E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2006 No. 75 House of Representatives The House met at 9:30 a.m. and was increasingly by radicals, and their suc- see by the poster out here, Border Pa- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- cess is spreading and has been coupled trol, I recently heard about a racist pore (Mr. CAMPBELL of California). with a rise in hate crimes across our game distributed freely on the Internet f country. And I state, across the coun- called the ‘‘Border Patrol’’ that en- try. courages players to shoot at immi- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Police reports document a growing grants as they cross the United States, TEMPORE number of acts of violence by far right as you can see right here. These games The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- extremists against Hispanics regardless first surfaced in the year 2002, but have fore the House the following commu- of their status as citizens, whether come up once again and aimed at im- nication from the Speaker: they are profiling them, making re- migration debate. marks, creating different kinds of atti- The Border Patrol games. In the WASHINGTON, DC, game the Border Patrol, Mexican June 13, 2006. tude and atmosphere and hate. The I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit Americans are incarcerated and pre- CAMPBELL to act as Speaker pro tempore on that fights anti-Semitism and other bi- sented with disgusting and harmful this day. ases, put out a report last month that stereotypes. The game does not present J. DENNIS HASTERT, said hateful and racist rhetoric aimed them as hard-working individuals who Speaker of the House of Representatives. at Latino immigrants had grown to a come to this country, like any other f level unprecedented in recent years. who has come to this country before, The report detailed numerous exam- to build better opportunity. This coun- MORNING HOUR DEBATES ples of hate crimes, including two men try is built on immigrants, and many The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- in Tennessee who were sentenced to individuals come here for that reason, ant to the order of the House of Janu- prison in December for shattering a not for the reason displayed in this ary 31, 2006, the Chair will now recog- window and painting Nazi symbols in a Border Patrol display that we have out here. nize Members from lists submitted by local Mexican market. Near Houston, the majority and minority leaders for People have come to contribute to two white teenagers were arrested in our country and will continue to come morning hour debates. The Chair will April accused of beating a Latino alternate recognition between the par- to contribute to this country because youth and sodomizing him with a pipe. they believe in America and its prin- ties, with each party limited to not to Days later on Long Island, a white teen exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, ciples and what it stands for. Instead, was accused of threatening two Latinos you can see from the poster that Mexi- except the majority leader, the minor- with a machete and a chain saw. Police can American immigrants are labeled ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- say ethnic slurs were used in each case. as bandoleer-wearing Mexican nation- ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. We must condemn these kind of acts alists, tattoo-touting drug smugglers, The Chair recognizes the gentleman and work to promote a unified Amer- and pregnant breeders who must be from California (Mr. BACA) for 5 min- ica, work to promote a unified Amer- kept out at any cost. utes. ica. Even the President has warned us In the second poster, as you can see f of the dangerous rhetoric being used in out here, Border Patrol 2, as you can discussions on immigration. During his see by the second poster the object of HATE CRIMES speech last month he noted, ‘‘America the Internet game Border Patrol is to Mr. BACA. Thank you very much, needs to conduct this debate on immi- shoot Mexican immigrants as they try Mr. Speaker. The topic I want to talk gration in a reasonable and respective to cross the borders into the United about this morning is hate crimes. As tone. We cannot build a unified coun- States. Here, again, we are talking immigration debate has intensified, try by inciting people to anger or play- about hate crimes, attitudes and be- white supremists, neo-Nazis, and other ing on anyone’s fear or exploiting the havior by individuals. Here, a family is racists have increased their efforts to issue of immigration for political being targeted as they rush past a sign spread the racist message. White gains.’’ And I state, exploiting it for that reads, ‘‘Welcome to the United supremists have not simply expressed political gains. States.’’ The sign contains the Amer- racist convictions but have urged oth- The white supremists are employing ican flag in which the stars rep- ers and white Americans generally to sophisticated techniques to spread resenting 50 states have been replaced fight back against perceived invasion their message over the Internet includ- with a Jewish Star of David, and a of white United States by Hispanics ing blogs, chat rooms, and racist and small sign that appears below that from Mexico. The rhetoric has grown violent video games. And as you can says, ‘‘Welfare Office’’ with an arrow. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3791 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:04 Jun 14, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JN7.000 H13JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with HOUSE H3792 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 13, 2006 These games are not only obscene, it roots activism in support of America’s immi- ‘‘want you out of here because they want incites anger and violence in the minds grant community, extremists have become this as their land.’’ After the rally, the of children and creates attitude and be- increasingly emboldened by, and fixated on, Klansmen burned a cross in a field outside of havior changes. Psychologically then the controversy over immigration policy, en- town. people begin to think in terms of couraging their supporters to capitalize on In Montgomery, Alabama, the neo-Confed- the issue by encouraging antiimmigrant ac- hating anyone of color. And when you erate group League of the South and the Co- tivism, and even violence against all His- alition against Illegal Immigration together hate people of color, you demonstrate panics. organized an anti-immigration ‘‘Cinco de hate and anger. The fact that the na- While white supremacists have for many Mayo’’ demonstration on May 5. Promoting tional immigration debate is fueling years attempted to exploit rising anti-immi- the event in his racist and anti-Semitic their efforts in is downright scary. gration sentiments in the U.S., the level and newspaper First Freedom, Olaf Childress Border Patrol is one of several racist intensity of their attacks against Hispanics wrote that he planned to be there, ‘‘maybe computer games that hate groups are has reached dangerous new highs, with right- even with a baseball bat. Already got a currently offering for sale or download wing extremists joining anti-immigration placard in mind: MEX GET THE HELL OUT on the Internet. Other games like Eth- groups, distributing anti-immigrant propa- OF MY COUNTRY.’’ Childress did show up nic Cleansing, Drive By 2, and African ganda and holding frequent antiimmigration with such a placard and a baseball bat, tell- rallies and protests. Detroit Cop were created to further ing a local reporter that ‘‘Jewish suprema- As a result, Hispanics, regardless of their cists’’ had a plan to abolish the borders of racism, anti-Semitic, and other opin- citizenship or immigration status, increas- the U.S. Other signs at the demonstration ions. ingly are becoming the targets of hatred and displayed slogans such as ‘‘multi-culturalism These images on poster number three violence from hardcore white supremacists. is liberal insanity.’’ In Greenville, South is Save The Last Dance. This image Racists ranging from neo-Nazis to Klans- Carolina, the racist Council of Conservative contains an altered movie poster. The men to racist skinheads are among the most Citizens held an anti-immigration dem- actual film featured an interracial ro- active anti-immigration activists in the onstration on April 29 in front of the offices mance between teenagers. As you note country. Motivating their actions is the core of Republican Congressman Lindsey Graham, in the version of this poster, the Afri- conviction of modern white supremacist ide- where they burned Mexican flags and dis- ology: That the white race itself is threat- played signs such as ‘‘More INS, Less IRS,’’ can-American male is depicted by a go- ened with extinction by a ‘‘rising tide of rilla. The poster also spreads a tradi- ‘‘Vote for Pedro to Go Home,’’ and ‘‘I Didn’t color’’ controlled and manipulated by Jews. Fight in Iraq for Illegal Aliens.’’ tional anti-Semitic attack that blames This following report examines the recent White supremacists also showed up to Jews for controlling the American record of extreme rhetoric and violence from counter events organized by immigration media and suggests that a film about white supremacist groups and their followers and human rights activists, in particular the interracial tolerance and mutual re- that has played out against the backdrop of May 1 ‘‘Day without Immigrants’’ events or- spect is somehow Jewish propaganda.
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