
VOL. XIX. MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1894. NO. 14 LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New spring wraps at C. IT. Hall's, New goods at C. H. Hall's, the lead• ing dry goods man. '* Beiibcn Cook of Okcmos has had his KHT HAVE BEi WOES M:olre silk ate. H. Hall's, pension iiici'eiised. Fred Walton has a change of ad. The Time this week. Bead it. Ed. intiircdOliai'lcy'snall. Haircut for 15c at Ame's, over Mc- Orossen's drug store. 41tf. IToine made fried cakes every day at Alfred Dai'ling of Webbcrvillc .has Is drawing near when we will "Headless Democracy been granted a reissue of pension. Tlic lluiicymooii ciiii bc Iloyt Bi'osc l'lw2 Head the change In the A^'andorcook occupy the bip store on Main & Bice ltd. this week. F. ^V. Webb lias a spring siioe aii- miulcto last a long time Ezi'ii Welch drew a line gold watch Elects three Officers. and Ash streets, which is be• nouncementin his space tills week. last iSaturdiiy evening. Elislia Watson of Lansing has been ing put in suitable sh<ape and ii'you supply j'oni'bi'ldc Read it. granted a reissue of pension. with Jonathan Cook of .Stockbridgc has the prices we are making oa .E. E. Stropc lias just llnishcd a lino u bccii gt'iititcd an original pension. Mason people will rnlss A. I. Barber Crockerj', Glassware, and all fi'om the boai'd of suiiervisors.- I'ock well for Rev. L. E. ,Spiill'oi'd on Sniitli, the titiloi', niiikcs trousers to his farm in A'^cvity. It is 80 feet deep. goods in our store is attracting: order for .f-1.50. Cidl and order a pair, Elgin Mitton has moved into the E the attention of buyers. If. Williams houseoii Ooliimbiasti'cot, Hoyt Brothers sell groceries cheap • Liniis Acker drew the suit in .T, for casli. Call and see tlicm. They Sniitb'.s clttb last iMntidiiy evening Now is tile time to place youi' order have some specials that they are sell- —Fitojr— for a sjiringsuit or ovei'coat at J. N, lug way down, 14w2 .las. A. Tcinplai', brother iDf^ick." •Smitii'.s, was elected assessor of St. Louis last -Tames A'^lcary's cream mustangs I'an Monday. V, ;r, Tcfft was chosen ono of the away last Tuesday evening. Tliey Pratt's Joy Crea aldermen in Albion at last Monday started from in front of tho ci'eamery Large quantities left and it ,1. N. Smith lias jiisL I'cccived a new election. and deniorali'/cd the pole to the wagon. line of spring goods, latest styles in will pay you to look at our tlie iiiai'ket. The rumor that Giiri'y Sandci's will The Junior League will give a wiirm bai-gaiiis. We are making it ing Stock. move to Leslie tn run I'or jtisticc next sugar social in the parlors of the M, an obji^ct for people wanting- 'rile boys celebrated with a bnn lli'o spring is denied. B, chui'cli next AVednesday evening, Anrl iilso banv In niiiul that lie is nn the coi'ner of Main itnd Ash streets April nth. Ice cream furnished for Wall Paper and VVindovr There will be a dance at the Dans election even Ing. those who wish it. Shades to call on us. giving away ville rink April ]3tli. Bill 50 cents Lansing people iniist bo getting All iii'o invited. C. H. OSBOUN. Frank A. Batemiui, assisted by Miss tired of ,loe, Wiirnci'. Mason had Mai'guerite Barnliart, Miss Phoebe J Ladies, don't I'iiil to sec the pattern Marshal, Justice of the Peace SILVER 'S enough of him yeai's ago. Curry and Mi's, .lessie Hills, will giV' hilts at Mrs. A, L, Chaiiman's millinery a junior I'ccital at the Baptist church Free. The Woi'ld's Fair photograph• opening, April Otli and 7tli, and Constable Are Ours. Investigate it. ed in pamphlet form. Gall and see tomorrow (Friday) evening, beginning Several students in the business at eight o'clock. about it at Brown Bros', slioc house. This Special Sale l.T.sts onljr Yoiii's Kespeetfully, college have gone to Lansing to'con Last Friday night 40 young friends .Postmaster Bement wiis notlllcd by elude their coui'se in the main scliool Balance Belongs to the Be till we get moved. So calL of Miss Anna Tomlinson, front Mason tclcgi'ain liist Satui'day afternoon to and see us at take possession of the olTlcc April Qrst, Col, S. Drew has moved onto his publicans. and vicinity, gave her a surprise at farm in Ingham township. Wm. Dan^ her new, large and beautiful home just Hillsdale county will vote on the re iels ot Wlioatncld has moved iuto his south of the cit,y. It wiis a very pleas- peiil of the local option law on May house. iinfc gathering of bright and joyous FORD'S BAZAAR. l-lth. Over 2,(300 voters asked for the Result In the County Seat. Iloyt Bros, arc still giving away young people. CASH GROCEE. election. silver dollars. One five cent money Frank Sylvester came to Jackson FORD &, KIRBY. Best tea in town for the price, only order with each dollar's worth pur yestci'day from Ma.son and pi'occcdcd chttsed. 