DEATH NOTICES AND OBITUARIES IN THE NORTHERN STANDARD 1900 - 19091900 - 1906 NAME ADDRESS DATE PAGE Abbott, Mary Ethel Tydavney Rectory 31st May 1902 P. 177, 178 Allely, George Clonkeen Lucas 24th Mar. 1906 P. 502 Allen, Richard Tanary 20th Jan. 1906 P. 470 Anderson, Joseph Carnaveigh 27th Jan. 1900 P. 8 Anketell, Rev. John USA & Dungillick 15th Apr. 1905 P. 401 Armstrong, Anna Tyrone & Dunraymond 13th Jan. 1906 P. 466 Armstrong, Elizabeth Woodbine House, Clones 10th Dec. 1903 P. 278 Armstrong, Joseph Ternahinch 11th June 1904 P. 322 Armstrong, Joseph Colman Island, Clones 2nd Sept. 1905 P. 434 Baird, Robert Tirmadown 28th July 1906 P. 547 Ballentine, Mrs Coolshannagh 3rd Nov. 1906 P. 575 Bamford, Mrs Edward Lisnaroe, Clones 27th Jan. 1906 P. 473 Barry, Angela Monaghan 10th June 1905 P. 414, 415 Bart, Robert Forster Dublin & Ballinode 26th Jan. 1904 P. 289, 292 Bartley, William Monaghan 27th Oct. 1900 P. 69 Benson, Anne Kilnadreen 7th June 1902 P. 179 Betty, Charlotte Kilcorran 21st Feb. 1903 P. 226 Birch, William Drumshanny, Tydavnet 9th Sept. 1905 P. 438 Blackburne, George Cardiff & Monaghan 17th Jan. 1903 P. 219 Blackburne, James Cressil 28th July 1900 P. 51 Blackstock, Agnes Ballybay 10th Dec. 1904 P. 365 Blake-Burke, Mrs Dublin & County Monaghan 3rd Oct. 1903 P. 268 Bothwell, Henry Knockaconnier 19th Jan. 1901 P. 91 Bowes, Mrs John Ballyhoe & Fermanagh St. Clones 13th Jan. 1906 P. 468 Bowes, Robert Rooskey 10th Feb. 1906 P. 482 Boyd, Alice Mullanarry, Carrickmacross 18th Mar. 1905 P. 387 Boyd, Eliza Kilcrow, Clontibret 31st Oct. 1903 P. 272 Boylan, Ann Moyles 28th Jan. 1905 P. 371 Boylan, James Carrickakelly, Inniskeen 10th Feb. 1900 P. 11 Boyle, Dr. D.J. Corduff 13th Oct. 1906 P. 566 Boyle, Joseph Cootehill & Ballybay 13th Aug. 1904 P. 335 Brady, Catherine Mullaloughan 21st Apr. 1906 P. 514 Brady, Kate Drum 3rd Nov. 1906 P. 577 Breadon, Mrs Lanah House, Emyvale 26th Jan. 1901 P. 92 Breakey, James Cornanure, Ballybay 13th Dec. 1902 P. 207 Breakey, John Smithborough 13th May 1905 P. 411 Breakey, Margaret Tullyard 30th Jan. 1904 P. 291 Breen, Eliza The Hill, Monaghan 10th Feb. 1906 P. 483, 485 Brimmer, Annie Annaghagh, Monaghan 4th Aug. 1900 P. 53 Brimmer, Robert Annahagh, Monaghan 24th Oct. 1903 P. 271 Brogan, James Clones 8th Dec. 1906 P. 586 Brown, Annie Lurgahamla, Castleblayney 2nd May 1903 P. 243 Brown, John Tonytallagh 3rd Mar. 1906 P. 493 Browne, Robert Ballybay 10th June 1905 P. 416 Brownlow, Ann Jane The Diamond, Clones 28th July 1900 P. 51 Bryans, James Alexander Monaghan 15th Feb. 1902 P. 159 Brydon, Walter Toronto & Monaghan 8th Sept. 1900 P. 56, 57 Bryson, Margaret Castleshane 1st Feb. 1902 P. 154 Buchanan, Margaret Clones 1st Apr. 1905 P. 394, 398 Bullick, Mr. R.F. Mullan Cloth Mills, Emyvale 19th May 1906 P. 528 Burges, James Dungillick 22nd Feb. 1902 P. 162 Burgess, Robert Feddans, Castleshane 20th Apr. 1901 P. 113 Burns, Peter Ednagoash 19th Sept. 1903 P. 265 Bury, Rev. Canon Edward Clontibret Glebe 16th Feb. 1901 P. 98, 102 Busby, John Edensland 14th June 1902 P. 181 Byers, John Fermoyle, Smithboro 13th Jan. 1906 P. 466 Caldwell, Mrs Crosses, Monaghan 18th Aug. 1906 P. 552 Callaghan, Hugh Corgcaghan 1st Oct. 1904 P. 346 