TRITHEIM (JOHANN). --- Opera historica. Ed. Fresher. Frankfurt 1601. Pt. I et II. Unveranderter- Nachdruck. Frankfurt/Main, 1966. .9(101-021) Tri. --- J.T. ... tomus I. Annalium Hirsaugiensium ... Tom. 1, pars 1. S. Galli. E.B.F .2711(4348) Tri. 1, 1. Complectens historiam Franciae et Germaniae ... 1690. --- Compediu sive breviariu primi voluminis annalium, sive historiarum de origine regum et gentis Francorum ... J. Tritemij. Moguntina, 1515. T y I 0 71 --- De reprobis atq; maleficis quaestiones iii. See JACQUIER (N.). Flagellum haereticorum fascinariorum ... --- Ex libro J.T. octo quaestionum libellus. De reprobis atque maleficis quaestio quinta. See AGRIPPA (H.C.). H.C.A. ... de occulta philosophia lib. iii ... --- De scriptorib t eccl t iasticis ... Johannis de Trittehem ... _ De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis collectanea: Additis nonulloru ex recetiorib t vitis & noibus ... TFj 23-7 Pu r r^ ► i si Is 12 , 7 --- Another ed. Liber de ecclesiasticis scriptoribus. See FABRICIUS (J.A.). Bibliotheca ecclesiastica. Polygraphiae libri sex ... Accessit clavis Polygraphiae liber unus ... Additae sunt ... locorum explicationes ... per ... A. a Glauburg ... Coloniae, 1571. De .9-59. --- J.T. Libri Polygraphiae VI. Quibus praeter clavem et observationes A. a Glauburg. Accessit noviter eiusdem authoris Libellus de septem secundeis seu intelligentiis orbes post Deum moventibus, cum aliquot epistolis ex opere epistolarum utilissimis ... Argentorati, 1613. Ha.9.32. [Continued overleaf.] TRITHEIM (JOHANN) [continued]. --- Steganographia: hoc est, ars per occultam scripturam animi sui, voluntatem absentibus aperiendi certa ... Praefixa, est huic opert sua clavis ... ab ipso authore concinnata ... 2 pts. (in 1). Francofuxti, 1606. 0.20.86. --- Das wonder Buchlein. Wie die weldt von anfang geregiert and erhalten ist ... mit vil windlichen geschichten ... Speyer, 1529. Dh.1.19/6. --- See ARNOLD (KLAUS). Johannes Trithemius, 1162-1516. TRITFIDMIUS (JOANNES). See TRITHEIM (JOHANN). TRITHEN (FRANCIS HENRY). --- ed. See BHAVABHUTI. The Mafia Vira Charita. TRITSCHLER (FRIEDRICH WILTIM GOTTL.). --- Diss. inaug. ... sistens observationes in hernias pra.ecipue intestini coeci ... Tubingae (1806.) Q P. 10957• TRITTEN'fN;YM (JOHAN VON). See TRITHEIM (JOHANN). TRITTON (ARTHUR STANLEY). --- The caliphs and their non-Muslim subjects; a critical study of the covenant of Cumar. Lond., 1930. .297 Tri. --- Catalogue of Oriental manuscripts in the library of the Royal College of Physicians. [Offprint from Jour. of the Roy. Asiat. Soc. Oct. 1951.1 [Lond.] n.d. .091(5) Roy. Tri. --- Islam; belief and practices. [Hutchinson t s Univ. Lib. World Relig.] Lond., 1951. Islamic Lib. --- 3rd impr. Lond., 1957. .297 Tri. [Continued overleaf.] ADiATIO N S TRITHEIM (JOHANN). --- See SHUMAXERR (WAYNE). Renaissance curiosa ... J.T. and cryptography ... TRITTER (J.L.). -- Le lan4age philosophique dans les oeuvres de Balzac. Paris, 1976. .84373 Tri. TRITTON (ARTHUR STANLEY) [continued]. --- Materials on Muslim education in the middle ages. • 3^'T9`Z T.rt . Lond., 1957• --- Muslin theology. [James G. Forlong Fund, Vol. 23. 1 [Lond.] 1947. Islamic Lib. --- The rise of the imams of Sanaa. Lond., 1925. •9(533) Tri. --- Another copy. •9(533) Tri. --- Teach yourself Arabic. 