Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 3-2-1960 The Parthenon, March 2, 1960 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, March 2, 1960" (1960). The Parthenon. 1663. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/1663 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Confiderlce Shown ' . I MAUHML c~~ RUCaff -- I he On Honor System The Honor System received a .out assuranc;e that both the ad•.· vote of confidence' from the ministration AND faculty ap- faculty yesterday. prove. arthenon Previously, Lt. Col. Thomas M. The administration had already HUNTINGTON, W. VA. Ariaiil, chairman of the ROTC given its approval. Faculty ap- WEDNESDAY, MARC:1{ 2, 1960 NO. 42 department, and Dr. R. Lloyd . proval came yesterday, in a vote ========================== ========= = ==== === I Beck, chairman of th~ philosophy on a motion ,by Dr. Michael B. department had said they Josephs, associate professor · of JM• R·oyc '60' I C ·, d· wouldn't want an i;Ionor System physical education. The motion 155 5 rowne set up in their departments with- passed 55-46, said: Carolyn Chapman, •Huntington !Hotel from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sat­ "I move the faculty give freshman and Co. C sponsor, was i,trday with music furnished by their approval and encourage­ crowned "Miss ROTC Battle the Harry Dodson Orchestra. ment to the students to proceed , Queen" at the Military Ball held The Pershing Rifles Drill Unit with the ·establishment of an Saturday night. performed and formed a rank .Honor System at Marshall,.and Miss Chapman was crowned by through which the company that the !itudents be given guid­ Mrs. Carolyn Robertson O'Kane, sponsors walked with their ,com­ ance by the faculty and ad­ Glen Rodgers junior an~ last pany commanders. Each of the ministration in development of year's military queen, during the girls was presented with a bou­ th~s Honor System. intennission of the dance. · She quet of long stem red roses. The After the vote, Colonel 'Ariail was presented a silver tray as a first dance after the intermission said, "I feel the vote of confi­ personal gift. was dedicated to Miss Chapman dence of the faculty for the stu­ Her attendants were: Marilyn and her company commander, dent Honor Commission ,is a good Harper, Huntersville junior; Sus- Cadet Capt. Mike Pinson, Hunt­ thing. If the . commission and an, Daugherty, Huntington junior; ington senior. ROTC students and faculty de­ Pam Butler, Glenwood fr;eshman; Cadet Col. Michael O'Kane, sire to have the Honor System Carol Ann Wilkes, Huntington Parkersburg senior, introduced tried in our department, ' I am freshman; and Marcia Ann Eddy, guests at the dance and Lt. Col. still willing for them to do· so." Huntington freshman. Howard Sutherland, Matewan Dr. Beck commended the fac­ The queen is elected by the senior, made the presentations. ulty motion, but said he would Battle Group on an annual basis. Cadet Capt. Jim Thurman, Man not favor introducing the Honor She represe~ts the ROTC in all senior, presented honorary memb­ System in· the philosophy depart­ official functions until the mil- erships in 1the Pershing Rifles to ment until some technical prob­ itary ball next year. Lt. Col. Thomas M. Ariail, pro- lems · concerning the plan had Miss Chapman, is a home ec- fessor of military scie.nce and been worked out. "But," he said, onomics major in ,eachers Col- tactics, Capt. Robert T. Zargan, . "insofar as the situation looks at lege and is a pledge of Sigma assistant pro~essor, of military. the moment, it might be .possible, Kappa social sorority. science and tactics, and Carol in time, to install the system in The annual ROTC Military Ann Wilkes, Huntington and Per­ all cl1tsses of the department." · Ball · was held at the Prichard shing Rifles sponsor. Queen Crowned I ·t T R f d CAROLYN CHAPMAN, RUNTINGTON'FRESBMAN', Is sarprlsecl 23 Bids Issued Sena t e Un I I O es U y and happy .. Mrs. , Oarolyn Robertson O'Kane,. Glen Roclprs · Junior, crowns tier "Miss 'ROTC Battle Group Queen" at the By Sororities Propos.ed Voting System annual ROTC Mllltary Ball held Saturday nlrht. Formal rush was broucht · to a close Saturday with five Greek · · By RALPH TURNER The persons (affiliated or un- 2 Veteran Stage ·Stars .,roritiea issuing· a total of 2S Staf~ Reporter , affiliated) with the highest num- ·•,, ,d • bids. The proposed semi-p:i:opiortional ber of votes would fill the seats 8 I e ·For 'Dear L1·a r' The women pledged are (f~~ ~resentation system tor student allocated to their group. men women unless . designated)~ elections has been referred back In the event that a candidate Alpha Clli Omega: Dian'.e Lahr, to the Parliamentary