Callaghan, Mr. Glaslough 2nd Mar. 1901 P. 100 Calvert, Sergeant John Glaslough St. Monaghan 30th Dec. 1905 P. 464 Cambridge, Elizabeth Carrickfergus & Monaghan 16th Dec. 1905 P. 461 Campbell, Charles Market St. Monaghan 9th June 1906 P. 534 Campbell, James Oakfield, Clones 7th Apr. 1906 P. 507 Campbell, John Antrim & Kilmore 10th Oct. 1903 P. 269 Cargill, Samuel Aughaloughan, Glaslough 21st June 1902 P. 184, 185,186 Carleton, Eliza Cornacassa 18th Aug. 1906 P. 551, 553 Carleton, Thomas Drum 8th Apr. 1905 P. 397 Carlisle, Samuel Drum 22nd Apr. 1905 P. 405, 406 Carson, Joseph Cloncurrin House, Clones 20th July 1901 P. 126 Carson, Matilda Harrymount House, Clontibret 30th Sept. 1905 P. 446, 448 Carter, Thomas Rossmore Park 18th July 1901 P. 124, 125 Cavanagh, Patrick Church St. Ballybay 29th Dec. 1906 P. 597 Charleton, Clement Newbliss 30th May 1903 P. 247 Charlton, Ernest Cremorne, Ballybay 7th Dec. 1901 P. 147 Charlton, Miss Omeath & County Monaghan 26th Sept. 1903 P. 266 Clarke, James Croey 29th Sept. 1906 P. 562 Clarke, John Stag Hotel, Monaghan 18th Aug. 1900 P. 54 Clarke, Matthew Ternaneal 17th Mar. 1906 P. 500 Clarke, Mrs York House, Castleblayney 8th Sept. 1906 P. 557 Clearkin, Philip Aughnamullen , Latton 22nd Sept. 1906 P. 558, 559 Clements, David Castleblayney 9th Feb. 1901 P. 94 Cole, Miss S. Cavan & Clones 5th May 1906 P. 520 Collins, Patrick Fermanagh & Clones 15th June 1901 P. 119 Comiskey, Susan Glaslough St. Monaghan 7th June 1902 P. 179 Condell, George Monaghan 31st Mar. 1900 P. 30, 31,32 Condell, Thomas Thornhill 28th Sept. 1901 P. 134 Conlon, Rev. Terence Donaghmoyne 21st Apr. 1906 P. 513 Conlon, Rose Carrickabawn 10th Feb. 1900 P. 11 Connolly, Bernard Aghaclay 13th Jan. 1906 P. 467 Connolly, Mrs Bridget Aghaclay 24th Feb. 1906 P. 490 Connolly, Mrs Patrick Sporthall, Ballybay 4th Apr. 1903 P. 232, 233 Connolly, Thomas Drummons 22nd Apr. 1905 P. 406 Connor, John Ballybay 25th May 1901 P. 115 Cooke, Miss Gallina 3rd Feb. 1906 P. 479 Coote, Sarah Monaghan Asylum 29th Apr. 1905 P. 407, 411 Costelloe, Gracie Dublin & Monaghan 20th May 1905 P. 413 Cowan, Rev. Henry Drumloo Cottage, Newbliss 16th Nov. 1901 P. 143, 146 Crane, James Toronto & Smithborough 14th Apr. 1906 P. 510, 526 Crawford, Jane Legnacrave 7th Nov. 1903 P. 273 , 275 Crawford, Joseph Drumbrain, Newbliss 30th Sept. 1905 P. 448 Crawford, Mary Legnacrave, Castleshane 21st Apr. 1906 P. 515 Crawford, Rebecca Drumbrain Cottage, Newbliss 5th Jan. 1901 P. 86 Crawford, Rev. Joseph Sunridge Terrace, Dublin 19th Nov. 1904 P. 356 Crawford, Samuel Drumbrain 11th Apr. 1903 P. 235 Creaton, John Kinturk, Newbliss 1st Sept. 1906 P. 556 Croarkin, James Clones 16th Sept. 1905 P. 440 Crookshanks, Samuel Drumginney 24th Mar. 1906 P. 504 Cross, James Fermanagh St. Clones 5th May 1906 P. 520, 525 Crozier, Mrs J.G. Gortra House 10th Mar. 1906 P. 499 Crudden, Michael Clones 3rd Feb. 1900 P. 10 Cruikshanks, Mrs Drumginney 2nd Mar. 1901 P. 101 Cullinan, Rev. J. Aghabog 10th Jan. 1903 P. 216 Curran, William Feaugh 26th Aug. 1905 P. 431 Davidson, John Killygoan 28th May 1904 P. 318 Davidson, John Killagoan 28th May 1904 P. 320 Davidson, Thomas Glaslough St. Monaghan 1st Aug. 1903 P. 257 Davidson, Walter