CHANGES TO OPERATIObiCRIER NO. 1-a Enter number and date of correctionsas indicated Y I-Change No. Deted Effective Date Kade Signature I-- a .+-+ ‘_ -. -. TASK-GROUP 7.4, PROVISIONAL Kirtland Air Force Base, New &xi00 15 August 1953 18OOT OPERATIONSORDER NO. 1-59 Y CHART REFERENCES: _ 3 a. World AeronauticalCharts (748,749#848, 849, 850) l:l,OOO~OOO- b. USAF AeronauticalPlanning Chart (BP-141 1:5,000,000. TASK ORGANIZhTION: a.. Headquarters,Task Group 7.4, Brigadier General Howell M. EsteB, Jr. Provisional (TG 7.4) Test Support Unit Colonel JamaqF. Starkey Test Air&aft Unit Lt. Colonel James A, Watkins Test Services Unit Lt. Colonel Mahlon B. Hammond 1. GENERAL SITUATION: The Department of Defense, in collaborationwith the Atomic Energy Commission,will teat experimentaldevicee at ENIWETOK and BIKINI ATOLLS I early in 1954. JTF SEVEI?,commanded by Major General P. W. Clarkeon, United States Army, will conduct the operation,which has been assigned the coda name of CASTLE @XiTRICTED, Sf). i 1 a. See Annex A, Intdlligence. See Annex B, Organizationand Command Relationships. j ~_ - ? (1) The HavallTaskGroup will provide aircraft control facilities ___ __~. ..-. ._ -.. _ -A-___ -- --__.. --'~,-&oard tht Command Ship and Cbntrol Destroyer to TG 7.4 _' I duringrehearsals and shots. I 2. -MISSION: a. The ultimate mission of TG 7.4 is to conduct the following opera- tions and services in the'forwardarea in direct sqpport of scientific ! programs: i ’ I (1) Cloua sampling. 1 (2) Effects test aircraft operation. , (3) Documentaryphotography aircraft‘ operations. : I Inter-islandand inter-atollairlift operations. i (4) Communication8services. i .(5) (6) Weather service. *.. j7)' Search_ and rescue. , -TASKGROUP 7.4 (i) arrival cf elements to the Task Group through liaison with appropriateparent commands. (3) Integrate reporting elements into the Task &soup and conduct specializedtraining. (4) Provide, through liaison with the Scientific Task Group, for the necessary modificationof aircraft and handling equip- ment to assure that technicalrequirements in support of the scientificprogram are met. (5) P*ov_ide--.-_-forces to opzate an inter-islandand inter-atoll Gthe Army Tcsk Group Commander in the airlift system f ~__ .-_ forward ar&dti ring the CASTIE~(BESTBICTED,SI)-i%&~ld-ug-~~ I phase;-.-.... ._ T . .._ .- 3. TASKS FOB SUBOBDINATEUNITS: _ _ . - _.__ _..- a; T$i silppbrt u&__ . (1) Maintain and operate the following aircraft:. _ ine (9) L-13's;.Sepen (7) H-19's; ; and additional aircraft as directed by Comdr_&lT SEVEN. (2) provide forces to operate an inter-islandand an inter-a&311_ ai~l~~lssstcmfoithe_~r~_~ask_~~_Commander in the forward area during-th?%STIE (BESTEICTED,‘SI)build-UQ phase. (See A~ex..B$.-__ (3) Operate an inter-islandand inter-atollairlift system in the forward area during the ouerationa&..phase.(See Annex E.) 2::.