CHOO RESOURCES Magazines and Newsletters Publisher Volume/Issue Year Language Copies Location CAO CAO Vol.21, 2 Summer 2013 EN/FR 1 2nd shelf CAO CAO Vol.21, 3 Autumn 2013 EN/FR 1 2nd shelf Friends of the CentrAl ExperimentAl Farm les Amis de la ferme, friends of the fArmVol.31, 4 Fall 2019 EN FR 1 2nd shelf Friends of the CentrAl ExperimentAl Farm les Amis de la ferme, friends of the fArmVol.31, 3 Summer 2019 EN FR 1 2nd shelf Friends of the CentrAl ExperimentAl Farm les Amis de la ferme, friends of the fArmVol. 30, 4 Fall 2018 EN/FR 1 2nd shelf Friends of the CentrAl ExperimentAl Farm les Amis de la ferme, friends of the fArmVol. 30,3 Summer 2018 EN/FR 1 2nd shelf Friends of the CentrAl ExperimentAl Farm les Amis de la ferme, friends of the fArmVol. 30, 1 Winter 2018 EN/FR 1 2nd shelf HeritAge Happenings-A Handy Guide to HeritAge Events in The GreAter OttAwA AreA|PAtrimoineCHOO|COPO A Vos Portes: Guide prAtique des N/AActivites du pAtriomoine d'OttAwAApr-Sept 2009metropolitAinEN/FR 1 2nd shelf HeritAge Happenings-A Handy Guide to HeritAge Events in The GreAter OttAwA AreA|PAtrimoineCHOO|COPO A Vos Portes: PAtrimoine A Vos Portes:N/A Guide prAtique des ActivitesOct 2008-MArch2009 du pAtriomoineEN/FR d'OttAwA metropolitAin 4 2nd shelf HeritAge Happenings-A Handy Guide to HeritAge Events in The GreAter OttAwA AreA|PAtrimoineCHOO|COPO A Vos Portes: PAtrimoine A Vos Portes:N/A Guide prAtique des ActivitesApril-Sept du 2008 pAtriomoineEN/FR d'OttAwA metropolitAin 1 2nd shelf HeritAge Happenings-A Handy Guide to HeritAge Events in The GreAter OttAwA AreA|PAtrimoineCHOO|COPO A Vos Portes: PAtrimoine A Vos Portes:N/A Guide prAtique des ActivitesOct 2007-MAr du pAtriomoine 2008 EN/FR d'OttAwA metropolitAin 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-IntAngible HeritAge OnAtrio HeritAge Trust Autumn 2017 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters- CelebrAting OntArio's PlAces of Worship OntArio HeritAge Trust SpeciAl Ed. Sep-09 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-BAck to the LAnd OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 10, 3 Oct-12 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-CelebrAting the InternAtionAl YeAr of Biodiversity OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 8,3 Oct-10 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-CelebrAting the InternAtionAl YeAr for People of AfricAn Descent OntArio HeritAge Trust SpeciAl Ed. Nov-11 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-ConservAtion At Work OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 12, 2 Dec-14 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-Exploring OntArio's Southern PeninsulA OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 8, 1 Jan-10 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-Finding Our PlAce in OntArio's History OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 8, 2 May-10 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-HeritAge in the New Economy:MAking Sense of SustAinAbility OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol.7, 2 May/June- 2009 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-Into the kAwArthAs OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 9, 1 Jan-11 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-Investing in PreservAtion OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 9, 2 May/June -2011 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-Looking North OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 6, 2 Jun-08 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-MedicAl Science And InnovAtion in OntArio with HeritAge StewArds DonorOntArio News 2016 HeritAge Trust Vol.14, 1 Feb-16 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-My OntArio:A Vision over Time OntArio HeritAge Trust N/A Feb-17 EN 2 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-On the Eve of WAr: OntArio in 1914 OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol.12, 1 Feb-14 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-OntArio's TheAtricAl heritAge in the Spotlight OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 11, 3 Sep-13 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-PAinted OntArio OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 11, 1 Feb-13 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-Perspectives on the WAr of 1812 with HeritAge StewArt Donor News 2012OntArio HeritAge Trust SpeciAl Ed. Feb-12 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-Questions de PAtrimoine OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 13, 2 Oct-15 FR 1 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-ReveAling the pAst: OntArio's ArchAeologicAl HeritAge OntArio HeritAge Trust Vol. 13, 2 Oct-15 EN 3 2nd shelf HeritAge MAtters-Women's sufferAge: An unfinished revolution OntArio HeritAge Trust N/A Spring 2018 EN 1 2nd shelf HerItAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol.46, 4 Nov-19 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol.46,3 Sep-19 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol.46, 2 May-19 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol. 45, 4 Nov-18 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol. 45,2 May-18 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol. 45,1 Feb-18 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol. 44, 4 Nov-17 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol.44, 3 Sep-17 EN 1 2nd shelf HeritAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol. 44,2 Jun-17 EN 1 3rd shelf HeritAge OttAwA Newsletter HeritAge OttAwA Vol. 44, 1 Apr-17 EN 1 3rd shelf Herizons: 50 Women who chAnged CAnAdA Herizons Vol.28, 4 Spring 2015 EN 1 2nd shelf Historic Gloucester Gloucester HistoricAl Society Vol.20, 2 Summer 2019 EN 1 2nd shelf Historic Gloucester Gloucester HistoricAl Society Vol.20,1 Spring 2019 EN 1 2nd shelf Historic Gloucester Gloucester HistoricAl Society Vol.19,4 Winter 2018 EN 1 2-3 shelf Historic Gloucester Gloucester HistoricAl Society Vol. 19, 3 Fall 2018 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf