a c/> c/> The most famous names in American men's wear are here for you: Eagle, Society Brand, GGG, Hickey-Freeman, Burberry, Alligator, 'Botany' 500, Alpagora, Arrow, Hathaway, Swank, McGregor, Bemhard Altmann, Dobbs, Florsheim . and many, many more. Truly the finest men's clothing and furnishings ob­ tainable in today's world markets. On the Cmnfius—Notre Drnne o &&& ... so select what you need now: a new suit or topcoat for the holidays ahead . gifts for special friends, and charge them the Campus Shop way. By the way, the Campus Shop will give you quick, expert fitting service so that what you purchase now will be altered and ready before. you leave the campus for the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! CHARGE IT THE CAMPUS SHOP WAY 1/3 1/3 IN JUNE IN JULY No Carrying Charge ^ILBERrS On the Campus—Notre Dune Kttfa QaCampis MsShoIman (Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf", "The Manii Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.) DECK THE HALLS The time has come to make out our Robespierre, alas, was murdered quicker Inarticulate Society Christmas shopping lists, for Christmas than 3'ou could shout Jacques Robes­ Editor: %\-iU be upon us quicker than you can saj' pierre (or Jack Robinson as he is called Mr. Hudson, in last w^eek's Reper­ cussions, took issue with Mr. Smith's Jack Robinson. (Have j'ou ever won­ in the English-speaking countries). hierarchical theory of government: it dered, incidentall}--, about the origin of (There is, I am pleased to report, one was Mr. Hudson's contention that if a this interesting phrase "Quicker than j'ou small note of cheer in this grisly tale. state were wrongly articulated, then it can say Jack Robinson"? "Well sir, the \\nien Georges Sand got to Majorca should be the function of the federal original phrase was French—"Plus vile where Chopin was setting IJTICS to his government "to establish a form oi^) que dc dire Jacques Robespierre," Jack immortal "Warsaw Concerto," she was society which is properly articulated." Robinson is, as ever\'one knows, an angli- happilj^ able to help him find a rhjane for N^ow, I must take issue with Mr. Hud­ cization of Jacques Robespierre who was, "Warsaw," as everj^one knows who has son; he operates under an all-too-com­ as everj'one knows, the famous figure heard those haunting lyrics: mon delusion. A federal government from the French Revolution who, as In the fair town of Warsaw, cannot, in any case, institute any form everj'one knows, got murdered in his Which Napoleon's horse saw, of articulation: articulation falls only within the realm of power of the indi­ bath bj' Danton, Murat, Caligula, and Singing cockles and mussels, alive alive vidual members of the society; it is a Aaron Burr. o!) fomi of organization from the bottom (The reason people started saying But I digress. up, not from the top down. And, I would "Quicker than j-ou can saj"^ Jacques We were speaking of Christmas gifts. suggest, although a federal government--, Robespierre (or Jack Robinson as he is A^liat we all strive to do at Christmas is, might institute order or conformity, it* called in English-speaking countries)" is of course, to find unusual, offbeat, differ­ could never create proper articulation. quite an interesting little stor3^ It seems ent gifts for our friends. May I suggest I am shocked that Mr. Hudson would that Robespierre's wife, Georges Sand, then a carton of Marlboro Cigarettes? propose such a thing: it is the justifica­ got word of the plot to murder her hus­ Y^liat? You are astonished? You had tion given by totalitarian governments band in his bath. All she had the world wide to institute their purges. to do to save his life was call Jeremy Jon Kaye his name and warn him. But, alas, quicker than she Be It Resolved could saj"^ Jacques Robes­ Editor: pierre, she received a tele­ Whereas, The editors of the Notre Dame^:) gram from her old friend Scholastic have offered an opinion Frederic Chopin who was concerning the motivation of the Stu­ down in Majorca setting dent Demonstration, and IjTics to his immortal "War­ whereas, there is a need for such publi­ saw Concerto." Chopin said cation of student opinion and he needed Georges Sand's ivhereas, almost all students at Notre help desperatelj' because he Dame are sincerely interested in see­ could not find a rlwme for ing their University truly advance to "Warsaw." Naturallj^ Georges Sand not thought of Marlboros as unusual, off­ the goal of excellence, then could not refuse such an urgent request. beat, different? You had regarded them The members of the University of Notr^ (Well sir, Georges Sand went traipsing as familiar, rehable smokes whose ex­ Dame Student Senate hereby off to Majorca, but before she left she cellence varied not one jot or tittle