4th impr. [Teach Yourself Bks.1 Lond., 1949• 9z7R TRIUMPH (The) of inoculation; a dream. Lond., 1767. H.16.35/1. TRIUMPH (The) of time and truth. See PAMFILI (BENE)ETTO) Card. TRIUMPH (The) of virtue; an ode ... To which is prefixed An essay on benevolence. By a member of the Pantheon. Ed-in., 1776. E.B. .6104/19. TRIUMPHS of justice over unjust judges ... Lond., pr. 1681, repr. [1817.1 V.18.39/6. (fke) TRIUMPHS of King James the First. See MARCELLINE (GEORGE). TRIUMPHS (The) of Turlough. See MAGRATH (JOHN MACRORY). Caithreim Thoirdhealbhaigh. A I II II'V1d ► I%IL TRITTON (DAVID JOHN). -- Physical fluid dynamics. [Modern Univ. Phys. Ser.] New York, 1977. Engin. Lib. --- Repr. New York, 1979. JCM Lib. --- Repr. Wokingham, 1982. JCM Lib. TRITT01 (NICK). -- leader. See NORTH LONDON HINDU KUSH EXPEDITION, 1978. TRIUMPH (The) of the classical; Cambridge architecture, 1804-1834. Exhibition ... See CAMBRIDGE, England. UNIVERSITY. FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM. TRIUMPH (THE) OF HORUS. See HORUS. TRIULZI (ALESSANDRO). --- Salt, gold and legitmacy; prelude to the history of a no-man's land, Beta Shangul, Wallagga, Ethiopia, ca. 1800-1898. [Ist. Univ. Orient., Seminario di Stud. Afr. ] Napoli, 1981. .9(6303-05) Tri. TRIUMPHS (The) of virtue; a tragi-comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre- Royal, by His Majesty's Servants. Lond., 1697. JA 44 TRIVEDI (D.). --- ed. See ANYOKTYASTAKA. Anyoktyastakasamgraha. TRIVEDI (K.H.). --- The Natyadaxpana of Ramacandra and Gunacandra; a critical study. [Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Ser. No. 9.] Ahmedabad, 1966. .8912 Ram. Tri. TRIVERIUS (JEREMIAS). --- H.T. ... de securissimo victu, a neotericis perperam praescripto ... Lovanii, 1531. Bound in V.18.7. --- H.T. ... de temporibus morborum & o_pportunitate auxiliorum ... Adject t est ab eode elechus apologiae L. Fuchsii nuper emissae de missione sanguinis in pleuritide. Lovanii, 1535• Bound in V.18.7. --- Hieremiae Thriveri in TEX vr,v Galeni ... commentaxii. [With Latin text.] Lugduni, 1547. Bound in *T.31.43• --- See CELSUS (A.C.). A.C.C. de re medica libri octo: accessere in primum eiusdem H. Thriveri Brachelii commentarii ... TRIVETH (NICOLAUS). --- F.N. Triveti annales sex regum Angliae, qui a comitibus Andegavensibus originem traxerunt(A.D. M.C.XXXVI-MCCC.VII.) ... Recensuit T. Hog. [Eng. Hist. Soc. 9 . Lond., 1845. RH.14.19. TRI.VIKRAMA BHATTA. 1. --- The Nalachampu, or, D_amayanti katha. With the_Vigamapada prakasta commentary by Chandapala. Ed. with introd., Bhavabodhini annotations, etc., by Nanda Kishore S t arma under the supervision of Narayan Shastri Khiste. [Kashi Sansk. Ser. No. 98, Kavya Sect. No. 15.] Benares City, 1932. Md.3.198. There is also a Sanskrit title-page. AIMITIONS TRIVAS (NUMA S.). --- ed. The paintings of Frans Hals. See HALS (FRANS). TRIVEDA (D.S.). --- Five thousand years ago - the Mahabharata War. [Jour. of Indian Hist.] h.p. [1938?] S.B.P .9(34) Tri. Autographed presentation copy from the author. Berriedale Keith Collection. --- The revised chronology of Kasmira kings. [Jour. of Indian Hist.] n • p • [ 1939 ? ] Keith Coll.U.4/28. TRIVEDI (P.K.). --- See ROWLEY (JOHN CHRISTOPHER ROBIN) and T. (P.K.). TRIVELLATO (PAOLO). --- See DE FRANCESCO (CORRADO) and T. (P.). TRIVAS (ESTANISLAO RAM6N). See RAM6N TRIVAS (ESTANISLAO). TRIVIKRAMA DEVA. --- Prakrit grammar of T., with his own commentary, or Prakria-sabdanusasan_am_ savrttikam. Critically ed. ... by P.L. Vaidya. [Jivaraj a Jaina Granthamala, No. 4. Sholapur, 1954. •49135 Tri. --- The Prakrita vyakarana vritti with text of T.D. Ed. with introd., indices, appendices .. b Jagannatha Sastri Hoshing. [Chowkhamba Sansk. Ser. Nos. 481-485• Banares [c. 1950• 1 •49135 Tri. TRIVIUM. Schweizerische Vierteljahresschrift flir Literatur- wissenschaft and Stilkritik. Jhrg. 1-9. 