Style your soles 6 www.theridernews.com The student newspaper of the Rider community since 1930 Volume 79, Issue XX- Friday, April 17, 2009 PLAIN WHITE TEASE By Julia Ernst Text messages started flying around 7:30 p.m. last night. Cell phones started ringing, and people lined up outside the Student Recreation Center (SRC) started buzzing with confusion and frustration. “The lead singer of Plain White T’s is ill and he is unable to perform tonight,” said Dave Keenan, director of campus life, announcing the cancellation of the band’s appearance. The band was formally named as the headliner for the annual Student Entertainment Council Spring Concert last month after weeks of debate and discussion among students. The total cost to put the show on was “20-something thou- sand,” said Keenan, who added that Plain White T’s had not yet been paid, and that contrac- tual matters were going to be discussed later. “We’ll be working with that over the next few days,” he said. “We have to sit down with the contract and go through it to see what will be paid and what won’t be paid.” Joe Rey/The Rider News See Concert, p. 5 Members of the road crew for Plain White T’s roll out a case of guitars after their SRC concert was canceled at the last minute. LaBoy wins second term as SGA president at Westminster By Kristie Kahl retary. laboration, consciousness and “The fact that they have continuation. 2009 WCC SGA winners Junior Ryan LaBoy wins it chosen to run embodies the “Serving as SGA president again. spirit of the Westminster com- has made me realize the impor- President: junior Ryan LaBoy Westminster announced munity,” Johnson said. tance of a strong relationship its new Student Government LaBoy is a music educa- and constant communication Association Executive Board for Vice President: senior Billy Mattison tion major from Wallkill, N.Y. within the numerous spheres of the 2009-2010 school year yes- Besides being the current SGA our community — and the tre- terday. president, he is also involved mendous value of each,” LaBoy Secretary: sophomore Anthony Baron “I think, by virtue of the with the Black/Hispanic said in a written statement. fact that Ryan was elected for a Alliance, CMENC Chapter As his first year comes to a second term, it is indicative of Treasurer: junior Lauren Parsons 183, Gay-Straight Alliance and close, LaBoy chose to run for the fact that he is meeting the the Westminster Choir. LaBoy president again because he felt needs of the student body,” said work to further and better the a better sense of community.” began his college career as the there was much more he had to Larry Johnson, Westminster’s state of Student Government at LaBoy envisions a “close- Class of 2010’s president for offer to the WCC community. associate dean of students. Westminster.” knit community” centered two years before serving as SGA “When coming into posi- LaBoy will lead the board Another concern LaBoy is around diversity, music and president in his junior year. tions such as this, it is impor- for his second consecutive term ready to deal with is creating culture. He would not like to While having many ideas tant to understand that many while senior Billy Mattison will more unity between the two do this alone, and he asked his for his continuing position, times one cannot accomplish assist him as vice president. Rider campuses through con- student body to help WCC LaBoy would like his execu- all of his/her goals,” he said. Junior Lauren Parsons will serve versation and open communi- achieve this vision. tive board to continue to focus “Fortunately, I was elected to as the treasurer again and soph- cation. Although he feels much “I am a proponent of team- mostly on the “4 C’s”, which this position as a junior and still omore Anthony Baron won sec- has been done in regard to this consist of communication, col- have another year in which I can issue, LaBoy plans on “fostering See Results, p. 5 Room selection: Student in Miss Italia USA pageant p. 7 Track and Field Ups and downs of the 2009-2010 Elisa competes in the Rider Invitational housing lottery p. 11 Baricelli p. 16 2 Friday, April 17, 2009 sessionssummer n Take an online course n Improve your grades n Get ahead on your credits n Study abroad Summer Session I: Summer Session II: May 18 – July 1 July 6 – August 18 Make this your smartest summer ever! Register now for Rider’s summer session. 609-896-5033 n www.rider.edu/summer Complete classes in half the time, at half the tuition! Lighten your Fall and Spring course-load and still graduate on time by completing Rider undergraduate courses this summer in just three to six weeks. n Choose from hundreds of undergraduate courses in Business, Education, Liberal Arts Science, or Music — at just $460 per credit (half of Rider’s regular tuition rate). n Study abroad in Europe. n Register for 6 credits and pay only $250 per session to live on campus.