from Resolve, that the editors of the Scholastic told her little daughter Walter that some j'^ear to year? deserve commendation for their edi­ bad men were coming to murder daddj' True. All true. But at the same time, torial; and that the editorial concern­ in his bath, and she instructed Walter to Marlboros are unusual, offbeat, different, ing the Student Demonstration is as shout Robespierre's name when the bad because every time you try one, it's like representative as possible of the opin­ ion of the Student Body. men arrived. But Walter, alas, had been the first time. The flavor never palls, Jack Clark sea-bathing that morning on the Riviera, never gets hacknej^ed. Each Marlboro is Secretary, Student Senate and she had come home loaded ^"ith sea a fresh delight, a pristine pleasure, and if shells and salt water taffj', and when the you want all jj^our friends to clap their The SCHOLASTIC is entered as second class >^ bad men came to murder Robespierre, hands and exclaim, "Yes, Virginia, there mail at Notre Dame, Indiana, at a special Walter, alas, was chewing a big wad of is a Santa Claus I" you will put them at postage rate authorized June 23, 1918. The magazine is a member of the Catholic School salt water taffy and could not get her the very top of your Christmas list. Press Association and the Associated Collegiate mouth open in time to shout a warning. Press. It is represented for National Advertising © I9G0 Max Shulmaa by National Advertising Service and by Uon Spencer, College Magazines Corp., 420 Madison Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Published weekly during the school year, except during vacation and examination periods, the SCHOLASTIC is printed at the Ave Maria Press. The subscrip­ And for further Yuletide joy, give Marlboro's nonfiltered tion rate is $5.00 a year. Please address jdl companion cigarette, mild, flavorful Philip Morris—in regu­ manuscripts to the Editors, Box 185, Notre Dame, Indiana. All unsolicited material be­ lar size or the sensational new king-size Commander. You'll comes the property of the SCHOLASTIC. be welcome aboard! The Scholastic The Notre Dam& ."^;v-- -.«-• v-'C -•.:;:•'• - „?: % •.•••i: y ,"•- ISs ,-51;; . ^7 --•A-i- - \ "^ ?''"^' " t ''- r'H H.-i\- • -•••'.a i:?i a C-.,..-'i;a t-.. i>' Vol.102 No. 11 T-« I DECEMBER 16, 1960 • i Founded 1867 lo--- TA^ editorial staff of ediior-in-chief CHARLES RIECK. THE SCHOLASTIC «-;' associate editor ROY RUBELl extends sincere greetings \*f- . news editor THOMAS WEISS to the Notre Dame community John McCaise features editor in this joyous and holy THOMAS SUUiVAN . William.Gorman -., season of Christmas Andrew Griffin Thomas Hoobler sports editor JAMES KIIROY „ CRIME AND PENALTY: We note with regi-et the latest devices employed hy the VViiiiam Cary library to speed return of overdue books. During the past few weeks, students have John Bechtoid received personal letters from the director of the library, urging them to be con­ copy editor ' • siderate of other students. In some cases, summonses have been issued from the director. All these make plain the library staff's intention to improve the lending THOMAS MARCiNlAK procedures and cut do^vn the annual book loss; no doubt we are seeing preparations 'Gene Dombkowski for the "foolproof" system to be employed in the new libi-ary. We simply question Philip Larrabee the efficiency of these latest dei^ces and the man-hours consimied. Wouldn't a less painstaking method be cutting off book circulatisn from students who have failed executive assistant ~ to coiTect serious delinquency. Comparison of ID cards with a master list at the WILLIAM vEEDEii check-out might awaken both students and faculty. art editor ^ -: 7V>d DENNIS LUCZAIC:\ AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS: The Scholastic ^vishes to pass on the many compli­ ments it has received to the editors of the Notre Dame Alumnus. Through their efforts : ( thbmas Hanson ^ the special insei-t seen in last week's Scholastic was prepared, and theirs must be the photographer -7. '- . credit for continuing these timely and significant brochures. /WALTER PALY, jr./ ::44 FLY NOW: It has struck our curiosity that no action has been taken by the Stu­ business manager r " , -^ -' '- dent Senate regarding chartered flights to Europe. As we (October 14) and others ^V JOSEPH FINNIGAN • > have pointed out, these flights save the traveler half of the usual ?500 plane fare. V Robert Buckley S Perhaps the Senate has relinquished its opportunity to NSA, which has a score of European tours with charter i-ates. But these suffer from the disadvantage of giving circulotfori manager / :. the student an "instant" Europe by putting him on a rigidly organized schedule.
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