Historic Gloucester Gloucester HistoricAl Society Vol. 19,2 Summer 2018 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf Historic Gloucester Gloucester HistoricAl Society Vol. 19,1 Spring 2018 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf Historic Gloucester Gloucester HistoricAl Society Vol. 18, 4 Winter 2017 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf Historic Gloucester Gloucester HistoricAl Society Vol. 18,3 Fall2017 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf Historic Gloucester Gloucester HistoricAl Society Vol. 18, 2 Summer 2017 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf Le ChAinon ReseAu du pAtrimoine frAnco-ontArienVol.37,1 Hiver 2019 FR 1 2-3 shelf Le ChAinon ReseAu du pAtrimoine frAnco-ontArienVol.34, 3 Hiver 2017 FR 1 2-3 shelf Le ChAinon ReseAu du pAtrimoine frAnco-ontArienVol.36,1 Hiver 2018 FR 1 2-3 shelf Le ChAinon ReseAu du pAtrimoine frAnco-ontArienVol.35, 2 Autumn 2017 FR 1 2-3 shelf Le ChAinon ReseAu du pAtrimoine frAnco-ontArienVol.35,1 Summer 2017 FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: 30 YeArs| 30 Ans CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXXI/2 Mar/Apr-2013 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: AboriginAls in Museums|Autochtones dAns les musées CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXIV/5 Sept/Oct-2015 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Admissions&Museums| Les droits d'entrée&les musées CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXX/3 May/June-2012 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Art outside CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXXVI/2 Mar/Apr-2017 EN/FR 2 2-3 shelf Muse: CelebrAting 2018 AwArd Winners| CelebrAnt les lAureAts 2018 CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion N/A May/June 2018 EN/FR 2 2-3 shelf MUSE: CelebrAting InnovAtion in Museums|Célébrons l'innovAtions dAns les musées CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXX/2 Mar/Apr-2012 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: CollAborAtion CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXVII/6 Nov/Dec-2009 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf Muse: Community Museums|Musees communitAires CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion N/A Jan/Feb 2019 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Connect CollAborAte|Communiquer, CollAborer CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXIX/1 Jan/Feb-2011 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: EmbrAcing the Future|PrévoyAnt l'Avenir CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXX/6 Nov/Dec-2012 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: EnhAnce, Enrich, EngAge| Améliorer, Agrémenter, Associer CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXXI/3 May/June-2013 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: EnhAncing the Experience|Améliorer l'expérience CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXVII/1 Jan/Feb-2009 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Evolve or Die!|Evoluer ou dispArAitre! CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXIX/2 Mar/Apr-2011 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Evolving Museums|Musées évolutifs CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXXV/1 Jan/Feb-2016 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Exploring Accessibility|Explorer l'Accessibilité CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXIV/6 Nov/Dec-2015 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Focus CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXVI/2 Mar/Apr-2008 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Friends And ChAmpions of Museums|Amis et ChAmpions des Musées CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXVIII/5 Sept/Oct-2010 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Get Outside!|Allons dehors! CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXV/4 July/Aug-2007 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Google CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXIX/3 May/Jun-2011 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Hidden No Longer| Le pAtrimoine Autochtone CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXIX/6 Nov/Dec-2011 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: How to Build Your Own Wiimote InterActive WhiteboArd|Comment Créer votre propreCanAdiAn tAbleAu Museum blAnc interActif AssociAtion Avec mAnetteVol.XXIX/4 wii July-Aug-2011 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf Muse: Inclusion | Inclusivite CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion N/A July/Aug 2017 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: IntegrAting Technology|IntégrAtion de lA technologie CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXX/4 July/Aug-2012 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf Muse: IntegrAtion CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion N/A Nov/Dec 2017 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Let's TAlk SustAinAbility!|LA durAbilité pArlons-ens! CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXXV/2 Mar/Apr-2016 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Museums of Cities|Musées de ville CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXX/5 Sept/Oct-2012 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: N/A CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXXI/5 Sept/Oct-2013 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: New ProfessionAls|Jeunes professionnels CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXVI/3 May/June-2008 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Online SociAl MediA| Les médiAs socieAux en ligne CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXVIII/4 July/Aug-2010 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Outside The FrAme|En-Dehors du CAdre CanAdiAn Museum AssociAtion Vol.XXVIII/1 Jan/Feb-2010 EN/FR 1 2-3 shelf MUSE: Questioning
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