Pagt Thirty-two TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, September II, 1958 Automobiles for Sale 200 ^utomobiUi »«r Sal* 200 ^utomobilt* for $ ! 205 A utomobilt » for * ' 20° A utomobilt » for Salt 200^utemobil*s for Salt JOQ^utomobiUi for Sal* 20ft for Sal* 200 ^utomobiUt for Sal* 200 Car Life Says: •mmm m - "Back to School Specials" We have a complete stock of transportation cars with Time is lots of years left in them. 1940 CHEVROLET COUPE New paint. Light grey ReupholsteredReupholstert Interior. Really clean car. Full Price $145 Running Out 1948 OLDSMOBILE 4-DR SEDAN Ford Hydramatlc, radio, heater, brown color. Run* excellently. 2 BIG LOCATIONS JUST A FEW MORE DAYS Full Price $125 1951 CHRYSLER 4-DR. SEDAN 1420Cabrillo 101 Hwy. and Light blue V-l Automatic trans, radio, heater. Runs beaui To take advantage of unheard of price fully. Needs good polish «. one fender is damaged. Hawthorne Blvd. Full Price $125 Torrance Lot MOO Sedan Best Imported Buy 8-8488 Reductions on the all new FA 8-5014 FA 1951 NASH RAMBLER CLUB COUPE Regardless of Country!" This car runs like a n«w one. Needs new Mint & seat eovtrs. Full Price $195 1957 FORD 1956 CADILLAC V4 ''a-ton pickup. Custom cab, auto- "42" 4 door. Air eond., full power radio, heater. a«olpment. Every convenience. Bxtr«a Withmatlc normaltrensmls»lon, down payment - """" ' - «*" COUPE wat 43097 Save S500. Here's Why . 1952 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE '58 Chevrolets Hvdramatlc, radio, heater This one ddoesn't need anything. A Only $44.38 Per Mo. Now $2599 35 Miles Per Gallon Fresh air heater & defrost­ real clean car. 60 to 70 Miles Per Hour er. 'Full Price $195 1955 FORD 1956 FORD Cruising Speed Vinyl uphoUtery & interior Buy Now ' H conv'tjhlc Automatic frrnjimiv V-» ?-do/)r Victoria. Auto., R&H, litf Excellent hflndling & cor­ 1952 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE ion, rtdio, hffter, beaullfH ?-lone gr«/-n A, -'hlte flnl'-h, w,w Was 117W. Foam rubber ««! . A real fine car. Radio ft, Heatrr imlsh, whiff 'll tire-.. With i--r,n»i '"" "NOW $1399 nering Characierislic',. While We Still Have All Models and .Full Price $195 Soft comfortable ride While Wall lirrv. * Colors to Choose From Only 110.25 Per Wk even on washboard rcjads. Two Tone paint 1952 98 OLDSMOBILE HOLIDAY COUPE Full 6 pasienger (no buck­ Self Cancelling Tuin Sig­ Hyrtramatlc, radio, heater, power steesteerino, electric window* "The Prices Are So Low A real beauty «, «harp. 1956 PONTIAC et seats). Extra Large trunk nals. ty I. tharp. 1957 FORD V » 4-door. Hydra., RfcH, power steer- space. Full Price $495 V-l 4-door station wason. Automatic ing t brakes. Reautitul Hte blue and Courtesy, Hood & Trunk We Can't Advertise Them 11 transmission, radio, heater, power white finish. Wa» $1199. Save 1400. Finned aluminum brake ttaerloQ A near-new waoon. lank lights. ' financing Test drive It today. Now $1499 drums (virtually fade Electric Wipers 1953 98 OLDSMOBILE HOLIDAY COUP proof). * Hvdramatle, radio, heater, electric wlndowi. This weed's aJPI Windshield Wipers Superb Integral Construc­ Full Price $495 1951 CHEVROLET 1956 PLYMOUTH tion. Oil Filter. 9-pamnoer station wagon Radio. ( ?