Leeds FRIDAY, 22nd FEBRUARY, 1984 Laos UNIVERSITY .G .M Tuesday 26th February StudentINDEPENDENT LEEDS AREA STUDENT NEWSPAPER 1.00pm Riley Smith Hall The Boomtown Rats' visit change of words followed, the band were the most expen- to Leeds last week ended prompted by the guitarist who sive and lavish ever. They con- on a sour note when an accused Paul of deliberately sisted of a lavish meal during Eats steward clashed with hitting him. When Paul denied which several bottles of five Student this, the guitarist, head-butted star French Brandy and Malt a Rats guitarist in an un- him in the face leaving him Whisky were consumed. Bob fortunate incident after with a bloody, but not broken Geldof complained when the the concert. nose. food was 15 minutes late. This Chief Ents steward Jeremy Bob Geldof tried to inter- seems a little ironic in the light Priest told Leeds Student that vene diplomatically, claiming of his well publicised empathy Butted Paul was carrying some that the guitarist suffered from with the starving in Ethiopia. brooms down a corridor to severe back pain although he Ents would like to thank all clear up. He passed a group of didn't apologise for the inci- those who contributed so people waiting for autographs dent. generously to the Ethiopia col- and accidentally caught the The Rats certainly made lection which took place after guitarist in the back with the their presence felt in other the concert and raised £630. B Rat end of a broom. A heated ex- ways too. The perks given to Sarah Carroll Ai IDS SECURITY OUTLAWPE GAY SWITCHBOARD KEY FOLLOWING AIDS SCARE The 'Aids scare' has rampantly widespread as the have to undergo some pretty disease itself isn't, and medical bizarre experiences before it come to Leeds Uni- opinion is eager to put the re- could act as a carrier. versity. cord straight. Professor The public response to Aids. Responding to the re- Michael Adler, of Westminster and especially the response • No hard feelings. Defeated Brian Bell congratulates new Hospital. this week confirmed made by the media. has been Presiden4 ✓i// Smith. cent media coverage of the that the virus can only he con- strongly criticised by the gay disease, the University tracted through close, pro- community. particularly in the Jill Smith defeated two male rivals to become President Security Office is now re- longed contact with an Aids way they are being connected of the Poly Union. "I feel very pleased". said Jill, "I fusing to handle the Gay carrier, or through intravenous with the disease. A spokesper- would like to thank all those who were sensible enough Switchboard door-key. contact with blood or blood son for the University Gay to vote for me, and I think it's great that there will be a products. This opinion was en- Society, in responding to what "We're taking no dorsed by a national he saw as the 'mass hysteria' woman in a key position in the Executive". chances" is how a spokes- venereological conference last generated by an irresponsible Jill polled 295 votes. Brian a comprehensive victory in the man for the Office ex- month. media, said that "As long as Bell was a close second with 231 election for Deputy President, plained their decision, To contract the disease, the national press carry the votes and Conservative candi- with a majority of 263 votes. therefore, the virus has to be headlines about the 'gay pla- date Stephen Avis polled 56 Chris polled 394 votes - his pointing to the recent present in sufficient numbers. gue' then there will inevitably votes. The total poll was 582 opponent the Liberal candidate manifestations of the virus and has to penetrate the body's be misunderstanding. Certain which is extremely low. David Glasgow polled 131. in British prisons. Hand- natural defenses, before it can sections of society are using it The new President has not Chris. a former Social Secret- ling the key would, they enter the blood stream and as a weapon against homosex- had any previous executive ex- ary, was very pleased. His main believe, expose them to pose any threat: the proximity uals, exploiting the fact that perience, but she does not be- priority will be to convince stu- of the blood system during sex- homosexuals are merely more lieve that this will hinder her, dents that, "It is Union mem- the risk of contracting the ual, and particularly homosex- susceptible to contracting the "I'm totally committed and pre- bers as a whole who determine disease. ual, intercourse means that this disease. In fact, in Africa, pared to put a lot of work into what the Executive committee The key, which has to be is a potential occasion on where the virus originates, the the job", she told Leeds