- (4) Be prepared-to conduct official-observerand administrative flights as direoted by Comdr TO 7?4. (5) Provide facilities for maintenanceof flying proficiencyof approximatelyeighty (89) assigned and attached rated Joint Task Force personnel and insure that required minimums are met. ($1 Operate all facilities on ENIWETOK ISUED and BIKINI airstrip as relate to the-operationof aircraft, except POB.storage facilities; (7) Provide required administrationfor TG 7;4 Headquarters. (See Annex C.) (8) Provide limited photographicservices for documenting Task Group operations. ,i (9) With augmentation from the Test Aircraft and Test Services Units, conduct field.maintenance ma support services for all TO 7.4 aircraft, transientaircraft and other aircraf’t as li directed. (See Annex C.) (10) Provide Air Force te&nical supply support for all Joint Task Force activities. (111 Prepare the Air Operations Center at ENIWETOK for full scale operationswhen directed by Comdr TG 7..4. (See Annexes D ana 9.) _ .. I. TASK lG.JP7.4 OPRS OBDIEBEO. l-53 ,I. .. P~ov%de Con&r TG 7.2xh personnel augmentationas directed by Ccndr TO 7.4. Provide ai&aft decontemlnation~facilitiesfor all TG 7.4 aircraft.-C&StPWt the ~~Oc~p~0~ia6 f,0r FM-Safety within areas of ENIWETOK ISLAN.iu which personnel of TG 7.4 are assigned, provide for $11~1badge issue and control for TG 7.4 personnel, and provide other radiologicalsafety ing aircraft UPOUtheir arrival 'Inthe fZi%ar&-a+=: (See Annex C.) (a) Fifteen (15) F-84G Samplers. ___- I TWO (2) B-36H High Al$itude Samplers, one of which wilL .: F-_; (b) ?_. __.i; -~-- also be the Control Back-up AIrcraft. -... One (1) B-36D Effects Aircraft. -i .-_ -7-A9h~~~-& r . .~ One (1) m-36 Primary Control andDocumentary Photographic Air&aft. Aaa~..ional_ afqraft as directedby.Comar JTF SEVEIY. - i MIss1oIs.: bppRcnIMA'l%DURATION -- -- (a) Twelve_.. (12)-. F-84G Sampler 3&:ilr4,* .ri --,-_-.:z.z _+- m==---- -- --- __ _- (b) One (1) m-36 Control and photo 8 hours 1 (c) Tvd (2) B-3.36HHigh Altitude Sampler 6'hours 1 (a) One (1) .B-3Q Effects 5 houra Ysu_o*-- (3) --- hez and coordinated IPR flight. rocedures for all TG 7 .4 air0raft participating in rehearsals-p---?and a? ual shot opeiauru-.-.,+,-.." (4) Control all'EJIwETOK takeoffsand landings during rehearzale ana actual shot operations,under zuperv{.eionof the Air Operations Center. L (5) Augment the field maintenauiefacilities of the Test Support unit. (6) *Ova for %&-Safe briefixxz of TG 7.4air 0rcIyzapa for (1) Operate end provide organizationalmaintenance for the foliow- ing afrcraft upon arrival In the forward area: (See Annex C.) . GROUP 7..4 ORDER m. l-53 / (2) policies oti.tlinedin A&ex K to this order. (3) Assure that no personnel are based in the forvard area longer than the operationalmission necessitates. (4) Adhere to security proceduresas outlined in Annex 0. (5) Emphasize the Flight Safety pr'ogramoutlined in Annex L. (6) Augment existing SAR facilitiesin eq,ergencies. 4. LOGISTICALHATTERS: See Annex C, Administration. I 5. COWiD ANIiSIGNAL Wl!TERS: ...L_.. .___..- ______....-__--.-~- ----. a. Communications: See Annex D, Communications. b. Time: (1) Electrical communications- use Zone "Z" Time. (2) Operations in the Zone of Interior - use Local Standard Time. (3) Operations in the forward area - use Zone *MA Time. / c. Cdmmalld Posts: I i -- (1) Task Group 7.4 ZI KirtlandAir Force Base, Bev Herico -..I_---_ ---~-- . -~_. ._ OS ENIWETOK ISIJND, MARSRALL IS-S. I 1 (2) Test Support Unit OS ENIWETOK ISLAND, MARSHJ&L~ISLANDS. ! (3) Test Aircraft Unit OS ENIWTOK ISLQD, MAR!