Hull Local Plan to 2030 Preferred Options October/November 2015 Consultation Statement Introduction This document provides a summary of the Preferred Options consultation that Hull City Council undertook in 2015 as part of the process of preparing a new Local Plan. Background Hull City Council is preparing a new Local Plan that will help shape the city over the next 15 years. This will identify land for different types of use and set out policies that will be used to determine planning applications. Once adopted, the Local Plan will be used to guide development in the city up to 2032. Consultation on Issues and Options was carried out in 2014 and full details can be found in the Report on Consultation on that stage of the plan. Consultation on the Preferred Options is the second stage in the new Local Plan’s preparation. It sets out the draft planning policies and potential site allocations that the Council believes are appropriate. It also sets out the other potential options the Council considered and the reasons why they were not chosen. Preferred Options Consultation The Preferred Options consultation took place in October and November 2015 in accordance with Regulation 18 and the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement. As part of the consultation process, the following public events were held: • ‘Local Plan Forum’ on Wednesday 5 November • Ward Forums • Drop in sessions • Tuesday 20th October am: Hull History Centre • Thursday 22nd October pm: Hull History Centre • Thursday 22nd October evening: Hull Central Library To publicise the consultation and the events listed above, Hull City Council did the following: • Wrote directly to everyone on the Local Plan consultation database. • Public notices were printed in the Hull Daily Mail • Press releases were published, resulting in articles in the Hull Daily Mail and on the websites of local news organisations • The City Planning Manager was interviewed on BBC Radio Humberside Copies of relevant letters and articles can be found in Appendix A. Responses to the consultation could be made either in writing, by email, or using an online consultation portal. Those on the Local Plan consultation database will have received up to three letters informing them of the consultation. The consultee list generated for the Issues and Options consultation was used, updated as per requests. The database as of October 2015 has 391 consultees and agents on it. Anyone who wishes to can request to be added to (or removed from) the Local Plan consultation database. The document was made available to view online, at the Guildhall, the History Centre, and all the Council libraries and customer service centres. Copies of the plan, along with the evidence base, were available to view at the Wilson Centre during the consultation period. It was possible to contact planning staff with queries using the direct dial telephone located in the planning reception. Committees The Preferred Option consultation was taken to the following Hull City Council committees / meetings to receive feedback from elected members: • Planning, 21 July • Cabinet, 27 July • Wyke Area Committee, 16 December • Riverside Area Committee, 11 November • West Area Committee 21 October • Park Area Committee, 28 October • North Carr Area Committee, 18 November • Northern Area Committee, 26 November • East Area Committee, 3 December Ward Forums Some wards within the city hold ward forum events. These allow residents to discuss issues of concern with their ward councillors. Many of these forums take place on an adapted bus which visits different locations in each ward. The policies map was displayed on the bus, along with copies of the Local Plan, and a member of planning staff was available to discuss the plan with members of the public. Consultation responses and people’s panel surveys were received from these events. • Friday 9 October: Avenue Ward Forum • Thursday 15 October: Bricknell Ward Forum • Monday 19 October: Newland Ward Forum • Monday 26 October: Derringham Ward Forum • Friday 30 October: Marfleet Ward Forum • Tuesday 1 December: Longhill Ward Forum • Wednesday 2 December: Newington Ward Forum People’s Panel Survey A questionnaire seeking opinions on some of the topics in the Preferred Options consultation was prepared with the Council’s Business Intelligence Unit and circulated via email and at publicity sessions for the Local Plan. Responses In total, 515 people/organisations responded to the Preferred Options consultation. Appendix B has a table showing which chapter each consultee responded to. The full detail of the representations and the Council’s response can found in the Local Plan Preferred Options Consultation Report. A summary of the representations can be found in Appendix C. The responses to the people’s panel survey can be found in the Result from People's Panel Survey 2015. Details of the consultation materials for and