001214 UNION LIST OF NQN-CAiJADIAN NEWiiPAPLRJl HELD BY CANADIAN LIBRARIES - CATALOGUE CQLLECTIF DES JOURNAUX NQN-CANADIMS DANS LES BIBLIOTHEQUES DU CANADA by Stephan Rush Thesis presented to the Library School of the University of Ottawa as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Library Science :. smtiOTHlQUS 5 •LIBRARIES •%. ^/ty c* •o** Ottawa, Canada, 1966 UMI Number: EC55995 INFORMATION TO USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. Broken or indistinct print, colored or poor quality illustrations and photographs, print bleed-through, substandard margins, and improper alignment can adversely affect reproduction. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if unauthorized copyright material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI® UMI Microform EC55995 Copyright 2011 by ProQuest LLC All rights reserved. This microform edition is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. ProQuest LLC 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis was prepared under the supervision of Dr» Gerhard K. Lomer, of the Library school of the Univ­ ersity of Ottawa. The writer Is indebted to Dr. W. Kaye Lamb, the National Librarian of Canada, and to Miss Martha Shepard, Chief of the Reference Division of the National Library, for their Interest and support in his project, to Dr. Ian C. Wees, and to Miss Flora E. iatterson for their sugges­ tions and advice, and to M. Jean-Paul Bourque for the translation of form letters from English into French, It was possible to carry out this project only because of Miss Martha Shepard1s personal letter to the Canadian libraries and of the wholehearted co-operation of librarians across Canada in filling out the question­ naires. CURRICULUM STUDIORUM Stephan Rush was born August 3, 1920, in Mezhyhirya, Ukraine. He graduated from the State Teachers College in Hohatyn, Ukraine in 19V}, and he received the Bachelor of Arts degree from Ukrainian Catholic Great Seminary at Culemborgf in the Sfetherlands, in 19**9# He completed a three year business course at the University of Toronto in 1957t and in 1962 received the Bachelor of Library Science degree from the Library School of the University of Ottawa. From M«y 1962 he has been on the Staff of the Reference Division of the national Library of Canada. TABLE OF COOTJSNTS Chapter INTKODUCTIOH (AF) ROACH TO TJLB. PiWJLCT) PAJff OUB 1. - THE WOHL©»o PBLGSf iTi V InIET2 AiSD SIGfTIFXCAIiCB II. * UEW3PAPI& PRi^EHVATlOH III. • PREVIOUS LISTS OF NStfSPAFSRS WHICH INCLUDE CASADIAH HOLDUP OF 1*1*8- CAiiADIAH NEWSPAPERS AKD AM A3>w:.i^- MH3IT OF THESE IV* - THE UNIOM LIST OF HOH-CAHADTAW '*EWS- FAPK&if ITS SCOPE AXD LIMITATIONS SUMMARY AUI> CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAFMICAL SOURCES COHSULTkD Appendix 1« FOHM LSTTKRS USED III THE PROJECT 2, ABSTHACT OF Unfoa, Li^t of jlofo»ffi fffl^iNMf^MWWml*. PAHT TWO IlfTEODUCTOKX SfOTE LIST OP PiHnCtPATIHtt LIBRARIES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED UHIOM LIST OP I01S-CAIJAKAH HEW3PAPEBS HELD M CAJAitfAU LIBIi/vKIw lifttat INTRODUCTION APPROACH TO Til); PiiOJiCT Up till now there has been no Qnjto IU\ ftf Bftfflr fflflt4Hm frewjpjfflflri ,W. \ff, ,Q,mMlm libraries, published in Canada. The writer has done research1 in this field and found out that there are union lists which include the Canadian holdings of non-Canadian newspapers but they cover the area and the subject only partially, and that no coverage of Canada as a whole was ever attempted or is now available* The writer took the following approach to the project* First he discussed the world*s press, its variety and significance, and appraised information contained in newspapers. Secondly he outlined the ways libraries preserve their newspapers* Thirdly he examined the ex­ isting union lists which include Canadian holdings of non- Canadian newspapers and has given an account of their coverage. The fourth and last topic is a survey of the holdings of the Canadian libraries as a result of the questionnaires or previously reported to the Union Catalogue at the National Library. X Sources checked are included in Bibliographies consulted* APPROACH TO THii PROJECT VI The idea for the thesis topic arose from conversa­ tion with Dr. Ian C. Wees, Assistant Chief of the Reference Division of the National Library, within a short time after this writer started work at the Reference Division, in the summer of 1962, he told Qt* Wees that he could not find Canadian locations for certain foreign newspapers and that it was a pity that there was no Man, UfA,ftf.