* n Classes available at both our Lawrenceville and Princeton (Westminster Choir College) campuses. * Meal Plan additional 3 AND 6-WEEK COURSES n GREAT HOUSING & TUITION RATES DISTANCE LEARNING n STUDY ABROAD AND DOMESTIC TRAVEL Friday, April 17, 2009 3 SECURITY BRIEF S Broken mirror A world of possibilities: ‘Map it out’ By Kaitlin MacRae by expanding the study abroad A student reported that a program, the university is meet- As Rider’s study abroad mirror had been knocked off ing the needs of students by program expands and improves, her car on Wednesday, April providing them with the oppor- applicants are discovering the 8, at 1:55 p.m. Public Safety tunity to travel through differ- necessity of planning ahead officers met with the student, ent programs. before experiencing what many who said she parked her car “Our office has brought consider to be the best time of in the student lot on April on several more providers,” she their lives. 5. When she returned, the said, referring to the increasing According to Dr. Sara driver’s side mirror had been number of students choosing to Young-Singh, assistant director knocked off. Public Safety study in countries where Rider of the Center for International officers determined that it doesn’t have a large presence. Education, students who want was likely punched or kicked. As the number of programs to go abroad should start plan- The suspect is unknown and grows, so does the number of ning as soon as they arrive on the investigation is ongoing. students interested studying campus. Anyone with information abroad. Although many would “What we do is we start should contact Public Safety. recommend students spend urging students to think about their junior year abroad, the studying abroad as soon as Alcohol violation number of underclassmen and they get to Rider,” she said. seniors is increasing. “We want to tell them the key “I think we’re expanding in A female resident student words: Map it out. If you map our population,” Young-Singh was charged with an alco- out your study abroad [experi- said. “Typically we have seen in hol violation on Thursday, ence], you’re not going to have years past that juniors tend to April 9, at 12:08 a.m. The any problems and it’ll be the go overseas. We’re going beyond suspect was seen by Public best experience.” the junior year abroad.” Safety officers being helped While the initial planning The key, administrators from Switlik to Conover by stages may be difficult, the say, is proper planning, start- two male students. Though Study Abroad program at Rider ing early and working ahead. she initially denied consum- continues to grow and foster Application deadlines must be ing alcohol, but admitted to the interests of students. strictly followed, the appropri- it when officers escorted her According to Dr. Linda ate paperwork filed and those back to her room. The female Materna, director of the Center participating must enroll in the Illustration by Jade Shaw/The Rider News student showed no further for International Education, appropriate courses. Growing opportunities for study abroad means growing paper- signs of intoxication, she was participation is expected to tri- “You can see where [Study work for staff and students. Planning ahead is the key to a suc- charged with violating the ple in the upcoming fall semes- Abroad] fits in nicely with your cessful trip, administrators say. alcohol policy. ter, and quadruple during the academic career,” Young-Singh As a result, those at the classes upon returning to Rider summer. explained. “[For example], edu- Center for International from her 2007 stay in Perth, Door Removed “We are adding providers cation majors have other stipu- Education encourage students Australia. and programs and will continue lations that they need to adhere to plan their Rider career prior “My problem with credits A student was reportedly to do so throughout this year to, such as student teaching and to applying to study abroad. was, I set up my classes when seen ripping a door off its as we move to cover the globe the Praxis exams. They need to Those who study abroad lat- I arrived in Australia while my hinges in Kroner on Friday, with programs that articulate be in the States in order to do er in college may experience friends set it up prior,” Earle April 10, at 3:11 a.m. A staff with the majors and minors those.” difficulties in fulfilling major said.
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