Antares-Code © – Reflection of the Stellar Nations Name Anchoring of the Stellar portals Stellar Nation Date of Birth 17. 08. 2006 04:47 pm The Stellar Nation of the Unicorn The Stellar Nation of the Angels The Stellar Nation of the Winged Lion The Stellar Nation of the Cosmic Humans Zuben Elgenubi/Kif elorum 28°59´ Gemma/Alphecca 12°23´ Acrux 1 fa Australis 15°1 1°58´ Markeb/Kappa V Zavigava/Zavijava 27°16´ 1°25´ Labrum/Delta Crateris 26°47´ 1´ Zosma 1 Regulus 29°55´ 7°22´ 111 11°32´ 1°32´1°32´1°32´ 26°53´ Acubens/Sertan 13°44´ 26°53´26°53´ 26°53´26°53´ 16°15´ Rasalhague 22°33´ 16°15´16°15´16°15´16°15´ 8°58´ 8°58´8°58´8°58´ Praesepe (M44 Beehive Cluster) 4°05´4°05´4°05´ 24°36´24°36´24°36´ Nushaba/Alnasl 1°21´ 16°09´16°09´16°09´ 24°09´24°09´24°09´ 10°17´ 9 8 10°17´10°17´10°17´ X 3°00´3°00´ 5°53´5°53´5°53´ 3°00´3°00´ 11 VII Canopus 15°10´ Caput Sagittarii/Xi1,2 Sagittarii 13°30´ 13°16´ 12 6 Sirius A 14°10´ Vega/Wega 15°25´ 1 5 IV 23°35´ 2 3 Alnitak 24°47´ 7°17´7°17´7°17´ 5°17´ 1°35´ 14°114°114°1 Meissa 23°48´ 1´1´ 14°09´ 1´1´ 18°14´18°14´18°14´ Alnilam 23°33´ 15°03´ 19°16´19°16´19°16´ Mintaka 22°27´ Capella 21°57´ 13°28´ 13°28´13°28´13°28´ Bellatrix 21°10´ 26°53´26°53´ 26°53´26°53´26°53´ Aldebaran 9°53´ Sadalmelik/Sadal Melik 3°27´ Fomalhaut/Formalhaut 3°57´ Antares-Code © – Reflection of the Stellar Nations Anchoring of the Stellar portals The Stellar Nation of the Unicorn / The Stellar Nation of the Angels / The Stellar Nation of the Winged Lion / The Stellar Nation of the Cosmic Humans Date of Birth 17. 08. 2006 04:47 pm Position Stellar Nation Conjunction with the Fixed Stars Position Figure Page Ascendant / 1st House Cusp Capricorn 13°16´ Angels Caput Sagittarii/Xi1,2 Sagittarii 13°30´ 21 I/182 Winged Lion Vega/Wega 15°25´ 23 I/219 2nd House Cusp Pisces 1°35´ Unicorn Fomalhaut/Formalhaut 3°57´ 2 I/86 Cosmic Humans Sadalmelik/Sadal Melik 3°27´ 50 II/44-45 3rd House Cusp Aries 15°03´ Immun Coeli (IC) Taurus 14°09´ 5th House Cusp Gemini 5°17´ 6th House Cusp Gemini 23°35´ Winged Lion Alnilam 23°33´ 14 I/214,216 Winged Lion Alnitak 24°47´ 14 I/214,216 Angels Bellatrix 21°10´ 14 I/139,174,271 Unicorn Capella 21°57´ 10 I/114 Cosmic Humans Meissa 23°48´ 14 II/27 Winged Lion Mintaka 22°27´ 14 I/214,215 Descendant / 7th House Cusp Cancer 13°16´ Angels Canopus 15°10´ 13 I/137 Unicorn Sirius A 14°10´ 9 I/112 8th House Cusp Virgo 1°35´ Winged Lion Regulus 29°55´ 22 II/31 Cosmic Humans Regulus 29°55´ 22 II/31 9th House Cusp Libra 15°03´ Medium Coeli (MC) / 10th House Cusp Scorpio 14°09´ Unicorn Acrux 11°58´ 3 I/92 Winged Lion Gemma/Alphecca 12°23´ 24 I/222 Cosmic Humans Zuben Elgenubi/Kiffa Australis 15°11´ 49 II/35 11th House Cusp Sagittarius 5°17´ 12th House Cusp Sagittarius 23°35´ Cosmic Humans Rasalhague 22°33´ 43 II/37 North Node Pisces 26°53´ South Node Virgo 26°53´ Angels Labrum/Delta Crateris 26°47´ 15 I/163 Angels Markeb/Kappa Velorum 28°59´ 13 I/180 Cosmic