A GUIDE TO THE CULTURAL ROUTE OF SAINT MARTIN OF TOURS FROM SZOMBATHELY TO ZREčE Title A Guide to the Cultural Route of Saint Martin of Tours from Szombathely to Zreče Vodnik po kulturni poti Svetega Martina Tourskega od Szombathelya do Zreč Written by Cartographia Kft. and and project partners Project partners Regional developenemt agency Mura, partner leader Kobilje Municipality Dobrovnik Municipality Murska Sobota Municipality Radenci Municipality Developenemt agency Slovenske gorice Maps prepared by Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah Municipality Cartographia Kft. (maps of the Hungarian section) Hajdina Municipality Kartografija d.o.o. (maps of the Slovenian section) Institute for Culture Slovenska Bistrica Graphic design Szombathely Municipality Instinkt d.o.o. Parish of Saint Martin Szombathely Edition Martineum, Academy for Adult Education first Museums of Parish Vas Nádasd Municipality Print Agora, cultural and tourist center Szombathely Animus d.o.o. Photos of the Hungarian section Publisher Kovács Attila Gyula, továbbá Armuth Gábor, Balaskó Tibor, Regionalna razvojna agencija Mura d.o.o. Cartographia Kft., Heincz László, Yellow Design Year of printing Photos of the Slovenian section 2013 Uroš Vidovič, Kovács Attila Gyula, Bine Kovačič, Circulation Archive Parish Kamnica 5.000 pcs Prepared under the project of »Saint Martin Centres and Saint Martin of Tours European Cultural Route - Via Savaria« which was co-financed by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund, in the framework of Slovenia-Hungary 2007-2013 cross-border cooperation. CONTENT SAINT MARTIN OF TOURS 5 INTRODUCTION 6 THE SZOMBATHELY−MURSKA SOBOTA SECTION 8 Szombathely (city map) 8 Körmend (city map) 22 Zalalövő (city map) 29 THE MURSKA SOBOTA–ZREČE SECTION 49 Murska Sobota (city map) 49 Maribor (city map) 63 Ptuj (city map) 74 Slovenska Bistrica (city map) 81 IMPORTANT INFORMATION 92 USEFUL INFORMATION 94 DICTIONARY & USEFUL PHRASES 96 LITERATURE 98 MAPS 99 LEGEND 100 MAP SHEETS 102 MAPS 1 5 SAINT MARTIN OF TOURS (Savaria circa 316 – † Candes 397) Saint Martin was born around 316 in the city religion and organise religious communities. He of Savaria, now Szombathely. His father, who left the Christian communities and monaster- served in the Roman legion, received land as ies he founded to his disciples. In 371, Martin credit for his achievements and the family moved was proclaimed Bishop of Tours. Humble by to the Italian town of Ticinum (now Pavia). nature, he hid in a stable to avoid the station Following his father’s wish, Martin entered the he was erected to by the community, but the legion at 15, but his life took an unexpected turn noise made by geese gave him away (background in Amiens (France) when he gave up half of his to Martin’s feast goose tradition). More than 80 cloak to warm up a beggar shivering of cold. years old, Martin died in 397 in Candes (now Soon, Christ appeared in his dream, wearing Candes St Martin). His body was transported on the same cloak, and told Martin he did a good the Loire River to Tours where he was buried on deed. Martin then left the army, was baptised and 11th November (St Martin’s Day). Martin became started to spread the word of Christ. He visited a protector of Franks and the Gaul, his cult hav- his parents who had returned to Savaria, and ing spread over the entire Christian world. Over baptised his mother. Returning to Italy, Martin 3000 European settlements, nearly 500 of them lived as a hermit and later travelled to promote in France, are named after Martin of Tours. INTRODUCTION 6 Over the last few years, the 21st century tourism either start or end in the city. The routes are dot- saw the rise of a certain type of religious, cultural, ted with churches and other sights related to the engaged and ecological offer − the religious tour- life of Saint Martin. ism. Religious tourism exceeds the role that hiking plays in acquiring new knowledge and preserving To promote the life and main values of Europe's one's health. It is much more than a mere quick most popular saint, Martin of Tours, the Europe- visit to the city sights as is often the case with tour- an Council in 2005 proclaimed the route connect- ists who travel by buses. Spiritual travelling brings ing Szombathely in Hungary and Tours in France relaxation for the body and mind, clears thoughts a European Cultural Route. The guide represents a and decreases inner stress in a world where human section of the route connecting Szombathely, Hun- values are constantly put to the test. gary, and Zreče, Slovenia. Szombathely, the birth place of Saint Martin, Starting at the west of Hungary, at the Chapel of maintains the cult of the holy bishop and estab- Saint Martin in Szombathely, the trail leads to the fa- lishes bonds