discussion at the Local Plan Forum can be found in Appendix D. Appendix A: Consultation Publicity Material Your Ref: My Ref: PR/LB Tel: 01482 300300 # Name of recipient Fax: 01482 612350 # Address of recipient Email: [email protected] # # Textphone 01482 300 349 # Date: 7 October 2015 Dear Consultation on the Hull Local Plan: Preferred Options We are preparing a new Hull Local Plan that will be used to guide development in the city up to 2030. It will identify land for different uses. Once adopted, its policies will be used to determine planning applications. The Preferred Options is the second stage in the new Local Plan’s preparation. It takes into account the responses we received to the Issues and Options consultation in 2014. Again, we are seeking the views of people who live, work or have an interest in the city. We would like to hear from you. The consultation consists of a Policies Document, a citywide Policies Map, and more detailed Inset Maps. The Policies Document sets out the priorities for the city. Chapters are based around key themes and discuss the issues, along with our preferred options and draft policies. Supporting the document and maps is a sustainability appraisal and various evidence base documents, including a draft site selection methodology. You can also comment on these. Consultation starts on Monday 12 October (noon) and runs for 6 weeks until Monday 23 November 2015 (noon). The consultation documents are available to view at: www.hullcc.gov.uk/planning. You can make comments online or you can download a response form and return it to: [email protected] or post it to FREEPOST RSJC-KKBE-ABXZ, Planning Policy, Hull City Council, PO Box 15, HULL, HU1 2AB. Paper copies of the Local Plan are available to view at Hull City Council libraries and customer service centres, plus Guildhall reception (Alfred Gelder Street) and the History Centre (Worship Street). In addition, a Local Plan display and all the supporting evidence base documents will be available to view at the Wilson Centre (Alfred Gelder Street). As part of the consultation process, the following events will be held: • Local Plan Forum on Thursday 5 November between 10am and 12.30pm at the Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street. An agenda will be sent out nearer the time. • Drop-in sessions at the History Centre on Tuesday 20 October (10am to 12.30pm) and Thursday 22 October (2pm to 4.30pm). • Drop-in session at Hull Central Library, Albion Street on Thursday 22 October (5pm to 7.30pm). You are welcome to attend these events. If you would like to attend the Local Plan Forum, please let us know by Monday 2 November. The Local Plan shows potential new sites for housing, employment, shopping and open space. If you are aware of other sites that have potential for a new use over the next 15 years, please write to us providing basic site details (location/ size/ potential use). We will contact you after the consultation closes for more information and we will consider it in the future preparation of the Local Plan. The Hull Local Plan must comply with the ‘duty to cooperate’ that was enacted by the Localism Act 2011 and which applies to strategic planning matters. We have prepared a Duty to Cooperate progress report. If you are a local authority or other prescribed body as defined by the Local Planning Regulations 2012, we ask that you consider this report to ensure that we are fulfilling the requirements. The Progress Report is available alongside the online version of the Local Plan. Should you need any more information or wish to attend the Local Plan Forum, please contact my Planning Policy Team by: phoning 01482 300300; emailing [email protected]; or writing to us at the above freepost address. I look forward to receiving your responses on the new Local Plan: Preferred Options version. Yours sincerely Alex Codd City Planning Manager Reese Philip From: Hull City Council <[email protected]> Sent: 10 November 2015 08:49 To: Reese Philip Subject: The Newsroom - Tuesday 10 November 2015 A bumper edition for November including the first mention of Christmas festivities! Issue 5 - 10 November If you are using the VMWare browser, you will need to copy and paste the links for the stories Changes to senior management Matt Jukes announced as interim chief executive As of 30 October, Darryl Stephenson stepped down as the Chief Executive of Hull City Council. As you will be aware, Matt Jukes took up the role of Interim Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service from 1 November. Matt will remain in this role until the meeting of full Council on 19 November which will consider his appointment to the role on a permanent basis and also a revised Senior Management structure. Should Matt be appointed on a permanent basis, the role of Chief Operating Officer will be deleted from the Council structure.
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