veterans services ing room, 502 S.W. Dorion Ave. for utensils/dishes. Meals on TY BINGO, 6 p.m. doors open, Pendleton Senior Center, 510 meeting room, 502 S.W. Dorion oficer, Zach Knight, Oregon Free, but registration required. Wheels available. Transportation bingo starts at 7 p.m. 215 W. S.W. 10th St. Costs $3.50 or $6 Ave. Make your own fairy gar- Supportive Services for Veter- (541-966-0380). arranged by donation. (541-567- Orchard Ave., Hermiston. (541- for those under 60. Pool, puz- den with moss baskets and dec- ans Families case manager, and DOC MCSTUFFINS PARTY, 3582). 567-7615). zles, crafts, snacks, Second orations. Free, but registration Dave Beebe, Walla Walla Vet 4:30 p.m., Pendleton Public Li- PENDLETON SENIOR FIDDLER’S NIGHT, 6:30- Time Around thrift store 9 a.m. to required. Adults only. (541-966- Center team leader. Free, but brary children’s area, 502 S.W. MEAL SERVICE, 12 noon, 8:30 p.m., Brookdale Assisted 1 p.m. For Meals On Wheels, call 0380). registration requested. (www. Dorion Ave. For ages 7 and un- Pendleton Senior Center, 510 Living, 980 W. Highland Ave. Join 541-276-1926. (541-276-7101). INSIDE OUTSIDE THE co.umatilla.or.us/veterans) der. Make your own stethoscope S.W. 10th St. Costs $3.50 or $6 jam session or just listen. (541- CRAFTERNOONS, 4 p.m., LINES ADULT COLORING, BABY BOOGIE & TAPPIN’ and doctor name badge, give for those under 60. Pool, puz- 567-3141). Pendleton Public Library, 502 6-7:30 p.m., Irrigon Public Li- TODDLERS, 10-10:45 a.m., stuffed animals checkups and zles, crafts, snacks, Second OPEN MIC NIGHT, 7-8:45 S.W. Dorion Ave. Drop in for a brary, 490 Main St. All materials Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. watch an episode of Doc Mc- Time Around thrift store 9 a.m. to p.m., Great Paciic Wine & Cof- group or individual craft project. provided by the library. Bring Gladys Ave. (541-567- 2882). Stufins. Free. (541-966-0380). 1 p.m. For Meals On Wheels, call fee Co., 403 S. Main St., Pendle- (541-966-0380). snacks to share. Free. PRESCHOOL STORY TIME, VEGAN/SUSTAINABLE 541-276-1926. (541-276-7101). ton. Call 541-276-8100 to get on BLUE MOUNTAIN REGION PENDLETON KNITTING 10:15 a.m., Pendleton Public Li- LIVING POTLUCK SUPPER, 7 SENSORY STORY TIME, performers list. Television > Today’s highlights Tuesday Morning Kid s New s Spo rts Movies May 24, 2016 STATION 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 (11)KFFX 11 AgDay Friends Zoo Clues Paid The Office Paid Mother Paid Law & Order: C.I. Crime Watch Daily KPTV FOX 3 Good Day Oregon at 6 Good Day Oregon Good Day The 700 Club Paid Paid (19)KEPR 2 News News CBS This Morning (N) Meredith Vieira (N) The Price Is Right Young & Restless CBS KOIN 19 KOIN 6 News at 6 a.m. CBS This Morning (N) Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right Young & Restless (25)KNDU 6 Wake Up Northwest Today Show Will Arnett, Duran Duran (N) Today Show II (N) Today Show III (N) Wendy Williams NBC KGW 8 KGW News at Sunrise Today Show Will Arnett, Duran Duran (N) Today Show II (N) Today Show III (N) The Dr. Oz Show (42)KVEW 4 Northwest Northwest Good Morning America (N) Live! With Kelly (N) The View Paid Middle ABC KATU 5 KATU News Morning Good Morning America (N) AM Northwest The View Live! With Kelly (N) (31)KTNW Stretch W.L.Yoga Wild Kratts Jet Go! Nature Cat C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame St. Peg + Cat DinoTrain Sit and Fit PBS (59)OPB 13 Sit and Fit Jet Go! Nature Cat C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame St. Peg + Cat DinoTrain DinoTrain SuperW! Thomas AFTERNOON STATION 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 (11)KFFX 11 Pat. Court Pat. Court Divorce Divorce Judge Mathis The People's Court The People's Court Mike&M. Mike&M. KPTV FOX 3 Rachael Ray (N) Wendy Williams The Real TMZ Live! Judge Judy Judge Judy 5 O'Clock News (19)KEPR 2 NameG.
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