Arts Core Cambridge Sports CUI Theater INSIDE THE Pop Art: Culture clashes Keep up to date on Basketball teams rock Reviews: with classics what’s happening with Homecoming The Nerd delivers comic pg. 6 our Eagles in England pg. 3 relief pg. 8 NEWS pg. 5 THE CONCORDIA INVESTIGATE.INFORM.IGNITE.INVOLVE. Volume 11, Issue 9 Concordia University Irvine Friday, February 3, 2017 Concordia awarded Military Friendly® school for fourth consecutive year GREG NORMANN STAFF WRITER Services Office (VSO) and Steve Leader, Veterans Re- Concordia University re- source Center Manager, are ceived its fourth consecutive dedicated to students transi- Military Friendly® distinction tioning from the military to from Victory Media. This dis- higher education. The VSO tinction is given to schools offers support for veterans in and employers which focus their academics, finances, pro- on investing in educating, fessional and personal lives. employing and engaging mil- Marine Corps veteran, Jus- itary members and veterans. tin To, said “The transition One of the many reasons has been easy for me...The Concordia attracts veterans best part about being a vet- is its distinction of being a eran at Concordia is the tight Yellow Ribbon GI Educa- community and the chances tion Enhancement Program to develop close friendships (Yellow Ribbon Program). throughout.” To ultimately se- This program allows veter- lect Concordia because it is a ans to attend private univer- Christian school with a good sities and graduate programs Courtesy of impactingourfuture.com reputation, but the Yellow Rib- which charge tuition higher veterans and their dependents. military lifestyle back to a full ment to the Marine Corps. bon Program and the friendly than the GI Bill’s tuition cap. Freshman Erica Asauskas, time student was easily the big- “My professors understand staff sealed the deal for him. Yellow Ribbon Programs of- Marine Corps veteran, said, gest hurdle for me,” said Asau- that I am in the Reserve and Concordia has worked to fer veterans-only scholarships “There is no way I would have skas. “The staff here at Con- do everything to accommo- honor its veterans, their con- which the U.S. Department of come to Concordia if it wasn’t cordia made that transition date me so that I can still be tributions to our country Veterans Affairs match dollar for their participation in the as smooth as possible for me. a successful student as well and their transition to higher for dollar. Concordia’s partic- Yellow Ribbon Program.” Be- The staff here really truly cares as fulfilling my obligation to education. With the Yellow ipation in the Yellow Ribbon fore attending Concordia, about its students and has gone my country,” said Asauskas. Ribbon Program, Military Program allows veterans to Asauskas studied at the Uni- above and beyond to make me Moving from the military Friendly® distinction and the affordably attend the univer- versity of Maryland Asia Cam- feel as comfortable as possible.” to a civilian job or university dedicated staff, Concordia sity. This in itself makes Con- pus while on active duty in While still in the Reserve, can be tough for many vet- hopes to give its veterans ev- cordia highly sought after by Japan. “Transitioning from a Asauskas still has a commit- erans. Concordia’s Veterans ery opportunity to succeed. Courtesy of CUI Veterans Services 2 ASCUI Corner February 3, 2017 Meet your ASCUI Candidates JESSICA JAMES ASCUI SECRETARY ASCUI President Candidate(s): ASCUI Vice President Candidate(s): Michael Hammerle, junior, has three years of Current ASCUI Secretary, sophomore, Jessica Junior Claire Brainard is running for ASCUI Nathan Smith, sophomore, likes adventure, student leadership experience from serving James, is running for ASCUI President. James has Vice President. She is from Oklahoma and really traveling, and is a self- proclaimed nerd. in Fusion, Senate, as a Resident Assistant and served as a Concordia Senator and has been part enjoys mac n’ cheese and hiking. With experience He recently returned from studying working in the Admissions office. He also had of chapel bells which included touring Austria as an ASCUI Senator and LEAD Student abroad in Scotland. His two favorite the experience completing the Around- the- with Donne di Canto. As part of a Beloved Activities Coordinator, Brainard is passionate things are Jesus and Star Wars, and he World Semester(R), and hopes to make his last group, she hopes to help the student body find about making sure everyone's voice is heard. is “always willing to talk about either!” year at CUI a year of service. Hammerle said, refuge in Christ. As part of the executive board, “I may be a grandpa at heart, but nothing she has enjoyed planning Concordia Christmas stops me from helping others and you!” and Breast Cancer Awareness month. When ASCUI Communications ASCUI Treasurer Candidate(s): not working for ASCUI, James can be found working at Chick-fil-A or perusing Pinterest. Director Candidate(s): ASCUI Club Commissioner