-4oor Belvedere Push-button Tran*. BROKAW heater, 7-tone paint No money down ; PH, beautiful 2-tone yellow It white Over $200.00 worth of Locking Gas Cap. on approved credit. i finish. Was $1799, Save $400. 'Extras' such as Etc., Etc., Etc. 1954 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4-DR SED. Only $8.95 Per Wk. l Now $1399 CHEVROLET ^"' "TA'Li 'rrani.,*nl- rradio,"dle- "eater,heater, originalorigl 34.000 mile car. A oil for 2901 Pacific Coast Hwy. Full Price $695 1955 DODGE 1955 FORD V-l Custom Royal Lancer hardtop iV-U 4-door Fairlane. Ford-o-matlc, Also A Lote Model Stock Reduction ?-door sedan Automatic transmission, I R*H, w w tires, beautiful blue and FR2-II5I radio, heater, 7 ton* paint. With nor- I whKe finish. Wat tW?, Save 1400. Hermosa Beach ii»i down oavment j KJnvA/ ^» 1 1 00 $1820 Only $9.99 Per Wk. ' ° * This price of $1820.00 includes ALL equipment listed SALE ^ 1955 PONTIAC ($239.69 worth). Absolutely top dollars for domestic or 1953 CHEVROLET 2-dwoor hardtop Catalina. Hydramat- imported trade ins, as we RETAIL, NOT WHOLESALE We must clear our lot to make room for the 4-door -,edan Radio, heater It looks ' le, R8-H, power steering & brakes, goorf, .t run* qoo^. No money down \ beautiful off white finish Was *1A99, THEM. $385.00 Down, payments of $11.62 a week. Lower Moyer's Geo. new car clearance trade in's on our Save $300. or NO down if you wish and your credit is good. You Only $8.90 Per Wk. Now $1399^ owe it to yourself to try a 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 4-DR. HDTP. SED. SUMMER Fordomailc, radio,lio, heater, tinted olaslaw, w w tire*. Loaded with extras, this one *tllMil smell* new. Above Cars at Above Cars at Save $1250 "1420 CABRILLO 101 Hwy. & FIAT CLEARANCE' Before You Buy Any Car ON 1957 PLYM. CUS. 6 PASS STA. WAGON TORRANCE Hawthorne Blvd. Automatic, radio, heater, tinted glass,elass. w w tires. White over Parts Immediately Available red, beautifulful white «, black Interior V-lV « motor. Lincoln - Mercury - Edsel & English Ford Full Price $1995 FA 8-5014 FA 8-8488 Excellent Fiat Service Dept. Never before has anyone been able to buy t> new Uincoln, Mercury, Edstl or English A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED can NOW at ^ord at su£h a reduced price as they 1957 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 4-DR. AND THEY'RE ALMOST GONE GEQ, MOYER INC. Hardtop Phaeton. This beautiful white over pink car originally cost over J4SOO. It Is fully equipped. Full vinyl interior. You 912 N. Long Beach Blvd. In Compton must see this one VEL'S FORD Full Price $2395 On Approved Credit Our Compk'3 Stock of 1958 Automobiles Must be Sold NOW Regardless of Pricas Credit Cleared In S Minutes Out-ot-Town Buyers Welcome Also We Have 10 Executive Cars in Lincoln-Mercurys With Tremendous Savings *nd till Carrying a New Car Warranty. 