Who What Where by Town/Village - 3W Map GEORGIA - Khashuri District 26 March 2009 Organization Name Acronym A Call To Serve ACTS Academy for Peace and Development APD LEGEND Accion Contra El Hambre ACH Action Contre le Faim ACF Adventist Development and Relief Agency ADRA Clusters Anika Anika Association of Business Consulting Organizations ABCO Association of Young Economists of Georgia AYEG Food Security Biliki Biliki Borjomi Initiative Group BIG UNHCR/(NRC/ICLA, f Health Care International CARE S A C H K H E R E D I S T R I C T Sakhli, IRC) j Caritas Caritas ) Livelihoods & Governance Caucasus Social Marketing Association CSMA UNHCR/(NRC/ICLA, Center for Social Sciences CSS Sakhli, IRC) j ö Non-Food Items Charity Humanitarian Centre Abkhazeti CHCA Children of Georgia CoG j Protection "! Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs CNFA Chorchana Kobi ) )"! Civic Initiatives Foundation CIF 6 Shelter CLARITAS XXI CXXI Community Habitat Finance International CHF Murklistskaro ! ! WASH Titvinistskaro Counterpart Counterpart SC Zemo Brolosani Tsagveli Danish Refugee Council DRC j )" )" SC, UNHCR/(NRC/ICLA, Utslevi Democracy and Development Institute DDI ! Sakhli, IRC) j K ldistskaro Disabled Child, Family and Society DCFS Kvemo Brolosani ! UNICEF/(Halo, MES) )" Disabled Club of Gori DCG j ! District boundary Education for Democracy ED M tskhetijvari Tsagveri ! Elizabeth Gast Foundation EGF South Ossetia boundary European Union Monitoring Mission EUMM Kindzati ! EveryChild EV Tkotsa Road network )" UNICEF/(Halo, MES) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO Ali Akhalubani j ! Railway Georgia Red Cross Society GRCS SC )" Patara Flevi j ! Georgian Diaspora in France GDF Dumatskhovo Non-seasonal Rivers Georgian Union of Educators "Lampari" GUEL ! Brili Georgian Young Lawyers Association GYLA ! Natsargora Lakes Didi Flevi ! UNICEF/(Halo, MES) ! Georgian Young Medical Union GYMU j Global Initiative on Psychiatry GIP Tsedani ! Tsablovna Nabakhtevi Gori Information Centre GIC ! UNICEF/(Halo, MES)j )" HALO Trust Halo Tsivtskaro Healthy Generation HG ! HEKS-EPER Swiss Interchurch Aid HEKS-EPER )"Odzisi K H A S H U R I D I S T R I C T Zemo Adzvisi Bijnisi ! ! Tsotskhnara Hellenicare Hellenicare WFP/IOCC ! Kvemo Adzvisi ! Heifer International HI K H A R A G U A L I D I S T R I C T Urtkhva Kemferi Vaka ! )" )" SC, UNICEF/(Halo, MES) IDP Womens Association IDPWA Zekota UNICEF/(Halo, MES) j j ! Information, Counseling, and Legal Assistance NRC/ICLA International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Bugaura )"Chumateleti ! WFP/IOCC International Organization for Migration IOM Khidiskuri ! International Orthodox Christian Charities IOCC UMCOR/CXXI Didi Sative Surami f ! Gomi International Relief and Development IRD )" Patara Sative )" WFP/IOCC CHCA, UNDP ) " Map Doc Name: International Rescue Committee IRC Akhalsopeli ! ! KHASHURI District: 3W Map_V3 K. Kartli Farmer Association KKFA UNHCRö Gverdisubani Agarebi UNHCR ö ! Kartlosi Kartlosi UNICEF/(Halo, MES), UNICEF/(Halo, MES) GLIDE Number: CHCA, UNICEF/(Halo, MES), j Kurta Hospital Ltd. KH j Zemo Osiauri UNICEF/(Halo, MES) UNHCR/ (NRC/ICLA, Sakhli, IRC) Patara Bekami ! j Creation Date: ! UNHCR/ (NRC/ICLA, Sakhli, IRC) j Akhalsheni 26 Mar 2009 League of Displaced Teachers LDT ! Rusiantubani Kvemo Osiauri K A R E L I D I S T R I C T Projection/Datum: WGS84 Didi Bekami )"! Mercy Corps MC ! Tezeri ! http://reliefweb.migration.ge Merlin Merlin )" Tsromi Web Resources: Begleti )"! UNICEF/(Halo, MES) Minister of Education and Science MES ! Kifiantubani Khashuri j Nominal Scale at A3 paper size: 1:97,951 ! Savanisubani )" Nadarbazevi Ministry of Culture MC ! Mitsobi ! Monasteri Khtsisi ! 0 3 6 Ministry of Refugees and Accommodation MRA ! )" UNICEF/(Halo, MES) UNICEF/(Halo, MES) Imerliantkari ! j j Patara Keleti Kilometers Municipal Development Fund MDF Tskhramukha ! NDOBA NDOBA )"! Map data source(s): Bulbulistsikhe Khavleti ! UNICEF/(Halo, MES) ! ¶ Norwegian Refugee Council NRC Kvishkheti j Didi Keleti CGIAR, ESRI, Europa Technologies ! Gvriatskali Vakepantebi ! Office of Vice Speaker of Georgia OVSG ! Kriskhevi ! ! Thematic data source: OCHA, Georgia Organization Future Prosperity House OFPH UNICEF/(Halo, MES) Tagveti j ! Damchkheula ! Didi Khalebi Oxfam Oxfam ! Rbona Patara Khalebi ! ! Parents Bridge PB Patara Tkhilnara Kashveti ! Didi Tkhinala Parliamentary Council for Gender Equality PCGE ! ! Disclaimers: Tashiskari Garta Patriarchy Patriarchy ! ! The designations employed and the presentation of People in Need Sartkela PIN ! material on this map do not imply the expression of any Polish Humanitarian Organization PHO Aleksadrestskaro ! opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Premiere Urgence PU United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, Protection Institute PI territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the Public Prosecutor Office PPO delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Rustavi Municipal Social, Sport and Cultural Services RMSSCS Rusudan Kervalishvili RK Sakhli-Advice Centre for Women Sakhli Save the Children SC Social Program Foundation Legal SPFL RUSSIAN FEDERATION SOCO SOCO Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC T.A. Georgia TA TANADGOMA TANADGOMA Teachers and Universe TU Terre des Hommes TDH United Methodist Committee on Relief UMCOR United Nations Childrens Fund UNICEF United Nations Development Fund for Women UNIFEM B O R J O M I D I S T R I C T United Nations Development Programme UNDP \!T'bilisi United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR GEORGIA United Nations Population Fund UNFPA Welfare Foundation WF World Food Programme WFP World Health Organization WHO AZERBAIJAN World Vision International WV TURKEY ARMENIA Young Teachers and Psychologists Association YTPA Zhordania Institute of Human Reproduction ZIHR.
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