with European cities connected to mous church in Ják and then through spruce forest his life. From 2003 to 2007, Szombathely initiated along the bank of River Raba to Körmend. Then it the arrangement of seven pilgrim's routes, which continues through forests, fields and old orchards, 7 along the hilly terrain of Vasi-hegyhát area, turns to the church of St Urban. After tasting local wines, towards the Pusztacsatár church and then descends pilgrims can carry on over a ridge overgrown with into the Zala River valley. From the Zalalövő hamlet, beech forest until they reach River Drava. Once the path waves across the hills of Őrség area through leaving Maribor, the trail runs along the north edge forests, meadows and small, quiet villages. Soon, it of Pohorje, crosses the lowlands of Dravsko polje crosses the symbolic border dividing Hungary and and the hills of Slo venske gorice, turns towards the Slovenia (Slovenia being independent since 1991) Vurberg castle and arrives to the next stop − the at village Kercaszomor in the Mala Krka valley. The historical town of Ptuj. From the famous pilgrim's trail reaches Murska Sobota after crossing the pic- church of Ptujska Gora, the route leads across a turesque land of Goričko and Prekmurje, with vil- hilly forest terrain. A tourist mountain trail runs lages, churches, chapels, road crosses and vineyards from Slovenska Bistrica across the picturesque wa- scattered along the road. Crossing the River Mura, terfall valley to the south side of the Pohorje moun- the trail follows one of the largest and most diverse tains until one reaches Veliki vrh. A hilly road then areas of Slovenia − Lower Štajerska. From Sloven- leads along beautiful Alpine meadows and forests ske gorice to Maribor, it runs along woods, mead- to Oplotnica. A short picturesque trip is all that is ows, fields, farm houses, chapels, scenic view spots left to reach the final point of the route described and vineyards. A proper mountain trail then leads in the guide − the town of Zreče. THE SZOMBATHELY−MURska SOBOTA SECTION Information about the route, accommodation, sights and certificate of achievement stamps: www.viasanctimartini.eu 8 The tour starts in Szombathely, a city in hands as a dowry the Bavarian Duke Henry II western Hungary and administrative gave to his daughter Gisella (985–1065) when centre of the Vas County. she married King Stephen I of Hungary. By the 15th century, Szombathely was a wall-protected Savaria (since the 3rd century also market town. In 1578, the church chapter and named Sabaria), the ancient name for county centre were transferred from Vasvár to Szombathely, is of Celtic origin. After Szombathely due to Turkish threats. Thanks to the Romans conquered the area west of Bishop János Szily (1777–1799), known as “the the Danube in late 1st century BC, Pannonia second builder of the city”, Szombathely, which became a Roman province in 10 AD. In 43 had become the centre of the new diocese by the AD, the military camp situated at the location late 18th century, turned not only into a religious of today’s Szombathely was granted the rights but also a spiritual and cultural centre. By the of a city. Around 105 AD, during the reign of late 19th century, it had evolved into an important Trajan, Savaria became the centre of Upper railway junction as one of the most developed Pannonia. Born in the city of Savaria in 316, industrial, market and military cities in western Bishop Saint Martin is now worshipped through- Hungary. The development came to a halt during out the entire Christian world. Led by Charles WWI, and the city lost its status with the Treaty the Great (768–814), Franks defeated the Avars, of Trianon. Since 1990, Szombathely has shown erecting a Steinamanger (“a stone on a field”) signs of new progress, having become a popular at the place of the future town of Savaria. The destination with many events attracting tourists, ruler of Franks submitted the area to the Salzburg one of them being the Feast of Saint Martin, a Diocese only to fall back into the Hungarian patron of the city. The Jade Road Section Statue of Bishop János Szily 9 The European Cultural Route of Saint Martin which was renovated in Late-Gothic style in the of Tours, starting in Szombathely, leading early 13th century. By that time, the St Martin vil- through Slovenia and ending in Tours, France, is lage had formed around the church, falling under a pilgrim’s route which starts at a symbolic foot- the Szombathely administration only in the late print of the famous bishop worshipped as a saint, 19th century. The St Martin Chapel, allegedly built which is laid on the steps of St Martin Chapel. where the house of Martin’s birth used to stand, is probably from the 15th century.
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