Humans Zavigava/Zavijava 27°16´ 11 II/34 The Sun Leo 24°36´ The Moon Gemini 14°11´ Angels Aldebaran 9°53´ 6 I/163 Mercury Leo 10°17´ Winged Lion Praesepe (M44 Beehive Cluster) 7°22´ 25 I/224 Venus Leo 5°53´ Winged Lion Praesepe (M44 Beehive Cluster) 7°22´ 25 I/224 Mars Virgo 16°15´ Jupiter Scorpio 11°32´ Unicorn Acrux 11°58´ 3 I/92 Winged Lion Gemma/Alphecca 12°23´ 24 I/222 Saturn Leo 16°09´ Cosmic Humans Acubens/Sertan 13°44´ 25 II/29 Uranus Pisces 13°28´ Neptune Aquarius 18°14´ Pluto Sagittarius 24°09´ Cosmic Humans Rasalhague 22°33´ 43 II/37 Chiron Aquarius 7°17´ Ceres Aquarius 19°16´ Pallas Athene Capricorn 3°00´ Cosmic Humans Nushaba/Alnasl 1°21´ 21 II/41 Juno Virgo 4°05´ Winged Lion Regulus 29°55´ 22 II/31 Cosmic Humans Regulus 29°55´ 22 II/31 Vesta Virgo 8°58´ Winged Lion Zosma 11°25´ 22 I/210 Antares-Code © – Reflection of the Stellar Nations Name Anchoring of the Stellar portals Stellar Nation Date of Birth 17. 08. 2006 04:47 pm The Stellar Nation of the Dragons The Stellar Nation of the Great Felines The Stellar Nation of the Pegasus Zavigava/Zavijava 27°16´ Cor Caroli 24°40´ Chara 17°48´ Thuban 7°33´ Algieba 29°43´ Beta Leonis Minoris 24°38´ 1°56´ yncis 1 111 11°32´ 1°32´1°32´1°32´ 26°53´ 26°53´26°53´ 26°53´26°53´ Alpha L 16°15´ Grumium 24°51´ 16°15´16°15´16°15´16°15´ 8°58´ 8°58´8°58´8°58´ Giausar/Giusar/ (-) 10°26´ Ara/Alpha Arae 25°10´ 4°05´4°05´4°05´ 24°36´24°36´24°36´ 16°09´16°09´16°09´ Alpha T 24°09´24°09´24°09´ 10°17´ elescopii (+) 5°10´ 9 8 10°17´10°17´10°17´ X 3°00´3°00´ 5°53´5°53´5°53´ 3°00´3°00´ 11 VII Alpha Coronae Australis 14°14´ 13°16´ 12 6 1 Vega/Wega 15°25´ 5 IV 23°35´ 2 3 7°17´7°17´7°17´ 5°17´ 1°35´ 14°114°114°1 1´1´ 14°09´ 1´1´ Omega Orionis 24°36´ 18°14´18°14´18°14´ 15°03´ Phact/Phaet 22°16´ 19°16´19°16´19°16´ Capella 21°57´ Rigel 16°55´ 13°28´ 13°28´13°28´13°28´ 26°53´26°53´ 26°53´26°53´26°53´ Menkar 14°25´ Enif 1°59´ Almach/Alamak 14°19´ Gamma Cassiopeiae/Éon 14°10´ Alpheratz/Sirrach 14°24´ Markab 23°35´ Matar 25°48´ Scheat 29°28´ Antares-Code © – Reflection of the Stellar Nations Anchoring of the Stellar portals The Stellar Nation of the Dragons / The Stellar Nation of the Great Felines / The Stellar Nation of the Pegasus Date of Birth 17. 08. 2006 04:47 pm Position Stellar Nation Conjunction with the Fixed Stars Position Figure Page Ascendant / 1st House Cusp Capricorn 13°16´ Great Felines Alpha Coronae Australis 14°14´ 33 I/297 Dragons Vega/Wega 15°25´ 23 I/247 2nd House Cusp Pisces 1°35´ Pegasus Enif 1°59´ 38 I/344 3rd House Cusp Aries 15°03´ Pegasus Alpheratz/Sirrach 14°24´ 39 I/338 Immun Coeli (IC) Taurus 14°09´ Pegasus Almach/Alamak 14°19´ 39 I/341 Pegasus Gamma Cassiopeiae/Éon 14°10´ 20 I/354 Dragons Menkar 14°25´ 27 I/262 5th House Cusp Gemini 5°17´ 6th House Cusp Gemini 23°35´ Dragons Capella 21°57´ 10 I/272,280 Dragons Omega Orionis 24°36´ 14 I/237,266 Dragons Phact/Phaet 22°16´ 29 I/259 Descendant / 7th House Cusp Cancer 