1956 PLYM. CUS. SUB. STA. WAGON v-d, automatic, radio, heater, w w tires, tinted glass. A real NO MONEY DOWN nice wagon BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS Full Price $1595 Hwy., Hermosa Beach I9SI NASH 1955 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA COUPE 505 Pac. Cst. 1952 MERCURY Rambler station wagon. This one you Automatic, radio, heater, power steering & brake*, w w tires, $25 DOWN FR 4-0921 4-door sedan. Really a fine car have to see. tinted glass. Original throughout A low mileage car. Was $698 . Now $498 Was $698 Now $498 Open Evenings & Sundays Full Price $1395 WILL GET YOU 40 MILES PER GALLON 1958 LINCOLN Continental 4-door Landau. Executive 1956 PONTIAC V-8 2-DR. SEDAN BOB KEEPER car_ Full power, air cond. Exception­ I7Q model. Automatic, radio, heater, fully equipped. The money you will save on gas will nearly make the RLYMOUTH-MAT-ALFA ROMEO ally low mileage. Power differential, white wall tires. Full Price $1195 N monthly payments. New Car Prices as Low as This Week Only $5598 \ B« Budget-W r * A Economi/e With the New LOW AS 1957 DODGE 17,10 Hoval Lancer coupe Power staerlno, 1957 MERCURY HERMAN MILLER PER WEEK power brakes, radio, heater, whit* 3 to choose from. Fully equipped, low walls, *olex, beautiful 7-tonc, low mileage, local carv One year war­ $1134 mlleaee. ranty available. 1958 TRIUMPH Was $2698 Now $2498 As Low as $2498 Plymouth Triumph 4-DOOR SEDAN .. ........... $1699 NEW PLYMOUTH Cr»E. FACTORY STATION WAGON .... .... $1968 No Money Down Used Car Dept. No Furniture Loan Geo. Moyer Inc. TR-3 SPORTS ROADSTER $2695 No Salary Loan K.F.B.P 912 N. Long Beach Blvd., Compton 1311 CABRILLO, TORRANCE SBRVICS *17..V> PPR WEKK NOW DISCOUNTING AtL N$W PLYMOUTH NEwrnarlc 2-7141 NEvada 6-2422 FAIRFAX 8-4014 10 to 4 1-YEAR USED CAR GUARANTEE Open 8 to 9:00 Open ell day Sunday Open Sunday Open Eve's & Sundcys '55 PLYMOUTH $7.34 Per Wk. Authorized Lmrnln-Mercury Edsel and "English Ford Dealer ?-door hardtop Automafir, rarlm, hrat*r, whitr witIK '56 DODGE ... $8.00 Per Wk. HAMPTON IMPORTED CARS 7-dnor hardtop. Automatic, radio, heater, white walK September '57 FORD ................ ...... $12.50 Per Wk. A-l, Proof of the Pudding 111 No. Pacific San Pedro TE 1-1455 * door «»dan Automatic, heater, power steering, power brakai, whitew/»ll% ... Is in the Eating Sell-Out! 810 W. Anahftim. Wilmington TE 5-6848 '57 BUICK $13.80 Per Wk. Riviera Couo» Automatic. r«Hm h»»tiir, whltewalls. Thursday HARBOR MOTOR CO. '56 Cadillac $3495 Air ronrt YOUR GOOP rPEDIT IS WHAT WE NtIO Sedan DeVllle. Of»»«r<. ChoirrM Array Of Fine Used Car* '56 Karman '57 '54 Chevrolet $1095 ASK FOP LAN Special! OLDSMOBILE ........................ $2495 R»l Air 4 door nowerallde, radio, Super 18 Holiday heater, white wall tires. S1995 AND WRITE YOUR OWN PLAN '57 ENGLISH FORD '56 '52 M.G. Coupe Radio, heater A. Bl«ge fin- i Hawthorne Blvd. at UOth M. This very clean little ? door will OLDSMOBILE ....................... $2095 dallvar better than 30 mile* per Surer til Convertible Coup* T O World'* mo»» WM»wlar iportt Ish. You'll take special pride in the ' Hawthornr car. Looks DM new Special this flfnes* and power of this auto­ oallon '56 CECIL L. weak-End only mobile OPEN EVERY NITE 'III. 10 Special OLDSMOBILE'.......................... $1995 $999 Super tft Holiday Coupe $895 Codillac '53 Sedan '55 OLDSMOBILE .......................... $1795 'THOMAS »* Holiday coupe $249f RIVIERA Factory Airconditioner CHAS. '55 '57 PONTIAC Reautlful small "«?" 4-door sedan.
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