Lesley University DigitalCommons@Lesley Lesley Newspaper Archive Special Collections and Archives Summer 5-24-1957 The Lantern (May 24, 1957) Lesley College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/newspaper_archive Recommended Citation Lesley College, "The Lantern (May 24, 1957)" (1957). Lesley Newspaper Archive. 31. https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/newspaper_archive/31 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections and Archives at DigitalCommons@Lesley. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lesley Newspaper Archive by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Lesley. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LESLEY COLLEGE 29 Everett Street, Cambridge Vol. XIX MAY 24, 1957 No. 1 SENIOR COMMENCEME NT JU NE 9 ... ... ... ---- ... --- ...... 41 Senior LOIS HERBERT, Viewing The J, MAY QUEEN Council Co1nmencement At the last meeting of the Stu­ Lois Herbe1it, '57 was crowned May I June 9th dent Government Council a new Queen of Lesley College at the May policy was announced. All meet­ Day celebration held at the Lesley Ellis Sunday afternoon, June 9, Commence­ ings are now opened to all mem- Field on May 2. ment Day activirlies will begin with the bers of .the college. Our meetings Baccalaureate service at the First P arish will take place on Monday nights in Cambridge (Unitarian), H arvard Sq., at 6:30 in the Gym. Every third at 3 :30 P.M. Dr. Russell G. Schofield, month there will be a special Lesley College chaplain, will deliver the Thursday afternoon meeting so baccalaureate sermon, with President that those who commute will have White and Dean Thurber conducting the the opportunity to see the Gov­ ren~ainder of the service. Mr. Benjamin ernment in action. will be the organist. Members of it' We hope that by extending this Emerald Key Society will usher, · invitation to you, you will come this and the Commencement cer· ·- ~t ings and learn about • Government in order at banquet Tuesday night May 7, Garden St., The Class of 1958 in the dining room. P eggy Conway, the address will be given l' you outgoing President, announced the newly under the tutelage of Margaret Russell Park, President of siJ'>· new ~ · Be ready to elected officers for t he year 1957-1958. won and the name of their class was put cause Need You .... Let's The invocation and benedi Te She introduced the speakers for the on a special plaque awarded by Dean make the year of 1957-58 some­ given by Dr. Schofield. Lesley" banquet who were Dean Thurber, Presi­ Thurber. The Freshmen then did the thing worth while to remember. mencement Chorus, led by Edyth' dent White, Mr. Morris and E ileen Keefe, traditional Maypole Dance and did a This is your government. Again Arthur, with Sondra Shindel!, solois· the new President of the Penguin Clu,b . very admirable job in braiding the we urge you to see the committee will sing, and Mr. Benjamin again will ribbon. chairmen represented on govern­ A good time was had by all. be our organist. Among the special awards, three honorary degrees will be Thanks for a wonderful job and ment. What committee interests you the most? Remember that next ................................................................ conferred and one alumnae ciotation. The orderly program go to Miss Brennan I recipients of these distinctions will be year we will continue to hav~ open whose guidance was invaluable, Kathrine announced at that time. Some ninety Schatz and Carol Webber, Co-Chairmen meetings. We hope to see you there. seniors and graduate students are ex­ of the program, and to Joanie Petraglia </lie _fa,n/eJiH, pected to receive degrees before an audi­ who impersonated the Lesley Elf and "ence of more than a thousand parents announced the program. Spring Fashions ~~ and friends. The calendar says the mont.h is May, but the weatherman believes it is still Hillel Faculty Tea March. Along with the problem of the B<Ut Vacai1an weather arises an equally· important On Ap11il ,30, 1the Hillel Club spon­ Together We'll Build problem of "what to wear." Throughout sored a Faculty Tea which was, held the campus, winter clothes are still 'Wult&L The Bazaar Committee, of the Annual in the Livingston Steb.bins Library. The prominent, and the wool sweater and Faculty, Presidents of all clubs and Building F und Bazaai., "Together We'll skirt have become the spring garb these Build," headed by Lynn Alexander, classes, and members o.f the Hillel Club cool days. Even though wool seems the were invited to attend. A shoI't meeting. Chairman, was comprised of a repre­ more practical fabric, spring should not ......._ _____ ........................ ....... ... ... ... was held at which Joan Weinstein intro­ sentative from each class and club here be entirely forgotten. Pastel colors are duced the old officers and told a little at Lesley College. This bazaar is held spring-like, and a touch of flowers at about their jobs. Elaine Thorner gave a every year for the purpose of uniting the neck can do a lot for those practical CALENDAR OF EVENTS - summary of the speakers that visited the the college and having fun at the various ~ woolens. club during the year. Mrs. Berglund, booths that are set up. The time is not far off, however, when • May 20- Judging of Library Con- the Hillel Club's advisor, was introduced cottons will enter the picture. · The cir­ The main feature of the Bazaar was test and was given a -gift. Joan then pre­ cular skirt which was so popular last 20-Lesley Night at Pops the " Human Brain" originated by rthe sented the gavel to the new president of summer is even more so this spring and Junior Class. We found out that the t 23-Yearbook Assembly the Hillel Club, Marcia Rabstein. Marcia is coming out in brighter colors and de­ 24-Classes Erid human brain was none other than our introduced the new officers of rthe club signs. The style this year is running own Dr. Mark V. Crockett with his sign 27-Exams Begin who are Marcia Solberg, vice-president; somewhat shorter with an accent on the t June 6- Step-n,p Day Toby Hoffenberg, secretary; Elaine "Think!" full graceful lines in skirts and dresses. 6- C1ass Day Zucker, pu.blicity chairman; Margie The Building Fund made a profit of During this interim between spring 7-JunioT-Senior Picnic at Quint, co - publicity chairman; Betty $137.37 on the Bazaar. Thanks for a and summer, the individual will no Half Moon Beach Morgenbesser, brunch chairman, and job well done go to Helen Klahr and doubt have a great number of oppor­ 8-Senior Dinner Dance Donna Kasowitz, co-brunch chairman. Marilyn English, co-chairmen of the tunities to wear her dressy cottons. 9-Graduation Joan Weinstein received a gift from the affair, Lynn Alexander the Chairman of 'Spring is the time of year when the Hillel Club. After the meeting, coffee, the affair and to the various clubs that world is young; fashions express this tea and cookies were served. participated. youthfulness in style. - LESLEY COLLEGE LANTERN May 24, 1957 THE LANTERN Olficial newspaper of Lesley College, published fortnightly during the college year, exclusive A Child's Wisdom N!~!!~:~!;;t~~!:: I 1 of vacations, by the students of Lesley College, ~9 Everett ::>treet, Cambridge, Mass. Printed by the l{ichdale .Pres;, 6 Walden Street, Cambridge, Mass. Tel. EL 4-0505. Subscrip­ its complete staff for ithe coming year tion rate by mail: $3.00 a year. Advertising rates on requebt. 1957-1958. We are again fortunate in This column this month is dedicated ,.-fhe Lantern Staff having Doctor Leslie Oliver as our to some of .the children in the various Adviser. Filling the ·position of News schools in which we student teach. They Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Contributors Editor is Roberta Shapiro. Although were given to the LANTERN 1by TuJ.a Marian Zashin Rosemary Si)va Joni Chernoff she has only been on the paper for one Tatalias, and were written by her pupil, News Editor Associa,te Business Robert Yates year, Roberta has demonstrated both Eugene W. Giromini, who is nine years Roberta Shapiro Manager Gladys Acosta interest and ability in working. Her old. Layout Editor Carol Barnett Tula Tatalias Jane Ade,lberg Circulation Co-Managers team is composed of Jane Adelberg who Rewrite Editor Diane Sharp will head the Rewrite and Layout De­ in spring the treese bud with ese Jane Adelberg Elaine Zucker partments, Rosemary .Silva who is tak­ and the sky is blue and white Faculty Advisor, Dr. Leslie M. Oliver ing over the joh of Business Manager with Carol Barnett to assist her, Diane The country is so butful like the Sharp and Elaine Zuker, Co-managers bidrs when thir flight THE LANTERN SPEAKS of the Circulation Department and in June you will see the moon when Sandi Borr who is again taking over it is in full bloom With the closing of another wonderful year at Lesley it is well for us to the task of Art Editor. When you look at the flowers you will scrutinize and evaluate our goals. We, on the LANTERN staff, look over our With this staff and with the suppovl see that they are butiful as can be progress this past year and we are pleased with the results. We have built a of the Student body, Administration at last we come to the sun that ways firm foundation for our newspaper. We have secured advertising from many and Faculty we are looking forward to many and many a .tun new advertisers and we have in some measure ·brought you the news of our a very happy and successful year.
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