siM & WtLDLIFE ROMENCEUSHARY luck R@60 Cha s. Co fins T., ITT! T T 14 IT T- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NORTH PACIFIC DIVISION, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 2870 PORTLAND, OREGON 97208 NPDPL-ER 8 June 1981 SUBJECT: Oregon Division Izaak Walton League Report, Rogue River-Savagc--- Rapids Dam, 31 January 1981 District Engineer, Portland Subject report is inclosed for your information. Corps of Engineers corrixnents on this report are not appropriate or desired. FOR THE DIVISION ENGINEER: 1 Incl D. W. NORDHILL as Assistant Chief, Planning Division OREGON DIVISION REGIONAL DIRECTORS C"11.11 M. S.ith..@ 2045 N,E. 144th P.al.,,d, OR 97230 33ank Milton T[moule of America, ]Ynr, Mild.d! R..h., R.&,,-21 2132 0..,Wl StIm F @ OR 9 7116 .... G,.m DEFENDERS OF SOIL, WATERS, AIR AND WILDLIFE O@@., Th.d,... (R.&.-31 WOODS, I sag wif..i, STATE OFFICERS E@,..., OR 97402st..t GI.d E. A.I,h E. C. IR.&,,-41 Sv.s. R., GI.. W.W.. JI. Elli... Vi,,. P1..1d.,,t T 8.@ E...flw. S.C.'.'Y R0. 636 5440 S.W. 7365 3800 S.W. [email protected],v CINb 01. Ti@b.,........RX., 176 731 N.W. Midl.i,d A OR SM. 82.d A,.. Wig. 97470 Skvi.. A.. C S. ... 97330 P."t.i,d, OR 97223 .... Ili., OR 97330 V.,..Pi.. OR 97064 P.@., OR 97526 Mik. M@L... (R.9id.-5) P@O. 3.@ 146 M..,im, OR 97037 L.,.. H.9h.. (R.9i.161 May 1981 1 1 08 Ad.@. 20, L. G,.@d., 08 97850 J.h. C. C,..d (R.,io@-7) P.0, B. a03 OR 97720 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE STATE OFFICERS .,,d- D... W. R.wli.,. Pa., [email protected] 1825 N,E. 92,,d A@.@@. P.1d..d, OR 97220 Dom Ch.d.. S. C.M.. Rogue Savago Rapids 123 Lilb.,,, Subject. Rk"r R ... b.,,, OR 97470 many W..d.11 H.W, 7he Oregon Divisl on of the Di has been concerrted for years with 1840 N.E. 92,,d Dam on OR 97220 the inadequate fish passage facilities at Savage Rapids located we L.,, K..Ift.,, Rogue upstream from Grants -Pass. Because of this concern. P.O@ B.. 540 the River OR 973§4 this Droblem. W31dl.lt, have completed the enclosed report to focus attention on 0, Alf,.d J. K,.ft The anadromous (stiselhead and Salmon) attributed to the 1301 [email protected] Ci,@t.' Bid,. loss of fish OR This P.Itl.dd, 97205 dam has been Estimated at two million dollars a year. magnitude Rod.n.k J. V.@,. remedial action. 3300 S.W. Rid, d R..d of fish loss certainly requires P.M.,,d, OR 97225.... O@.., R. Th.@... We those local. state and federal. having 1589 wil'.,, are urging authorities, re- E.g..@. OR 97402 sponsibIlities for the river. the dam and fisheries to assist in cor- REGIONAL GOVERNOR recting this problem. In our opinion a feasibility study by the Water BY.. R..Ii.g@ 1825 N,E. 92i,d [email protected],.@ and Power Resources Service is required to determine an alternative P.,,I.M. OR 97220 method.for supplying water for agricultural use. NATIONAL DIRECTORS L.C. [J..k) Bdf.1d Pw N@[email protected] Pli,@id@M comments on Should be direct-A to the undersigned. 1901 M.E. 701l, A@.@.. AU this report OR 97213 J.,,. C.'a.i Sincerely. 5440 SM, OR 97330 W..d.11 MM., 1840 N,E, 92,,d P.11I.,,d. OR 97220 0, Alft.d J. K,.h Jane Capizzi, side ft@, N@d.,,@l P,[email protected] 1301 M.dic.i C.11@1 Bid, Oregon Division. roLA OR 97205 e4W S.W. S17view Ave. Corvallis, Cre2on 97330 A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION WORKING FOR A BETTER OUTDOOR AMERICA BUREAU OF RECLAMATION PLANNING FIELD BRANCH,SALE* OREGON . GRANTS PASS DIVISION ROGUE RIVER BASIN PROJECT OREGON INFORMATION BULLETIN December 1981 BACKGROUND We would like to advise you of the status of the Bureau of Reclamation water and related resource study in the Grants Pass Division.,-, The purpose of the study is twofold: (1) to formulate measures to replace or improve the Grants Pass Irrigation District's existing distribution system and (2) to define alternative plans for a permanent solution to the fish passage problems at Savage Rapids Dam. In October 1970 interim study results were summarized for the public in a formulation working-document. Further work on the feasibility study was deferred pending response to that document. Responses to date through use of the return mailer and from local contacts@have been varied. They range from recommending removal of Savage Rapids Dam to expanding the facilities to include electric power generation. Response to alternatives to improve the irrigation distribution system have been more consistent. The general reaction teems to be that the irrigation district,would not be able to pay the costs Associated with these improvement measures if an extensive rehabilitation program was undertaken FUTURE WORK Consensus on a future course for the study