Still Winning Pardy Cloudy IOWA: PanIr doud, today aDd lIawkeye Cqer. Roll Over MichlC&D State, 40-34 tomorrow; aIlchtly " ..rmfr See Slory on Pace 4 In eul tomorrow. J 0 II a City'. M ornin., Nell.paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1940 ....... 'I1r- VOLUME XLI NUMBER 77 Bombers Pound Northwester'n English Cit'\J Mass New I . ' ' J Troops For Many Kille~ Two New Steps Taken to Prevent ~:~~man Planes Transport Italia!!B _to ~ Albl!":!:a Final Drive As Bomb Hits Sabotage of Munitions Production Claim Italian 10th Army WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 (AP) .ready employing shall forthwith Public Shelter I -Two new steps to prevent S9- discharge from employment, and Trapped in Port; bot age of munitions production exclude" from his factory any RAF in Raids Waves of Raiders were taken today. person "designated by the secre­ Drop Explosives In The navy department disclosed tary of the navy for cause as un­ CAPTURE 35,949 MEN that henceforth all contracts dEsirable to have access to work 'Coventry' Attack would cohtain a clause requiring or materials for the navy." Military Ob rver Venture BeUef the contractor to "submit a oonfl­ On capitol hill, a bili was in­ EqllJb Will Attempt A Delayed Attack NORTHWESTERN ENG- dential report to the navy de­ troduced to give the justice de­ LISH . CITY, [lJc. 24 (AP)-A partment whenever, for any Partment authority to act against CArRO, ElYpt, Dec. 23 (AP) direct bomb hit on a public shel­ cause, he has reason to believe sabotage committed in this COlln­ ter caused undetermined casual­ that an active danger 01 espion­ try against goods being manufac­ - The British army or the Nile, ties as German warplanes sub­ age or sabotage exists a t the tured for export to foreign na­ with ome 3e,OOO Italian prison­ jected this city to another heavy plant, lactory or site 01 the tions. Attorney General Jackson en already moved to the re r, I1ssault last night and early to­ work" covered by .the contract. had told congress that although poured reinforcement into sle,e day. The repurt must contain a com­ the national defense act provided lines around beleaguered Bardla Number· of Death. plete explanation 01 why the such protection for materials bc­ today preparatory to on assaull There were a number of other contractor is apprebenslve of ing produced for defense of tb i'> on it 20,000 d fenden. deaths and several persons were sueh danger. country there was no federal law While the troops were masslna: trapped in cellars when their The contractor also Is pledged, allowing the department to movc outside the Libyan port, British houses were demollsbed. when~ver directed by the secte­ against sa botage of goods for ex­ Artillery and naval guns pumped Wave after wave of raiders tllry of the navy, to report "the port. shells Inlo po lUon occupied in dropped heavy explosives, and citizenship, the countrY of birth, The meaSUre was introduced in the lown Itself by remnant. of an observer in a neighboring city or the alien status of any or all the house by Rep. Voorhis (0.­ lhe Italian lOth army declared reported, "there have been many of . his employees." Cali!,). chairman of a subcom­ According to reports to YUgO-, German militury transport planes, arc believed taking from Ger­ tra pped there. terrific explosions." I He also must agree that he mittee ot th~ house committee on slavia, Italian reinforcements are such as the one shown above. Inset many. down Italy and across the Nll'ht Rallll (Both Liverpool and Man­ "will refuse to : employ, Or it al- un-American activitlcs. being ferried to Albania in huge is a map showing route the planes Adriatic sea. Ran,lng lar ahead ot these chester, neighbors in the north­ operationos, the RAP reported west, have been subjected to -----~-- ncw nl,ht raids on Italian ba e "Coventry" attacks in the past along the arching Libyan Medi­ few nights.) terranean coast as far as Ben­ Waves ot Bombers eDai, 300 air mil to the w ·t. The attacks came shortly after C·hurchill ASI(S Italy to Cast' Ofr Dnce Near ~'BJJ, the air b eJ at repeated waves of raiding plane~ B rk and Bcnlna were rePOrted roared over London, headed .