Candidate(s): ASCUI Secretary Candidate(s): Isabelle Upchurch, freshman, is running for ASCUI Treasurer for the 2017-2018 school Freshman Noah Eschmann is running to be year. She is from Wake Forest, North Carolina the 2017-18 ASCUI Communications Director. and will be a sophomore in the upcoming year. He is currently involved in ASCUI Senate, This past year, she has enjoyed being a part of Ryan Van Dusen, junior, has 5 semesters Screaming Eagles, and campus ministry. Sophomore Maddy Haase grew up in many groups on campus, including ASCUI of experience in ASCUI Senate. He also Over the years, Eschmann has cultivated Washington and is running for ASCUI Senate, Donne Di Canto and campus ministry has experience as part of LEAD Fusion, a passion for leadership. “After a ton of Secretary. She loves being outdoors and events and groups. She currently works in he served as ASCUI Treasurer, and has authoritative positions in high school, I feel hanging out with friends and family. This the Advancement Office on campus. Before membership and leadership experience in that I have been called to major in Christian past fall, Haase was part of the Around- the- coming to CUI, Upchurch was the student various clubs and organizations. Van Dusen (R) Education and Leadership here at Concordia.” World . Haase said, “I would be honored body President her senior year of high school. spent the previous fall semester abroad Eschmann would be honored to serve on the R) to take on the role and serve Concordia.” Upchurch stated, “I look forward to all that as part of the Around-the-World team. ASCUI Executive Board and will strive to put God has planned for me, which hopefully Christ first, and be a voice for all students! includes becoming your next ASCUI Treasurer.” *ASCUI Candidates are subject to change* Voting for your 2017-2018 Executive Board will take place on Feb. 9 and 10 outside the Student Union from 11 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. THE CONCORDIA Don’t forget to “like” us on The Concordia Courier Facebook page. You’ll find links to PDFs of INVESTIGATE.INFORM.IGNITE.INVOLVE. old issues and updates on our current work. Tiffany Thompson, Editor-in-Chief Videos previewing the Writers Kendra Sitton, Editor-at-Large most recent issue will be Greg Normann,Jessica James, Kara Der, Layout Editor Faculty Advisor Emily Chan, Braden Delannoy, Mel posted as well. Kayla Lardner, Campus Editor Caroline Janik-Wong Malanowski, Ryan Corso, Nikki Lezza, Karina Diez, Local/Global Editor Zixuan Wang, Paige Heiser, Alberto Follow us on Instagram @ConcordiaCourier too! Alexander Carr, Arts & Reviews Editor Gonzalez, Ryan Ketcham, Chloe Heiser Letters to the Editor must be typed and The opinions expressed in include the author’s full name The Concordia Courier are those Comments? Suggestions? and telephone number. of the contributors and do not We want to hear from you. Letters that are printed may be necessarily reflect the views of the Write a “Letter to the Editor.” edited for space and content. administration, faculty, staff or [email protected] Letters to the Editor do not student body of Concordia University. Comic Writer necessarily reflect the views of Editorials reflect the views of the Alexander Carr The Concordia Courier. majority of the editorial staff. Comic Illustrator Kara Der 1530 Concordia West, Irvine CA, 92612 The Courier staff asks that you dispose Delta Lounge [email protected] of your copy in an environmentally- cui.edu/studentlife/student-newspaper friendly way. Thanks! February 3, 2017 Sports 3 First Person: Athletes work harder, play hardest EMILY CHAN STAFF WRITER things. Not only that but each ath- physically and without doing so Freshman baseball player, Haloa that age, I wasn’t swimming as lete puts in their all. None of them they will falter in both their sport Dudoit, related to this statement, well as I wanted to. I decided then There are many people who want to be labeled mediocre. and academic career. Watch- “People tend to watch sports for that I was not going to do that have what others describe as a Personally, as a non-athlete, I ing them keep their heads above entertainment so what they see is again, so I worked harder to be “work hard, play hard” attitude. It find athletes extremely intrigu- water is truly a feat to behold. a gist of everything that goes on. the best and constantly focused could be working hard on a proj- ing. I find myself watching them In chapel two weeks ago, the However, there is more behind it on technique. In high school, ect, but still having fun with your because they seem to defy nature. speaker, Alfonso Espinosa men- in ways such as practice, people when I realized that my times group or it could be working on a I have a lot of respect for them tioned an athlete by the name of don’t watch practices so that is qualified for what Concordia newspaper and completing it with due to their dedication to their Ted Williams.
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