was reached in a November 10, 1981, meeting in Grants Pass with the Grants Pass Irrigation District, fish and wildlife interests, Oregon State Water Resources Department, Josephine County Water Resources Advisory Committee, and the Bureau of Reclamation. Conclusions reached at that meeting are as follows: 1. The Bureau of Reclamation should defer study of measures to replace or rehabilitate the Grants Pass Irrigation District's existing facilities. Fish enhancement structures needed at some of the canal stream crossings would be the only measures associated with the distribution system that would be included At this time. 2. The Bureau of Reclamation thouM,concentrat6 the remainder of the study on Savage Rapids Dam. Three alternatives would be (a) evaluated:I installation of permanent fish passage facilitie s on the dam as suming;@theAam would be operated as at present, (b) removal of Savage Rapids Dam and installation of I electric-powered pumps to supply the Grants Pass 'Irrigation District c anals, and (c) installation@of permanent fish passage facilities oh the dam assuming power a future generation facility at th d 40) The future addition of a power, generation facil-it at the dam is uncertain at this time. The-Pacific Northwest Generating Company, with Grant$ thWOr0qo__ together P45S Irrigation District and Public Power Agency; receive d a preliminary permif from the Federal Energy Regulatory, Commission to study the power potential at Savage Rapids Dam. However, present Oregon law prohibits hydropower development an that portion of the Rogue River. The appli-cant-As-presently seeking-an-@Wftno@o*'of -the permit study period to allow time to seek modification of the current restriction from the State Legislature. W A pr @epaid return mailer is attar he d., e we I come your suggestions orcomments. If you wish'Lto.have the study team n*k@wfth year group, pl easwindicate. so on the return mailer. We welcome your comments on the Grants Pass Divisloh Please'add the following names and addresses to your mailing list. from@ Remove my name your mailing list. To retum - Fold sheet, on dashed lines with address side of mailer exposed and tape or staple. No postage is necessary. ML6 UOBqJ0 welles 'N 40WIS J91U90,QC9 jejueo 9jqej!nbtj gee ej!nG uojjiawiejo9?j lo n7aeing JOIJ9jul OLIZ Jo juawliede(] sel-elS Paiiun 33ssasuav ke 03AYd 39 TIM 30VISOd Q 'NOIDNINSM 6V8Z[ ON 11WN3d SSV1:) ISMIJ -11VN KldD@J SISDNisnp -- ----- ---------------------------- J @-j -- - ------------ --- - ---- - ----- ----- -- ------ United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation . POSTAGE AND FEES PAID Kable @ Suite 335 Equ Center D E PARTMEN T OF THE I NTERIO R N. E. 530' Center St. I NT A20 Salem, Oregon 97301 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 Boris Georgeff Rogue Basin Coordinator U.S. Department of the Army Portland District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 2946 Portland, OR 97208 - - - - - - @X, JACKSON -0. JOSEPHINE CO. VAGE RAPIDS DAM GRANTS PASS IRRIGATION DISTRICT 0 1 a MILES so Sal 0 G 0 N S Pass MeE PAOS DA ROGUE RIVER BASIN PROJECT GRANTS PASS DIVISION,OREGON LOCATION MAP SEPTEMBER 1973 ROGUE RIVER - SAVAGE RAPIDS DAM COMMITTEE REPORT Introduction The National Marine Fisheries Service has estimated that fish losses at Savage Rapids Dam are over $2,000,000 per year. Waltonians have been aware of the problem at least since 1930 when a chapter in Grants Pass was active. During the 1952-56 period we took a leading role in the efforts to get screens installed at the hydraulic turbine intakes so as to reduce the numbers of fingerlings pumped into the canals and irrigation ditches. It is the objective of this committee to look into the fish passage problem relating to both the upstream and downstream migrating anadromous fish and to what is being done about it. The committee also feels that the operation of the Grants Pass Irrigation District (G.P.I.D.) should be reviewed regarding its fi- nancial condition as the conversion of farms to city lots takes place. The com- mittee is concerned with what are the legal responsibilities of the District with respect to fish passage and how they have been carried out. We are also concerned with the responsibilities of the State agencies, particularly the Water Resources Department and the Fish and Wildlife Department. The subject is a very complicated one. The many details of both historic and current interest can not be given in this committee report. Source information made available to the committee for reference is listed at the end of this report.
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