Clones 28th Apr. 1906 P. 519 Davis, Mrs Corfad 28th July 1904 P. 330 Dawson, Albert Louis Monaghan 18th Apr. 1903 P. 236, 238 Deighan, Mary Church Square, Monaghan 6th Jan. 1900 P. 1, 3 Denning, William 13th Aug. 1904 P. 334 Dickson, John Corragarry, Newbliss 31st Jan. 1903 P. 222 Dickson, Sarah Corragarry, Ballybay 22nd June 1901 P. 120, 121 Dickson, Thomas Mullagreenan, Newbliss 30th Mar. 1901 P. 111 Dixon, Mrs Ballybay 10th Nov. 1906 P. 578 Donaghy, Bernard Lougnoona 5th Nov. 1904 P. 353 Donnellan, Mary Aughnacloy House, Smithborough 8th Aug. 1903 P. 259, 260 Donnolly, Thomas Ballybay 13th Dec. 1902 P. 209 Doogan, George Killyconnigan 15th Oct. 1904 P. 349, 352 Doris, James Clones 18th Jan. 1902 P. 152 Drum, Sarah Crover, Monaghan 9th Mar. 1901 P. 104, 105 Dudgeon, James Ballinode 10th Sept. 1904 P. 340, 341 Duffy, Bridget Annacramp 14th May 1904 P. 315 Duffy, Charles Gavan Monaghan 14th Feb. 1903 P. 225 Duffy, John Castleblayney 19th Aug. 1905 P. 429 Duffy, Judith Corkeeran 29th Sept. 1900 P. 64 Duffy, Thomas Tusker, Donaghmoyne 3rd Mar. 1906 P. 496 Duke, Charles William Curraghmore + England 27th July 1901 P. 127, 128 Dunwoody, John Bleckley Killivane, Monaghan 14th Apr. 1906 P. 511, 512 Eakin, James Laurel Hill, Castleblayney 27th July 1901 P. 127, 128 Edgar, Miss M.A. The Hill, Monaghan 8th Nov. 1902 P. 203 Edgerton, Jane Drumhirk 19th July 1902 P. 194 Edwards, Jane Portinaghy, Emyvale 6th Oct. 1906 P. 565, 567, 569 Egan, Miss 16th Mar. 1901 P. 108 Elliott, John New York & The Diamond, Clones 25th Oct. 1902 P. 202 Elliott, Rev. William Smithborough 7th Dec. 1901 P. 147 Elliott, Robert Killcranaghan 27th Oct. 1906 P. 573 Ellis, John Belfast & Monaghan 28th Dec. 1901 P. 148 Fanning, Margaret Monaghan Workhouse 25th Feb. 1905 P. 381 Farnsworth, Mrs E. Fever Hospital 1st Sept. 1900 P. 55 Farrell, Joseph Aghagaw 12th Nov. 1904 P. 354, 356 Farrell, Rose Monaghan Town 10th Feb. 1906 P. 484 Farrell, Samuel Meath & Tyholland 22nd Feb. 1902 P. 161 Farrelly, Catherine Monaghan Asylum 21st May 1904 P. 317 Fiddes, Joseph Clenamully, Monaghan 22nd Feb. 1902 P. 161, 162 Findley, George Castleblayney 13th May 1905 P. 412 Finnegan, James Corduff 22nd Dec. 1900 P. 84 Finnegan, Judith Carrickmacross 6th Jan. 1900 P. 4 Fitzgerald, Mrs M. Riversdale, Urbleshanny 23rd Nov. 1901 P. 144 Fitzpatrick, Mrs John Scotshouse 23rd Apr. 1904 P. 313 Flanagan, John Clones 26th Dec. 1903 P. 280 Fleming, Mr. Muckno St. Castleblayney 17th June 1905 P. 418 Flood, Mary Edenanay, Ballybay 31st Jan. 1903 P. 221 Forde, Lizzie Derrygooney 31st Jan. 1903 P. 222 Gallagher, Mary Australia & Monaghan 10th Sept. 1904 P. 341 Gallagher, Rev. Eugene Scotshouse 9th Apr. 1904 P. 311 Gardiner, Sergeant Drum 23rd June 1906 P. 539 Gardner, Emy Clontibret 21st Feb. 1903 P. 227 Gavin, Patrick Smithborough 10th Jan. 1903 P. 217 George, James Castleblayney 26th Oct. 1901 P. 140 Gerrity, Bridget Glasgow & Glaslough St. Monaghan 1st Feb. 1902 P. 155 Gerrow, Rachael Rockcorry 3rd Mar. 1906 P. 494 Gillespie, William Drumgrone 24th Mar. 1906 P. 504 Gilliland, Robert Monaghan 27th Jan. 1906 P. 476 Gilmore, Mrs Laurel Hill, Castleblayney 24th Mar.
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