-------------------------------- rolded Saturday nl,ht and re­ northwest. They dropped a few turning pilots told of .tarUni incendiary bombs in one Lon­ Huge Ge1&erator ·Calls MussoIini tremendous fires and explo ion . don area, but mostly continued F.D.R. to Explain Defense Prograln .Greel Take Oft n-bombed Tobruk, 80 mUcs to this elty. Fire at Keokuk: 'Th C· · I' west of lhe E~ptlan border, also One Plane Downed In Radio Address Next unday Night t Ba cnme In for anothcr poundin,. One German plane was report­ $25~OOO Damage e rumna Fa ci e 35,949 Prl5onel'8 ed shot down at Old TraUord, WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 (AP)­ tortheoming "stllte-ol-the-natlon" The Brlti h command announc­ famous International c ric k e t d that 35,949 prl90ners, Includ­ KEO-KUK, Ia., Dec. I 23-With For 18 Years President Roosevelt will broadcast mcssagc to th new congl'e . taxa Announc ground at Manchester. In, 1,704 officers, had been mo\'­ to the American people next 8\.\n­ Thosc who v·cwed it in that r During the raid here, a num- no signs of an electrical storm Victory ill Week.Lon ed to the Tear since the Brill It day nr,M II- re~prt of his admin­ light S'pec;ulatcd that Mr. ROOl;e­ ber of pei'Kons were trapped in in the elear skielt, Keokuk res£" oUen i,'e atarted In e Sidi Appeals to Soldier!! iatra IOn of national affairs and velL might hav in mind giving Baul for Chimara cellars of demollshed houses, at)d dents were stllttled tonight when rani area of the EgypUan c<>ast conduct oC toreign relations. the country thc background o[ ATHENS. Dec. 23 (AP)- The there were fatal casualties. In lights in homes and crowded To Take Care Of The chief executive will speak some of the issues to be advanced and t h at "several thousand another district of this city, stores suddenly dimmed to less Greek army, headed northward more" still were awaiting trans­ houses and business premises Future Life of Country from 8:30 to 9 p.m. (CST) over in his messagc to congress. alol)g the Albanian coast toward ter. were demolished. Ihan hall the usual candle power. all major networks. Stephen T. Among other things, this mes­ the port of Valona, was reported Eatty, White House press secre­ Mllitsry observen believed the A moment later, the fire de­ LONDON, Dec. 23 (AP)-Prime sage Is expected to discuss the tonight to have captured the fas­ British would attempt to toke tary, announcing arrangements for matler o[ further ald to Britain partment was called to the Miss- Minister Winston Churchill ap­ cist supply base at Chimara Dnd Bardla at as small cost as pos- Naval Plane pealed directly to the ItaJian thc address said today that Mr. and perhaps prescnt formally the to be pr ing home its advan­ Ible, by delaying direct a ault issippi River Power company, Roosevelt would "report to the "lease-lend" plan or assistance people tonight. to cast ort Ben ito tage again I retreating Italians. ur:tll the steady bombardment, until a few years ago one ot the country rcgarding the present which Mr. Roosevelt. outlined at Premier Generat John Metaxas Mussolini, whom he termcd bit.­ emergency." now In III seventh day, could Falls in Cuba largest hydro-electric plants in a press conference last we k, This announced victory in the w ek­ break ItaLtan resistance. terly "the criminal" who "after It was expected that much of the world, where a huge genera­ proposal would have the United long battle for Ohlmara, less than It was assumed here that the 18 years of unbridled power has thc president's address, his first States lease or lend war mat.erials Two tor had' caught fire. led your count.ry to the horrid 31) miles south of Valona, at a Bardla defenders had been thrust Killing since the November election, to Great Britain, to be returned 01' cabinet meeting. He added thaL Company officials estimated verge of ruin." inlo the role ot a sacrifice gar­ would be devoted to the national replaced whcn the present conflict further operations were develop­ rison to hold up Ute Brlti.ll h SANTIAGO, Cuba, Dec. 23 the damage to the generator at Alternating betwecn cajolery defense program and to the ad­ is over. (AP)-The two occupants were between $25,000 lind $30,000. In and blunt words in his broadcast ing satisractorily and new decis­ while faselst defenses are stren,­ ministration's aid-to-Britain pol­ Therc has been speculation, too, Ive re ull; could be exp cted soon. thened at Tobruk, Dcrna and killed when a U. S. navy plane adclition, they said, it would take address, Churchill said: ley. that the president nilght ask the months to repai r the machine "We are only at the beginning From the Tepeleni-Kllsura sec­ Bengas!. crashed late today at Loma Del In some administration quarters, new congress to alter the ncutral­ tor came reports of continued lnfierno, in San Luis, Oriente and tha t consequen tly the de­ of thi!> somber tale .... Presently 'Weak ExeWIC' the speech was regarded as a sort ity law and permll American ships gains against Italian positions In British military circles Mar­ province.
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