%AU\ ISLLNDS. I (4) Test Services Unit OS ENIWETOK ISUlilD,MARSHALL ISLAND& I. I ANNEKES: ier General, U. S.\b. B. 1 1 See Page 6, U . I L I DISTRIBUTIOl?: 1 -. See Pages 7 and 8.. I I \ : A - Intelligence B - Organizationand Command blatlonships I C -Administration D - Communications 1 E - Heather t -- --. I .-- G - Securityand Public Information , __. H i. Badi010gi&-&&ty i -._ ! 1. __.-_ __~._ __z *= -Z.-L-__.- I - Search and Rescue J - Comptroller K -Aircraft Control l L -r1ying Safety . i _ .-- ._ _- _ ..___ =_- -- --. .- ._ __.__. --. _F -- I- _ _ p_. .- I.2 ._.. M _ S&a-;=;, -&-&en&j - ---: -- , a- --_ . TASK GRCUF'7.4 OHlsoItly HO. l-53 . COPIES COPY NO. AIR FORCE AGENCIES , 2 l-2 C/S, USAF, Washington 25, D.C. 1 3 DCS/Personnel,Hq USAF, Washington 25, D.C. 2 D&S/Operations,Hq USAF, Washington 25, D-C* 2 64:: DCS/Hateriel,Hq USAF, Washington25, D.C. g-9 DCS/Development,Hq USAF, Washington 25; D.C. : 10 DCS/Comptroller,Hq USAF, Washington 25, D.C. i Ill Inspector General, Hq USAF, Washington25, D.C. 1 I.2 Director of Plans, Hq USAF, Washington 25, D.C= 1 Director of Communicatione,Hq USAF, Washington 25, DC. 1 : Director of Operations,Hq USAF, Washington 25, D.C. 1 15 AFOAT, DCS/Operations,Hq USAF Washington 25, D.C. I 2 16 - 17 Comdr, SAC, Offutt AFBo Nebraska i ..-..__. ..-. 2 18 - 19 Comdr, ARDCo Baltimore,Maryland 2 20 - 21 Comdr, AMC, Wright-PattersonAFB, Ohio 1 22 Comdr, WADC, Wright-PattersonAFB, Ohio . 2 23 - 24 Corn&, HATS. Andrews AFB, Washington 25, D.C. 2 2 ?j-- 26 Corn&, AFSWC, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico 1 Comdr, AACS, Andrews AFB, Washington 25, D.C. 1 z Comdr,E, Andrews AFB, Washington 25, D.C. 1 Comdr,m, Andrews AFB, Washington 25, D.C. g - ;; Co&r, PACDIVMATS,,APG953$ c/o FM, San F'rancisco,Calif. -: Condr, 4930th.Test Support Group, APO 187, c/o PM, San Francisco, Calif. 10 37 - 46 Comdr, 4925th Test Group (Atomic),ATTN. 4926th Test Squadron (Sampling),Kirtlsnd AFB, New Mexico 2 47 - 48 Comdr, 8th Air Force, Carswell AFB, Texas 2 49 - 50 Com&_9 15CQth Air Base Wing, APO 953, c/o PM. San . - 51 $2 :z - 55 Callf. 2 56 - '57 Comdr, 1glGth AACS Group, APO 953# c/o PM,San Francisco Calif. 2 58 - 59 Comdr, llth Air Rescue Squadron,APO 953, c/o PM, San ' Francisco 60 - 61 Comdr, Lookout,Mountain Laboratory,Hollywood, Calif. 62 Conrlr,Parks Air Force Base, Calif. Comdr, 2349th'Pers Proc Gp, Parks AFB, Calif. 2: Comdr, Air Defense'Command,Ent AFB, Colorado Comdr, Mobile Air Materiel Area, Alabama :; Con&, Air Proving Ground Command, Eglin AFB, Florida 67 Corn&, ~~if~~~ Recon Sq Med Weather, McClellan AFB, 2 68 - 69 Corn&, 57th Weather.Recon Sq (Strat), APG 953, c/o PM, San Francisco, California I JOINT TASK FORCE S&EN AGENCIES I Comdr,'JTF ?$.Washington25, D.C.. , Comb, !l’G 7.1 Box 1663, Los Alamos, New Mexico Comdr, TG 7.2 AXI 187,,c/o PM* San Francisco, Calif. Comdr, TG 7.3 US Navy Gun Factory, Washington_25, D.C= TASK GROUP.7.4 OPRS ORJIIB NO.
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