13°16´ 8th House Cusp Virgo 1°35´ Dragons Algieba 29°43´ 22 I/293,306 Great Felines Algieba 29°43´ 22 I/293,306 9th House Cusp Libra 15°03´ Medium Coeli (MC) / 10th House Cusp Scorpio 14°09´ 11th House Cusp Sagittarius 5°17´ 12th House Cusp Sagittarius 23°35´ Great Felines Ara/Alpha Arae 25°10´ 35 I/303 Dragons Grumium 24°51´ 26 I/244 North Node Pisces 26°53´ Pegasus Markab 23°35´ 38 I/330 Pegasus Scheat 29°28´ 38 I/334 Pegasus Matar 25°48´ 0 South Node Virgo 26°53´ Great Felines Cor Caroli 24°40´ 36 I/309 Pegasus Zavigava/Zavijava 27°16´ 11 I/369,370 The Sun Leo 24°36´ Great Felines Beta Leonis Minoris 24°38´ IV/18. The Moon Gemini 14°11´ Dragons Rigel 16°55´ 14 I/245 Mercury Leo 10°17´ Great Felines Alpha Lyncis 11°56´ 37 I/311 Dragons Giausar/Giusar/ (-) 10°26´ 26 I/271 Venus Leo 5°53´ Mars Virgo 16°15´ Great Felines Chara 17°48´ 36 I/309 Jupiter Scorpio 11°32´ Saturn Leo 16°09´ Uranus Pisces 13°28´ Neptune Aquarius 18°14´ Pluto Sagittarius 24°09´ Great Felines Ara/Alpha Arae 25°10´ 35 I/303 Dragons Grumium 24°51´ 26 I/244 Chiron Aquarius 7°17´ Ceres Aquarius 19°16´ Pallas Athene Capricorn 3°00´ Great Felines Alpha Telescopii (+) 5°10´ 33 I/298 Juno Virgo 4°05´ Vesta Virgo 8°58´ Dragons Thuban 7°33´ 26 I/247 Antares-Code © – Reflection of the Stellar Nations Name Anchoring of the Stellar portals Stellar Nation Date of Birth 17. 08. 2006 04:47 pm The Stellar Nation of the Serpents – Female line The Stellar Nation of the Serpents – Male line The Stellar Nation of the Bears - The Christ Community Zuben Elgenubi/Kif Seginus 17°45´ Gemma/Alphecca 12°23´ Becrux 1 Acrux 1 fa Australis 15°1 1°44´ 1°58´ Alkaid / Benetnash 27°10´ Dschubba/IsidisY 2°40´ ed Prior 2°24´ Alcor 15°58´ Mizar 15°48´ 1´ Alioth 9°10´ Graf Megrez 1°10´ fias 3°17´ Phecda/Phad 0°34´ Marfik 5°41´ Rasalhague 22°33´ Alphard 27°22´ 111 Lesath 24°10´ 11°32´ Shaula/Schaula 24°41´ 1°32´1°32´1°32´ Duphe/Dubhe 15°18´ 26°53´ 26°53´26°53´ 26°53´26°53´ 16°15´ 16°15´16°15´16°15´16°15´ 8°58´ 8°58´8°58´8°58´ Cebalrai 25°26´ 4°05´4°05´4°05´ 24°36´24°36´24°36´ Sargas 25°42´ 16°09´16°09´16°09´ 24°09´24°09´24°09´ 10°17´ Girtab 26°34´ 9 8 10°17´10°17´10°17´ X Spiculum/M8 Lagoon nebula 3°00´3°00´ 5°53´5°53´5°53´ 1°10´ 3°00´3°00´ 11 VII 13°16´ 12 Pelagus/Nunki 12°29´ Sirius A 14°10´ 6 1 5 IV 23°35´ 2 3 5°17´ Al Hecka/Zeta T 7°17´7°17´7°17´ 1°35´ 14°114°114°1 auri 24°53´ 1´1´ Alnitak 24°47´ 14°09´ 1´1´ 18°14´18°14´18°14´ 18°14´ Alnilam 23°33´ 15°03´ 19°16´19°16´19°16´ El Nath 22°40´ Mintaka 22°27´ 13°28´ 13°28´13°28´13°28´ Cursa 15°22´ 26°53´26°53´ 26°53´26°53´26°53´ Alpha Hydri 12°13´ Achernar/Acharnar 15°24´ Antares-Code © – Reflection of the Stellar Nations Anchoring of the Stellar portals The Stellar Nation of the Serpents – Female line / The Stellar Nation of the Serpents – Male line / The Stellar Nation of the Bears - The Christ Community Date of Birth 17.
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