1943-1951. Zurich. RQ.16. TRIVIUM. Vol. 1- a 6 May 1966- ^ 991 Lampeter. Per. .0 Tri. TRIVOLI (JACQUES). See TRIBOLES (JAKOBOS). TRIVOLI PIERI (MICHELE). See PIERI (MICHELE TRIVOLI). TRIVOLIS (IAKOBOS). See TRIBOLES (JAKOBOS). TRIVOLZIO (GIAN GIACOMO) Marchese. --- Catalogo dei codici manoscritti della Trivulziana. Ed. per cura di G. Porro. [Bibl. Stor. Ital. 2. 1 Torino, 1884. O.S. .091(4521) Tri. TRIVIKRAMA PANDITACARYA. --- See SARMA (B.N. KRISHNAMDRTI). Life and works of T.P. TRIVOLI (GEORGE). The Suffolk Bank; a study of a free—enterprise clearing system. [Adam Smith Mon. 1.] Lond. [1 979.] P .3321(744) Tri. TRIZNA (JAZEPS). --- Michel Sittow, peintre revalais de 1'ecole brugeoise, 1468- 1525/26. [Les Primitifs Flamands, Ser. 3, Vol. 6.1 Bruxelles, 1976. F .75(19201) Pri. TRJITZINSKY (WALDEMAR JOSEPH). --- Analytic theory of non-linear singular differential equations.- ` A M [Mem, des Sci. Math. , 90• ] Paris, 1938• .5+84 i em-• --- Les problemes de totalisation se rattachant aux laplaciens non sommables. [Mem, des Sci. Math. Fasc. 125.] Paris, 1954. ;4eifi, --- La regularite moyenne d ans la theorie metrique. [Mem. des Sci. Math. Fasc. 157.1 Paris, 1965. _ 65y Try• •R3c4K Lt6, --- Theorie metrique dans les espaces ou it y a une mesure. [Mem. des Sci. Math. Fasc. 143.1 S'_ M Paris, 1960. :5.±eh-meari --- La totale-D de Denjo et la totale-S symetrique. [Mem, des Math. Fasc. 166.] ACM 4X Paris, 1968. 512812—^Tr-99 . i --- Totalisation des series dans les espaces abstracts. [Mem. des Sci. Math. Fasc. 161. 1 Paris, 1965. P .512894 Trj. --- Totalisations d ans les espaces abstraits. [Mem. des Sci. Math. Fasc. 155 . SC.M L ^j 1 Paris, 1963- r, „Q^i. --- " o t,LQ, Cc p.i. TRNKA (BOH=L). --- On the syntax of the English verb from Caxton to Dryden. [Tray. du Circle Ling. de Prague, 3. 1 Prague, 1930. Bzd. --- A phonological analysis of present-day standard English. [Prague, Univ. Fac. Philos. Prace z Vedeckych Istavu, 37, Stud. in Eng. 5. 1 v Praze, 1935. Mi c.P.144• *** Microfilm. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS TRLIN (A.D.). -- See THOMSON (KEITH W.) and T. (A.D.) TRNKA (BOHUMIL). --- A phonological analysis of present-day standard English. Prague, Univ. Fac. Philos. Prace 2 Vedeckych, Ustava 37, Stud. in Eng. 5.] Praze, 1935• Mic. P. 1092. Microfilm. TRNKA (BOHUMIL) [continued]. --- Rev. new ed. Ed. by T. Kanekiyo & T. Koizumi. Tokyo, 1966. Ling. Survey Ling. --- comp. A tentative bibliography [on linguistic statistics]. With an introd. by M. Cohen. [Comite Int. Permanent de Linguistes, Committee on Ling. Stat. Publ. 1. 1 Utrecht, 1950. P .4a.313: Tan. R C ^. 1 rn. TRNKA (WENCESLAUS) de Krzowitz. --- W.T. de K. ... commentarius de tentano plusquam ducentis ... medicorum observationibus, nec non omnibus ... cognitis adversus tetanum remediis instructus. Vindobonae, 1777. G* 32.17. --- W.T. de K. ... de diabete commentarius. Vindobonae, 1778. H.23.47/1. --- W.T. de K. ... historia amauroseos ... 2 pts. (in 1). Vindobonae, 1781. *G.27.39• --- W.T. de K. ... historia cardialgiae, omnis aevi observata medica continens. 2 pts. Vindobonae, 1785. Bound in V.18.18. --- W.T. de K. ... historia cophoseos et baryecoiae. Vindobonae, 1778. H.23.47/ 2. --- W.T. de K. ... historia febris hecticae ... 2 pts. (in 1).
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