Committee did not receive enourh votes to By MRS. SUE MOSS Wierton; Winnie Layne, H11Dt- for clarification. flll a seat, yet received more - Staff Reporter ignton;·Nancy -McCall, Montcom- The new plan is under study as votes than an opposlnr rroup The famous love letters of George Bernard Shaw and Mrs. ery; Barbara. Ma~, Oceana; a replacecment for the proposed candidate, the candidate with Patrick Campbell are the basis for Jerome Kilty's, adapllation of Maxine Russell, Chesapeake, W. two-party system which was de- the highest n u m b e r of votes "Dear Liar", starring Katherine Cornell and Brian Aherrre. Va. · clared tmWorkable, by the com- wonld warrant this seat if the These two stars will be reunited Alpha Sigma Alpha: Ruth Ann · nd mittee. difference between their vote . in the presentation of •:near Liar" quarrels a rarefied romance. Napier and Jane McGann, Hunt- Controversy over the deflnl- totals equalled more than one- at 8:30 p.m. Mo.nday in a· Mar- This is the sixth play in wbich ington. tlon of who Is an IID&fflllate half the votes each seat would shall College Artist Series pre- Miss c O r n e 11 and Mr. Aherne Alpha Xi Delta: Diane Wix. came up at Jut week's Student represent. If the dlfterence Is sentation. have appeared together. Among ~arkersburg; Nancy Bills, Hunt- Senate meet1n1,,resultln« in the less than one-half, the person "Dear Liar" tells the story of d J _ ,, mgton; Judy Gunter, St. Albans; 1 meuure belnr banded back to with the lower tetal would the relationship between the bril- others are "Romeo an u iet Madora McClure · St Albans r:e- · ed and 'The Barretts of Wimpole · · ' · the committee. celve the seat. liant playy.,ri11ht a·nd the spint sophomore. ~ s+,...... t". Under the new system.students The ·president and vice pr~i­ actress. Miss Cornell and Bri,an .,~~ Sigma Kappa: Linda Bower; would register according to classi- dent of the Student Body, and the Aherne will protray· Shaw and Student tickets_for "Dear Liar" Mabscott; Barbara Charles, Hunt­ fication and social affiliation (af- presidents of the sophomore, jun­ Mrs. Campbell using the couple's will be available in Old Main ington; Susan Hall, Grantsville; filiated or unaffiliated). Here is ior, and senior classes would be famous love letters to make an 107A from 8 a.rri. to 3 p.m.'Thurs- Diane Guthrie, Charleston; Janice where controversy arose. Alloca- electeg "at-large". entertaining evening of quips, day and Friday. Johnson, Parkersburg; Carolyn • tion of Senate seats would be Alternate Senate seats would · Chapman, Huntington; Dale Kiq, proportional to this registration. be -alloted to those candidates Spanish Honarary Wilmington, Del. - The ·allocation would be accom- who received the highest number Sigma Sigma Sigma: Margaret I' plished t h r o ti g h the following of votes in either .group, 'after the Induction Planned Collins, Huntington ;·'- Diana method: The total number of regular seats had been alloted. Thompson, Charleston; Bar~ votel"S registered would be com- Freshman elections would be Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish hon• Shinn, Mt. -Lakes, N. J.; Sharon piled per class and divided by .conducted under the present sys- orary, expects to initiate Stanley, Parkersburg;· Carole the number of Senate seats avail- tern. ·· members the middle of Wallace, Northfork sophomore. able in that class. The rt?Sultant month. number would be the number of To be eligible for membership, PSA Will Initiate voters each seat in that class Statistics Mean a student must have a 2.5 over­ would represent. For example: If all average and a 3.0 average in 10 New Memben , Spanish. This must include one i' five seats were available in the Pi Sigma Alpha, political aci­ junior class and 500 juniors regis­ Fe~er Figures year of Spanish or Latin Ameri­ can literature. Membership in ence honorary fraternity, will ·tered, each seat would re-present There are now about 400 more 'initiate 10 new members today in 100 students. men than women in Marshall the Spanish club is also a re­ quirement. It is. not necessary the Student"Union. College, according to figures re­ Those to be initi~ted· are: Artie­ leased by the office of the Reg­ to be majoring in Spanish to be- , Frances Smith Gets long to the club. Jo Fredeking, Huntington junior; istrar. Larry Hayes, Huntington senior; W AA Adviser Post A total .of 3,674 students are Interested students should con­ L. D. Egnor, Huntington · junior; enrolled in the current semester. tact James Stais, assistant pro­ Roger Jones, Parkersburg junior; The appointment of Frances- This is a · decrease of 357 stu­ fessor of Spanish.
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