„qPflr Canadian newspapers held by Canadian libraries. Dr. Wees answered* "There is some work for you." This writer did not think at that time that it was even remotely possible that he should compile such a list. However, when he was searching for a topic for his thesis he recalled this conversation and found that he had mixed feelings about it. On the one hand he was attracted by the idea for he knew it would be useful once compiled, and on the other hand he feared that he might not be able to get sufficient response from the libraries and night not be able to manage the tremendous amount of work required, iiince the idea for the union list continued to haunt him, he decided to investigate it thoroughly. From November 196*+ to January 196?, he checked the union lists of foreign news­ papers published, investigated what kind of bibliographical sources were available at the national Library for use in his project, and then decided to attempt it. APPROACH fO tm PROJECT ?II ^'r.^-^Mn January 1°65 he approached fir» Wees and asked hia whether he or anybody else at the National Library intended to eoaolle aueh a list and if not* whether be ' thought it voold be a wise, choice for a thesis topi** At no one was interested la this project there was no reason why the work should not be undertaken* For the next two VA^VH^BvsoesEs ^m ^wse^pv ^^*wii^^e ^o ^v *» ^FW^^HF^^HM^P^#V w^we. *^pw^MF*^nor e*^^sse^psifco^p ^^•w*^*w ^vw^^— ^p *?< Aaguate-M* Herieeet, o*si*i* Director of the Library School of the Uaivortity of Ottawa, approved for a M*L*S. thesis it*w»4»^ j Ml»i Martha Shopard, Chief of the Reference Div- iftiom of the National Library, when the plan vat outlined to he*, supported the idea and suggested that a circular letter bo tout,,,to the Canadian libraries explaining what it w*a<proposed to do and to ask for their co-operation, and t first draft of a circular letter was prepared to bo tout to Canadian libraries2* It was felt that a letter from an iBdiwidual^ would not obtain from the libraries the ao-operation essential for such a projoet$ Mist Shepard offered to send the circular letter herself. A revised draft of the oircular letter vat prepared3 and, after Dr. Kayo Lamb's approval, the letter was alto translated into ' i i » wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2 Appendix: Exhibit A, p« 78. t' 3' -.-« 'a1..4 s* -,.- '' ' * -it r • .•af*/-*- 3>*pp*tt4i»i :Iadlieit"Bf P# 79* <• " ". «, * , * APPROACH TO THE PROJECT VIII French.1** The questionnaire roost nod unchanged^. Since the proposed onion list would terve mainly as a location guide for lnterlibrary loans, it was decided to contact only those libraries which report to the Union Cat­ alogue at the national Library. Mott of the embassies were ov* not involved In lnterlibrary loans. The libraries of the it* ethnie groups eould not bo included either, because they are few in number, without professional librarians, and unable to co-operate. The stertlng~point in selecting the libraries was the Motional Library boolclot of symbols used for the Union > .. * Catalogue* A list wat prepared eliminating the smaller libraries which d© not hold any non-Canadian newspapers* The replies to the circular letter were very stimulating and encouraging. Sewe of these are quoted in the order in which they were received. This list should bo a very useful _ addition to Canadian bibliographic aids and wo will be glad to assist in any way*6 The project outlined in your letter of July 19 for a *Union list of commonwealth and foreign newspapers held by Canadian libraries* sounds most interesting. Queen's h Appendix! Exhibit C, p« 80, 5 Appendix! Exhibit % 'P. 8l» 6 Hits Katharine Males* Head of the Reference Do* fartaent of the University of Toronto, lotto? of July 5, APPROACH TO THE PHDJiSCT IX University library will certainly participate in this*/ We think this will bo a most useful undertaking and look forward to the publica­ tion of the list by the National Library*0 .•, - I an mott interested to hear of the •Union list of commonwealth and foreign news­ papers hold by Canadian libraries' projected by one of your staff members. It will be a welcome addition to Canadian reference tools* Wo will bo happy to co-operate as best we can when we receive the questionnaire in its final fora*™ <i v Cot instrument do travail sera en offot indispensable a vos services| ot d1 autre part, nous contlderons que tout ce qui augments lot possiellites do la Blbliotaoque Rationale sort en mem© temps a tous let hlbliothoques du pays*1** This should be a valuable work for all libraries and wo are pleased to make some contribution toward it*11 I -am sure that the Union list being eoaplled by your staff member will be a very valuable piece of work.
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