14w4 Last Monday w<as a line day for the BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 20 cents per lb. Good tea dust two to til! up with intoxicants. He landed spring election, at least too line for jKHinds for 2;") cents. All gi'occrics The junior pedro club will eat warm at the.police station aud this morning such a result so far ,as local democracy cheap at Hoyt Bros. 14w2 sugar with Mr. and Mrs. 1J\ B. Whipple .lustice AValker assessed him $3 and PHYSICIANS. was concerned. There was considci'a at tlieir home in Ingham township gave liim live hours in which to I'alse CASH Mi', and Mrs. L.0. "Webb entertained ble delay in each ward in getting the U.,L 0. nOYINCl, I'hyslollin iwd Siirpon tonidrrow evening. the money.—.liickson Evening Patriot, Olllce lit I'lifklnirst block. Jte.sldcnce the senior podi'o club htst Thui'sday boxes ready to receive the ballots D April 4th. on Mill street, Mason, Mich. evening. Mrs, F, L. Stroud and F. ,L Prof. 0. E. Bird of Leslie will resign another case of what is everybody'i Brown were the prize winnci'S. the principidsliip of their schools at business is nobody's business. Mrs. French-Sheldon's lectures on ATTORNEYS. I'lic ladies ill' iMa.-iiiii and vk'iiiity iii'c the close (if the pri-seiit school year Two llrst-class tickets were noni Africa at the opet'ii liousc last I'l'ldiiy li, SAiNliKllS. Allovaey ami Cmlijselor al iilviU'd lu iitteiid tlie iiiilliiiei'y open• c has been at the head I'or six years, natud by the dominant parties in the and Saturday evenings were vei'y iii- , law. >imce III the lliiliMiiytoa lilook, ii| ing I'ol' the season at iMi's, A, L, Cliii|i- city and there was no danger to her tci'tisting and entertaining, but were G Tlioi'c wore 307 horses upon our stairs, M.'isoii. .MIcli. mali's, Fridily and .Satiii'day, April (itli interests with either elected. As was nob attended by very lai-gc audiences pi'incipiil streets last .Saturday after- I\1 (UiiMiMI.N'.S, Ailoriicy iiial Cotlnselor at inilTth, • tn MOU need hist week there w.as no The Ili'St evening she gave iier hcai'et'i iioiin at three o'clock, so say,s one of 22 Iba. Gran. Sugar, $1.00 A i.iiw. Olllccovcr Kariiiers' lliilik, JMltSOli. head to the democratic ticket and this an opportunity tn ask her (|iicstioiis Those iiiterestod in Siiiidny scliool our citi'/,ens who took the pains to cost them a (,'ood many votes, but the regarding tliatcoiintry, its people, etc T HUM A \S, AttoriievniKi Ceiiiiseloral, Law, work in the Hawley iicigliborliood cmiiiii them. 5 Ibs, Crackers, - 25c Olllre over I'irst .Stale and Havltlus IllinU candidates did hard work and the re and gave very ready answers to al will meet at the scluiol linuse ne.xt .suit is indeed gratifying to the party asoli Mich, iMiitley to lo:nl on gooil secilrlty. There is a green spot just bordering propounded. Sunday afternoon at tliiee o'clock to and shows conclusively thiifc had we IsackFl-Jur, - - 28c on the west edge of Ingluim county', •f. llOOn, AUm'tiey al Law. Olllce will li'giliiizc a Sunday scliool. been united and tiic workei's all ou A military commhssion sent by the , .litilgeiil' i'nilwle, Miisiiii, .Mich, 'riie dciiKici'iits elected tho niiiyoi' and These slapio grnecrlns need no explaiiit- O the rcsiilfc would hiivc been dilTercnt, German govci'iinicnb to this cot'intry lion ill regard to (|iiullty and Uio price Byron M, Bi'owne was sentenced to recorder in Eaton Iviiplds. Last year There wiis considerable trouble in to study the citiestioii of pi'ocuring e.Nplalns Itself. HARDWARE. live years ab hard labor in the state the i'(.',publ leans elected the ma.yor by organix.ing the board iu the first ward horses suitable I'or army ttses in that prison by .Itidge Bcrsdii last Sittiii'day, 117 niiij'irlty. ITOII •>!: UAYMONl). dealers In (.•tjneral and this body was not satisfactory to cmpii'c, reports that American lioi'ses.
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