Stu- does". supervised for security which the virus might he trans- ratio of those with the disease dent. Christopher Tidey scored Both Chris Tidey and Jill reasons, is now being kept by ferred. Passing saliva, in kis- is one-to-one. with no sexual Smith are dedicated to the ex- the Union porters, who ex- sing for example. would not distinctions". pansion of the Union welfare pressed complete indifference present much danger. All the same, the decision programme. Gill is determined to the 'risk' involved. Problems "In any case", said Dr. Big- made by the Security Office to press the Polytechnic author- will arise, however, when the nall of Leeds General Infir- stands. and until they feel hap- ities for better creche facilities. Union shuts for the holidays. mary," -the chances of getting pier about the Aids virus, it The post of Vice-President for the Switchboard remains the disease from a key are just will remain so. Perhaps the was won by Paul Syrysko who open all year. For their part, about zero. In the first place. it Gay Switchboard can break beat Dick Dance by sixty votes. the Security Office would not is unlikely ever to come into the deadlock yet - they plan to Paul, a DJ at the clubterranean be happy to have the key back. contact with the virus, and send someone along to the disco, aims to organise better even on a temporary basis, even if it did, viruses do not Security men, to 'remedy their publicity for the Union meet- Public misconception about survive on inanimate objects lack of education". ings. Aids - the Acquired Immune for very long at all". David Eley Janet Bartley Deficiency Syndrome - is as The key. it seems, would AMERICAN Plus: COMPLETE BOB GELDOF FOCUS ON FOLK FOOTBALL IN WHAT'S ON INTERVIEW - P.8 - P.10 LEEDS - P.15 GUIDE TO LEEDS PAGtNEWS TWo STATIC WINNING STUDENT IN BRIEF NUMBERS ARGUMENT AT UNL WOMEN'S DAY - MARCH 8th Leeds University has man- international Women's Day will be celebrated in Sheffield with a aged to follow Sir Keith 'Reclaim the night' demo on Friday. 8th March. Joseph's guide lines and The University will he sending minibuses from the Union and has restrained student any women interested should sign the list in the Women's Centre as soon as possible. numbers to keep to ex- Bring banners and friends! isting targets. Vice Chancellor of the Uni- versity Edward Parkes told Leeds Student. -Student num- DRAW FOR ETHIOPIA bers are being held at much the Jacob Kramer College is organising a 24 hour sponsored 'draw' in present level." When asked aid of the Ethiopian Appeal. what the long term prospects Students will paint a mural on a wall at Cookridge Hall, which is will be, he replied. -Until the the Yorkshire Centre for Epilepsy. Government has produced its Details of the event, which takes place on March 6th, are Green Paper on Higher Educa- available from Welfare Officer, Martin White who is based at the tion the level will remain the Blenheim Terrace site. same." Janet Bartley Sir Keith Joseph told the University Grants Committee and the National Advisory Board that they would have to PHIL WOOLAS VISITS LEEDS absorb an extra 6,(X)0 students Phil Woolas, president of the N. U.S. will be speaking at Park Lane than previously planned next college on Thursday, 28th February from 10.30 until 12 noon. year. The UGC expressed concern He will be talking about the N. U.S. campaign for a New Deal for at this because cash problems students and he will answer any questions afterwards. are likely to increase due to Julie Smith recent cuts and wage increases. Press Officer for the UGC, Gerald Bickerson said that a NEW NUS NEWSPAPER letter had been sent to the Uni- Justin Ash and George Gorden-Foxwell of L,U.U. versities which considered the Members of Leeds and West Yorkshire NUS are producing a Debating Society. Pic: John Jeffay. effect of their financial position newspaper for all those in their constituency. as a result of the continuing The paper will be of Tabloid size and will contain NUS The Leeds University Debating Society team have won squeeze and increasing num- campaigning information, news from all the colleges in the region through to the semi-finals of the Observer Maze debat- bers. and a guide to what is going on entertainment-wise in the region. ing competition at Durham on 22nd February. On the 30th January, Sir The paper will be issued once a month and will be distributed in The four-member team, Ju- chances of success? 'Weil, the Keith told the committee that all the Student Unions. The first issue will be around the beginning lian Ash, George Gordon- Observer Maze is the hest com- Government spending plans did of March.
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