January/February/March, 2006 US$5.95 Affirming S. anatana D. harma a. nd R. ecording t. he M. odern H. istory o. f a. B. illion-Strong G. lobal R. eligion i. n R. enaissance At Lord BALAji’s Feet in tirupAti thomas kelly COVER: P. ilgrims t. ouch t. he s. culpted s. tone f. eet i. n T. irumala T. emple’s S. rivari P. adalu s. hrine w. hich m. ark t. he p. lace w. here L. ord V. ish- nu firs. t s. tepped u. pon t. he Ea. rth .(A . bove) Pil. grim sp. ins t. he p. rayer w. heels a. t t. he Hin. du-Buddhist t. emple of. M. uktinath in. N. epal . january/february/march, 2006 • Hindu year 5107 parthiva, the year of earthly prosperity www.gurudeva.org InternatIonal Feature: .Trek .with .Us .to .Tirupati, .Lord .Venkatesh- Education: .Parents .Correct .Textbooks .on .Hinduism .60 wara’s .Revered .Temple .Home .in .South .India . 18 Vegetarianism: Entrepreneur P. uts H. is M. oney W. here . Service: Activities .at .World’s .Richest .Temple .Are .a . Your M. outh I. s a. t I. nnovative R. estaurant . 62 Blend .of .Tradition .and .Technology . 30 Biography: Beatle G. eorge H. arrison’s S. piritual L. ife . 64 Priesthood: Here’s .Where .Priests .for .Hindu . Pilgrimage: Visiting t. he M. uktinath T. emple H. igh . Temples .Around .the .World .Are .Trained . 32 i. n N. epal’s H. imalayas . 66 Conferences: .Four .Hundred .Gather .in .New .Jersey . To .Form .a .Collective .Hindu .Initiative . 34 opn InIo In My Opinion: .Don’t .Let .Yoga .Teachers .Divide . l Ifestyle Yoga .from .Its .Hindu .Roots . 9 Publisher’s Desk: Language: .Hinglish: .India .and .Television . Bodhinatha E. xplains W. hat I. s . 10 Are .Changing .England’s .Speech . 36 Hinduism a. nd W. ho I. s a. H. indu . Letters 12 Insight: Family .Life .and .Monastic .Life: . From the Vedas: Hinduism’s .Two .Noble .Paths .Explored . 37 May .We .Hear .and .See .That .which . 17 Health: .The .Hazards .of .Childhood .Vaccinations . 53 Is .Auspicious .and .Uplifting . Temples: .Hindu .Boy .Finds .Lord .Murugan’s .Grace . 54 Ritual: Hawaii’s .New .Temple .Receives .the .Ancient . d Igests Garbhanyasa .Ceremony .Midway .in .Construction . 56 Diaspora 6 Digital Dharma 86 Books: .The .West .Would .Have .Been .Much .Different . Quotes & Quips 14 Had .Polytheism .Prevailed .in .Roman .Times . 58 Letterso t. t. he e. ditor, s. ubscription a. nd e. ditorial i. nquiries m. ay b. e s. ent t. o H. induism today, 107. K. aholalele R. oad, K. apaa, H. awaii 96746-9304. USA, let-. ters@hindu o. rg .H . induism Today (issn# 0896-0801), J. anuary/February/March, 2006,. Volume 28,. No . 1.. Editorial: 1-808-822-7032. (ext . 227. ); . subscrip- tions, .copy .or .bulk .orders: .(from .USA .or .Canada:) .1-800-850-1008 or .(from .all .countries) .1-808-240-3108, subscribe@hindu o. rg; .advertising: .1-888- 464-1008, ads@hindu. o. rg. All-department f. ax: 1-808-822-4351.. Hinduism Today is p. ublished f. our t. imes a. y. ear i. n J. anuary, A. pril, J. uly a. nd O. ctober b. y . Himalayan A. cademy, a. n. onprofit e. ducational i. nstitution a. t 107. K. aholalele R. oad, K. apaa, H. awaii 96746. - 9304 U. SA . S. atguru S. ivaya S. ubramuniyaswami, . Founder; .Satguru .Bodhinatha .Veylanswami, .Publisher; .Paramacharya .Palaniswami, .Editor-in-Chief . .USA .subscriptions: .us$ 35/1 .year, .$65/2 years, . $95/3 years, . $155/5 .years, .$1,001/lifetime . .Contact .us .for .international .rates . .In .India: .Central .News .Agency .Limited, .4e/4 .Jhandewalan .Extn ,. .New . Delhi, 110055. , T. el 011-5154-1111. , E. -mail: subs@cna-india. c. om .F . or p. ermission t. o r. epublish a. H. induism Today a. rticle, c. all 1-808-822-7032. (ext . 227. ) . or f. ax 1-808-822-4351.. Printed i. n U. SA . A. pplication t. o m. ail a. t p. eriodicals p. ostage r. ates i. s p. ending a. t K. apaa, H. awaii, a. nd a. t a. dditional m. ailing o. ffices . thomas kelly POSTMASTER: S. end a. ddress c. hanges t. o H. induism today, 107. K. aholalele R. oad, K. apaa, H. awaii, 96746-9304. © 2006 himalayan academy, 107 kaholalele road, kapaa, hawaii 96746-9304 usa. all rights reserved. Brazil RL. B .10 .55 India . .INR .85 .00 Mauritius . MUR .87 .00 Trinidad . TTD .36 .00 Canada AD. .C .7 .50 Malaysia . MYR .10 .00 Singapore . SGD .7 .50 UK . GBP .3 .75 www.hinduismtoday.com Faces of Worship The countenance of these ardent devotees reveal the life-changing experience twenty million souls have each year on the journey to South India’s most famous Vaishnava temple for the blessings of the Lord of Seven Hills. Hinduism Today also made this pilgrimage.... Page 18 Basking in Divine radiance: (above) A simple smile reveals the joy of having just experienced the darshan of Lord Bal- aji. (Right) A mother and child, heads newly shaven, enjoy a free meal near the Balaji temple. (Below) A photo taken Visual testimony: (Clockwise from upper left) Lord Balaji’s temple in Tirumala is radiant with feet of Lord Balaji in a small shrine called Srivari Padalu on a mountain overlooking Tirumala. from a satellite shows the mountainous setting of Tirumala gold at daybreak. A zealous student at the priest-training center chants scripture with a full heart. Devotees foster patience as they wait in the non-VIP line for Lord Balaji’s darshan (benevolent just 15 miles from world-famous Tirupati and 125 miles A family on pilgrimage takes a break in the shade. A shaven headed devotee worships the holy look of blessing). (Background) The lush mountainous terrain surrounding Balaji’s abode. from Chennai on India’s southeastern coast. Tirumala Tirupati all photos thomas kelly courtesy: google earth f r a n c e / u k protest. At first the French company was silent in response to the onslaught of phone calls Rama Shoes and letters, which only further u s a did puja with the support of enraged Hindus. A month of 2,000 families at three venues: Removed pressure followed, including a Sunnyvale, Fremont and San protest march in front of the 1,000 Youth Ramon. Youngsters now look From Market French embassy in London. forward to the annual event n may, 2004, the french Minelli finally relented,remov - Worship with eager anticipation. Ifashion group Minelli manu- ing the shoes from shelves and It is a testimony to the suc- factured and sold shoes in proffering a letter of apology. Ganesha cess of the American extension France decorated with the The letter was sent to the Hindu he 2005 ganesha puja of India’s RSS. Disciplined, image of Lord Rama. When Forum in Britain, along with Tconducted by the Hindu organized and on the move, this was discovered, Hindu 500 pairs of the shoes. Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) for Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, Human Rights and the Hindu Hindu Human Rights lead- Indian craftsmen paint the Deity images for the new temple children in Northern Califor- USA, now has 90 chapters with Forum of Britain mounted a ers were now faced with the Giant windows offer an uplifting view of the main tower from in- nia on September 9 brought a 15,000 families participating responsibility of destroy- u s a side the winter-protected temple with heated floor record number of participants. in weekly, monthly and annual ing the shoes. As they Over 1,000 children and youth events across the country. carried the sacred image a u s t r a l i a of Lord Rama, they Small Community Completes could not simply throw them in the dumpster. Temple on 35 Acres in Iowa New Temple in Perth Suggestions on what to ong time contributor to hinduism today, the late fter 20 years of planning, hard work and fund- do ranged from burning, LDr. Prem Sahai, years ago purchased 35 acres of land in Iowa, Araising, the 6,000 Hindus of Western Australia now have a chemical removal of the near the Des Moines River about 30 miles north of Des Moines. temple in the beautiful, remote city of Perth. The grand con- image, to putting pairs He donated the land to the Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of secration of the Perth Hindu Temple was held on September of the shoes in temples Iowa. Seven years later a band of 750 families completed a $1.5 8, 2005. The huge, 13,000-square-foot structure, based on the for worship as sacred million temple there and held the consecration rites in June of Smarta theology, contains shrines for Ganapati, Siva, Shakti, paduka. It was finally 2005, conducted by 11 priests from all over the US. The main De- Vishnu, Subramanya, Navagraha and others. The vision to en- decided to peel off the ity is Balaji. They have two full-time priests, one from Karnataka compass the needs of all Hindus of all denominations required image while chanting “Jai and one from Delhi. Plans are in the works for a separate Indian a large facility—a financial challenge for the small community. Shri Rama,” immerse Cultural Center. See www.iowatemple.org Blessed and encouraged by many visiting saints through the those images in the Gan- years, the group persevered through ups and downs for two de- ges and burn the shoes cades to achieve their goal. It is another triumph for Hindus in amid chanting of slokas far off places. See www.hindu.org.au Minelli’s Rama shoes, no longer sold to Lord Rama.
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